ChatGPT AI News: Major Update Brings PDF, 'All Tools' to ChatGPT 4

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chat gbd just got a huge update it's now possible to talk with PDFs and to use all the tools together so in this video I want to show you how to get access to this and some interesting examples of how you can use all of these tools together my name is Dar let us dive straight in so how do you get access to this new update well firstly you need to make sure that you have the paid plan for Chachi BT you can just upgrade it's $20 a month you also need to make sure that you've enabled beta features so click into beta features and make sure that those are toggled green now to actually get this new update you'll see a notification like this when you open chat GPT and they just seem to be rolling this out to different people at different times but I think that I got access to this early because I've been trying out all of the features uh in chat GPT and I actually made a 1 hour tutorial recently going through all of the different features so if you want to get access and early access to these new features I recommend you familiarize yourself with all of those I'll put the link to this tutorial in the description so you can try it out now let's dive in and look at some specific examples let's get started with the biggest update which is chat with PDF now you could actually do this previously you could go to the plug-in store and you could select AI PDF which was one of the most most popular plugins for chat GPT now the problem with this is you had to paste in the public URL of the PDF so that you could chat with it or you had to upload the PDF to the AI PDF websites so that you could then interact with it now all of those steps have been eliminated so you can just go to the default section in chat chbt you'll see the option to upload or you can just drop in a PDF F just like this so I've dropped in a book which is the great gspeed this is a public domain book so we have no problem chatting with this no copyright issues and what we can do then is chat with the PDF so let's start by asking for a quick summary I'll ask for a 100w summary of This Book you can see that it's searching the file opening it up and really understanding what's inside and here you can see that we've got a 100w summary now of the book now you can not only do this for books it could be for for financial reports user manuals uh really any PDF documents scientific papers anything like that now as well as summaries we can do a lot of other things as well so for example I'll ask you to write a short essay on the use of symbolism in this book and here you can see that we have a list of all of the the symbols in the book and an explanation of them so so we can generate new content based on the original PDF now as well as summarizing a PDF and creating new content from it we can also search for specific terms within the PDF so I'll ask it what pages were the green light one of the symbols mentioned on and so here now I have the exact pages that this phrase is mentioned on and I can go look at that further if I want to so with PDFs we can summarize them we can create new content and we can search for specific phrases but you'll notice here that in this chat you can see the all tools which means that we can use other tools in combination with this PDF so let's try out something really cool I'm going to ask it to create a book cover for this book and now it will use D3 to actually create an image based on the PDF that we've uploaded loaded let's take a look at the book covers that were generated right from the text of the PDF so this looks incredible this looks like a book that I would pick up now you can see that there are some misspellings in the title and also in the author name but I think this is a great way to perhaps just generate ideas based on the PDF or text this could be ideal for ebooks or any book that you're writing I asked for another example down here and you can see again that these are some great Concepts that perhaps you could send to a personal designer that's just an example of how you can use upload PDF with di 3 to create images based on the text now let's look at how you can combine cha PT vision and Di 3 so I'm going to paste in an image here and then ask it to make an image like this but I'm going to say that the dog is running so we have a picture of a dog that's sitting and chbt vision is going to understand what that image is and then D 3 can create an image based on my reference image that I have uploaded here's our happy dog you can see that it understands interestingly that it's a golden retriever running outdoors with a natural background the dog is captured in motions showcasing its energy and joy some of these comments are hilarious now if you open it up again you can copy The Prompt and you could always paste that prompt back in and ask for variations of the image just change that prompt slightly let's look at another example of this and this time we'll drop in our image and I'll ask it to make an image like this but as a Pixar character this type of prompt was extremely popular with other image generation tools like mid Journey so let's see how do 3 does I think this image looks fantastic and it is very close to the original even the pose of the character is the same maybe I could have asked for a bit of a fun background but this could be a great way to create new characters um for animated videos or things like that I think this is very very interesting personally I love down 3 because it's such a simple interface I never really liked mid Journey that much because you had to go to Discord SL SL image prompt here inside of chat GPT it's just so much easier and uh intuitive to actually create these types of images so those are a couple of examples of create of combining chat gbt vision and Di 3 now I want to show you one more example of combining different tools in the same chat so what we're going to do is combine browse with Bing and D 3 so I've asked it to browse with Bing and look up the top global news story from today and write it in a sort of newspaper Style with the headline but then I've also asked it to generate an image based on the headline so this is where the Del 3 comes in and it's finished browsing and here we have our top global news stories they're listed out here and also we can see a generated image that visualizes the headline us launches diplomatic station in Arctic Norway so I think this is incredible also if you were creating some sort of newsletter you could actually gather up all the headlines using BRZ whing and then generate some images to go with that in di 3 that wraps up this video you can now chat with PDFs and use multiple tools in the same chat so like this video if you found it helpful subscribe for more videos and comment below with how you are using these new tools together thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Daragh Walsh
Views: 70,845
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Keywords: daragh walsh, chatgpt 4, chatgpt, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt new features, chatgpt pdf, ai pdf chatgpt, chatgpt all tools, chatgpt multo modal, chatgpt tutorial, ai news, chatgpt prompts, chatgpt explained, chatgpt examples, chat gpt, artificial intelligence, ai, ai tools, matt wolfe, ai updates, chat with pdf, chatgpt pdf plugin, pdf chatgpt, gpt 5, gpt 4, chatgpt demo
Id: 1ligAn38r94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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