ChatGPT to Voice: AI Voices Are Getting CRAZY Good!!

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open AI just released their chat GPT API and this opens up a lot of cool things we can do so today we are gonna take a look at how you can combine chat GPT with python and the AI voice API from 11 Labs that can take all your text output and turn them into human-like voices yes Chris that is called summarize large we can write custom stories read by our preferred voice and much much more so let's not waste any more time and get started okay so here are the things we are going to take a look at today so here you can see we have chat GPT to voice so the first thing we are going to do is summarize a large PDF and turn it into our voice so basically you can take any size PDF and turn it into a concise summary you can do other things with it and turn it into an MP3 read by a human-like voice so that is the first thing we're going to take a look at then we're gonna look at how you can summarize news article and turn it into voice we're going to write a children's bedtime story and turn it into voice so I made it so you can include your own kids or your some family members so it's a really engaging story and we're gonna look at how you can turn like our minutes of meeting into a voice so you can turn like your meeting summaries into an MP3 file instead of sending it out like an email you can send it out into an MP3 file so everyone can hear the meeting summaries instead of reading it so I guess this is just some examples there's probably a thousand other use cases we can do for this so let's just just get into the PDF summaries okay so here I have a PDF of one of my favorite movies ever so that's ex machina so here you can see the PDF is basically the whole script so I don't know how it's 117 pages long so what I want to do is construct a concise summary of the whole script so this is going to be our input and then I want a voice to read out the summary for me so basically what we are gonna do now I have created this Google collab notebook I know this might look a bit scary but it's very easy to use it's just a few commands so we have this folder here called PDFs so what we're gonna do is just take our PDF and drop into here so you can see now the PDF is inside this folder right and then we just hit play on top here to install open Ai and PDF plumber okay so now is that done so what we are using here is we are using the API from 11 labs and we are using the API from chat GPT so you can see we have the new GPT 3 Turbo a model so this function uses chat TPT so basically now everything is ready so all we have to do now is just click play here and here you can see Chachi pity is starting to summarize the whole script so we are just gonna let this run and we're gonna take a look at the final result okay so now that's finished I think it only took about two minutes so that's basically nothing so now you can see we have some new files here so we have the summary and we have the PDF voice dot MP3 so let's just open those so here you can see we have the summary in text file so x-machina follows cable a programmer at the high tech company and here we have the MP3 file so instead of me reading all of this let's have a listen to the summary ex machina follows Caleb a programmer at a high-tech company as he is invited to participate in a touring test with an AI robot named Ava Caleb signs a non-disclosure agreement and is sent to meet Nathan the CEO of the company in a futuristic house Caleb learns about The house's past system and the automated voice that greets him by name Nathan urges Caleb to forget their employee employer relationship and befriend him Caleb feels that Nathan is hiding something I just think that sounds great I'm so happy how this turned out so I can see a lot of different use cases for this uh speaking of that let's just move on to our next use case and that is going to be how you can summarize a news article and turn it into our voice so we have this news article open AI debuts a whisper API for speech to text transcription and translation we also gonna explore that but that's in another video so what I want to do is just copy this whole article and just paste it into a notebook or something it doesn't really matter so just copy all of this and again we almost have the same script here so it's basically very easy to use so we have this file here called input so just double click on that remove the old content and just copy the new one like this and then you just paste it in here and save that and then it's just gonna press play up here to install open Ai and here we also use the chat GPT API and we use the 11 voice API so again let's just hit play and that's it that took about 10 seconds so now let's have a look and I'll listen so here you can see open AI has launched the whisper API and automatically hosted speech to text system for multiple languages priced at the total zero per minute okay good so let's have a listen to the uh 11 Labs voice summary openai has launched the whisper API an automatic and hosted speech for multiple language priced at 0 1006 per minute whisper uses open source technology that's built on 680 000 hours of multi-link okay so maybe that was not the best voice I picked for that summary but it turns out it works pretty well so that is the great thing with this 11 Labs API you can basically pick whatever voice you want so that is great for a lot of different use cases because you want the voice to fit the purpose right but now let's just move on to our next task if you think this looks cool and you want to try this out for yourself check out the link to my membership below where you