Bard vs Chat GPT Writing Science Fiction with AI

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foreign [Music] in my attempts to write Fiction with AI so this week very kindly by Google I was given access to Bard their equivalent of chat GPT which I had been using to write fiction so I thought I'll put them head to head and we're writing a Gothic Horror Story with chat GPT elsewhere so I thought I'd do a short video on uh writing a short 3000 word science fiction story to see what they could come up with and this is completely okay it's prompted by me but it's completely what they come up with and we're gonna go with their best efforts so you'll see I put them head to head I was um after using bad for a week I've been quite disappointed with it I find it it often says it can't do things and it the stuff it comes up with is is not great so I was actually Pleasant surprised by its story suggestion uh I thought it was probably a better story suggestion than chat GPT but when it came to writing it the chat GPT for engine produced a much better story that isn't to say that the story was much good uh it was it was okay it wasn't wasn't great um I'm gonna actually record them with a cloned voice and put them up as a separate video if anybody has the interest to listen to the stories to see what what they're like I also use descriptions generated by the the various Bots to create uh prompt for um AI art and as a salesware and I use a thing called prompt Mania to enhance the prompt which is a really good little program but anyway see what you think hope you enjoyed it I had an email last week from Google who very kindly offered me access to bad I'm not too feeling too honored because I realized they've done it to a lot of people but even so it was nice of them to send me the email and allow me to play around with it I should disclose that I'm quite well disposed towards Google because they they are the only company really who pays me for my content really I put stuff at Apple do a little bit I've got some monetized stuff on Apple um I do members only episodes for my other podcasts and apple they pay me for that so that's great um but YouTube pay me whereas everybody else you know everybody else you go on they don't give you anything and people like Spotify and stuff they sell ads uh on your content but they don't pay anything okay so that's my little gripe so it's just to say I am well disposed towards Google so uh I thought I'm still exploring this idea of writing fiction with AI and I've done in other videos we're writing a story a Gothic Horror Story using chat GPT and illustrating it with mid-journey although I'm just seeing some of the stuff for Adobe Firefly and that looks I haven't got access to that but that looks amazing um we shall see we shall see one of the things was when uh chat GPT came out people were like yeah but Google hey Google Google they've got all this data and they were they've got systems that will blow chat GPT out the out the water so I was expecting Bard to be I don't know because I've been knocked over by the abilities of Chad GPT so people were kind of like well Bard's gonna be better so I thought let's give it a shot I've kind of developed this way of working with Chachi PT is is rather than just say write me a science fiction story of three thousand words when it does that it kind of it's a bit lame so it you somehow you can prime it and because it remembers thing in a chat it remembers facts and things you've told in a chat um you can get better results so anyway let's go so I thought well you know what kind of Science Fiction do I like I used to be a massive science fiction fan when I was younger and then I moved on to Fantasy and stuff like that and then moved on to other things um so Arthur Clark's 2001 Space Odyssey alien one not necessarily thoughtful just a really effective horror movie in space and the expanse which I absolutely loved on uh Netflix I've forgotten what it was on I think it was on Netflix um pity they ended that and E M Banks his stuff as well so okay if I like this maybe there are common themes that I can't quite see apart from the obvious but um chat gp2 with its massive brain large language model will be able to and I think that's the hope with AI that they they're because of their massive amounts of data and the fact they don't forget anything that they can um distill things and see patterns and I know that they're using it in in medical Diagnostics to uh to try and identify and diagnose people from Data before doctors can but it's like sexing chickens you know there are people that are hired in factories to sex little tiny chicks because unfortunately the poor boy chicks roosters cockerels they end up you know going somewhere else and they only want the egg laying females so there are people who can do this but they don't know how they do it so it's a completely intuitive process they know which is which but they don't know how they know which is which so um let's maybe we can get chat GPT to do this anyway so back to the point what we did was yeah so look at this so it says um and then I go well okay can you suggest some compelling stories based on contact with alien life and the future of humanity because that was kind of the theme that I was looking at and because it knows