Chateau Master Suite TRANSFORMATION - Creating a Hidden Cupboard

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look who's heree for [Music] [Laughter] foree foree speee for [Laughter] Philip did a great job of cleaning the vegetable  garden the other day so it's now my job to go and   choose some plants to go plant shopping so  I know how much Philip is jealous cuz we all   know how much Phillip loves plant shopping but  the vegetable garden and is my domain so sorry [Music] [Music] Phillip here we are [Music] oh my goodness look at all of these [Music] plants what have we got here cucumber think we need to take a couple of cucumbers oh we  got different ones hey what else oh my goodness   there's so many things here what do we want oh I  know you want some gurkins look at all of these   plants and I don't have a very big pot so um I  need to try to be reasonable the herbs are5 a pot   and I know that I definitely need some  time I think there's even more herbs   oh my goodness look at all of these  I think this is five is it 5 seems   quite expensive plants oh no or 3 okay I  like the system you have to sort of pull   these apart and then you can squid  down through the middle like this   what else have we got that frizzy frizzy parsley  don't know how big big these get but where's my thing you're cutie aren't you  huh M oh I made a cute friend   I have to go I have to finish my shopping what a life I've bought way too much oops [Music] so the problem is if you open this door the  moulding touches the wall and but there should   be a moulding as well we have to find a way to  have mouldings everywhere and the door still be   able to open I had a brilliant idea how to manage  this situation here we can save it by making a   hole in the wall and here so that if we continue  this it will disappear into the into the wall so sh [Music] [Music] health and safety like always a priority for being [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]   fore for exactly [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter]   look how he's he's making  sure that nobody locks him in for I think that's a genius idea [Laughter] as you can see and with all modesty I am  extremely good in finding complex solutions   for easy problems but when it comes to web  design I rely on outside Talent specifically   on Squarespace an all-in-one platform for  individuals and businesses to stand out and   succeed online and also happens to be this week's  ad thanks to a plethora of Exquisite templates   for every use case and every taste a square makes  it easy to create a beautiful website engage with   your audience and sell anything from products to  content and services all in one place all on your   terms but also uses optimized SEO tools so your  page shows up more often more people will see   it and it will grow the way you expect it if you  need to collect payments Squarespace allows you   to do so in a simple but powerful way accepting  for instance credit cards PayPal and Apple pay   if you want to create your first web page or  want to redo your old outdated one I strongly   suggest head over to for a free  trial and if you're ready to launch hand over   to how renovate a shatter to  get 10% off your first purchase of a website   or domain I'm back I've been shopping and what  did you get I know you're going to be jealous   I went plant shopping without you but I got a few  things mostly for the vegetable garden but I did   get a few flowers as well oh nice I got some more  uh Campanula it's like my favorite flower and I   don't really know where I'm going to put it but I  just know that it's ground I've got some of these   um except I don't actually remember what they're  called so you just got plants you don't know what   they are I know what they are and I've seen them  planted around this area and I bought some last   year and I planted them in one of the beds but I  think that maybe your mom might have accidentally   weeded them well they look nice so I've got some  some are pink and some are white and I thought   they could go in the front bed perfect oh and I  also I'm quite excited I bought this what's that   C CIS CIS you can make the cre the CIS yeah  or Jam or something but I thought we don't   have one of those so I think that's we urgently  needed C CIS grapes yes okay time to get planting [Music]   I managed to finish one of the beds it was a  lot of work actually because although you did   the weeding I still had to rework the soil and  there was loads of roots and stuff in there so   now I've finished this I've um planted lettuce  here yes apparently chives are a good companion   plant for lettuce so this is my first ever time  of mixing together the herbs and the vegetables   normally I had one bed which was completely  for the herbs but this time I'm mixing up a   bit then I've put my cherry tomatoes and next  to that I've got the Basel cuz that's meant to   be really good um a companion for the tomatoes  then I've got two cucumber plants one celery and   to cette which I know it doesn't sound like a lot  but the kette obviously they always produce so   many cett so we don't really need that much and  I know that we're going to be away for quite a   bit of time this summer so yeah I haven't planted  a huge amount of vegetables I've got a few other   vegetables that I'm going to plant over here and  philli come and have a look I think I probably   planted maybe six strawberry plants over the last  couple of years and look how they have spread out   and I'm thinking that this might just have to be a  strawberry bed this is our problem child here and   I remember last year we also have one in this herb  plant bed here and it just makes a huge amount of   Shadows and we actually didn't really harvest  the rubarb last year is it time to harvest it   now um actually it doesn't look bad it looks like  it could be ready so we need to research Philip   just Googled it and apparently right now is the  perfect time to harvest the rebarb which is very convenient we're going to be making some  kind of rhubarb crumble or rhubarb cake   this weekend that was only half  the rhar situation here's another   one oh my god let's uh let's get  rid of these ones then [Music] [Music] [Music]   I've called in the troops I've called  in some muscle because there is a   very stubborn rhubarb that does not  want to come out thank you Phillip   that's a massive rootar look at the root  could you help me to actually move this   these chives I need to spread out a bit and  place it further from from the sage [Music] now now it's much better now  it really looks nice the makeup Booth what much better now let's see what he did inside oh yeah [Music] right just having a look I'm discovering  Benoît's work and I love it I am so impressed   with this hidden door situation especially the  engineering of this and who came up with the idea foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: How To Renovate A Chateau
Views: 158,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chateau, chateaulife, newlife, countrylife, diy, renovating, familylife, restoration, france, castle, doing it ourselves, chateau diaries, doing it our selves, living in france, chateau Bed & breakfast, boutique hotel, luxury hotel, house tour, chateau tour, french property, country life, barock, architecture, architectural digest, escape to the chateau, howtorenovateachateau, escape to the country side, renovation, french style, house and garden
Id: M1ma9qi6pZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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