Windows Form with Visual Basic (Visual Studio 2022) VB.Net

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hello everyone welcome back once again in this video we will look at Windows phones or Wind forms applications using Visual Basic or inside the visual studio 2022 we will explore the necessary components of workloads needed for us to get started but before we get started please make sure you subscribe to the channel if you haven't so let's get into it then Windows forms is a UI framework for building Windows desktop apps it provides one of the most productive ways to create desktop applications based on the visual designer provided in Visual Studio functionalities such as drag and drop placements of visual controls makes it easy to build desktop applications so enough of all that it's working let's get into the real stuff here so as you can see I've got a visual studio installer opened and we're going to use the visual studio Community version 2022 Community version so if you don't have it make sure you download and install it before you get to this point yeah so to get us started let's look at the workloads needed for us to get started so we can click on the modifier just to sign up so as you can see here now I've actually got a bunch of boxes checked that means I've already got them installed on my system but for this video you have to make sure that you have this box the next desktop development this was checked yeah so this will actually help you build a WTF Windows forms console app using C sharp Visual Basic and fshap without net and Dot net Frameworks yeah so if you don't have it make sure you check on this box download and install it before you get to the next page yeah if that's not the case then we close the video Studio installer and then we launched the visual studio so here we're going to go ahead by creating a new project so as you can see on the left side here I've already opened uh Windows sponsored before using that little basic that's why it's showing on the recent project template so if that's not the case yeah we come into their languages and we select the visual basis and even on the on the project types yeah we can select desktop so this will actually trim down the set results here so see as you can see on the top bit here we have a Windows Form app so we've got a VB Windows format so it is a project template for creating Windows forms application so with Clicker we click here all and then we click on the nest so here obviously you can configure your project details but we're not going to look too much into that yeah so we click on the next and here obviously we can select version that is applicable to us so we're going to leave it at the default 6.0 so which is we just got the long-term support yeah so we click on the create so this might actually take a while so as you can see it didn't take that long so while the whole thing is being is loaded with Windows phones you develop graphically Rich apps that are easy to deploy update and work while offline or why connected to the internet windows phones app can access their local hardware and file system of the computer where the app is running yeah so play that one in mind so as you can see here now we have to Windows phones project template we created for RCA so we look at it so since we're using the Visual Basic it has the extension of dot VB so it is form so this is the visual representation of the of the wheel phones yeah so here you can graphically design it or you can you can you can write the code if you want to so we're just going to make something very simple just to show us how the whole thing is represented so we can click the main form here so once you click on the main form I'm just going to expand this one a bit we have the the properties here so this is the form one property that was actually expect so it's got a bunch of controls that we can actually control settings that we can actually do from here without coding here like the background color so you can select the background color here so you can use whatever color you want you can this is a system color you can use the web color or you can use the custom color so you can select whatever color those that is applicable to all or that's any color that you want so see once we select whatever color that we want to use as you can see it's reflected on a graphical side it's done yeah so it is very simple stuff here so as you can see here the form is form one so you can change the test by looking at the text bit here so you can select and you can change it you can just make it a login so once we change it here so as you can see here the login is already changed here as well so we can also drag and drop some UI controls by clicking on the toolbox so here we've got a bunch of controls that we can use they've got common controls and all windows form controls here we can you can drag a button and place it here so as you can see wherever we drag and you can drag and drop it anyway within the form yeah so as you can see the test on the button is is button one so we can actually change some details of it to yourself like the foreground which is for the test color and then the background and whatnot yeah so we let's let's change the background as well so let's make it something different so let's make the background white I mean red and and in the foreground let's let's make it something right so as you can see we've still got the button one here so let's go ahead and change the test the button test here so we can change it here by clicking it set aside yeah you can make it a login so as you can see here now we've got it changed here so it's not it's not very difficult stuff so we could also we can also handle the button click event by clicking on this here the events so now we've actually selected the button so we we can you can look at the click here we can double click on the click here so this will actually create a click event for us so this is the button one click events here so we can handle the event let's see if the button is Click working we want to do let's do a message box so dot show so basically whenever the button is clicked yeah we want this message to be showed so we can see login button selected yeah something very simple so whenever the button is clicked we want this message to be shown yeah so we come back inside a form here now so as you can see we have the this button um handle so let's go ahead and run it for the first time and let's see what actually comes out of it so now we have this web form running now so let's click it so as you can see the login button click so it's very simple stuff so basically this video is good to get us started in terms of being able to build a Windows phones using a Visual Basic and visual studio 2022. so now from here obviously you can continue and do whatever you want to do so I hope this actually helps you to get started so if that's the case please make sure you subscribe to the channel if you haven't and I hope you have a lovely morning afternoon evening wherever you are peace
Channel: Hacked
Views: 46,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visual studio, visual basic .net, visual basic, winforms, vb winforms, visual basic windows form application, visual studio 2022 winforms, vb desktop application,, tutorial, visual basic programming, microsoft visual studio, visual studio 2022
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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