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for [Music] what today I am finally going to get to print my  Lino which took me way longer than expected   to carve but that's because this is the  biggest Lino I have ever carved it took   me more than a week I've never carved and  printed a size like this fingers crossed   it actually works it could be a disaster and  I don't know what I'm going to do if it is [Music]   Philip what are you doing I'm pruning I'm  pruning the trees I'm pruning everything   here I want the garden as beautiful  as the garden we visited last week   but I don't have a ladder so I need to  improvise I need to you have a lad te you   have a ladder yeah but it's far away  so look what I do this and then I do this that only works if you wear  both with STS okay so good look [Music]   B CH and socks everything's ready the moment of truth I am   going to test print my lineing stamp  and fingers crossed it's going to work I have to be pretty quick with  applying this because otherwise   it's going to dry oh and sorry about  my heavy breathing but I have a cold I'm going to do a test print [Music] well first test done this is just a test  print so it's obviously not well printed   but I'm really excited cuz even now how you  know it's looking really messy and not well   printed I can actually see the design  coming together and I really love it already [Music] e e [Music]   one thing I always like to do when I'm  printing out my stamp is to play around with tr   out different color combinations so I've printed  out my big sheet but I found that the background   color was a little bit too yellow so I've done two  other different white backgrounds to see how they   work what I also like to do is try out doing  the inverted colors so instead of having the   light background I'm going to use here the solid  aquamarine background and print a light white on   top of it and it gives a completely different feel  so once I've printed that up I can hang the Les   in the room and have a look how they look in situ  just jumping on here quickly to say thank you to F   Sweden for sponsoring our video with this week's  ad I discovered their products at the beginning   of this year and ever since I've been using  the UFO 3 by F Sweden a deep facial hydration   device I like to keep my skincare routine simple  but as I'm heading towards 40 I'm all about skin   elasticity and keeping my skin hydrated which is  why I've continued using the UFO 3 it only takes   90 seconds to do a little quick treatment and it's  clinically proven to boost your skin hydration by   126% there are various facial treatments to  choose from depending on your various skin   needs I personally like the cooler a night mask  with olive oil and gingen smells amazing and   the soothing warming hyper infusion and the tonic  pulsations feel relaxing and help the skin absorb   all the ingredients whilst the red LED therapy  boosts blood circulation and revitalizes your skin   you can use an app for guided treatments but there  is also an offline mode which you can personalize   so why not treat yourself or someone you love to  radiant skin this product is rarely on sale but if   you use the link in the description of this video  you can get 30% off plus for the first 50 people   you get an extra 10% off when you use our code  HRA 10 last time you have seen how excited I got   when I visited the xberry gardens in the UK and  it gave me so much inspiration and motivation to   improve the garden here I'm not saying this Garden  looks bad but it is a garden in his early stages   when we came here it was an overgrown jungle so  we had to take down so many trees replant and   restructure everything I would say there are some  very nice areas already and I'm going to show you   my favorite ones for instance the corn Galaxy it's  really beautiful right now if you ask the black   thing is here to protect it from the deer look at  this beautiful flowers I'd say the entrance area   looks really nice already with the hedge my famous  two bowls which are now overgrown by some sort of   Wheats I'm going to sort that out today my acers  f thriving even though this one has been eaten by   a deer two years ago but now it's coming back but  these are doing well here that's the I call it the   Botanical section with a lot of different species  of trees the beautiful Judas tree the Magnificent   Magnolia in the background and um Corners Vata  which also has suffered from some deer bites   and here in the back you see our Hy Rangers and  they are blue and it's not obvious to get blue   Hy Rangers they are thriving as well and just here  behind the corner aren't they beautiful now before   everybody shouts and panics telling me that these  are of the ponan variety I'm aware that these are   invasive they've been here I trimed them back  I reduced the size of these we do not need to   remove them I think they are beautiful and as  long as we contain them I'm happy with them to   stay here but I hope that the fact that they are  thriving here means that the soil is acid enough   for Rendon to grow so I can plant some different  ones and if you look back at the shutter I think   it starts looking like a landscape Garden a  young landscape Garden anyways back to work [Music]   yeah I found some more of the wire to cut the for  the trimmer strimmer strimmer trimmer strimmer [Music] a [Music] [Music] there's however one problem area  in this garden and it's here the   vegetable garden Anna wants to grow  vegetables and she's good at that but   I have to do the Dirty Work the cleaning  so she can harvest the fruits of my labor n [Music] hey hey you are finished how you doing  I'm good I love it which do you love yeah   I thought you would you know me I know you  what do you think um I think I prefer this   one but let's go and have a look in the room  let's go test yeah they're so nice yeah I'm   pretty H happy with how it turned out so  the size of my stamp is slightly smaller   than the width of my wallpaper but that doesn't  matter because you don't print them yourself to   but that's exactly it so this is just a  sample but the idea is that I'm going to   work with a company in England and hopefully  have these printed professionally and maybe   put them into production if you're happy with  the company if they make a test print based   on your design yeah if you're happy you might  put them into production yes so other people   can buy it yes that's the idea fantastic yeah  it's exciting anyway let's get and have a look [Applause] I like the dark one I mean both are nice yeah  but I think it's stronger when it's on a blue   background but don't you think it's going to  be too much green I feel like if the whole oh   first of all first of all this is blue it's not  green well it's blue green it's a blue green it's   aquamarine for a green blue I don't see any green  there it it's like baby blue it's blue with green   in it it depends on how you see it but honestly  both look really nice uh it's a it's a tough one   it's really funny because this is the same color  as this but because it's on top of the blue green   color it looks it looks whiter doesn't it it's  interesting do you think the white one will make   the room look lighter yes you think so I'm not  sure I I don't think it's a huge difference I   actually interestingly enough it's quite helpful  to look through this lens and see it through the   camera because it looks quite different now I  quite like the dark background when I look through   here funny enough H so tough decisions I think we  should ask our audience what they think Okay who   wants the dark one who wants the light one yes  if you like the light one press subscribe if you   like the dark one press on this little bell button  so you get a notification when a new video comes   and if you like both just click on both it's  starting to look really nice I'm just looking   now with the tiles in the bathroom I don't know  it's all coming together the vision is coming   together philli yes I agree I agree I like the  vision the other problem is is I had thought   that I would do the passion flow wallpaper for  the bedroom so now I have to rethink the bedroom   but yeah that's a problem for another day well I I  can inject some passion in the bedroom if you want   no flowers more passion um I'm interested  to see what your suggestion would be I   can't tell it on camera sorry but I'm  really happy with how the print turned   out oh it's I must say it's probably my  favorite I know yeah I think it might be   my favorite as well and I left a lot more um  texture in the background of this one oh you   have this noise in the background it's  where I I kind of left in some texture   yeah I like it too well done an I'm proud of  you MH high five high five well done [Music]
Channel: How To Renovate A Chateau
Views: 196,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chateau, chateaulife, newlife, countrylife, diy, renovating, familylife, restoration, france, castle, doing it ourselves, chateau diaries, doing it our selves, living in france, chateau Bed & breakfast, boutique hotel, luxury hotel, house tour, chateau tour, french property, country life, barock, architecture, architectural digest, escape to the chateau, howtorenovateachateau, escape to the country side, renovation, french style, house and garden, wallpaper
Id: 1WO6Pbf2NBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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