PrivateGPT 2.0 - FULLY LOCAL Chat With Docs (PDF, TXT, HTML, PPTX, DOCX, and more)

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if you want to chat with your docs if you want to chat with your text files your PDFs csvs Excel files anything any type of document really this is such a great project private GPT is my most popular video of all time I made it months ago and since then the developers have built a ton of new functionality and really changed the course of private GPT completely and so today I'm going to show you the updated way to install it I'm going to show you all of the new features and we have a special guest at the end so let's go so this is private GPT it is completely open source you can run it entirely locally with a local open- Source model you can also use chat GPT if you want to everything is super flexible now and private GPT has really transitioned into becoming a developer product so I'm going to show you a little bit about that but it's still just as strong for the end user if you just want to load up your documents and chat with them this is still one of the best options out there and so this is the GitHub page it has nearly 40,000 Stars almost 5 1 half th000 forks and now they have a super easy to use API and the way you can think about the API is it's essentially an extension of the open AI API and really many projects are using the open AI API as the standard and building off of that including autogen and what that means why that's so important is it makes private GPT an easy dropin replacement for chat GPT and then you get all of this additional functionality around retrieval augmented generation so we're going to check out two things I'm going to show you how to install the basic user interface and show you a couple of the settings and then I'm going to show you around the API and so the first thing to note is that the original version of private GPT is still active it's called the primordial version so if you want that which was launched in May 2023 which is also the same month that I reviewed it you can find that here but if you want the updated version that's what we're going to be talking about right now thanks to the sponsor of this video service now service now enables businesses to automate a ton of their processes enabling a more productive and efficient team and now they offer direct AI Integrations including Azure open Ai and service now's own large language model which allows for an even greater level of automation thanks to the generative AI controller and now with their now assist AI solution you can layer AI onto every one of your teams within your business from it a customer service to HR to developers and just as an example with now assist for let's say the customer service team you can decrease response times summarize cases gather context more quickly and make all of your resolution data super consistent and with now assist for creators you can actually give them the power of AI to generate code greatly accelerating the time to deployment so be sure to check out service now's intelligent AI platform to see how it can automate and improve your business today the link will be in the the description below and thanks again to today's sponsor service now so we switch over to the private GPT documentation and they really spent a lot of time on this documentation it is very thorough and as a developer I really appreciate that so if we scroll down we see this quick local installation steps and that's what I'm going to be walking you through we're going to set this up entirely locally we're not going to use chat GPT at all so switching over to our terminal the first thing we're going to do is clone the repo and before we get started all of these commands I'm going to put into a gist I'm going to put them in the comments below so you don't need to copy these down as we go you'll find them all in the gist below so here we go get clone and then the URL and it's IM Martinez SL privat GPT and then hit enter once you have that cloned we're going to CD into that new directory CD private GPT now in the documentation they use Pi M but I'm a big fan of cond so that's what we're going to be using today and cond allows you to isolate your python environments making module management that much easier so we're going to type con create DN private GPT python equals 3.11 and then hit enter and I already have an environment named to that so I'm going to go ahead and remove it and create this new one but you probably won't come across this warning all right then we hit enter to proceed all right from there we're going to grab this Command right here cond to activate private GPT we're going to paste it and that's how we're going to activate our environment hit enter now you know the environment is activated because it says so right there next we're going to use poetry to install the UI and the local version and if you don't have poetry installed you can use Brew to install it and of course I'm installing this on a Mac but the installation process should be quite similar on a PC I don't believe Brew is available on the PC but you can just Google how to install poetry on a PC so here we go Brew install poetry and I already have it so I'm not going to do that next we're going to do what we said poetry install d-wi UI comma local hit enter and that is going to handle all of the installations for us it's really really nice and easy all right there we go everything's installed it looks like it got installed perfectly we have one little warning right here but I'm going to ignore that for now next we're going to use poetry to run this script and it's the setup script and one important thing to note is a lot of the settings that we use to customize private GPT are found in this setup script so if you want to customize anything we can do that so let's take a look at the customizations now and if we go to the settings. yo file this is where we can actually change the different settings here for the local model we're going to be downloading the BLS mistl 7B instruct model but the documentation also says that llama 2 works really well so you can try either of those models and yeah because those are Cutting Edge open source models so if you wanted to change it if you wanted to experiment with other models this is where you would do so you can also use Amazon sag maker and so if you wanted to host your model at Amazon sag maker this is where you would enter the endpoint name right here and if you wanted to use open AI you can do that right here as well but we're going to stick with all of the standard settings for this setup so so switching back to our terminal we're going to run poetry run Python scripts SLS setup hit enter and this may take a little while because it's actually going to be downloading the models we need the embedding model as well as the large language model and just a reminder the embedding model is the model that converts text into Vector storage and here you can see we're downloading the mistal instruct model which is about 4 GB a little bit over 4 GB and you know mistol is one of my favorite models because it's small it performs extremely well and it runs easily on my machine okay that's it that only took a couple minutes so that's awesome and as a reminder private GPT is using llama.el which means that you have to use GG UF format and any model that you actually want to test out which is fine because that's an awesome format and by default it's using chroma DB as the local Vector storage all right next we have to set a few values and this is specific to a Mac now if you're on a Windows machine check out the documentation they talk about what to do specific to a PC but for the Mac this is what we're going to be doing and switching over to the