Chat Picks my Doom - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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let's do chat pics and I'm gonna be the convict five bucks from nerd early D spot claim at works to see you on huts - good luck working don't work too hard alright thank you so much - five bucks by the way zesty really it's just st yay bullet bullet why bullet does it matter do we need to be bullet for some reason passcode password will be pick me all lowercase I should be able to do this yeah wow that kind of works but it didn't really work though did it you can see everything I don't really want you guys to see everything right edit that right now if I really was like super into it a far afar King nerd welcome let's just see if I can do that quickly here no no no not that not that not that where is it this one and then I could go like no I didn't I didn't say to grab my FaceCam that's just something that did not say to do which is fun okay can you can we can we manipulate this specifically you you can't you're gonna say no to be me being able to edit this even though I'm in the editor that's really good slobs I appreciate you and everything that you do for me this isn't a pain in my ass at all I try to grab the thing that I'm trying to grab it grabs the the thing that's above it can i edit it please how can I not edit it you're not gonna let me do it I literally can't grab the corners that are right there what the [ __ ] slobs this is garbage this is like hot garbage no I don't want to select my big bucket what are you doing you're [ __ ] drunk it's even above it well you're such a [ __ ] [ __ ] slobs what is this hot sexy garbage this is bad if I can't grab a thing and move it and manipulate it no I'm not even gonna show it I'm screening I'm not gonna do it I'm literally not gonna [ __ ] do it because slobs literally okay look bit buckets underneath I'm trying to grab this window here to edit it and move it around every time I click on it it grabs this one instead what no that's bad that's bad hook me up with someone on the slobs team right now I need to talk to him make sure it's not locked it's definitely not locked why would it be locked I don't even know how to lock it what the [ __ ] is locking mean is that it oh my Jesus who locks [ __ ] this is all imported from the from OBS what are you walking what are you insane I did not give you any permission at all to unlock things that's just not a thing that happens I don't want this oh that's not even it though that's okay mother Mary help us all mother Mary floods what are you doing there we go I fixed it easy stuff guys I wanted to go like this and then like this and like this and then like this or like maybe even like right to there what if we just did that like that that'd be like real simple let's just make it real simple on you guys there look at how nice and simple that is god damn holy [ __ ] make sure it's not locked you know who do you think you know everything I'm kidding thank you you're right you were right and I was less right by the way what's up my chat window has to be so small when a loved one uses program overlay it joining to overlay it Harvey not now that I'm using slobs I've got extra screen room so I really could move it when a quarry crop it guys pick me keyword Oh gun game might have to bat pick me all lowercase one one word dad's up there you guys see it like you don't even know what it is that's just embarrassing for you my sawed-off gonna reload wait wait wait wait sod off as hold a garbage how's the volume fight me or chat pics um it's whatever you guys want it to be if you want to fight me then when you get picked give me something bed I don't have any prizes for losing though so it's not specifically set up for that that's what you're asking sounds good seems loud on my end but it always is loud on my end for some reason also let's go back to the live tab so I can actually read your results and stuff I [Music] choked MOCA prime sub what's up appreciate you as a schism milk prime sub e over two months in a row done all our GTC Tier one sub appreciate you G Funk prime sub what's up ignore it it's all good - Stein gold while you sent in one bit earlier it only notifies me for the hundred better reduce spam this hurts guys this hurts this really hurts should I just open it just to see what it is all right I'm gonna roll oh wait I forgot to click the button to start listening to chat so you have to repeat the the pick me thing just once just once remember everybody please and while we're waiting on that I mean any [Music] little any man I'll give you guys a minute to pick an item if you don't tell me what you want in a minute then you get booted next person hit a buddy their two buddies little scoops a little fart licker that what you are he does look his own butthole don't shoot the chest then people can choose to open the chest instead oh that's true if you guys don't want me to if you don't know what to give me then you can just tell me to open the chest [ __ ] it it'd be like choose random little toots okay this little fart this cat is like mostly but he's just a little but look at him just small has like upper portion is your skinnies he's got a lot of fluff but then it's but it's like 100 rows inside poor Lenny that's just like all their cats though big cats at least other big cats have a big face his face literally the size of a peanut did you if you get him wet peel back all the fur yeah peanut head [Music] alright buddy all right let's get to it who wants it Mamere is dankus your up swaggy Ariane are en prime sub welcome swaggy continue please three months in a row hey bud slug man and big crapped prime sub 20 months for spiders snacks yeah hey running on low on low on money so this might be my last sub for you for a little but once I have money I will def sub back to you love you hot sorry for the inconvenience to you you've kept me happy in the lowest days and betting you'll do the same again well 20 months is