everything it it came up with a load of um stories some of which I knew uh so after secret child ident childhood's end contact by Carl Sagan the three body Problem by Lou seek chin I think it is uh Ender's Game left-handed Darkness these are all famous Stanislaus Lems saliva is one of my favorite books actually uh blindsight I don't know it Embassy town by China mereville China Mayville um I like his stuff the city and the city uh perdida Street Station Etc but I haven't read that one okay so okay so these are good these are good so but I want a story with a Twist so I then say can you outline the plot of a short science fiction story dealing with that theme which is about alien contact and and what it um means for the human race but has a strong twist at the end and an unexpected outcome so it comes up with this story boom this is the plot outline the language of the Stars title the language of stars plot outline in the year 2150 Humanity has discovered a way to send messages to distant star systems Dr Arya Collins of brilliant linguist and xenolinguist is part of a team working on a project to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations hoping to receive a response in return one day the team receives a message from a star system thousands of light years away the message contains complex patterns and symbols that have never been seen before Dr Collins along with her team is assigned the task of decoding the message I thought that was pretty good but it was a bit um stereotypical so it was nice it was a good story but it wasn't the what the Twist and the stuff I could see it coming a mile off so but anyway not a bad start at all so that's chat GPT let's go and have a look at bard and in the blue Corner we have Bard so we can ask it exactly the same questions when I was in the middle of that I was thinking of Ted Chang's um story story of your life that was made into that movie arrival about the heptapod aliens and the language thing I thought that was good as well but anyway we're going to ask it the same question misspelled say I've misspelled Odyssey so fat can you find common themes is it the same question we asked chat GPT and um similar answer but not not bad not bad you know there we go so it suggests common themes and then I'm going to ask it exactly the same question and I asked the uh chat GPT the second question was can you suggest some compelling stories based on contact with alien life in the future of humanity which is I suppose the theme that arose from the Chachi PT rather than bad so kind of you might say it's not completely fair but it's fair-ish I like the way the bod doesn't pretend to write you just dumps it it comes up very interestingly with uh some of the same ones so left-handed Darkness Blind Side three body problem and contact but it also brings in Children Of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky and the ministry from the future which Chachi PT didn't bring up but Chachi PT had some others as well again I I don't think that this is a deal breaker a game changer so now we come now we've kind of primed it a little bit I don't know if this is how it works but it seems to me you know like with a person you would tell them something and you would plant the seed in their mind I'm not sure that that is exactly how it works with the AI um if it remembers any of this at all in the chat so the next question I asked Bard was to begin to outline the plot not necessarily the full story it's gonna be about three thousand words has a strong twist at the end and an unexpected outcome which is the same thing as saying a strong twist sure here is an outline of a short science fiction story dealing with the theme of first Contact but it has a strong twist at the end and an unexpected outcome in this story The Twist is that the aliens are astronauts from the future the year is 2042. Humanity has finally made contact with an alien species the aliens are peaceful and friendly and they seem eager to learn more about humans they invite a group of human scientists to visit their Planet which is located in a distant Galaxy the human scientists are excited to learn more about the aliens and their culture they are also curious about the aliens technology which is far more advanced than anything humans have ever seen however the aliens are reluctant to share their technology with humans they say that it is too dangerous for humans to have such powerful technology The Twist at the end of this story is the aliens are actually humans from the future so I don't know it's subjective but I actually like the story proposed by Google bard um and after telling me it couldn't do lots of things when I've been playing with it I was like oh Google bad but actually fair play to Google bird that is it that is a cool story so the next step is to get them to write the stories let's go back to chat GPT and its story about Dr Collins and the K lumians who are not as nice as they pretend so I'm saying look I want this story I want it 3 000 words write it as prose make it dramatic and suspend suspenseful and misdirect the reader from guessing the twist because that was what I saw the weakness in this The Twist was too obvious so let's see what it makes of that Dr Arya Collins adjusted her glasses as she leaned in scrutinizing