ChatGPT and Visual Studio 2022(Getting Started)

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hello everyone welcome back once again in this video we will get started with learning programming with such GPT inside a visual studio using c-sharp language but before we get started please make sure you subscribe to the channel if you have it so let's get into it then so chat GPT is an official intelligence intelligence AI chat Bots developed by open Ai and released in November 2022 it is built on top of the open ai's GPT 3.5 and gp34 families of language large language models and has been fine-tuned using both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques so enough of all the Talking let's get into the real stuff here to get us started we have to make sure that we actually sign up to the charts gtt but yeah and this is how we can do it so we open the browser so we open a browser we Google um starts with GPT so as you can see here now we have a couple of results Yeah so basically this is our first result which is the bit here so this is just an introducing chat GPT so we click on this one so this is what we've got here so introducing to activity so it says we trained a model called Chuck GPT which interacts in a conversational way so the dialogue format let's say possible for chat GPT to answer follow-up questions admit its mistakes challenge incorrect premises and reject in appropriate requests yeah so we can we can get started with it by clicking on this fly chat TPT so here this is what we get if you've already signed up you can actually click on the login if you haven't then you can click on the sign up so here you can continue with your Google account or you can start with your email address I've already done that so there's no need for that but you can follow the steps and make sure you sign up and log in then we go on to the next page right so I'm just going to open my chat chat TPT so as you can see here now I'm logged in and ready to start so first what we will do is we're just going to type what is what is chat TPT and let's see what answer we actually get so from here at least answer I'm a chat GTP a large language model created by opinion I use machine learning algorithms to generate human life response to text based conversation has been trained on a massive amount of test data and can generate a wide range of response in various topics so as you can see we're actually going to learn programming let's ask what is C Sharp then so what is C sharp so C sharp pronounce c sharp as modern object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft it is designed to be simple types of and efficient and is used primarily for building Windows desktop applications web applications and games c-sharp is often used in conjunction with framework or net core platforms which provide a large set of libraries and tools for simple development so C sharp centers is similar to that the data of java and C plus plus and it supports many Advanced programming Concepts such as generics Lambda expression async awaits Etc so we know we're not going to read all of it so I hope you get it so what we do next is we just ready to open our Visual Studio so here I've got a blank visual studio so what we do is going to go ahead and create a new project so new yeah are we just open the start window and increase the new private so here we're going to okay I've got this on desktop so I'm just going to change it so we're gonna put our project and we're going to use C sharp color select so we're going to start a new season yeah so this might take a while for the project to start I'm just gonna pause it so as you can see here now we've got a closer left creators for us with the red line I mean it comes from the right line hello world it's nothing inside so we've come back to the Thai GPT so here this is we've actually got the definition of c sharp so we just got on laptop we're just going to tell it to write a very simple C sharp program so we're just going to say C sharp dictionary sample so once we write this here it will try to create a C sharp additionary sample I hope so as you can see here sure this is the sample so it's basically writing the code for us so basically we've got a dictionary variable inventory and it's got a couple of stuff in it yeah so let's read what is written here so this program creates a new dictionary object with string keys and integers and integer values I have some items to it accessible assessment and modifiers values by key removes items from the dictionary and finally each race over the dictionary right so basically it's a it's a very simple C sharp dictionary sample so what we do is we're just going to copy this code here and we're going to place it inside our Visual Studio so we're just going to remove all of this and we're just going to paste it yeah so as you can see here now it's actually got the code paste code it's a very simple stuff here so basically we've got I need additional image and variable declared as inventory and we've added a couple of stuff in it apple bananas and oranges so the the inventory has a string and a string and as a key and we've got the value as an integer so basically it's a very simple start so let's run it to see what actually comes out of it so as you can see here now it's got the dictionary um what is inside our dictionary printed like 10 apples and or whatnot yeah so it's a very simple stuff yeah so I'm just going to leave the video here but on the next video from this here we'll try and build I'm a C sharp I mean 10 GPT API with Cita and we're just gonna start interacting it from our program yeah so make sure you subscribe to the channel if you haven't as you know I've got lots of videos coming up I hope you have a lovely morning evening afternoon wherever you are peace
Channel: Hacked
Views: 2,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, Visual Studio, Visual studio chatgpt, c# chatgpt, learn programming with chatgpt, learn c# with chatgpt, opening, open ai, artificial intelligence
Id: 8OuUngbpGTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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