ChatGPT: 5 Prompt Engineering Secrets For Beginners

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today I want to share five very good tips when you are starting out with prompt Engineering in chat GPT or other language models and we're gonna go through how I create my prompts including all of these tips so I think let's just get started okay so the first important thing we need to look at when considering this signing up prompt is context context context and this is super important like so contextual relevance is crucial for generating coherent and accurate response from chatgpt if we provide enough context that will help guide chat GPT and it will really improve the quality of the generated content if we don't have enough context chat GPT might try to generate a response that is like off topic it could be relevant or inconsistent with like the goal of our prompt therefore it's a crucial to consider contextual relevance when we are designing our prompts let's head over to chatgpt and look at this so here we have the prompt to generate a list of interview questions for a software engineer job in a tech startup with a fast-paced culture for an entry-level position break down the promptable in a contextual relevance three contextual relevance that were created in this prompt was the software engineer job the tech startup with a fast-paced culture and the entry level position so those are very important contexts when we are designing this prompt so I would say like the more contextual relevance you can add to the prompt the better will the better the prompt will be okay so now let's run the prompt and see what this comes back with okay so as you can see here now we have 10 different questions that could be interview questions let's have a look at a few of them so can you explain a technical concept you learned recently how do you keep up with the latest technology advancements in software engineering can you describe your experience with version 6 control systems such as jit yeah that looks good now let's check out our next tip next up we have set in a task for chat GPT so the thoughts definition sets like a specific goal or objective for chat GPT to achieve this requires like a clear understanding that the task is crucial for designing an effective prompt and the task definition should be specific on size and avoid ambiguity and or vagueness and the task definition should always like align with the models or chatgivity's capabilities so let's say we had a large language model different than chat GPT that only could produce code then there's no point giving a task to write an essay so you get at the point right and a clear task definition helps chat GPT to understand what it's supposed to do and it will improve the quality of the generated content so therefore task definition is like a crucial Factor when we are designing our prompt let's head over to chat GPT again and look at this let's say we have the prompt write a romantic comedy screenplay the main characters must be in the 20s the story must take place in a small town the main plot should revolve around the two main characters overcoming obstacles in their relationship while humorous situations complicate the story the screenplay should include at least two songs so let's break down the prawns into task definitions and as you can see here our prompt includes five different tasks so we have create two main characters set the story in a small town write a plot that revolves around the main characters include humor and integrate at least to scroll songs in the screenplay here you can see these five tasks gives us a very specific prompt so let's just run it and see what kind of feedback this generates okay so this looks quite good so we have Joe a handsome 25 year old that's one task and we have Jessica so we have both our main characters so yeah there are some dialogue here I guess it's supposed to be funny okay so here we have song number one small town law yes that was part of our tasks I'm not gonna read this here we have song number two small town dreams yes I think this filled up all our tasks let's have a quick look yeah we have the main two characters it was in a small town and it included two two songs so perfect now let's have a look at our next tip so the third tip we have is specificity so this is important and refers to like the level of detail and precision we have in a prompt and the more specific Apprentice like the more likely it is that chat GPT will generate like a a targeted and very accurate response so to achieve this specificity in a prompt like important details such as what kind of type of Journey or a question the starting or ending points characters involved or any relevant background information should be specified if we have this vague or general prompts they can often lead to like off-topic irrelevant or very inconsistent responses from chatibility so therefore specificity is like crucial when we are designing our prompts because it improves like the quality and the relevance of the generated content so again head over to chatgpt and take a look at this so the prompt here we have is right the story about a character who embarks on a quest to find a lost magical artifact describe the journey they take the obstacles they face and how they eventually find The Relic be sure to include elements of Adventure suspense and danger as well as details about the characters and the mystical creatures they may encounter along the way Break Down The Prompt to analyze the specificity of the prompt okay so here we have our story let's take a quick look at some of we wanted in his so we have a main character that was Arya I think yeah Arya and we have some obstacles they faced along the way I think I saw that yeah they faced an army of dark creatures they faced dark caves ancient ruins across scorching Rivers every step of the way they were met with new challenges and obstacles so that was good yeah and it seems like there's some dangers and suspense included in the story so I can I can see that they've kind of included everything we asked for so that was very good but now let's head over and take a look at our last tip so the fourth tip we have is iterations so iterations is like a crucial part of the prompt design process because the prompt is sign is always like an iterative process that may take like multiple attempts when we are trying to create an effective prompt so these iterations involve refining and improving the prompt through cycles of design testing and evaluation so each iterate duration we do should be like guided of the results from the previous trials so let's say we revisit the prompt to provide more specific instruction or additional context after we discovered that it was maybe too vague or the chat GPT generated like an off-topic response so embracing an iterative approach allows for continuous Improvement