the intricate patterns on her computer screen the symbols were like nothing she had ever seen before complex otherworldly and seemingly impenetrable as a linguist and xenolinguist Arya was no stranger to the challenge of deciphering foreign languages but this message from the Stars was unlike anything she had ever encountered it had been six months since the mysterious transmission had been intercepted by Earth's deep space communication Network scientists linguists and cryptographers from around the world had been working tirelessly to decode the message but progress was slow arya's expertise in xenolinguistics had earned her a spot on the elite team dedicated to cracking the enigmatic code it says it's unable to provide a 3000 words during a single response but it can break it down in sections so you know what that's really helpful next thing is to ask Bard for its version of its story so basically um I the window had closed on bad I hadn't done it intentionally but I couldn't find the same window and uh with Chachi PT you have a record of your chats so even if you uh three months later you can go back to the chat and it'll remember what's in the chat so we're doing that with the gothic Horror Story I go back to every week and it remembers the names of the characters and everything um so that's what I did with the science fiction story but when you go to Bard it doesn't have that it doesn't have the chats recorded what it has on the left hand side is bad activity so if we go to bad activity we see it remembers the prompt um so you know so there we are prompted Lambda so I thought well I'll tell you what I'll do I'll just put the same prompt in again and guess what happened I got a different story and it's not as good now that is both good and bad let me try if I can ask it to um do me another one um um this The Twist because the twist which I liked was that the astronauts were aliens from the future in this story The Twist is that the aliens I didn't even speak it out today Dr Smith woke up in a cold sweat she had been having the same nightmare again the one where she was back on the alien planet surrounded by hostile aliens who were trying to kill her she got out of bed and went to the window the sun was just coming up and the sky was a beautiful shade of pink Dr Smith took a deep breath of the fresh air and tried to shake off the nightmare she went back to bed but she couldn't sleep she kept thinking about the Nightmare and about the aliens she knew that they were real and that they were coming back Dr Smith got out of bed and went to her computer she started to research the aliens but there wasn't much information available she found a few articles about the first Contact but nothing about what had happened since then I now ask Bard to give me the outline of the plot of a short science fiction story dealing with the theme of alien contact I also want a strong twist at the end and an unexpected outcome so it pours out a lot of text which has a moderately interesting twist it's okay but let me do that I know this isn't quite Fair because within us chat GPT to do this but fair is only fair when it's fair and if it isn't it isn't so I ask please list effective twists from successful or well-regarded science fiction stories movies or TV series so bad provides me with one two three four movies with twists and I acknowledge they do have twists the first is the Sixth Sense which of course the twist is that he realizes he's a ghost but we don't know till the end The Usual Suspects is Kaisers Jose is in fact um the person who was being interviewed the mild-mannered person who is in fact The Mastermind Fight Club we know is some kind of schizophrenic dream and in The Matrix of course the truth is that our reality is a construct an AI construct so they are kind of Science Fiction certainly The Matrix is science fiction Sixth Sense is horror so horror and science fiction live together uh usually suspects no Fight Club Maybe so now I ask about the same thing that I asked to chat gp2 which is basically to fill the outline into a 3000 word story with a suspenseful twist and also to misdirect the reader stroke listener so that they do not Guess The Twist before it happens bad fashion which is stylistic it doesn't pretend to write it like chat GPT does it just kind of dumps it on the page and it's uh it's not 3000 words it's not anything like a story it's a fairly ropey but one interesting thing is that it gives drafts if you look at the topic gives different draft options but what It produced was far too short it was nowhere near 3000 words and also it didn't read like a story it was uh just it looked like more like beats than a fully fleshed out story which is what I asked it for and to be fair what chat GPT produced when I asked it so bardess kind of failed in this to my mind but if you remember chat GPT was clever enough to say it couldn't output a 3000 word story so it would need to break it into Parts I thought it would break it into parts of a thousand words each but if it broke it into two parts so ultimately chat GPT delivered 2000 word story so I thought at least I'd give Bart the option to break it into expand what it's done and break it into sections there's the first section she wakes up in a cold sweat it writes the first and it