7 ChatGPT Plugins For Productivity & How To Master Them

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Chad GPT plugins are absolutely groundbreaking you can think about Chad GPT as this Super Genius Professor but there's a catch he was locked up somewhere on an island back in 2021 and doesn't have access to any new information and that's because the language model was trained on Data before 2021 and that's exactly where Chad GPT plugins come in they allow GI GPT to access real world data connect to third-party apps and even browse the internet today we're diving into the best chat GPT plugins for productivity and Beyond but first let's set up the mood [Music] I got Chi GPT open and let's create our very first prompt I want to create a minimal techno playlist ideally royalty free and to do this we're going to be using playlist AI plugin let's have a listen now we're ready first things first let's enable plugins you can click on these three dots under the account click on settings and then here under better features you have here plugins and let's enable browse as well plugins are only available to people who have a subscription which costs 20 a month if you're hesitating this is by far the highest return on investment type of subscription you can get it literally saves me at least five hours every week so just do it it's amazing plugins are activated you'll need to click on new chat click on gpt4 and here in the drop down select plugins then let's click on the drop down again and you can go all the way down to see the plugin store you can go through this 50 pages individually or you can find the best ones let's type something like keymate AI and let's hit install some plugins will require additional authentication to reduce abuse so here let's sign in with Google this specific plugin keymate AI will allow us to search the internet if you click here in chatgpt4 we have three modes the default mode which doesn't have any add-ons then we have the browse mode and then we have the plugins mode if you pick browse mode you will be able to browse the internet the problem is you will not be able to use plugins therefore you want to select plugins over here and you can pick up to three plugins that you can use at the time unfortunately once you pick the plugins you can no longer change your choice you'll need to create a new chat later I already have it enabled here so let me explain Chad GPT plugins conceptually and there's our second plugin and the second prompt explain chai GPT conceptually plugins enhance the capability of the model by allowing it to access up-to-date information run computation and use third-party services this looks like a standard Chad GPT response that you're used to but it is not because technically jgbt cannot access information about plugins because they did not exist back in 2021. let me show you what actually happened under the hood you can click on this drop down and here you can see a request to keymade AI search which is our plugin Chad GPT passed on this query how do chat GPT plugins work and then the plugin Returns the following information it scraped the web and gave us the body of an article here is the link to this article and the title here we have another one and it seems like we've gotten three responses exactly like chai GPT requested number of pages three scroll down so the information that was generated on this page use this data and then here at the bottom we have the references explain plugins visually so that it makes a little bit more sense this plugin is called show me I'm going to create a new chat click on plugins and enable show me and there we have a simple diagram to visualize it it's not rocket science but what if it was how would we approach learning it and this is exactly what I use chatgpt for I want to learn rocket science show me a Knowledge Tree for learning this subject but let's take a step back if you do not know how to prompt chagi BT for plugins specifically you might not get the results that you're looking for here are a few practical tips to prompt plugins a little bit better first give chai GPT a roll this will give you more specific and relevant information here's a generic prompt and a generalized output this wasn't really useful at all now let's try something different let's give chai GPT a role of my academic advisor it has created me a year by year breakdown of the classes I should take with the class numbers and that's way more useful tip number two tell chai GPT to use a specific plugin explicitly jgpt automatically decides when to use a plugin and when not to use one the plugin might be used in the wrong context which will end up wasting you a bunch of time or not used at all tip 3 try to break down your request into individual steps to get better results here I ask chadgpt to make a list of Elon musk's favorite songs and it just ran what the task and gave me the top 10 but again this is not the most up-to-date information and then I re-prompted and separated everything into two steps first we use the keymate plugin to search the web for Elon musk's favorite songs and second we ask playlist AI to create the Spotify playlist and there we have it okay finally tip number four you need to know what your plugin can actually do and there is a website for that the guys from AI Advantage has created this complete list of 369 plugins great number and then here you can search for plugin such as video insights there we have it let's look on open and then here on the right side you can see example prompts and I think the coolest thing is that the type of commands you can invoke looks like video insights can give us video summaries and some metadata let's try it out I recorded this video last week about scraping the web using chat GPT let's get that video analyzed give me all the information available about this video here's the video summary the video is 22 minutes long so it's kind of nice to go through but the problem is there's a lot of stuff I'm actually showing on the screen so it won't fully cut it the video ID publication date duration 22 minutes and 53 seconds views light count Etc if you make video content this is going to be an amazing hack here provided GI gbt Three Links to YouTube videos about prompt engineering so it went through each one of those videos extracted the information and generated me an outline for a video that I could record but it doesn't stop there I then asked chai GPT what all of these three videos have in common and what are the unique parts of each video and