ChatGPT + Midjourney V4 = A Fully Illustrated Narrated Adventure Story πŸ”₯

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today I want to show you how I created a fully Illustrated and narrated adventure story by using chat TPT and mid-journey and of course we're gonna check out the results so let's just dive in okay so the first thing I started with was to create this prompt that we will be using in chat GPT so here you can see I started Brighton fantasy adventure story I got some more descriptions here write the story based on the following information so we have two main characters we have a main plot and we have a location and we finish off with write the fantasy adventure story so let's take this prompt over to GPT okay so here I'm just going to here pasting in the story and just hit play okay so now we have our story let's get some background information of our main characters so to get the background information I used this prompt vital Vivid and an interesting background summary of our two main characters and let's just take this to chat GPT and see what we get back so let's just paste The Prompt here and click play okay so now we have our background story so that is the story complete now let's take it over to our script okay so we have pasted our story into this text file the next thing we're gonna do now is run it through the script I created so basically what this script does is it divides the story into scenes so I think we're gonna end up with around 10 scenes and then the script creates a mid-journey prompt from each scene let's just run the script and see the results okay so that was the script done now let's have a look at some mid Journey prompts so here you can see the prompts we got for scene one and we got a prompt for scene number 10. so Jake and Eve dance Amazon jungle Sun soak humid air yeah you get the point now we're gonna just run these prompts in mid Journey collect all the images and put it all together but before we do that I also need a narrator voice so I just head over to Azure speech Studio paste in my story here export this as an MP3 then I head over to adobe's new feed enhancement software that is very good get a really good audio for this so you can just drop an MP3 file here and get what I call almost perfect speeds that is it for our narrator voice okay so then I just headed over to Mid Journey with our prompts just paste it all the prompts pick out the images that I thought fit the story the most then I went over to Premiere Pro and did some editing to put it all together and that was about about it if you want to learn how to create scripts like I did in this video you should definitely check out my membership we also have a Discord with a mid Journey bot if you're interested in that anyways now let's just have a look at the final result Jake stormbringer was a 35 year old Expedition researcher from California he was a graduate of MIT and had always been fascinated by the natural world as a child Jake spent countless hours exploring the forests and mountains of his home state learning about the diverse array of plants and animals that call these places home when he wasn't out exploring he spent his time reading books about natural history and dreaming of one day becoming a scientist finally his chance came when he was offered a position on an expedition to the Amazon rainforest one of the most unexplored places on the planet Eve Thompson had always been fascinated by the natural world and as a young girl growing up in London she spent hours pouring over books about far-flung places and the plants and animals that inhabited them when she was accepted to study at Oxford University she knew exactly what she wanted to do major in biology and pursue a career as a researcher Eve was overjoyed at the opportunity to finally land her dream job and she spent the next few months preparing for the trip reading up on everything she could find about the secrets of the Amazon jungle foreign [Music] were on a research Expedition deep in the Amazon jungle exploring a site that dated back to pre-society culture as they made their way through the dense foliage Jake noticed a narrow path that he had never seen before he motioned for Eve to follow as he made his way down the path which opened up into a small clearing in the center of the clearing was a large cave which was a few yards wide and deep the cave was illuminated by natural sunlight and seemed to lead further into the jungle taking a closer look the two researchers were amazed to find that the opening of The Cave had been skillfully carved into the stone walls what is this Jake asked Steve in amazement as they stepped into the cave I I don't know Eve responded just as odd by the discovery the two continued to make their way through the twisty corridors until they reached a large chamber the chamber was illuminated by artificial lighting which was powered by some sort of generator in the center they noticed a metallic time machine which had a few blinking lights and droning sound Jake cautiously approached it and noticed various buttons and levers do you think this is some sort of Time Machine he asked turning to Eve Eve nodded and cautiously stepped forward and examined the machine after a few moments she said I think I can make it work she maneuvered the buttons and levers and The Time Machine started a home of Life a large blue bubble began to form above the machine and within seconds the researchers found themselves in another time and place the two emerged from the blue bubble in the heart of the ancient city of Alexandria in Egypt the city was bustling with activity merchants selling their Wares and people going about their daily lives entering the city Square they found a large public library and a museum filled with wonders next they went to the time of the Renaissance in Italy where they witnessed the birth of the Art and Science movement Jake marveled at the architectural masterpieces and Eve thoroughly enjoyed the great works of our her eyes saw after visiting various time periods throughout history they decided to take the time machine to the Future as they stepped out into a world full of robots in and automated Vehicles they realized they had traveled to a world hundreds of years from their own it was a world of advanced technology a world where robots and machines ran people's lives when their Journey Through Time ended and they were back in the present Jake and Eve had gained knowledge unlike anyone else with a combination of their discoveries the two researchers were able to unlock Mysteries that had baffled scientists for years their Journey had opened up a new world of possibilities and gave them a better understanding of the past and the future [Music]
Channel: All About AI
Views: 406,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, midjourney v4, midjourney, chatgpt story, midjourney tutorial, gpt 3, openai
Id: OV88YP34O8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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