ChatGPT AskYourPDF Plugin Integration & Read Any PDF | Tutorial

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welcome back to web Cafe AI we do daily chat gbt and AI videos for your personal and business life in today's video we're going to be looking at a plug-in that allows Chad gbt to read PDF documents now if you don't have plugins installed yet go ahead and click that link down below and join the waitlist but for now if you do go ahead and come up here to gbt4 no plug is enabled we go to the plugin store and then currently the plugin we're using is one of the more popular ones so let's go ahead and let it load all right so the plugin we're going to be using today is going to be ask your PDF and lucky for us we don't have to make an account so all you have to do is simply press install and then it'll be directly put into your user interface from here we can go ahead and come up to enabling it like that and let's go ahead and start off by asking it what its capabilities are so we're going to go ahead and say what is capabilities of this plugin and what we'll do is essentially identify what it can do and then see how we can leverage it so this plugin has four main capabilities looks like you can download PDFs you can get information from the PDFs you can page number specification which is pretty cool and then error handling it looks like if error occurs while the acquiring API the user is prompted to download their document first so one thing that's really cool about this plugin is its ability to essentially I know a lot of issues people have in the past is like well I don't know how to use it to like have a like a PDF that's on my desktop one thing that's cool about this plugin is that you can actually drag and drop your PDF into here and use their API in order to get like a you know public link but I'm gonna show you how to do that in Google Drive real quick but first let me just show you it here uh let me drop uh provide a PDF to your API let me see if that would be able to pull it up so as you see you would just simply have to ask can I drag into your database and then it gives you a step-by-step way of approaching it first you would go to the link provided you would upload your dock there and then essentially you would grab the document ID associated with it and then you can do further interactions as you'll see playthrough one quick thing I want to show you is if you don't want to go through that route what I suggest you do is go ahead and create a folder in your Google Drive set it so that you put go to share from here you're going to want to basically change it to anyone with a link has access therefore gbt will have access and I've already put in some example PDFs that I'm going to go ahead and use in today's tutorial okay knowing this let's go ahead and start today's tutorial we're going to go ahead and say summarize this PDF for me semicolon and then I'm going to come up to that Google drive folder I'm going to go ahead and say get link I say copy link come back over to our gbt and then as you see here it will be able to actually grab the link here as always when the API is working you'll see this green little box here that is accessing um the PDF essentially well this document is from a course that's coming up here from webcafe AI about how to automate YouTube and leverage it uh chat gbt and zapier for YouTube but as you see here it was able to summarize what was drawn in the PDF says the document offers guidance for Effective YouTube affiliate marketing it covers a various aspects including generating contact ideas developing marketing strategies and so on this is pretty powerful tool if you want to summarize really big documents but there is a lot more we can do here so let's jump into other things we can ask this plugin so one cool thing that I saw was able to do was its ability to obviously analyze documents such as scientific reports and essentially give consensuses on it so we can go ahead for example go to this scientific report I got a Google Scholar about global warming and let's see what it comes up with and what it's doing specifically actually in this context is it's finding the conclusion of the report so it's going to scan through this entire PDF and see where the conclusion paragraph exists so it looks like it didn't like the way that the Google Scholar PDF was formatted so what I can do here is I'm gonna go ahead and download that and put it into my Google folder drive so I have the new link here which is from the Google Drive shared folder that I had earlier it seems like possibly if you ever wanted to issues using this plugin with public links that you just found on the website the route might be just downloading it and then putting it to a drive folder because it might like that formatting better than whatever the website that you grab the link from originally so as you see there that actually worked perfectly and we were able to get the conclusion from the report which gives basically formatted into three sections with these little bullet points scientific economic political and essentially you know condenses a very lengthy report into this nice little summarization now another cool feature that I saw that this plugin has the ability to do is its ability to uh understand legal documents and find certain sections of legal documents so let's go ahead and do that so I went ahead and downloaded this mock legal document here and we're gonna go ahead and use this on today's example so I'm gonna go ahead and do the same thing here obviously let's just go ahead and grab the link to this document come back over here paste it here and basically we're talking to chat gbt saying I have a PDF of a legal document can you find the section of liabilities I'm honestly not too sure if this document has a sectional liabilities but we will find out okay so this performed a lot better than I thought it would so not only does it identify the specific page but also goes into detail what's going on so each parity's liability to the other for damage to tangible properties limited to 5 million and then it also jumps even further with basically everything that's associated with liabilities within the legal document and it's and it gives the specific page number uh for each reference I mean this is really powerful stuff so the last thing I wanted to test here was its ability to handle like large amounts of data so I have the book of Tom Sawyer in PDF formats I'm gonna go ahead and copy this link The Prompt I'm using is I have a PDF book can you find all mentions of a specific character we're going to say all mentions of that might be too much for a book let me see can you let's just say can you identify the means that the main three characters and let's see what it comes up with let's go to make sure there's space here and defy I'm gonna paste the link I may have to use or download that PDF put into the Google drive folder if it doesn't like this link but let's see what it can do okay it was actually able to achieve what we wanted here is able to compile all those pages from the book and essentially get the three main characters such as Tom Sawyer Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn even giving context behind the characters and then on top of that these characters are mentions throughout the book but a clear reference to all three is found on page 97 pretty cool stuff here if you feel like you learned something make sure to like the video it is completely free and it really helps us share webcaf AI if you're interested in more videos about Chad gbt and plugins make sure to check out the playlist at the end of this video but without further Ado I'll see you in the next video thanks for tuning in and yes surprise I'm an AI Avatar make sure to explore more here at web Cafe where we demystify AI for your personal and business life until next time
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 77,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, dalle, bannerbear, synthesia, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education
Id: Td8Yw2bfeQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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