nothing to be ashamed of smiter set a snack shack appreciate it sugar 30 months holy crap his rights appreciate you hope you're doing well crystal earl 19 months from from below bedrock says i know that you have just updated to slob so a quick question did you set up merch notifications and I sent a sweater to your P o box would you sign it if I sent a sweater to your P o box would you sign it that's that is a good question that I did I get all these other people I did that got that got that that g-funk what's up chrysalis two months in a row will cumulative subject all the thing with that would be gun thirst asthma Marius I'm on it I'm like so sidetracked I can't even [ __ ] stand at you guys could I just do one thing at a [ __ ] time here brah I don't even want to shoot the chest it can live the thing is I got to spend money to send it to the thing back to you and then what if I like put the thing on wrong or something I don't know you can you can you put it in a prepaid package right you take a prepaid package with it the the return address already listed on the front of it you put that into your package and then you send that and all I got to do is open it sign the thing put it in that package that you sent me and I'll send it back to you does that sound like a fair trade is that sound like a good idea is that yeah send stamps on the package or however you got to do it right I don't I don't know how that works though because if it's not a letter it's a package so what does it start with Pearson or then I give myself an upgraded version their asses prime sub what's up it's not bouncing right yeah it's not bouncing I don't think it's operated it must just have it sounds perfect yeah if you can find someone to do that the problem would be like if you're like hey you mind spending another 25 bucks out of your pocket so that I could you could send and if everyone did that I'd be [ __ ] I'd be poor I'd be broke I'm already sending you guys twenty to thirty dollar t-shirts a lot of money yeah well with International shipping and all that stuff yeah individual shipping it's not like I can just order like 70 t-shirts on one and pay for a one-time shipping fee but I miss calves benzo hundred bits happy I can catch a stream I'm happier here as well thanks bit bro my siblings dungeon my dude whoa whoa buddy hey easy there fella that's what are you hiding crack crack not even once reset the randomizer [Music] there we go what's going on YouTube let's YouTube never heard of it weird egg that's gonna allow us to fight the super ultra dragon without having to go to the rat but if I have anything to say about it I'm gonna go to the rat my guns through the table sir your table is eating my gun this makes no sense weird you guys only need to type it in once please don't spam the pick me thing it doesn't help your odds of winning it hurts your odds of me noticing you and chat pew-pew gin I'm not sure what that is how much shipping to Sweden I could send you the shipping cost for a but baby shirt before I get to nine months you guys I'll cover the the but baby shirt duiker I'll cover that that's fine I'm able to keep everything going I would say it just about evens out with the sub money if I send you a t-shirt so we're really we're kept alive by donations in bits which is or just donations essentially and there's a lot of people that sub that don't actually make it to the nine months right they'll they'll go off and on and that's super cool because you get all the benefits and then you know you're not too worried about the t-shirt obviously and then right at one point I made most of my money on YouTube so it wasn't a big deal twitch was like fanservice basically I was just like throwing money at you guys but whatever I should at the fart blaster which looks like a butt as a reference to you fart blaster which looks like a butt every one of you remembers provide is that how I want to go down in history books not like this infinite Amal and the Gunther is very much so appreciated what's going on here pal Azul two months in row hey where the lipid content are you planning on playing magicite someday again we'd love to see you playing this probably not we played through magicite I did not win it ever and I don't see myself going back to it but if you like playing it you know keep going don't let me don't let me stop you frequently asked questions from Chino with honor bits well let's go on YouTube ants are always freaking us wise isn't new information pika cast seven months in a row getting close to but baby great to see you're still streaming appreciate the seven months pika caste and jacob 100 bits yeah I get that Chino but is this going on YouTube face wizard four months in a row huh still have a streak I'm back love you uh Hutt's how do you feel about anthem I haven't played anthem yet but my first impression was that people thought it was garbage and then people said that's not true so I I might check it out but I think what I'm really gonna end up doing caught new sub look at that I swear to god it picks new subs I think I'm gonna try to focus on one game at a time and I think that one game is gonna end up being apex legends I need a focus kind of Zen highs are keeping us alive $100 you're you're nuts how do you have what country are you the prince of already on arts crown of guns is caught will do oops [ __ ] Aladdin over here or duck m'q Scrooge more like diving into was this another $100 I can't believe it dude do you have enough for yourself Sennheiser do you take care of yourself tell me you take care of yourself tell me you get it done another $100 that is crazy pants you're not crazy pants I like I mean you kind of crazy pants but not like in like a oh my god get help way but in like a holy [ __ ] that's nuts of course I do I'm fine you're [ __ ] up insecure neurotic and emotional bruh I didn't know is that bad [Music] that's what I'm fine means we all know it like that they're like ah and that's what I would say if I was on fire so they