ends it's fairly corny right you have to stop them the alien said who are we stopping it's important that you stop the aliens the alien said what so there we are and I think my judgment is that a part story is poor compared with chat GPT story and chat upt story wasn't brilliant chat gpt's story was like a c plus bards is D being kind please write a description of the aliens that I can use as a prompt for AI Arts software to create an image for compelling and appealing YouTube thumbnail there's a great little website called prompt Mania and this is great for helping you generate complex AI prompts so it's got all sorts of things here um the grid Splitters and that's good I haven't tried that one I'm going to try that later so let's try the prompt Builder so we've got a longish prompt let's do it in mid journey I do I do have I can get stable diffusion through night Cafe which I've also got but uh midgen is the one I use mostly so it's going to be beautiful symmetrical face so we will now input the prompt from Bard it's long long long long so what you can do here is you can use another image as a prompt so if they ever had a picture of an alien that I liked I could use that as the bases and I could put the URL in there but I'm not going to do that so um I've just put this this long long long but I'm going to add some details as well so as you see there's lots and lots of different art media that you can use you can use it as if it's a camera so look look at the art medium and I kind of think I want this to be I don't want it to be made of pottery you can make it a drawing but those are quite cool aren't they but Illuminating manuscript children's drawing and that anatomical drawing that might be interesting you can add things like lighting different types of lighting and you know sunlight it's there's loads and loads and loads there's probably too many uh too many variables some of these are quite obscure hyperships you know come on I mean they're gonna look a climb bottle looks kind of fun hypersonahedron let's have a hypersonahedron and the other way to do it is of course you can mimic the state of an artist and there's like a million million artists well there isn't a million million is that there's there's quite a few from John Constable Claude Monet from the artwork on Assassin's Creed Aubry Beardsley so I'm not gonna do that I'm x-ray is nice as well and these are these are all different kinds of lighting I'm tempted to go for plasma glow but it might look really rotten um but I can't help myself so I'm gonna copy this into mid-journey now you may know already that you run mid-journey from a Discord server and once you get into Discord you end up on lots of servers but there's a guy who's set up his own server and it's called magicjony and it's based on copying different styles of artists and illustrators for you to use and he's got a massive compendium of living and dead illustrators photographers and artists now I have an ethical issue about this because while I'm quite okay about copying the style of Claude Monet or Leonardo da Vinci or some or even you know one of the pre-raphaelites who are dead so they don't need the money anymore that's my that's my ethical thing whereas and photographers who are dead as well to be fair and illustrators who were dead but copying the art of a living illustrator feels to me a little bit naughty well the fact is not strong enough really you're kind of taking money out there pocket you you you're benefiting from their art and not paying them anything back so I kind of avoid that even though it would be super super cool so either do your own art but if you want to copy somebody else's art make sure that they're dead so there we are that was just a little play around with chat GPT and Google bad and you know what I think for all the expectations that Google bad would knock chat GPT out of the ballpark as it were that would just triumph over in every way I'm not sure it has I still think that Chuck GPT produces better content that uh it's better Pros it's more original it's Fuller um sometimes I think that Google bar just gives up and it doesn't do as well as it could I mean Google's got all these resources so it's hard to know why they can't do a better job I think if googlebot had come out when we were used to things like AI writing from uh you know I looked at Jasper and I've got scale nut and that's they've improved since chat GPT came along but they were kind of near and Chachi Peter came out and was so good that I think we were expecting a bit more from Google bard and at this point I don't think googlebot has delivered I really don't which if I was Google I'd be really worried about because the real future in these where the money's going to be made is going to be replacing search engines so instead of using search engines we will use these Chachi PT and you can see how Microsoft's already invested heavily in in that as well and and Google has to do that or else Google the king of search engines in five years is finished maybe okay but they need to do some work [Music]
Channel: Deliberate Practice For Writers
Views: 730
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Id: zOypaTJtbzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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