documentation if you have an envidia GPU here it is this is what you look for Windows Nvidia GPU support and then you follow these instructions and this is the main code that you're going to be running that is specific to Windows but since we're on a Mac here's what we're going to do cmake args equals and then we're going to say llama metal on pip install Force reinstall no cache llama CPP Python and then hit enter okay it looks like we actually got some errors tree of thoughts AER chat streamlit pedals I don't think these are related to the project though yeah and looking through the code base they have no mention of Trio thoughts AER chat streamlit pedals so I think this is related to my local machine these are all projects that I've try to play around with and now they're just incompatible so I'm just going to ignore that I think it's fine you probably won't see this next we need to set this variable pgp profiles equals local make run now this is a really important step to follow and I think a lot of people ski this step so make sure to run this hit enter okay and I think that's it now it's all loaded up let's give it a try there it is private GPT and it uses gradio for the UI but of course now that it's a more developer focused product the point is you can add it to any UI that you want so let's experiment let's see if this works so if we look up here in the top left we see mode we have query documents now that is the standard chat with your docs setting then we have llm chat and that means you just want to do standard chatting with an llm and it won't actually do retrieval and then context chunks is interesting because that is just what you're getting from the vector database so if you actually want to see the data going back and forth from the vector database select context chunks so let's switch over to query documents and we're going to upload a file I'm going to select this file which is the autogen research paper so now we're uploading it it's processing it which means it's converting it into a vector database using the embeddings model and then we'll be able to use it now as I me mentioned private GPT is now fully customizable which means you can set the chunk size you have a bunch of other settings that you can play around with to make sure that you're getting the best results for your use case there we go we have it working ingested file now let's try asking a question okay so summarize the autogen research paper and there we go we have a decent summary of the autogen research paper now again this is running completely locally on my own machine I bet if I tried other models we might get better performance and even if we used an open AI model we might get even better performance now if we switch over to context chunks let's see what happens let's do retry and it's instant and we can look through all the returning data from the vector database and of course if we switch over to llm chat I can just say hello and it's just like chatting with the mistal model hello how can I assist you today tell me a joke why don't scientists trust Adams because they make up everything so yeah that's it that is the basic setup for private GPT and so let's do one more test I'm going to try uploading the first book of Harry Potter so we click upload a file I have it in PDF format it might be easier to convert it over to a txt file but let's test it out with PDF and if we switch over to the terminal we can actually see the logs and it says generating embeddings right now so we can see it working as it goes okay we can see it's done now let's ask it a question who is Harry Potter Harry Potter is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling he is a young boy with magical abilities who attends hogwart's School of Witchcraft in magical studies so likely the model already had that information but let's try a different query to make sure that it didn't already have that information in its model what is the title of the first chapter of the first Harry Potter book the title of the first chapter of the first Harry Potter book is the boy who lived and that's correct and if we don't clear it it will remember our conversation so we don't have to specify if we want to keep asking questions now let's talk a little bit about the API I switched over to the private GPT documentation and there's a couple things that I want to show you first you can have different settings which is really nice you can have a version that runs completely locally you can also have another version that tests a different model locally and you can have another profile that uses an open AI API so right here our first API endpoint is ingest and this is a post endpoint and with that you provide a file and you can also get a list of the ingested documents just like that and this is the completions endpoint and this is the same exact type of endpoint as open ai's API and as I said we have a special guest I'd like to welcome Ivonne Martinez who is the original developer of private GPT and also leads the project today and I have two questions for him one what inspires you to build private GPT at first and two what are some of the coolest features that are coming up soon when I started playing around with chbt open Ai apis and llms in general it became super clear to me that uh this was a huge opportunity for the Enterprise ecosystem but when I went out and asked all the cdos of different startups uh if they were using this technology they all said no and the reason was privacy concerned so at the same time I realized privacy was a huge problem I was very active in the open source community and I knew about projects like L chain Lama index prb open source Vector database and then at some point nomic released GPT for all these smaller llns that could run on a CPU of a normal computer and I said okay maybe all of these can be put together and that's how private gbt was born I created a very simple uh CH gbt like experience where you could chat with your documents but the important part was that you did it fully locally so you could even run it without an internet connection we are working on a bunch of things first of all we are adding more tools to the API we're going to be adding more data sources like access to the internet like connection to databases and you can expect some high level tools or apis like summarization or data extraction coming in the in the next weeks and months then the second part a standard way of observing what is going on within the pipelines and also uh running evaluation to make sure the accuracy is high enough for your your production setup and the last bit is on the setups themselves because you can set up private GPT in very uh different ways you can set it up fully local you can set it up as a single instance in a gcp for example or you can have it like in a in a distributed way where an instance is hosting private GPT API but then you have the llm running on sagemaker for example and the vector database somewhere else so we're going to be sharing with the community different setup uh possibilities because that's where it comes very very useful because the whole idea of PR gbd is that is being used in production so I hope this feels as exciting as it feels for us all right thanks for joining us Ivon and if you like this video please consider giving a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Matthew Berman
Views: 279,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, ai, artificial intelligence, privategpt, private gpt, chat with files, open-source gpt, open source llm, gpt4, gpt3.5, chat gpt, open ai, gpt4all, gpt 4 all, tutorial, llm tutorial, chat with docs, rag
Id: XFiof0V3nhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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