didn't really say that it was I was kind of consuming you shouldn't really assume those that's what I would say about them fire but I have never been on fire so can I really even go that far don't want your friends here though Tim just not enough teeth the rolls mom just went grocery shopping stop inviting your friends over and eating all the food I'm gonna jump in that fire though but thanks got um these check out a game called heartbeat is probably one of the best games I've played in a long time what kind of game is it two keys that's fantastic Jacob I love you writes yes backwards on hand it gives a love slap on cheek I don't know the answer is in the mirror Tino and herb it's creature the vets big bang burst prime sub swaggy a thousand bits this is all I can afford at the moment you guys take care of you first don't worry about me so much I'll be ok spiders snacks check on her bits I remember when I first started watching I got banned for not speaking English since my spelling is awful and it looks like I don't English well that was great so I appreciate it it's kind of an all-or-none thing right if we let some people do it than the rest of the people and somebody starts spamming things in a different language like some really nasty spam angry mean hurtful things and I don't know that language I can't moderate that language and then right then like but then I'm like this other guy over here is like so you can Spanish you know my god you're fine go ahead but then another guy's like what the [ __ ] why can't I do it even though I said a bunch of racist eh yeah yeah you know slippery slope kind of thing ain't nothing I can do mark mark husk mark husk what do you want you have a minute we have what that was one more right for the boss item I think we had a poll again understandable it's just you know it's the that's the case where one person ruins it for the rest of us and it totally happens sometimes but I'm assuming that the rest of you guys like you spider snack shack you're a reasonable person and then you'll understand why that is that's what we're banking on are the the reasonable reasonable people who have nothing to hide we'll be okay with it it even used the crown though you think I should use the Lassen the person gave me no matter what we could do that again I just don't like using animal when I don't have to and this is like a [ __ ] show Marcus you missed your chance sorry bud beta man you know I kind of wish that it said the name on the top of the screen so we can go back to the editor again it'll allow me to grab it son of a [ __ ] this is the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life no you're being dramatic there we go gonna look weird now when we go back to the other screen whatever [ __ ] it 30 seconds made a man hurry up and what you want people sign up for the [ __ ] giveaway and then oh there it is you're good then we cool sexy tier 2 sub from wicked good game three months in a row with ya the tier 2 and tier 3 subs are also keeping us up and running here with the price of the t-shirts I love all your videos and consistently put a marathon of your videos put on a marathon keep up what you're doing dad love you thank you like a good game I appreciate it three months of the sexy tier 200 bits and fine gold any chance of taking on my old dungeon ear challenge you guys there's 20 billion challenges that I'm ignoring at the time so if you're one of the 20 billion I hate it all twenty billion of you know I don't have enough I can't do them all I can't even catch up to my own [ __ ] self it was supposed to be something extra on top that I did and I can't even do my own first thing so don't take it personally [Music] explosive rounds all right chronic guns explosive rounds sounds like a good time to me also Chino I can't even catch up with the donations and subs what do you mean I can't write things that you don't understand that aren't offensive I'm not those people rights n-word in Arabic and things that's cool and smart fans Jacob hunter bits I love how chat doesn't pay attention to chat when they win then complaints yeah who's not paying attention to who chat tables of turn chats let's never pays attention to me [ __ ] where were you when I called you where was gunned or when the ORAC I had faded I don't know the line I don't know if we can't be there I can't be here either there's nowhere for it to be cigarette then obviously be this area you think oh hey we can do the gun game 704 that think your aim is true play my game break the targets win a prize dad look at me do my gigolo with my hands wax on wax off [ __ ] good this yeah okay we're done I'll stop first thing at the ask yourself is do I need to shoot any of these green ones in my immediate vicinity in order to get the other ones it kind of looks like a money to shoot this [ __ ] I'm not sure I could sneak one and I could probably sneak one past it and get that far one and I'd be tight though Hey Kapow Kapow Krakow this is the tight part I hit that red I think we're boned fall [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you can't do it lobby 33 months in her all oh [ __ ] what up what's up lovey hope you're having a good day Chino hunter bits is gonna be tight though tight hey hey hey hey hey hots to the nineteen yeah but it was my imitation of you Mikan 1501 your turn to pick pray win 16 total dude wasn't in January like two days ago anyways [ __ ] you can't has maths it's the it's the 21st it's February two one so you're only one digit off you just strip the two or the one off 21 becomes two you're only one number off ancient heroes bandana okay okay that's even more ammo for all my guns twelve thousand bullets twelve thousand bullets y'all did you mean to do the red bandana did you mean to do the one that [ __ ] with me is that what you really wanted did you try to screw me over but you gave me something that's actually really good don't lie to me all right I reset it you can now type pick me again Raunak guns until i get