How Do We Deal? The Exhausting Journey of CHATEAU Renovation + Lincoln and His COOLiFY

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I think I'm just going to sit here the rest of the [Music] day who am I kidding I can't sit still for very long if there's a master class and learning how to relax please sign me up lately our days have been filled with plenty of work we've also been busy with end of the school year stuff our kids are taking final exams there are summer travel plans and we have a daughter headed to University next year so more college tours are imminent we needed to recharge our batteries and take a very small break din is a Charming medieval city between the land and the Sea just south of the city of somalo we didn't go there for the half Timber buildings or the quaint cobblestone streets we went there for this that's right cat litter we fancy ourselves cat litter connoisseurs you have to be when you have nine cats you don't want someone walking into your home thinking to themselves okay these people have like nine cats okay so are we going to get something for the donkeys we should try that well they have different varieties this one's bigger this one looks donkey sized don't you think unless they want something more natural or what about a oh no this would be weird right they actually have a [Laughter] donkey this is too cute to be a a dog toy how adorable it's a little fox this I might have to get for guava it's a wild [Music] boore so you have um a new diagnosis yes I self diagnosed yeah did you go on Web MD I can't remember where I looked I have tennis elbow and when is the last time you played tennis um probably about 25 years ago so how could you have tennis elbow what what have you been doing with that elbow of yours it's this arm yeah I use this to clean up the Cat boxes Maple he's blaming blaming you and it's just right here it starts to burn bad now it's bad that's used to be the only thing I felt it but now I feel it when I'm doing other things right just a repetitive repetitive stress injury poor thing yeah just to to clarify we made a deal like years and years and years ago that you would do the Cat boxes I would clean the toilets and do the laundry and cook food and do everything else so before you guys say poor Lincoln yeah I'm not getting out of it no no but your dream your Ultimate catbox Fantasy would be a litter robot yes or or three maybe we will uh save our pennies for the yeah the litter litter robot [Music] right [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] got [Music] [Music] [Music] oh Jesus that was really [Music] loud okay what do you think little donkey okay here's the donkey oh what do you think what do you think no ooh it's scaring [Music] them okay okay how about apples instead come on I'm not going to scare you come on come Ona [Music] no they didn't like it they're scared of it they ran [Music] away no not enjoying it huh you like that huh [Music] he [Music] the sun is coming out it's hot this is Lincoln a man who practically melts the minute the temperature rises and the Sun comes out that's why we're extremely happy to have Taurus kify cyber sponsoring today's video what is it well it's not a neck fan it's the world's first wearable personal air conditioner the 360° cooling technology provides chilled air from Seven directions the tours app offers customized temperature settings that's super easy to use when you put it on it feels like you're walking into a store with powerful air conditioning it's also extremely convenient vent and portable it can even be charged while you're using it so you can stay cool uninterrupted coolify is designed to fit different neck sizes and is ideal for long-term wear it will keep you cool and comfortable while doing things like digging a hole or Mowing and if Lincoln actually had a job he'd be able to commute and stay cool all wall crammed like a sardine on public transport it also includes a heat therapy function super nice for me since I live in a stone shut toe and I'm always cold thanks to coolify cyber Lincoln will benefit from the ultimate cooling experience this summer so head on over to to get yours now I was mowing the field and you know you go in a big circle and just keep going and going and I noticed at one point when I was coming around that there was a strip in the middle that wasn't cut so it was doing both sides and and that doesn't make sense because the same belts drive all of them it it would be either two of these two or these two if it was a belt but now that I look at it it's just the nut that holds the blade on has come loose which we can't see but I believe you so hopefully I can get that done without too much difficulty that's much easier yeah you thought it was something catastrophic so I thought maybe the FY had broken this is good news yeah much much better I'm glad the nut didn't come all the way off because that will been the nut and the blade lost something oh so it would have just flown off so there how many blades on a deck three three and they probably need to be sharpened I think they do [Music] yes so we're taking a break you're in the middle of working on the tractor yeah it's been a frustrating day yeah I'm just uh frustrated what should have been a 5-minute job is not well that is the story of Our Lives yeah I'm just you know I've done it before and was successful but I'm just having trouble figuring out exactly the sequence of events uh so I don't know if you could hear that on camera but it's a noise that sounds almost like a gunshot right and when we first moved here we had no idea what it was we're like what is that is that a someone hunting it's not hunting season but what we realized the farmers when they uh sew their seeds in the field the birds come around and start eating all the seeds to have these little things that it's basically sort of like it sounds like gunshots and it scares them away it scares the birds away but but sometimes it it happens late into the night and then you can't sleep and it bothers our dog well guava gets really freaked out by it Enzo doesn't care about anything obviously he doesn't have a care in the world so it's it's a stressful time for guava cuz it it freaks her out but I think she's getting used to it it's much much better sort of okay stay stay does anybody want a three-legged dog oh Enzo so a small town very small town but we are only about 15 minutes away from everything we could possibly need like the grocery store the doctor's office the the vet that's the most important thing for us is the vet we're constantly there we're celebrating Olive this week it's been about a year since she showed up to have a meal she's been happily living inside of our Chateau since January and she's found a new friend I have cat for all over me that's not a surprise I can see fluffy staring at me from the kitchen window she's so cute so we're just about to head to the Back Barn to set up the Trap we're hoping to catch a cat who appears to be injured uh it's a little gray cat that's been coming around recently and it comes in the morning so I don't know if it's feral its tail has been cut off and there's fur missing so it's just a scraggly m [Music] [Music] [Music] so I was having anxiety about this all the last couple of days just having to to do this it's it's not something I really like to do it's something I kind of have to do just the thought of a these cats just being sick or injured on our property just really is very upsetting this cat usually shows up in the morning according to our cat cam so we put the trap out for about 3 days and it did go in and eat so this morning we're hoping to trap it and get it to the vet to see what kind of Medical Care it needs probably can't be feeling very comfortable with half a tail we still see Buttercup comes around we love Buttercup um he appears to look healthy and and okay but we we do have like four other cats we need to to get trapped and spayed or neutered I need I need more coffee so fingers crossed [Music] so the problem is that we have a limited time window here um we're trying to do this in the morning before the vet closes for lunch they close for 2 hours at about 11:30 I think we're going to come out and dismantle the Trap um because we don't want to have the cat sitting in there for a couple hours so we can try again in the afternoon and see what happens this always makes me so nervous pretend you have a little pause okay that worked God that's like a [Music] guillotine okay now we wait I mean often days we are walking around in circles and it's like you get absolutely nothing done you think you have so much planned and then um you look at your list and it's all you your list and we're like this is going to be the day we're going to get everything done and [Laughter] [Music] then thanks for watching if you've enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and if you have something to say leave us a comment
Channel: Our French Chateau
Views: 32,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J1Xm74BBVMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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