Best ChatGPT Extension For Visual Studio 2022?

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within this video you will learn what the current reading the offending Chad GPT Marketplace extension the visual studio 2022 is now there's no need for me to introduce chat GPT as everyone seems to be talking about it now currently there are three chat GPT extensions for visual studio these are ask chat GPT visual chat GPT studio and chat GPT now all three of these extensions often give you the ability to talk to chat GPT in order to help you code within visual studio so stick around to find out which one of these extensions you should install yourself before we get to get to good stuff let us start with the pre-requisites now in order to use any of these extensions you will need an open AI account and you'll also need to have a valid API access token so to get these things head over to the open AI website linked on the screen right now and then go to the API keys and generate yourself an access token [Music] thank you now out of this list ask chat GPT has been downloaded the least amount of times weighing in with this over 900 downloads total at the time of recording now ask chat GPT will provide you with a simple panel to allow you to ask chat GPT to affect your code all of the extensions that you're going to see in today's video can be installed directly from visual studio now just in case you don't know how to install an extension you can do it from extensions manage extensions and from this online tab you can basically search and install for anything you want because you have this big download button now I'm going to install ask chat GTP our first example because I have installed it and have that download button basically click on the download button install it reboot visual studio and you'll have it good to go in order to get the ask GTP extension to work you have to register your API now registering your API key this way is bit of a faff basically what we have to do is go to our Windows Explorer or do a search then we want to do edit the system environment variables from here we can then go to environment variables and then from here you need to add in a key you can see here I've got my open API key paste in your key right there so a bit of a faff but once it's up and running you will have this perfectly working little chat here now what we can do is then add in a comment so let's say we want to we Factor code now I'm going to copy and paste this code put it within here click control and enter and off it goes now obviously the nice thing about this I can still carry on do a bit of code now I've got my refactor code I can click the copy button paste it even though this is the least downloaded extension of the three I think this has got the best inbuilt chat window capability Now setting an API key in a system environment variable is definitely a faff I'm assuming the Creator did this they didn't need to worry about creating a settings dialogue themselves within Visual Studio which is actually pretty smart now all in all this is a solid extension now before we move on I needed to ask chat GPT a question [Music] foreign [Music] foreign GPT Studio has been downloaded over 12 000 times and this is by far the most popular and feature-rich extension out of the three now after you install a visual chat GPT Studio you'll get access to some context menu goodness now the extension will give you the ability to run these commands on your code complete code add unit test for code find bugs optimize explain add comments and add a summary now it also comes with a handy chat window so you can ask your normal chat GPT questions to install visual chat GPT Studio again we go to extensions again we go to manage extensions again we type chat GPT from here we do a search and then from here you can see visual chat GPT install it reboot Visual Studio off we go in order to get going with the extension we need to add in our API key so we can do this over options from here if we just type in a chat GPT we can see chat GPT Studio where you can add in our open AI API key right here now after we install this extension what we can do is then highlight any code right click and then from here you can see that we have visual chat GPT studio so from here I found the best ones are the ad summary as we can see whoa get the image URL for the specified course type and we can then write some unit tests for it let's just add in some tests off we go [Music] now we can even try and get this code and let's see if we can find any bugs no bugs found now just like the other extensions we're going to see we also have the ability to ask chat GPT any type of question now I've found that having the ability to be able to highlight any bit of code that I wanted to send to chat GPT and then being able to define the corresponding action all from the context menu a lot easier than needing to worry about messing around with this side panel oddly even though this extension uses the same authentication process this extension definitely did not time out half as often as the other options now based on the responses the crate unit test and the create a summary definitely stand out as useful tools that I've been using on a daily basis [Music] so chat to GP and downloaded over 5 000 times since this recording now this extension promises to give you the ability to query the chapter GPT server and then the extension will automatically update your code for you installing this extension is the same process as the previous two so go to extensions manage extensions do a search for chat GPT then we want to install the chat GPT by iguana Technologies in order to enable chat GPT you'll have to register your API key again we can do this through the options so tools options from here do a search or to chat space GPT there's this iguana one from here you can see we've got the open AI API key pasting your key jobs to get them now I have to admit after enabling this extension I struggled to make it appear within visual studio now in order to make it appear go to extensions and then click on the chat GPT iguana and as you can see we now have this toolbox now if I'm honest I don't really love the UI here you can see that we have this different mode so open API mode of either completion or edits we've got a command scope and if I have to click between these little check boxes it's not ideal then we've got some keywords which you can type in then we have to type in our Command and then we can kind of send things off now my biggest issue with extension is that once we click submit you can see my whole and visual studio is now Frozen now I am unable to do anything so all I have to do is sit and wait now how long you have to sit and wait will vary because often this will take maybe a minute or two and as you can see I'm still set here still can't do anything [Music] now the biggest issue that I personally encountered when using this extension is that when you ask chat GTP a question the whole of your Visual Studio looks until it responds now sometimes the extension might take over a minute to get any type of response this limitation means you can't simply file a quest and then get on with your work now on top of this just like ask chat GPT roughly one in every three requests timed out this meant that my productivity completely dropped while using this extension often it would take me up to a four or five minutes just to get an answer and while I wait all I can do is Twitter my thumbs like a complete numb nuts now personally I find simply using the online chat from the open AI website much easier compared to installing a plugin which times out all the time and when you then combine this with the confusing UI I really struggled to see myself using this extension ever again in Anger after I've finished this video [Music] so you're probably wondering which of these extensions is the winner and which one should you install now for me personally the only extension that I'm going to keep installed on my machine is that visual chat GPT Studio now when it comes to thinking about the other two options I think that the ask a chat GTP probably has the best in Visual Studio chat but I'm not really sure I'd use it that often and in terms of chat GPT as it locks the whole of Visual Studio it's not for me so we reached that part of the video where it's time for me to remind you if you haven't already don't forget to subscribe so you can see my next video also if you have enjoyed these videos then it does take me a lot of time and effort I pretty much do it for free so click on the like button to help me keep making these videos now if you want to learn more about chat GPT then I've also created a video of the best chat GPT extension for visual studio code now the link to that video should be on screen right now so if you want to learn more about it click on that otherwise I hope you're having a great day wherever you are in the world and until next Sunday happy coding
Channel: jondjones
Views: 6,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1XF6zp6qz7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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