a new gun I'll use whatever you give me until I get something new or until it runs out of ammo how long would it take the reroll or reload a crown of guns you have to reload every single gun in their right the re-launched are busts yeah but it what if he gave me a yari launcher and then I didn't get the boss and you can print it out for a peashooter since I didn't pick fight me or not it's basically like chat fights chat one person's gonna give me something good then that person's gonna start it - [ __ ] it over by giving me something bad and the next person is gonna create synergy out of that one thing and they can get again ok yeah find the secret home though with my shield so suck on that game this is such [ __ ] against one enemy it's so wasteful a rs1 pick something do-do-do-do-do-do bloodied scarf you're so [ __ ] funny you are funny ha ha ha everyone's laughing everyone together now 23 minutes ago someone was spotted at my front door instead of package that I already got you know always a new package son of a gun you guys I'm gonna run to my door crap and grab that package before someone steals it I'll be right back oh right gonna be really fun for people watching on YouTube let's go if it is using mazdan controller now I put my controller on my desk and I was vibrating ladies how do I save it for later II its II what surprises me is 10 minutes past the time when I ask people to type pick me people are still type and picked me I really wish it would put it on screen or like something would happen like you'd get timed out or it would get deleted when you say pick me although with the new program that I have yet to switch over to it will delete any instance of pick me into the chat already zero spam wouldn't that be the dream mods it really is amazing isn't it sir ass this another new sub right brought through 16 months and I read that one I'm not sure I did what's up Oh Chi no hundred bits what does a son what does the sign on and out of business brothel say beat it we're closed ha can't buy hooker so you got a masturbate I get it except long from castlevania 16-month co give me that but Karpov I don't know did you take your test though did you have your your but permit [Music] so I dance in the club everyone loves it railgun love you odds you're the best keep up the good work take this time to put a little extra in there huh give railgun also check out my twitch channel it's super twitch TV got foreskins [ __ ] guns not speedy sand speedy but the bounciness helps out a lot look at the bounce ease bah bah bah bah bow page we did it Jakob hunter bets don't you just love how everything is made in China these days except for babies they're made in vagina give me get a ban when aisle 4 item name Jacob 1897 wait no that was incredibly insensitive to the Chinese and I won't have it that was incredibly insensitive to my vagina you cannot ban moderator Jakob 1897 unless you are the owner of this channel can you speak to the manager please let me speak to the manager this channel but I like the railgun no fun it's a good time the power look at that lineup shot god I'm good might be the best and smartest I'm not even using my dodge role anymore Gina with honor bids what six inches long you put in your mouth and he's even more fun when it vibrates don't tell me what would you put in your mouth that vibrates unless you're not talking about your mouth and it's a different kind of mouth toothbrush a toothbrush what were you thinking oh my god III have a Sonicare so that's exactly what I was thinking here we go south mouth sir squiggle are you hide for a Haleh night silk song yes I am write it on my forehead stop talking about silk song guys knock it off getting your awesome squiggle sip I'm pretty sure if you tie my to mod they also lose their mod status nice Cappy oh thanks dumb patchy you're up you have 20 seconds but hurry I've seen other streamers do it for fun no they don't well maybe it's just the the band then is it because when I banned squad he came back without his monstas that would make sense junk and also you the best lovely content and look after yourself what's that item I've never heard of junk and also you're the best heart logic content look after yourself heart item ok give Junkin also you're the best good use of grammar by the way [ __ ] I got a junk and baby you guys got to get me junk now he's just gonna be a lonesome little junk boy we're all gonna is better gun bow railgun is a better gun boat changed my mind do you know have you heard about silk song to Halle night thing oh my god so cool excited I know no one has ever said anything about it before are you gonna post it on YouTube also can i be mod when you do junking you scared me there you guys ever feel like a paper bag blowing in the wind oh my [ __ ] - where did those bullets come from Caniff shield Junkin is doing his best I have an energy drink because waking up at 3m co-working took off my gun here remember that dodge even is thanks to that L and you asked Lou me to come join trade be tickled knife shield is just discount flies my shields a little cooler than the flies though sorry changed my mind does that or know how Twitter twitch diems this board running outside and yelling as long as you can I don't know take your pick you got options have you ever played dauntless it's like a fun free monster underworld dauntless oh my god did you stop talking about dauntless I've heard it so many times no I've never heard of it how do I use my active ability on keyboard and mouse now I took damage I'm experimenting Oh buddy stop doing this thing where I got a [ __ ] dodge all the time like bah bah bah bribe the bubbler back up dance bah bah bah bah popper and wonder who's old you're up sorry bud nothing personal need spice how you do nuts I'm okay [Music] and that altar is a mimic I don't see it blinking [Music] this is a new character convict stone dome I must ask why what's a call though what's the actual name of it ed of stone stone head don't don't [Music] did