We bought a BOAT

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Anna yeah how excited are you um I'm just feeling  pretty nervous actually I mean I'm excited to get   on this plane but I'm nervous about what the  hell we're doing how are you feeling philli   I'm a bit nervous not because what's coming up  but because I don't know how you would react so   we're telling people then this is it this is  the announcement this is the announcement we   just bought a boat I am not sure how those words  just came out of my mouth because yeah I think   philli has been working his magic again and he  has got some skills in the persuasion department   just like with the Shadow and just like with the  dog Ziggy philli went to Stockholm by himself a   few months ago and decided to go and view a boat  liked it that much that he put a down payment on   it and we are now heading to Stockholm for sea  trials and if everything goes fine the boat is ours can to have a kiss that  was a kiss of agreement or [Music] defeat I haven't been that excited  to board the plane for a long time [Music] why do you have the window seat I book the flight   because now that you have the  boat I can get whatever I want [Music] we in this really fancy nice uh train yeah oh  speaking of fancy my hair is not appropriate   for the occasion isn't that a nice looking train  look you even have this nice wooden detail it's   almost like the interior of a very nice boat well  we're not going to see the boat today uh because   tomorrow are the sea trials we just arrived it's  too late and I still have to convince Anna about   the whole thing so what I thought I need to treat  her very well take her to a nice hotel to a nice   restaurant that's the plan for today and hope it  helps her to accept the new situation our new home [Music] Philip is attempting to navigate it's  not easy nowadays to navigate with only   three GPS devices first view of the city how  beautiful I'm trusting you on this F oh yeah   and you like it already but with your track  record on navigating H we'll see what's wrong   with my track record navigating it's a pular my  track Rec could have [Music] [Applause] [Music] navigate this one better to run yeah we have have  the meeting we have the meeting now in the subway   but you still don't know where you're going  there it's a mystery the last time that you   did this to me was when you took me to champag  and proposed to me so I'm a little bit worried   yeah but then you didn't have lipstick on your teeth We're not used to subways  anymore. Yeah, country pumpkins yeah oh it is here wow oh I wanted to  come here yeah oh my goodness I love   this place I've admired this place on  Instagram it's called Et Hem and it was   designed by Isa oh wow you even know  who designed it yeah um Ilsa Crawford   that was her name I love her philosophy  of interior design and it's a stunning   property oh this is exciting and look at the  beautiful detailing it's exciting let's go in look we're having some I think traditional  Swedish cake sponge cake because we're waiting   for the room to be ready and you like that color  you said I like the green sofa I wonder why I   think we need a green [Music] sofa look  at this beautiful room that we've got so   I think we will be sleeping very comfortably  the beds are super comfy apparently there is   a a little mini bar in here mini bar sounds  good look there and there's even a little   p a little wood stove so if we get cold they  come and put some wood in here we can have a   little fire which is cute that's really nice  yeah and look it's just beautiful look at the   furniture everything is so beautifully Chosen  and the Interiors are amazing and you've got a   beautiful view over the rooftops ATM translates  to at home and the concept is that you feel at   home as if you're staying in someone's house and  you definitely have that vibe we've already had   cake and it feels like really cozy and friendly  and I think now people are going to think we make   an advertisement for the place but we we don't  we pay we paid to stay here but full price we   just like it but we're just fans and look this  is that's what you did always in our guest house   some flowers picked some fresh flowers yeah  it's all in the details all in the details   let's go explore the city look this is the house  that we're staying in I think somewhere right at   the top how cool is that the tiles I love like the  tile details I think I am finding my I don't know   what do you call it my design Mecca it's like the  I love the architecture I love everything you see   an know if it wasn't for the boat we would never  have come here to explore Stockholm I mean maybe   one day but that's a good point it already  makes our life better and more interesting look at oh yes Pippi Langstocking she's my idol   yeah strong woman who likes adventures  and a bit cheeky just like me [Music] it's quiet isn't [Music] it an know that's not that's not  our boat it's a bit smaller are you sure we're in a different Hotel today because we  couldn't afford another night in the first   one Anna's having a shower what did you say  I just said the other Hotel uh didn't have   any room left but it's really nice here look look  outside the view it's beautiful they even provide   some binoculars to spy in the neighbors I guess  I don't have time for this because I'm practicing   my Swedish using Babbel one of the top language  learning apps in the world which also happens to   be the sw's ad now people in Sweden speak perfect  English as a matter of fact many of them speak   better English and I do but I think language  is such an essential part of every culture that   if you're able to express yourself in the local  language to engage simple conversation understand   menus read street signs it will improve your  travel experience enormously erans erans Babbel's   lessons are created by real language experts  and the lesson prepare you to have practical   conversations about travel business relationships  and more it is scientifically proven that Babble   helps you start speaking in New new language in  just 3 weeks V varo what I particularly like is   that you can continue and recap your lessons  whenever you have a moment you don't need to   make time and sit down for hours if you would like  to start learning a new language in 3 weeks click   the link in the description for 60% off your  subscription there's no risk involved because   Babble offers a 20-day money back guarantee if  it turns out not to be the right fit for you V   bordo I think we're getting picked up by by the  there it's getting seriouser now you're