and optimization of our of the generative content I would say like iterations is important to consider when you are designing your prompts so therefore iterations is very important to consider when designing prompts but if you want to create an effective efficient and outcome align prompt because it's very easy to just say write an essay about xx and that's it but you always need to iterate so you can go back change what you want to do so we're going to take a look at that in the next step that is going to be how to design a prompt with these four factors we have looked at now in mind so let's take a look at a prompt that has taken these four factors in mind so this is what this could look like we're gonna break it down but let's just start by looking at it so generate a 300 word article for personal development website that provides a comprehensive guide to increasing productivity the article should cover various strategies and techniques and be written in a clear and concise style accessible to its General audience to support your advice utilize research and expert opinions from credible sources like at the academic journals and productivity experts you should also incorporate relevant statistics examples and case studies to illustrate your point and bring this bring the advice to life consider the potential challenges and obstacles in increasing productivity and offer strategies to overcome them so this is a prompt that took all the previous factors we have in mind so what is the context in the prompt the context is like that the prompt is for a personal development website that is providing advice on how to increase productivity so that is the context the task definition is to generate a 300 word article that provides a comprehensive guide to increasing productivity the article should couple a range of strategy ads and technique and should be written in a clear and concise style that is accessible to a general audience so that is our task definition so here you can see the specificity is to use research and expert opinions from credible sources and we should incorporate relevant statistics examples and case studies also make sure to consider the potential challenges and obstacles to increasing productivity and provide strategies for overcoming them so that is our specificity and finally we have the iteration guidance so that is what we're going to look at now so here we have in the first iteration focus on improving the importance of setting clear goals and prioritizing tasks discuss the benefits of goal setting and we have a second iteration a third one and a final one so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna run this prompt and then we're gonna go through these four iterations and see how much that improves our output okay so now let's just run the prompt and see what we get back here okay so here we have it our 300 word article about productivity let me just copy all of this now before we continue with the iterations head over to our Word document just paste it in here like this just make some space here for the paragraphs okay so here is basically the article now now let's incorporate some of the iterations the first iteration is to focus on the importance of setting clear goals and prioritizing tasks discuss the benefits of goal setting and provide the Practical tips for setting and achieving goals let's copy that head back to chatgpt and run that prompt okay that looks good now write our H2 headline for the passage okay so we have the power of goal setting let's just try that copy that and head over and find our section about goal settings so that is this one make this our H2 then go back to chat GPT and grab all of this copy okay so that looks good now we have expanded from one paragraph to four by just iterating our first prompt that looks very good now let's go on to the next one in the second iteration analyze the benefits of time management techniques such as the Pomodoro method and calendar blocking provide practical tips for implementing these techniques NYX and discuss how they can increase productivity over to chat GPT and pay step and that was our second iteration done now we have a much better in-depth look at the calendar blocking and the Pomodoro method and how this can help you improve your productivity go back copy the part about the Pomodoro method we don't need a conclusion okay so that looks great now we have a much more in-depth talk about time management right and now let's incorporate our third iteration so in the third iteration we want to discuss the role of technology in increasing productivity so consider both the benefits and drawbacks of using technology and provide advice on how to effectively use technology to boost productivity so let's just copy that boom go back to chat GPT paste that here we have our iteration about technology and productivity remove the part about what we just iterated paste the headline and just paste in our paragraphs now let's head over to the final iteration and in the final iteration we're gonna summarize the key takeaways from the article and provide a comprehensive guide to increasing productivity make sure to provide a clear conclusion and actionable tips for readers based on your findings paste that into chat GPT and hit go and here we have it a very solid conclusion about our article so we have some key takeaways setting clear goals time management technology so yeah this looks very good now let's get that into our post and we are finished let's just paste that and have now we have our conclusion so now you can see we have uh let's see here we have a 1245 word post about to how to boost your productivity so this just shows how important it is to include and iterate your prompts after you have done the initial post right so we went from kind of like this 300 word article up to 1200 words so yeah think this turned out very good so I hope this showed that spending a bit more time on your prompts can really reap benefits I think it's really crucial to follow up with iterations if your initial prompt is nah it's not so good and you didn't quite get the result you wanted but if you have very good questions or iterations to follow up with you can really get a good result anyway as we saw from going from that 300 word article up to 1200 word so hopefully this video gave you some inspiration be sure to check out my membership and my newsletter in the link below and as always check out this video If you enjoyed this one anyway thank you for watching have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: All About AI
Views: 108,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, chatgpt examples, chatgpt explained, generative ai, openai, chatbot tutorial, prompt engineering, prompt crafting
Id: 2zg3V66-Fzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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