I get the crest no I didn't the lag not on my side thankfully game is to spaghetti code for new characters yeah I heard that the code behind this game was pretty balls but why controller why keep it a mouse over controller because of bloodied scarf period end of story okay that yeah I just like kind of like trickle into a room a little bit have all all the [ __ ] means in the world to get around that room no nope not in breath I ain't having it today oh that's right let's reset the thing okay go Boop rests anyways pressed Nevada Ryan Seacrest it's like The Exorcist oh you're still alive [Music] Jen baby you're rooting for me even if I tested one of my guns in his shop should he still like allow me to live considering I'm literally his only [ __ ] customer huh how do you need to be such a big boy how are you this how are you like 10 times the size of me height and everything what do you eat how do you afford to both the to feed yourself and your family I'm your only customer and you're like aw [ __ ] you buddy accidentally shot in my shop once get the [ __ ] out now okay good luck keeping that diet up when I'm gone not Sandy's bad I'm saying he's literally like I even wives look like a tiny person it's a glandular disorder still sounds like he'd probably got to have a lot of I'm gonna count that [ __ ] it I'm gonna count it you'd still be skinny if you didn't eat Oh fee go [Music] his Etsy shop is fire yeah it does online business he sells his underwear [Music] [Music] just bought a sweater just below bedrock I appreciate you guys if you're purchasing stuff from my my store makes me happy icebreaker said just like a personal favorite of yours or you're hoping that someone likes gives it a synergy and I take items away instead of giving them to you I'm gonna say no challenge room I'll put out the fire we didn't start the fire [Applause] anytime that was right sure breath by when I teleport onto a bullet the bullet disappears did you guys see that collapse 59 [Music] okay it's teleport over this right I thought I could like a teleporter that they patched that okay [ __ ] you then if I could teleport into secret rooms like people were saying if I get just if I knew how it was you guys are a bunch of liars liars and swindlers we're only here to hurt people innocent streamers [Music] tearjerker oh my god is that an Isaac reference ah [Music] oh good at least his enemies aren't difficult she's not even shooting where I'm shooting you see that I have the crosshairs clearly on the guy where are you shooting what are you going with that I gotta lead them that's like it's a joke right there somewhere to hold me or something that's going on right now I made no sense Banas no penis okay um Q that's a double but the double work together guys Rahl's say first of two if you vote for a gun in the other person votes we're gonna I'm using the other gun so think about that maybe a passive that one guy prime sub what's up welcome back I think one guy 20 or is that just like there's another there's more of them Chris stole Chris Christo daeun games how many hours do you think you've put into Gunjan so far uh four hundred I don't know I'm no idea I couldn't even guess scattershot you guys literally if you break it again we're gonna stop playing Specter I have to reef hundreds Oh probably more what did i win suspect her Jesus Christ next master of Oz I'm sorry guys I gotta keep the show going don't enter for a giveaway you don't know what it is I can't sit here and explain it every time I gotta go look at a fly not just such a dick yes some people tidy yeah yeah yeah well yep okay yeah sure for a few to be immortal many must die I don't actually believe that rocket-powered bullets oops that's not the button I wanted to click that's the one all right where's the [ __ ] gun seriously though okay no no wait wait wait wait I can teleport hmm only if it's above me creep craft I'm a peacock cap I gotta fly [Music] [Music] baby good mimic double Junkin feel ID I picked that one up my own I figured you guys wouldn't say no to a double Junkin [Music] [Music] backup gun so every time I roll I shoot where every time I shoot it shoots backwards okay yeah sure sure sure that guy screamed prime sub welcome Jacob hunter bits everyone just say scatter shot if you don't know what to pick do not listen to Jacob he's wrong we will literally stop playing if that's the case Jacob don't do that don't egg him on man need some golden junks is like oh good I'm glad that I could put the crest here I was joking I told them to go to the wiki I know but people are gonna take it serious you need chat understand some jokes I should explode what happens the barrel behind me and I shot it because of the farc and backup gun this gun doesn't make any sense why isn't it go right where I'm the evening it purposefully misses enemies silvering prime sub what's up welcome are we caught up I think you are are you guys purpose about picking guns because you want me to suffer out of Tears explode I have so many questions I got full he's full of water he's full of [ __ ] if I go behind him oh my god his calluses right in front of my face like [ __ ] oh wow oh my giblets felt that one what the [ __ ] what hit me this child shoot me in the back of the neck what the [ __ ] dude man attention here I don't even know what happened [ __ ] Cal not IRL though please hey hot tea should really play Hades is a new rogue light by supergiant transistor pyre and bash and dads it's amazing people have been saying it's amazing I'll probably end up checking it out Moo says this asuke Sasuke we already found the secret room they don't need to look anymore clone I really honestly hope we never use it sai Christ I don't have a Christ [Music] Radke I get it yeah little rounder like it my still on fire these bullets this guns literally the [ __ ] worst I hate it thanks I hate it let's reset the thing reset why am I always on fire what the [ __ ] is happening this [ __ ] plane I'm shooting water everywhere how am I