ChatGPT with Visual Studio 2022 & Dot Net 6 || ChatGPT Extension || GPT-4 || OpenAI || March 2023

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hello everyone this is and today I will explain something related to chat GPT so if you're not aware with the charity PPT then uh this is a product of open AI organization so uh that open our open AI organization is currently working on different language model for charity PPT is one of That So currently I will show you how using chat GPT we can Implement uh Improvement our development functionality so uh we will have the extension of chat GPT so I will show you how we can uh I mean download that text and send and use in with our Visual Studio ID and it is basically used to customize our code or uh with that particular extension we can make our development faster so for that uh from the starting you will click on that extension this is our Visual Studio IDE okay so under the visual studio ID we have the extension menu and when you will click on extension you will have the manage extension and here you will search something called chat CPT chat okay so here you will have something related to charity PPT but uh what I am explaining today for that you will need to visual studio chat GPT uh extension okay so this extension I already I mean installed in our visual studio so art is not required to me but uh for you if you are doing the first time so it's looks like this so here you will click on download uh once you will click on download then you must have to close your Visual Studio or this ideally once you will close this visualized IIT Visual Studio ID then it will install in your system once the installation will be done in I mean one or two minute then again you will relaunch your Visual Studio ID and start the further uses of chat GPT so I mean there is no any uh internal code writing or Integrations are required to connect with the standard GPT you will just need to download and install with your Visual Studio extensions so once you will open your Visual Studio extension so for understanding the chat Deputy is available or not you can see here you will go in the tools and inside the tools you will go under the option here in the option when you will scroll down so here you can see you have a visual studio chat you put extension okay now this is the gender Tab and this is the command tab so inside the gender tab I think there is something issue currently but inside the gender tab you will have our option like you will have to add to API key chat GPT API key in in the general tab currently I think we need to restart our Visual Studio but inside the general tab you can easily uh find the API key and there you have to put the API key when I'm talking about API key I will show you from where you will get that API okay currently uh first of all I need to show you how you can find the API keys so you will search chat okay charge Deputy open AI here this is so here you will write GPT login okay here you will click on this Developers API references where you will go and login so you can go with your uh login credential or you can go with uh continue with Google and here okay now how you can find the API keys so here you will click on this personal uh button here you can see the view API key so you will click on view API key and I already have generated two API key so in your case it might be possible that it is a first API key or you can generate uh the next one as well so for example if I'd like to create some other API key then I will create click on this create new API key and uh for your understanding I will click on this and I will copy from here and this copied API key will be will be saved in my tools under option under chat GPT extension okay so here you can now now you are able to see uh here I mean previously it was some issue but currently it is feasible so now I will add that API key I mean I have not copied yet so I will copy it so it is copied now again for your understanding I will click on tools then options then I will search Visual Studio chat GPT Studio visual chat jpt Studio then I will click on General and here you can see I have a key called open AI API key so that API I have created I will paste here and click on OK so now our chair GPT is I mean configured with our visual studio so this is just like a extension there is no any coding required for the internal integration we will just have to login on our chat GPT with a website from there you can uh how however I got the API key so you will follow that and got your API key and just go inside the tools and add that particular API okay that it's so now uh you are you are able to use that extension in your visual studio so first time you can so when you will see when you will copy this particular method and you will click right okay okay so uh after the right click after the right click here you can see the visual studio uh visual charity Studio okay so for example uh if you want to add this this some particular method then you will click on that this and I'm I'm not doing anything and this summary is going to be added here again you can say on that method I just need to add the comments only in this time I'm select selecting the comments so here you can see our chat you put extension is writing whatever code I have to write okay so in any circumstances or any case if you have missed to write the summary or these type of comments then after that you can just go and you using that particular charity extension you can write this type of things uh in in our Uh current development process the unit test writing must be there because uh multiple clients uh ask uh are supposed to get and keep the code health and good health and the code coverage so that you can write the unit test as well you you just need to select this particular method and you will click on a right click here you will go in your visual studio and now uh you will have the option to choose the ad test so for example if you will choose the ADD test now you are able to see our test case writing is going on okay I'm not doing anything related to code so the everything is done by the chat GPT extension just we have to add some external nuget package uh for overcome this error okay so currently I will check so currently I'm adding the by default extension of I mean you get package or Visual Studio or the test method okay so now uh this summary activity is done and the comment is done so I'm able to create uh the unit test using charity extension I mean this is just a demo this is just a very uh simple method but uh if you will do the same activity for your I mean a very complex metal days uh I mean uh this this can be possible out there as well so there's no any issue so now we will check some other things like for example in this method I will I will not return anything okay so so in this case it is showing an error okay so because this is a compiler mirror so easily we can identify that this is a compile time error but uh using the chat GPT extension so we can also find what is the error actual I mean what is a actual error it is so when you will click on find box so here you will get a comment that this code is missing an else statement to return a value if the age is not greater than two so I mean this statement or syntax sentence can be can help you to overcome that particular issues instead of sourcing uh here and there okay so now foreign this thing okay so I mean we have seen at test five bucks optimize okay so for example what how you can do the optimization so for example when you will select that particular method and you will go and click on optimize so so here you can see this multiple lineup code is being written in a particular line in a single line so this is the benefit of that code optimizing using charity extension now we have something called explanations okay so explanation is something like convention summary so for example what is the purpose of this method I mean if as a user as a developer if you will explain what is the exact purpose of this method is so the same activity is doing by charge Equity extension so when I will click on that explain so here you can see a statement ah which is ah provided by Char GPT extension is this is a method that detects an integer age as an argument and return a string the Merit checks if the A's is greater than 2 and if it is written the string okay so I mean the whole purpose of this method is this so This is called the explanation so we we have seen using with the help of strategy protections and we can create the summary this is the part of best coding practices you can also find I explain any particular method I mean on behalf of input and output uh the chair GPT extension will explain the matter uh as better as a Developers and uh we already have created the unit test method as well we already have uh added the summary as well so I mean these type of best practices you can to do with the charge GPT extension in the visual studio so as I have read about a chart GPT extension this can be possible in another IDE either it is a react or it is a visual studio code nah I mean with ID it is possible to utilize okay so I mean uh for improve the productivity and the code quality we must have to go with the chat jupit extension and uh the basic advantage of this is there is no more complex integration is there so I mean uh we just have to add that extension and just download any installations and after that create a API key from the chat GPT website and that API key will be added in the tools under charge if it extension General tab and then that uh everything is done so now we just have to use with our code so that it's related to charge GPT extension things if this video is informative then please to subscribe our Channel and hit the like button and share with your Tech Community to use these type of things and uh the this is basically based on chat GPT 3 Model currently in the market I mean recently open AI has introduced Chad gpt4 as well so I mean obviously we will have some more uh useful functionality will be there so if I will find something helpful in chat gpt4 model then we'll again create a video for that so thank you thanks again videos
Channel: TechWorld with MJ
Views: 3,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT with Visual Studio 2022, Follow best coding practices using ChatGPT Extension, Latest GPT-4 model, OpenAI, ChatGPT with Dot Net 6, GPT-3 Model
Id: vsI5i7V1kEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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