feeling   excited I'm very excited but also a little bit  nervous because if you don't like the boat it's   too too late because I made a down payment  if you don't like it I hope there's a problem   with the boat so we don't have to buy it if the  boat has no problems you don't like it I have a problem before the boat Savvy among you start  trolling me for choosing this particular model   and not another one please keep in mind that I  did my research for about 3 years I made several   travels to Italy and Germany to look at other  boats first at a Comar Genesis 43 which I still   think is a fabulous boat but I couldn't find one  in an acceptable condition then I was looking into   a Grand Soleil 43 from the early 2000s I almost  bought one in Germany but then I discovered the   Lesser known Swedish brand Arcona, I fell in love  with the look of the boats how they are built and   finished inside the 20-year-old 39 foot model I  was looking at seemed to me the ideal platform for   sailing with my family and eventually also engage  in more sporty sailing with a crew of friends all   right all right all right where are we we are at  the marina and I think I can see the boat already   okay which one is it oh I have my my heart's  beating it's incredible well you you too you   pick one if you would pick one there which one  would you pick Let's see if I can tell which one   it is oh yeah is it this one it is wow so excited  to show it to you so you never saw it in the water   did you I never saw it in the water you saw it  in the snow on on land when it was P out yes   this is surreal isn't it it's absolutely surreal  I can't stop smiling but now we need to find out   if everything works well step on your boat this  is exciting I've been impatiently waiting in   the marina yeah they solved the engine issue yeah  they solved it yeah oh brilliant I can't believe   it this is so surreal how are you feeling I'm  I'm really super happy and I can't explain how   happy I am it's a little bit rushed but that's  because we need to do the sea trials now wow W amazing looks really good no it's a fridge kitchen I'll probably spend some time  here in the gley look how clean everything is   I think it's the galley actually I have to get  used to all the terminology I'm going to call   it the kitchen and so the galley and then we  got all the showering this is going to be our   our room yeah okay let's get we'll give you  a tour later and now we go we go and made see trials just put these things out  of the way you were thinking of put   pushing the bow out yes we will  catch the wind and then you can just I don't know how's it feel Phillip I'm a bit nervous  but I have Robert next to me so that's   all right you see the red yes boy there  you're just going to stay on this side of   the on on our side of it yeah so you're  actually going to pass this one [Music] I didn't destroy the boat with the first  well done that was really good well done   yeah well all good didn't didn't break the  boat we'll do some at some point oh God so philli the broker and the surveyor have just  left and everything was fine there's a few things   to fix no there's a yeah it has to come out again  because there is a problem with a with a toilet   pipe that goes out which is called a through  hull and it it can't be shut but that's the   old buyer uh the seller who will take care of  that um but everything else works fine uh the   engine works fine uh it runs really smoothly  I think and how did it feel sailing I was so   scared I can't tell you and it's funny because  it wasn't it was super easy the navigation here   but it's just it feels different if it's your own  boat I think it feels different because you don't   want to I don't know you feel if you break it  you really you mess you're an idiot that's it   that's it high five high five we're officially  Boat Owners we are I can't believe it yet we are   Boat Owners we're sitting on a boat and it's  crazy absolutely crazy if you told me this a   year ago I wouldn't have believed you because  I would have been still saying philli you're   crazy you literally said Philip I'm crazy when  I explained to that I want a boat so yes but you   worked on me for so long I finally gave in and  here we are sitting on our own boat in Sweden   the real question is what's next yeah that's a big  question did I tell you that I absolutely want to   learn how to fly a small airplane I think it's  enough now no M to bikes no donkeys you've got   the boat don't worry we are not going to come uh  sailing chall Channel we are not planning to move   full time onto this ba but we are excited how  didn't I tell you what oh I forgot to tell you   I spoke with somebody the shadow is old ah I have  the our things coming uh tomorrow here with the   kids yeah yeah this is Philip's idea no but we'll  tell you about our plans again in one of the next   videos because they are exciting and part of it  and we're excited to travel and share that with   you that's the plan cuz we we've done a little  bit before when we've been in England or in szo   or last summer when we're in Greece and we are  really looking forward to discovering and also   sharing with all of you this beautiful part  of Sweden so yeah that's going to be in a few months oh they they see the bottle of  champagne and [Music] protest these are   some cups that we just bought to tape back  for the girls it's uh the same B this out   was it's a very popular make here Sweden  is it beautiful here stunning look at this   what an amazing Marina it's just a taste for  what's to come this summer I think right here   we go then okay so cheers my cheers my to our  new chapter exciting Adventures ahead cheers   cheers guys and when you have a  boat you always give a little bit to Neptune so that brings you good luck  apparently absolutely I think I gave   him a bit too much I needed more  need a top up I need a top up now [Music]
Channel: How To Renovate A Chateau
Views: 152,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chateau, chateaulife, newlife, countrylife, diy, renovating, familylife, restoration, france, castle, doing it ourselves, chateau diaries, doing it our selves, living in france, chateau Bed & breakfast, boutique hotel, luxury hotel, house tour, chateau tour, french property, country life, barock, architecture, architectural digest, escape to the chateau, howtorenovateachateau, escape to the country side, renovation, french style, house and garden, sailing, saillife, arcona, svdelos, svvagabonde
Id: hn5qwU4e2X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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