on fire I'm holding a water or creator hose thing the block a squad right hold on a slot I just it can just [ __ ] polonium so [ __ ] hard visit our goal the work and I'm just creating explosions and fires behind me for like literally no reason fun times brat room yeah I don't know the Radke do you know that kind of so cool damaging on they can reach it angry today yours will just have to suffer my rat is not my day excuse me rocks when they be cooled off we get an item room guest room that bonito they for playing nine months hey what's up odd squares Lenny not in my eyesight my eyesight I thought that the fires needed like a source like gasoline on the ground I'm not sure why there and turning on fire maybe I broke the lamp on the side of the wall and the net lit on fire that's probably what it was I'm not mistaken if I shadow this spreads a little bit gasps here yeah I know this explosive rounds but explosive rounds itself does not start fires it needs a gas source like I'm talking about I just get another [ __ ] gun here the joy is it is your mouse Papa Papa Papa Papa dark fossil [Applause] [Music] enraging photo I already have the enraging photo though that's why I start with that's my starting item that's what I started off with ug did does a stack world may never know my my gaming mouse broke by the way officially now so I'm using this other one that I added to spare it blows it blows where's my ultra light new gaming mouse now please played some rounds of eight packs with this mouse did a horribly I won one game that's not true that was totally horrible but Isaac boy went to the wiki and your stream is there hey we've made it screecher a new gun governance not the solution to our problems the government is the problem a little bit about a little bit off if I had a gun in my head impersonate that song that's what it would be well that's a bunch of nut balls stupid scattershot it seems like an upgrade and then wait a second Isaac boy you just picked [ __ ] hack my crach victory the cyborg two months in a row welcome back friend Oh double but what do you do both those cheeks oh my goodness oh my god can I just have it that was an accident [Music] can I have it that was so random yes yes yes take it yes yes yes oh my Henry give the exotic I appreciate you synergy with what's with the ice breaker it's your destiny junk a tank my children are all grown up I got [ __ ] hit still ah how what do you supposed to do when he just likes right off the bat just [ __ ] you into a corner what do you think I've got teleporting powers jeez guys I'm [ __ ] dying there's no excuse to die the [ __ ] tank is on steroids somebody tests this [ __ ] tank it's not competing within the law Gord hums scrotums I don't that's not necessarily dirty but it's definitely a dirty name [Music] baby mimic another one all right come on fire okay all right why do I keep lighting on fire [ __ ] you game you're such a dick [Music] just randomly just spontaneously combust knock it the Frick off dude [Music] thanks to the health belt well I got a bank I got a bank wait wait wait wait half a red heart hell yeah loaded dude Chino I'll give you some junk off you know what I'm saying hands broken microwave therapist 27 months in real hello lots and chat what up don't you like show your resub like once every 5 seconds service why is twitch sobre busted and broken we played some old-school Tristram right now or no this isn't Tristram this is uh rabbits it's a very old school very old school monster cat I'm enjoying it that mega time turn that [ __ ] up I got a rocket launch there against these little freaking [ __ ] mini-boss bring it on right now whew salir got nothing on this dude you got nothing on this dude you got [ __ ] nothing on this dude no [ __ ] nothing on this mine you're going down right not once our own we identity the viewer less sorry you're right doppel you're up [Music] [Music] did it did it did it did it did [ __ ] do the rest of the game like this turn the base routes to wherever I shoot it's an improvement really maybe I'll take less damage Jah gold junk or whatever you need to evolve minions you guys it's like you're not even watching and around 14 months total can't wait for more months of Awesomeness thank you so much Teresa appreciate it chillin in bed says peter hart i don't think old junk is gonna do anything because i already have it but that's literally the only reason why our Junkins are golden more money it's a lot more money you guys are just silly so we got happy guys aren't watching purple pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom [Music] [Music] not one sound more Lampa spread know how to choir that boy isn't it the cursed junk what's first junk but you can evolve them one more time what kind of junk do you need for that that's what I meant super space turtles his boy I can't evolve them once more anyone want to jump in on that corroborate this story can i evolve my Junkins another time [Music] according the wiki no doppel says yes they are max evolved to this point you either get mecha Junkin or angel Junkin it's the cursed one cursed junk I've never never heard of that now I'm not seeing it on here coal junk mecha junk in rap of the attacks enemies blah blah blah any additional junk or gold junk has no effect any jammed enemy's stock struck by mecha Junkins machine gun become normal enemies I don't see anything on the wiki about it he's just talking about Max to junk in the angelic night yeah as soon as we get golden junk we give up on the dream of angelic Knight we can no longer get there can't happen you get that by getting a ton of junk regular junk nan goldin so many words in that song to have a blast it's like stop talking over me please stop talking over me my scream I can't tell what's what and who's bugging the booth dimension it takes like half a second to charge up my dodge roll now I can't just like immediately dodge out of the way of the weapon are a gun I mean if I even good see it coming oh my god dude