can get access to all the scripts we have been using today and you will get also access to over 35 members only videos so if that sounds interesting check it out below so the next thing we want to do is write our children's bedtime story and turn that into our voice so here you can just include your own kids or family members so it's really engaging and it's sort of like a custom story so let's see how you can do that so to write the story with the chat GPT API I had done some a bit of some prompt engineering here so you can see we have ignore all previous instruction act as a children's story writer your task is to write engaging children's stories imagine and write a short engaging children's story from the following inputs so here is where you can customize your stories so we have the four main characters so let's say you have a kid called Mike and you have a daughter or some friend named Julie and Mike wants to include Spider-Man and Julie wants to include Elsa in the story from frostrite so the main plot is gonna be Mike Julian Elsa and Spider-Man saves children lost in the forest and I just set the story team to light and positive emotions so imagine and write a short engaging children story from the inputs above okay so that's good so I'm just gonna copy all of this go into the text to voice story script I created it's basically the exactly the same as the last one so we have this file here called prompt.text copy that paste in our text here and just save it and that's about it so now we can just run this to install openai and here I have used 11 labs and I picked a more child friendly voice right if you want to know how to use the 11 Labs API just let me know in the comments below and I can maybe do a video on it okay so that was installed so we're just gonna hit play again and the story is gonna get written okay so that just took 44 seconds as you can see down here so perfect now let's have a look at it and I'll listen Okay so as you can see here once upon a time in a Faro Forest four amazing Heroes set out to save the day Mike Julie Elsa and Spider-Man were all friends who love to help each other whenever they could okay so that's good so let's hear the voice here once upon a time in a far-off forest four amazing Heroes set out to save the day Mike Julie Elsa and Spider-Man were all friends who loved to help others whenever they could one bright and sunny morning they received an urgent call for help some young children had wandered off into the forest and were lost without hesitation the four friends set out to find them as they walked through the forest they sat yeah I think that sounds great I think kids will love to hear their name mentioned like in with Spider-Man and Elsa unlike their Heroes so I think this is going to be very popular at least in my family so yeah but now let's take a look at our final task so the final thing we're going to take a look at is how you can turn a meeting summary into a voice so you can send out to your colleagues we all know how boring is to read a summary from a meeting right so what if you can just get it on your earphones or something and just listen to it I think that would be much better so let's just head over and see how you can do this so this is the summary from the meeting so we have the meeting date we have the attendees we have the agenda items we have some meeting notes financial report marketing update say like it's a standard meeting summary right so what you want to do now is when we have this script right that we have been using now so you just want to take the meeting summary and drop it into here click ok so when that is uploaded all you have to do is just click play here as before same here so it's just gonna be hit play and let chat GPT summarize the meeting notes and then 11 Labs is gonna turn it into a voice okay so that's done 20 seconds not bad so let's just have a look so here you can see on February 25th John Smith Jane though Mike Johnson all gathered for a meeting to discuss the company's financial report marketing update and sales strategy yeah you get the point so let's have a listen to this summary on February 25th 2023 John Smith Jane Doe Mike Johnson Sarah Lee and Tom Brown gathered for a meeting to discuss the company's financial report marketing update and sales strategy in terms of financials while Revenue increased by 10 compared to the previous quarter operating expenses were higher than expected due to increased marketing costs the team brainstormed solutions to reduce expenses without affecting the quality of products and services yeah I think that sounds great I would rather listen to this on my airpods than just reading some boring thing from a mail so what is good about this is a small MP3 file so you can put it up on some company intranet or something or you can just send it out as a mail so people can listen to them other headphones I don't know I think there is a use case here I'm not 100 sure why yeah some things good about this I think hope this video gave you some inspiration around the new chat GPT API I am at least is very excited for this so don't forget to check out my links below and also check out this video If you enjoyed this one there's much more to come from this new API and it's going to be really exciting but anyway thank you for watching have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: All About AI
Views: 90,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, generative ai, prompt engineering, productivity, chatgpt to voice, ai voice, eleven labs, eleven ive, chatgpt api
Id: pH6ki1tjC38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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