Transforming The Look Of Our Barn Build!

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[Music] I can be a man be big and tough for you darling there won't be enough I would learn to move mountains and I learn to park the sea whatever you want whatever you need you're the light in the tunnel when I'm feeling the sun [Music] peing welcome back everyone rain is starting to pick up again late start for us today our meat chickens were supposed to arrive this morning normally they go to the post office in town and they call me at like 7:30 in the morning to go pick them up cuz they've been traveling overnight from the Hatchery but this morning I didn't get the call we went into town because I was expecting to be there and went to the post office the chickens weren't there they think that they went the long route basically from the Hatchery to Vancouver and then they have to come all the way back to us which means they might not even make it they might not survive that trip because that's quite a long time for brand new chick chicks to be away from a heat lamp normally they they need to be under heat immediately um but there's kind of like a 24-hour period where the chicks have just hatched they're still digesting that egg yolk so they have the nutrients and stuff but they need to be warm so they'll put a heat pad in the shipping box to keep them warm for a little while um so we'll see apparently they're going to get here tonight and hopefully they're going to be okay so we're going to keep going with framing the walls we're going to work on the front one right there um we found some scrap windows but we don't really want to deal with all the framing for that right now so just in order to keep moving we'll put that wall up we picked up some more trated 2x8s to go around the base on the next half of the building and that should keep us busy for a little while I must say this Skylight that we that we put in here is pretty nice I mean this Skylight this clear Dormer that we have here and it's also really the first time we've ever been able to work in the rain without getting soaked here other than working in the house of course but to do an outside project we're covered [Applause] [Applause] wet board [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now W Walker [Music] [Applause] yeah battery [Applause] come on Boo get your boo get this nice catch [Music] [Applause] [Music] a little high okay so pop it up put it up [Music] here I'm just going to take the the ho hold back [Music] let's try [Music] that PR good to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me there you go I'll just hold them they do it that way oh you can't okay I'm right-handed this is right-handed [Applause] at [Applause] 5 it going going be heavy wall until it's not you want to line that top up on your side are you in a little bit big boy the Rude Boy one wall Diggity done put it in yourself yes but you just took my pencil K come on now who do you think I am H nope other way around yeah you're putting it in backwards I want to help you but I don't want to rain on your forade I'll go grab the drill w [Music] [Music] dirt dirt mud mer [Music] you tight oh [Music] [Music] you turkeys are trouble aren't you yes so I got the call around 9:00 p.m. last night I had to drive into town to pick up the chicks but thankfully they made it we only lost one in transit and then this morning the turkey chicks jumped up into this little area cuz I didn't have it closed in enough and killed two of the chicks so we're down three but everything's good now we've got all the other chicks outside and then overnight we'll bring them back in here to sleep down below but we've got these guys all covered and reflectex is keeping them toasty in there but it was a late night for me so I'm glad that they're here and everyone's good everyone settled in they were drinking water right away and kind of they they weren't quite starting to eat when I went to bed last night but I had show I had dumped some feed on the ground and got a few chicks kind of getting into it so they were going to show the rest of the chicks that's where the food was so I was happy to just leave them be for the night and yeah now we're going to get our freezer restocked in a few months hey boo boo boo where's [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you grab the [Applause] charger all right this morning we're going to keep going with the walls so we got kind kind of the main frame of that one done now we just got to get the studs in and we got a window fortunately we couldn't find any more white vinyl windows to match but we pretty much have it so that anything you can see from the house in the main yard is going to be all the matching white uh vinyl windows and then anything kind of on the back side will be whatever else we can find so you won't really see it not a big deal and we really wanted to have an opening window in the workshop so that's going to go in this wall that we're working on now so Greg has already pre-measured all the studs and I'm just going to start cutting them [Music] up Focus Journey stepping into the unknown waving goodby to our wor and we're ready to [Music] gos found Riv the heart of the sea we know falling we run wild [Music] and isn't it okay I got it here can you go in inside I got it go inside and see where it's too tight like that much [Applause] [Music] I think if we grab two boards we can bend it in that's what we want I want to get a tight okay oh that wasn't supposed to happen here give me that oh well it's easy enough are you ready Hardley what's that Hardley Hardley Hardley is better than Lots [Music] these windows are super ugly super ugly we're going to clean them up but they're good enough for a barn there single pain we won't be insulating This Barn cuz it's for Animals animal need to adjust to the seasons so when it's cold outside they need to acclimatize and stay acclimatized so if we had it insulated and warm in here they don't adjust like humans do going back and forth uh we adjusted that