it's like when you look this here damn spider shouldn't the Destiny rocket-launcher be a like a one-hit kill and everything is it just me I could munch some guns tearjerker munch it and thus creature now whatever I'll just keep it both the 700 rockets that hit them in the face when I fire it should be enough to take them out might just meet be me though zerrin dioxis yari launcher what's the Aria launch or one two and three dupe intrigued 510 from Victor the cyborg favorite streamer keep up the great work preciate the bits you guys keep up the awesome support now's a good time to fight these guys parsa's of their could buy a nice [ __ ] away [ __ ] [ __ ] literally just I did not get hit once couldn't [ __ ] do it the re launcher can I just express how much I [ __ ] hate having to use my keyboard and mouse with this stupid piece of [ __ ] dodge bandana it's the [ __ ] worst thing ever I hate it so much exhaust a great and powerful it's up you're up that guy's lived through that barrage you gotta be [ __ ] me there's no way he lived the Boy Who Lived our sea bullets so it was called RC rockets are remote bullets you mean remote bullets yeah Gonzales I mean remote-controlled remote same thing right sometimes I make an assumption though and I'm wrong I think some people in chat think that her time I select somebody they need to re-enter the giveaway that is not true let me tell you yeah remotes like this steer them around the corners declare remote check it boy flappy what is up I missed some stuff first of all and air and a reborn tier 1 sub welcome flappy fruit gifted a sub - a Duke in one month master Amster asks the exotic did something when he was near the chest what was that the exotic did I don't remember I think there was something special with it remind me to test that again flappy truth then give five random subs to rasli or all say I mean toasted unlimited birth control Nigel legendary and Diablo 3 no I gentle Thornberry Thank You flappy fruit appreciate that oh I fell into the pit just moon a little too fast there I can't see where the bullets are so I'm just like literally just gonna like take a lot of damage cuz I can't see what's going on it's it's the problem with this now is that I need to know where the enemies are whereas before they would just like go get them no I mean they did the work for me and now I got to do all the work oh I didn't see you piece of [ __ ] we've never been more [ __ ] could just walk into him - that could be fun we're gonna end up having to use that [ __ ] clone like we're just dying and I I'm not really sure how to avoid it I'm not really even trying not to die anymore I'm just like walking in just like I mentioned that I don't feel like today is my day don't give up and then I've got a clone so it's not necessarily giving up per se that I spawned on topless my trade Jones the exotic do something next to chest oh yeah no it tells you what the item is inside it's a little fly boy lank the Geordi Wayne link sure so I'm catching a good stream holy junking what the [ __ ] is over lord I never talked to me or my son or my son son ever again lankey got 20 seconds we're all holding our breaths or combined joint breath [Music] I can only aim as far as the screen goes I don't like the bullets double back that's a minute 34 lank good job beta man you already won get out of here chrysalis is banned beta anyone gets picked twice ban him that's all the top right I think I'm twice if they're not here everybody that gets picked in general so just be banned you need to pick an item but sorry fan price you pay metal bullets what's that called I have no clue what you're talking about heavy bullets heavy bullets Platinum bullets silver bullets silver bullets okay okay okay yeah okay yeah I see what you mean now Platinum is better though while we have the re I'm gonna take two dragon on could I get some health fell no I can't okay why this skip cutscene button is not space Rider the world may never know got a wiener this is such a pain doable reload you fool hey we got a master round they do exist only perfect the last boss that technically doesn't count as an item stop shooting [ __ ] god [ __ ] [ __ ] ass would you kill him I shot him like four times the yari launcher what more do you [ __ ] want from me this is pathetic I kill the dragon in five seconds but I shoot a sniper like 700 times directly in his eyeballs and he's still alive Gunjan [ __ ] you pain lady LS rim literally I decided I don't understand why the re launcher is such hot [ __ ] garbage I just knock him around is it do more damage the more health you have what's like the deal here companion banner I don't remember the name battle standard increases the damage of all of our turtles and Junkins our C Rockets actually made this credibly more difficult before I was just shooting close your eyes and now it's like weight control everything look at good gheymeh old master welcome increases damage by 80% you [Music] [Music] 10 seconds 5 seconds wicked good game uh you were here a second ago you sub and talk to me nothing missed your chance just Chris the wall around it hot lead mutation gun boots I'm gonna Seagram yet [Music] [Music] all right I have normal dodge roll here now how do I do this with keyboard mouse there we go I can only go 45 angular nobody wants me to have items then cool Destin 47 anybody Bueller r2g to my buddy all the followers in a while since I've got a new gun let's keep it going killer D we could have bought stuff in the shop please a snipe charge shot what snipe charge shot your tine about the synergy with wolf and sniper rifle cuz get myself one of those the one where I go golden and then I get like an extra-strong snipe shot sniper rifle yeah well all I guys got to do is gonna be wolf now scatter shot on a sniper rifle WTF seater 26 months Emily catches scream in a while I'm happy I finally caught one welcome back cedar dead you [ __ ] killed me by saying that you killed me make the pain end for the love of God for the