How to Write a Book With ChatGPT! Create a Book in Record Time with AI? | ChatGPT 4 Writing

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Hey ChatGPT write the next video intro [Music] "in   this video we'll explore ways authors can use  OpenAI's ChatGPT to enhance their writing process   from breaking through writer's block to developing  characters and plot lines ChatGPT can help writers   of all levels take their craft to the next level  join us as we discover this exciting possibility   of using AI to streamline your writing" that's  actually pretty accurate to this video! ChatGPT   is an incredibly powerful tool that I think more  writers should be leveraging in their day-to-day   writing so here are my top 4 ways you can  use ChatGPT to improve your writing right   now [World Building & Characters] first up is  worldbuilding and characters right now ChatGPT is   just not capable of putting out polished ready to  go fiction you can't just prompt it for a chapter,   take what it outputs, and publish out as part of  a book it lacks style it lacks realistic dialogue   and has poor writing skills overall. I feel like  I'm grading somebody's paper here or something.   But one way that you can be using ChatGPT right  now is to develop worldbuilding especially for   fantasy and science fiction writers and characters  too no matter your genre when I used ChatGPT to   write Legends of the Shadow Woods I had it create  all of the worldbuilding and I didn't influence it   with my own ideas aside from little details here  and there though there are a lot of frustrations   generating an entire book with ChatGPT I actually  thought the worldbuilding was one of its greater   strengths although what it came up with wasn't  anything groundbreaking it's a pretty helpful tool   for fleshing out your existing worldbuilding not  necessarily for creating the foundations like the   magic system or something like that but once you  kind of get to the medium or smaller size details   of your worldbuilding like cultures or biomes  or creatures these are things that ChatGPT can   help you with and save time on not only can you  save time but it could also come up with unique   Ideas though often if you're not specific with  prompting you'll get pretty generic output it   can still spark new ideas by suggesting concepts  or combinations you might not have seen right away   and for characters you can use it much in the  same way you're probably not coming up with a   whole character using ChatGPT especially a main  character but it is definitely helpful if you   want to say come up with side characters or  fleshing out a backstory or getting details   on how a certain character might look so you can  use ChatGPT to create these characters and who   they might be what their backstories could be how  they look and some interesting details about them   I know I said ChatGPT writes blandly but sometimes  it does come up with unique combinations so if   you've already been using ChatGPT for some of your  worldbuilding or you have already established some   of your world building with ChatGPT you can use  that as part of your character creation so you   can prompt something like "create a character  from *this place* who has..." whatever traits   you would like them to have and it can take  the information that you've already given it   and it has already generated for you to create  a more complex character profile all on its own   [ChatGPT for Outlines] so right now I would not recommend using what  ChatGPT outputs to outline an entire book I did   it but not very well I mean that you shouldn't  only use what ChatGPT suggests as your entire   outline I think that it is getting there and GPT4  which as of filming this video came out yesterday   could be better at this but ChatGPT GPT3 right  now currently just does not have the grasp of   storytelling it can create a basic outline for a  story that will kind of follow three act structure   but these outlines lack underlying themes or  depth and if left to its own devices the outlines   typically lack almost any character development  basically you need tons of your own input to get   a usable outline that being said I think ChatGPT  is really helpful for us outliner types and it can   be helpful for pantsers as well a whole bunch  of non-outliners just clicked off this video I   know so personally I like to have the entire book  figured out before I write it more or less this   has changed throughout my different writing  projects but for me it works best if I have a   solid idea of each chapter including exactly what  happens to who and most importantly the function   of the story to both the character development  and the plot for both outliners and non-outliners   the ability to use ChatGPT for outlining is  going to be similar when I say outlining I do   not mean the grand overarching outline that us  outliner types like to use but I mean the little   notes that a lot of non-outliners still like to  keep for themselves as sort of a reference point   for their ideas non-outliners still sometimes  you know write out notes of ideas before they   write something or they keep track of ideas  for different chapters or scenes this doesn't   mean they're doing a crazy detailed outline it  just means they're keeping track of their ideas   but for the sake of this video we'll call that  outlining so you can take your note and expand on   them or if you know you need some kind of event  to happen you can use it kind of like a writing   prompt generator like rolling some writing dice  to get an idea so basically any kind of writer   can use ChatGPT to outline on this smaller scale  this can be seen by scene or chapter by chapter   so let's say you need some ideas for what can  happen next in the story like if your characters   are in a tavern--I'm gonna go with fantasy here  because I'm a fantasy author--if your characters   are in a tavern and you need something crazy to  happen between them and some rival characters   you can have it spin up some ideas for you  sometimes I know how a scene should end but I   don't necessarily know how to get there exactly so  that's where you can ask ChatGPT for some options  "how can the scene end? what are some different  conflicts that could happen in this scene? what's   something crazy or funny that could happen in the  scene?" maybe it won't give you an exact idea you   can use but maybe it'll give you two different  ideas that you can combine together and then you   figured out how you want to end the scene if we  kind of go in the opposite direction you can also   use ChatGPT to help you outline on a much larger  scale this part is for my fellow outliners and   planners so when I'm outlining I start with a  15-point-outline for the entire story and this   just gives me kind of a road map to follow for  the rest of my more detailed outlining it helps   me keep the character arcs the general flow of  the story and just gives me something to kind of   work off while I'm outlining so this is where you  can bring in ChatGPT to come up with more of these   basic but larger plot points as long as you are  steering the character development this is very   very helpful even though GPT3 can't really create  an outline all on its own you can most definitely   use it to help fill in the blanks or generate  ideas which you can then apply to your existing   story if you know you need an exciting chase scene  or