WinForms in Visual Studio 2022 (Windows Forms Getting Started)

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hello everyone welcome back once again in this video we will look at windows forms or win forms inside the visual studio 2022 we look at creating our first project download and install all the necessary requirements to get us started but obviously before we get started please make sure you subscribe to the channel if you haven't so let's get to it then so windows forms or winforms is free and open source graphical gui class library included as part of net framework or the mono framework providing a platform to write a client application for desktop laptops and tablet pcs and of course visual studio is the best comprehensive id which is integrated development environment for net and c plus developers on windows it's fully packed with array of tools and features to elevate and enhance every stage of software developments so to get us started as you can see yeah i've actually got the visual studio installer so in this case we're actually using the visual studio 2022 i've got the enterprise version but obviously you can use whatever version that you want so to get started we click on the modify so here as you can see that bank there are a bunch of workloads that you can choose for whatever um applications that you want to build so if we look at it here we've got net desktop development here you can build a wpf win for windows forms or winforms and console applications using our c-sharp visual basic and f-sharp with dotnet and donate framework so we check on this box right so i mean for this video sake we're just going to leave it as it is here and then we're going to click on the modify here so we should get the whole downloaded installation started so i'm just going to pause the video while the whole thing completes so now now that we've got that workload installed there we can go ahead and launch the visual studio so here we can go ahead and click on the create a new project so now we should get most of the stuff so here you can actually create a windows forms application on vb windows form c sharp and they said this is the dot net this is for the dot net core and then the net framework as well so whatever um platform you're trying to target then you can choose the one that is actually applicable to you so in in our case or for this example we're just going to choose the first bit or actually the second bit here so that's the c sharp windows forms application so we click on the nest so here obviously you can configure the project details so if you've been following the details then you can skip on it out you can set your project name the project location and then the solution name right after that then you click on the nest so here you can select whatever dot net version that you want to use in this in this case i mean for the visual studio 2022 we've only got um the dotnet 6.0 acid default yeah so we click on the create so as you can see here now we've actually got our windows forms our winforms application created and of course it's got the usual i mean the initial stuff and as you can see we've got the program.cs as we actually write running this as call yeah so as you can see it is what i've actually got here now so what we what we're going to do is just going to open the form and let's see what actually is inside it so this is the form as well so for that obviously you can open the two box right so i'll just wait for that for for it to load so as you can see here you can select what all the tools that you want to use you can expand it uh choose the buttons labels and whatnot yeah so you can just drag and drop here like the usual stuff yeah and you can change the label name or you can double click it you have to handle the click events yeah so we could just once the button is clicked we could just put something here like a message box or something we just put a message boss and just put something inside i mean just a quick example so i could just say button clicked yeah something like that so we're just gonna right click and build it for the first time so as you can see uh as we've all heard the visual studio 2022 comes with tons of tools that we're going to explore them on my later videos yeah so we're just going to click i mean run it to see what actually comes out yeah so this is our windows form click on it if should get the the button clicked event yeah so as you can see it's very very very very like simple to get yours to get yourself started it's not very difficult so actu as you can see here there's a there's a whole bunch of um controls that you can use yeah uh some tools or whatever yeah so we're just gonna we're just gonna put some a level so we just drag and drop yes so we can also come inside the forms here like the forms folder i mean here the designer so as you can see here now we've got the bottom created here we can open this bit as well so as you can see we've got the bottom the name the test on the button so you can also make changes here if you want you know just like your usual windows forms if you've been using windows forms now there's nothing really much that has changed yeah so i'm just going to leave the video here but obviously on my next video we can explore it further so i'm just going to change this bit yeah put maybe click me you save it come back inside the designer so we should see the click me reflected here directly yeah so you cannot you can you can make changes you can make changes here and it should reflect on the other side so once you actually save it you come here you click on it yeah so this will be actually updated yeah so i'm not going to go too much obviously from here you can actually explore further yourself oh just wait for my next video on this topic yeah so once again if you haven't subscribed to the channel please make sure you do because i've got lots of videos coming up and i hope you have a lovely morning afternoon evening wherever you are peace
Channel: Hacked
Views: 133,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winforms, visual studio, winforms visual studio 2022, c#, .net, vs 2022 winforms
Id: jtIF-D_lgE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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