last year when we built our now we're going to call it a chicken cop but the other Blue Barn that we worked on um so yeah we got to keep the animals cool in the winter we got to kind of try to keep them cool in the summer too which I mean shade is the best way to do that so I think it's going to be all right in here so we've got all of these back walls finished and all these other walls around here are going to have oops are going to have doors and stuff so there's just a lot of figuring out to do with that so to just kind of keep things moving but not have to think too hard we're going to start putting some siding up on the back we've got the rest of our blue lap siding that we used on the other chicken cpop and we want to use the rest of it up on here but we need to make sure what we have is kind of an even balanced amount because we don't want to buy anymore and we just want to use what we have but we don't want to have we don't want to run out halfway through a wall so we're just going to focus on getting the back wall done with the blue side and then we'll be able to figure out what we have left to go on the sides or if that's all we have is for on the back then we can figure out a different siding for the rest of the building but should go pretty quick because it's mostly solid or there's a window but um there's not a whole lot of fancy Cuts or anything so Greg is bringing the siding over and we're going to get started on that [Applause] second [Music] [Applause] oh I need that little [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is it raining in there Katie it's not even raining anywhere except for where I [Music] am dripping soaked [Music] oh wait were we supposed to put a goat door in there I guess it's going on the side [Music] [Music] all right we got this back wall kind of the easy stuff done we are going to have to get the table saw out to do one more piece along the top but we're going to have to cut those in half so we don't want to deal with all of that right now we're going to keep going um around the workshop side the openings on the goat side we're going to do some goat size doors so there's going to be one there and then two around the corner but we're going to deal with those later and we still got to work on the window trim so we're just going to leave anything with a window for now I guess on this side we'll just go up to the top of the window and as far up there as we can we decided to put the door on this tall side and then we'll put the big window on the front side that we have so we're going to work on those later cuz those are also complicated but otherwise it's coming along okay change of plans we're going to work on trim around the one window so we can get that wall done and we decided we're going to use the old fence boards when we had the fence between this property and where our house is um they're nice brown color I think it was also like a urban Walnut or whatever um stain that we used so we're going to use those boards but we got to cut them down a little bit just so we can get the most out of the boards and so that everything kind of fits nicely so I think we're going to cut down the width and then we're also going to PL them down a little bit and we'll just have the one side that's planed will be hidden against the wall so we're going to jump on the janky table and try to make some Cuts you have to move it no oh man jankler boo you better be [Applause] careful H up there for a second just just hang it oo oh that's good [Music] [Music] [Music] in what's that pretty thin oh that' be good [Music] [Music] ready [Music] sisten to the sound to that wood try [Music] we've just got to trim the corner of this because it hits right there trim you later and before we had the wood trim in there the metal slid in between the wood but not going to work with the trim there so hopefully we can just zip that off with the grinder and get it back in it's a good thing these windows were free [Music] TI's [Music] fine I'm in up here I got in up there and I got in at the top [Music] [Music] there we go you're in I'm good there what the hell is it [Music] [Music] okay it's level she's my she's the SE she's the on my [Music] bab found my heart in mind fighting for my bones I'll never have to break the cold [Music] alone's the kind of it's not supposed to be that tight okay I don't care I need food yeah you know what I mean yes it's hard to even talk right now okay that's as far as we're going today we did good today yeah I'm happy with how the trim looks and the all the with the siding keeps it rustic we're getting to the complicated pieces and we're both starving so it's not happening today but it's looking good we got pretty much through that whole wall all of the easy stuff down this side and uh Robin is still nesting in there she's got a couple little holes where she can go out so we're going to have to think about that when we're working tomorrow make sure she can still get in and out cuz I think she probably has a couple weeks of sitting on her egg still and then they're going to hatch so we're planning on filming a Q&A video soon if you have any burning questions leave them down in the comments and we will try to answer them coming up soon so anyways with that we're going to wrap up the video we'll see you in the next one believe me [Music] [Music] [Music] she's my captain she's the sea she's
Channel: This Off Grid Life
Views: 59,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid, off grid living, BC, Bus life, Skoolie, Solar, Building, Natural Building, Self reliance, forest, permaculture, compost, home build, saw mill, gardening, gravity fed water, sustainable, sustainable living, learn off grid, off grid systems, solar power, this off grid life, homesteading, grow your own, diy, chickens, compost toilet, solar energy, skoolie conversion, bus life, bus conversion, tiny house, skoolie life, sustainability, eco friendly
Id: FkA7E4c0kUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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