something to push the character past a breaking   point you can use ChatGPT to generate ideas for  your outline you can get a handful of ideas in   just a few seconds and even if you don't use any  of them you might combine a few different ones or   they might just spark an entirely different idea  of their own [ChatGPT for Writer's Block] getting unstuck there can be so many   little variables when it comes to being stuck  in your writing it can be something wrong with   the story the character's motivations are wrong  your outline is not right or maybe just the scene   isn't working out how you originally planned it  once you actually get to writing it. ChatGPT is   very helpful for kickstarting ideas or helping you  frame the scene differently so you can keep going   it can give you an idea you wouldn't have thought  of like a different direction for the scene to go   or it could totally spark a new idea on how a  sequence of chapters could play out differently   sometimes the problem is minor and it's with the  scene or the setting or a few lines of dialogue   but other times it can be a larger flaw in the  story or character development that is slowing   down a scene and using ChatGPT to work through  that can help you identify issues so here's how   you do it start with prompting ChatGPT to outline  the scene you're trying to write you want to take   all the essential elements of the scene and put  them into your prompt and then prompt it for a   detailed outline of a chapter with these details  sometimes this is going to be enough to identify   the problem and that's awesome but other times  you'll need to go a little bit further if this   isn't working for you you might want to try  prompting again with something like "what are   options for how the scene could go differently?"  or "what are some different ending options for   the scene?" now if this isn't working try taking  out some details from your prompt and just give   it the bare minimum personally I found that if  you have too much influence when you're asking   for an outline of something whether that is  story or just a chapter it won't have enough   space to generate different options and it will  usually give you less helpful output if you are   too specific with your prompt I know this is super  backwards from the usual way we use ChatGPT which   is giving it lots of detail in our prompt to make  sure that the output is exactly what we're looking   for in this case you kind of want your output  to be not what you're looking for if that makes   sense if you put too many restrictions on your  prompt if you give it too much detail about the   scene it will not have room to generate different  options different ideas if you say 10 things that   need to happen in the scene it will kind of just  give you those things in a list with some words   in between to kind of fill in the blanks but it  won't give you like different things that can   happen different events or actions or characters  so that is where you actually sometimes need to   pair back your prompt which is really interesting  so if you're still struggling with this part try   and keep your prompt more basic another way you  can use GPT to get unstuck is in a little bit more   of a direct sense by prompting it with the last  few paragraphs you wrote and then adding "what   happens next?" ChatGPT will pick up the pen where  you left off and keep writing so if you you like   what it outputs then you can just take that chunk  of text and kind of edit it to be in your own   style or just use it as inspiration and rewrite it  yourself this is super helpful for getting unstuck   and getting the words flowing again by getting  a different framing of the scene as long as you   are editing the text in your own style this is  a really helpful way to speed through getting   unstuck because otherwise you know we can just sit  there for like 20 minutes or an hour or four and   not be sure to write and just kind of question  our life choices. [ChatGPT for New Ideas] Testing New Ideas this one   I think is the most fun so if you have ideas for  your story that you're working on or ideas for a   totally different project you can use ChatGPT  to kind of make a proof-of-concept on an idea   so let's say you have a chapter and you have two  different directions you're considering taking   it but you're not sure which you like better I  would at some point just write a rough draft of   both chapters to figure out which one was better  instead you can have ChatGPT do this for you just   give it your two different ideas as basic scene  outlines now it will not be in your style and it   won't be written exactly the way you want but it  will give you an idea and kind of proof of concept   of like how it will look if you were to write it  this gives you a really easy way to kind of see   the larger picture of a scene or chapter because  sometimes we have an idea for something and it   just doesn't come out the way we were originally  thinking and once we're done writing it you know   it's maybe just not what we wanted or what  how good we thought it would be so you are not   writing it the way that you would write it you're  writing it in a much faster way but it's a proof   of concept a draft of a draft if you will when we  have different or kind of out there ideas we can   explore them and save a lot of time writing them  instead of spending hours or days writing some   interesting sequence that might be kind of strange  but you kind of like the idea of it you can have   ChatGPT generated versions of something that could  give you a better idea on how your written version   of this might turn out this can show you potential  problems with the scene before you've put in a ton   of work writing it and this really is not limited  to just a scene or chapter either you can have   ChatGPT generate a very basic version of a whole  novel if you want it again it'll give you really   basic text output but you can prompt it to write a  chapter where this, this, and this happens without   having to write it all yourself imagine doing this  to proof of concept characters or worldbuilding in   much the same way this is a really useful tool  for many kinds of writers so there are some ways   that you can use ChatGPT from a writing prompt  generator to filling in the blanks while you're   drafting while I'm not sure what the future of AI  generated content and authors will look like I can   see how useful this tool is and it has some really  cool abilities that can help us write better this   is Legends of the Shadow Woods and I used ChatGPT  to generate the entire thing you can check it   out on Amazon link down below alright that's  all I got for you so thanks for watching bye!
Channel: Sydney Faith Author
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Keywords: sydney faith, write, indie author, authortube, writing, chat gpt for writing books, chat gpt, chatgpt, open ai chat gpt, writing stories with chatgpt, chatgpt for writing books, chatgpt writing prompt, chat gpt prompts, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt 4, gpt4, chat gpt 4, chat gpt 4 how to use, how to use chat gpt, chat gpt explained, chatgpt for writers, chat gpt for writing fiction, chatgpt writing fiction, how to use chatgpt for writing books, how to write a book with chatgpt
Id: g3KfRzlhPTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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