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How was your week? :) I took out the hotcake mix I bought in Cebu. I was curious about what this tastes like. As written on the case, 2 spoons of oil, 1 egg, 1/2 cup of water. Sometimes I think of the hotcakes my mom used to make when I was little. I liked the clear sugar syrup on hotcakes. Perhaps this is what the hotcakes Hami will remember look like. I also grilled Brussels sprouts over high heat, and I added baby leaf salad on one side of the plate. With the hope that Hami will continue to like green vegetables. Finally it's the time to enjoy the breakfast ! :) oh! This hotcake is super crispy on the outside and moist on the inside. It's pleasure to try similar yet different foods from different countries. Today, the bookshelf for Hami’s room that I additionally ordered arrived. This bookshelf was brought directly from a furniture workshop. There wasn't enough space for Hami's books. He also kindly checked some furniture parts that I requested, He even assembled the modular furniture I bought elsewhere! It is a string shelf and I installed on top of the piano in the bedroom. and this wooden shelf was installed on the wall of the book cafe area. Thanks to his kindness, the rest of the assembly shelf was also installed :) In the afternoon, I left Hami to organize the books. It will be easier to find it later if she organize it herself :) I also took out the books I had stored in the attic at my previous home. Hami's Little Library Completed :) I hope books will continue to be good friends for Hami. The kitchen drawer where I kept the pots also needed some organizing. These are Ikea organizing supplies. This is my favorite dish organizer. I don't need a manual because I've assembled it often. haha Just tighten the screw and it's done. There is still a similar organizer, but it is smaller. so I will replace it with a larger shelf. The pots standing in line waiting for their turn are cute :) I wiped off the abrasive and assemble the IKEA pot lid organizer. I purposely installed only 4 rows of supports to mount thick cast iron pans. I used the remaining small organizer here, I also hung up a picture frame. I feel like this space is slowly turning into my house. A house touched by the owner's hands here and there. I wanted a nice scent to come from the front door. and I wish my husband would be better at finding things. This house contains my various wishes. To my daughter who always runs out into the yard without a hat, I need to let her know there's a hat at the door. It also tells her that the bag is next to the bookshelf. This would be a good place for the picture frame. all cleaned up for today :) A great weekend morning, My husband always spend time in the garden during the weekend. He doesn't come home on weekends in the spring and fall. lol He truly loves gardening and flowers. but there is something that worries my husband. The crops are not growing well because the soil is not in good condition. I think he will have to do something for the land where he planted crops. The day after rain was forecast in the afternoon, My husband and my mom started a huge work for the land. The children were just excited, running around and playing in raincoats, and my Niece DANA was sitting on the floor and watching. He mixed organic compost into the clay-like soil. Pick out the hardened mud, They needed to hurry before it started raining! DANA is cheering them on! :) And as predicted, cool rain soon fell. Dinner after working hard. It was absolutely delicious. and It rained like that all night long The garlic I washed in the morning also dried softly. Chopping fresh garlic is a monthly event for me :) I set aside the small pretty garlic for cooking. and I picked some big garlic to chop up. This much garlic fits into one glass jar. 500g of garlic fills two Bonne Maman jars. No need to worry about garlic until next month. :) And before I knew it, it was the season of a sweet corn. Seeing the plump bright yellow corn kernels makes me smile. I cut off the clean corn silk to dry. If I boil this into tea and drink it, it has a subtle sweet taste. A week has been passed like this. The days pass by uneventfully like floating clouds, Nevertheless, maybe we are making better days little by little. Isn't this why a normal day has its strength? Everyone worked hard for a week. Have a relaxing week and see you next week. :)
Channel: 하미마미 Hamimommy
Views: 90,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3RYG8Zovf5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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