the results were spot on so far we've covered plugins that can search the web and access video related data but what about private data such as LinkedIn profiles let's try give me information about this LinkedIn person and can't do it okay let's try to be more specific use keymate search to scrape data from this page and no success again doesn't work none of those plugins can access information on websites that require login to view the information the next plugin is called berdin and it's a workflow automation tool you can just type in what you want to automate and there you have it create an automation using boarding to scrape LinkedIn profile and write the personalized Outreach message that's the link to our automation let's open it and click on try it to see the automation from the inside I can open it in the Builder and here we have a scrape reaction then we're creating a prompt using openai to compose an email find the email address of the person and create an email draft let's try it out I'm going to go to my LinkedIn profile page open the Chrome extension you'll need to have it installed in order to use the automation there are two arguments that I need to fill out the sender name not and the Outreach prompt make friends with this person and say that you're a fan okay it's going to be a contextual Outreach message okay and there is our Outreach email this looks like a person who researched me for hours wrote it because it has all of the keywords team Draper Richard Branson all of the businesses and companies I worked on and all of this was created by prompting chat GPT and a couple clicks reaching out to myself is obviously kind of useless so let me show you another cool use case I found copy all of the comments for LinkedIn post into a spreadsheet chai GPT is creating the automation let's go ahead and try it out we're going to pick a spreadsheet I'm going to create a new one let's call it LinkedIn comments let's provide it a LinkedIn post to scrape and there we have the spreadsheet let's click on view boom we have all of the people their profile Pages the comment this is just awesome then I can run the other automation to do automated Outreach that's three automations you can download the berdin browser extension by going down to the description of this video the next plugin is pretty mind-blowing it's called Wolfram and it adds computation and reasoning on top of chat GPT here's how Stephen Wolfram explained it what do you think are the limitations of uh large language models just to make it explicit well I mean I think that deep computation is not what large language models do I mean that's just it's a different kind of thing if you're trying to do many steps in a computation the only way you get to do that right now is by spooling out you know all that the whole Chain of Thought as a bunch of words it's a bizarre and inefficient way to do it anything that you can do kind of off the top of your head type thing is really you know is good for large language models and the things you do off the top of your head you may not get them always right but it's thinking it through the same way we do but what what can I do exactly let me give you an example here we are on acquire.com this is where startups get listed for sale and they provide all of their numbers so let's copy this information we have one from enabled and let's ask Chad GPT to do financial analysis on the startup and paste the details here we have analysis on each individual part such as Revenue profit multiple and the team but no woe from yet let's make a more specific request instead of paying the full amount I want to negotiate paying the asking price over the period of 12 months this will enable me to make 15 return on the money that wasn't paid to the startup how much money can I make extra if I negotiate these terms make a graph and then Wolfram does its computation so negotiating the payment term will generate me 30 and a half thousand dollars extra and here is my profit graph the decaying function that I'll be making from that investment investment analysts at this point might be either super happy or out of the job Wolfram Alpha is ridiculous for any type of computation but there are a few other things that you might consider exploring here are some things that it can do first it can act as a database and it can have real-time data from the stock market for example yes information about Pokemons geographical data you can do plotting geometry tap into the movies database and so much more frankly well from as its own universe so you should explore it in a separate video okay it's getting late and I'm getting hungry have you used shared GPT no what's your favorite dish do you know how to spell it yes okay so let's click on Chad gpt4 we have here instacart enabled so I want to make pasta bolognese for two grown huge athletic dudes that was a big portion you know usually you get recommendations for tiny tiny portions so you're breaking down all of the ingredients and as you can tell there are a lot of ingredients all right there are some instructions so technically we can click on stop generation over here because I don't want the instructions of how to cook it you already know it yeah I'm going to click here I'm going to say something like can you order all of the ingredients sure I've created the shopping list for you you can click on the shopping list yeah this is the delivery app here we have 12 ingredients and we can order all of them pretty much with one click for delivery yeah so you want bolognes first you said hey I want Bolognese and then you can technically even do it with one prompt next thing you know you don't need to read recipes go to the grocery store or guys does this look accurate pretty much wow I'm impressed do you think this is useful of course and this were the seven best Chad GPT plugins you can find the links to all of them down in the description also if you want to find more Niche plugins I'm going to leave a link to that resource with 300 plus plugins in the description it's by AI Advantage check out the channel they're pretty cool and I'll see you in the next video cheers
Channel: Bardeen
Views: 3,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT plug-ins, Chatgpt plugins, Openai plugins, Plugins for productivity, Openai extension, Openai browse, Keymate, Chatgpt, ChatGPT search, Search with ChatGPT, Video insights, Bardeen, Keymate.ai
Id: DlusIT0ISrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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