love of a big beyblade players everywhere step right up step right ffffff' how the hell is this gonna work with scattershot you're drunk with power okay that was weird you got them all holy [ __ ] let's see what was inside of it before we ignore it the star pew no just dodge no just dodge oh you know what we should have reset the thing but whatever we'll do it after this that's probably why people aren't answering if you only felt like an extra five minutes four months in a row for J Hester love you buds have my free sub money I appreciate that thank you hey hats how's it been going today well you know pretty [ __ ] so far honestly I'm gonna have an absolute [ __ ] hole money an absolute [ __ ] worse dude such a sour mood lately how do I pick items is no just dodge I I have to go next I'm sorry talk to chat get it all figured out you guys before you enter please literally all you have to do is just pick an item if you don't know what the items are you should not be entering a B you can go to the wiki you can go to the what's it called golden God is that one Ernest platinum God and go to platinum God which it has a fantastic UI layout for it please go there I don't hate you just saying we need to move it forward go there read up on it and then when you get picked next you'll be ready to go [Music] I'm emptying the viewer list at this point in time and I'll have you guys re re enter please it's just it's this is not working start fresh back to the drawing board do I control Junkins Rockets - it almost seems like I do Methos stuff star just for damage protection I thought that game of the curse it's probably because I only buy it from that lady I assumed as much bop bop bop ba-bop ba-bop ba-bop ba-bop ba-bop ba-bop ba-bop ba-bop ba-bop I feel like we're missing one too Jacob rigged what do you want what is your heart desire you actually have chest their chest their ghost bullets another one Victor the cyborg and we just been like have you been like over here a lot with the Bitzer head did you actually win before [Music] riddle of lead the items called this you can trust what does that do again [Music] Brants fill our container fully heals the player increases damage by 25% in creatures player speed by 10% increase to dodge roll speed by approximately 50% when at one harder les adds a 50% chance and they ain't damaged pull like on all stats upgrade of sorts and another blamer we're gonna end up getting a new gun before we get that sniper charge shot Gunjan god calm is that what it is oh gods porn it is called dungeon guide when should look at that yeah and the same website on the left eating switch between binding of issac into the gungeon [Music] so pretty neat and stuff what's up mad dogs super space turtles so cool I know next challenge nothing but turtle you guys just like literally entered this and now you're not responding your promiscuous Bandersnatch no words I've ever summed up my life more than that right there my god this person doesn't know me it's like you're my mom but closer scrambler yep bye sniper shot I do like the scrambler though this is gonna get messy with all these bullets flying around all these little chickadees coming out of the woodwork godo chicks destroy white for dad something happened with it recently what oh it's here grace nevermind another item would you get out of here you [ __ ] hack manic in a man Matt no not manic in a man machina man it's like a you're [ __ ] with my brain mannequin mannequin swingin in there she get out of my brain we stop messing with it it looks like mannequin kind of right if you like looked at it quick going it in [ __ ] lie to me if we do the secret floor we could I guess [Music] this is like yari launcher but better and what if we didn't though enter the viewer list start over reenter please Brooke fires compass compass is that an Isaac I don't near the map [Music] [ __ ] is the compass you just digging with me mate the minds get out brick flyers ad understand it's real oh yeah what's it is it got compass it's not that's not what it's called sense of direction this is like just to [ __ ] with me and being able to negate damage with the vessel technical oh my god I got a synergy what the hell is that up hey that is the fish in the barrel holding a gun like shooting fish in a barrel the shooting fish are fish that shoot no the fish shoots you're nuts of course I gotta get rid of these items though because uh the rules I don't know how to do that though I don't know how to get rid of items you guys that without using my my controller that's not the button that's not the button no no no no nope old G you're [ __ ] with me that's like a restart now not that item now this one this one what else would we pick up the sponge there we go all right cause Gor another one get out of town another one get out of town hey you gun the golden gun gun their spelling yo words at the Zen eyes are 10,000 bits I don't have the notification said for that yet I'm sorry takes off hat sends another hundred dollars you're nuts but I say J hat sir for four months dude I'm cracking this open for you who speaks Russian what does that say I know it's missing some of the letters you fill in the blank I don't know what this is but I meaning it cuz you just send out our dollars dude got bears on it you hear that Edie bears it says candy it might not actually say candy though I don't know what this is it smells ripe it's chocolate it's a turd that better be nougat not mold Moody interesting prices dumb or a porno name did you just miss you the Golden Gun d-pad no don't give it to me there we go synergy with what tearjerker worth wrath of the blam ha ha I get it but does that give me a synergy on the tearjerker because I can no longer use it to your jerker because I have to use this item you guys didn't think that far ahead did you I sold you your plans there Ramar used to bid that stuff um oh wow Wow enter the lamb Jen you gone what is this energy supposed to be though that the synergy is it supposed to do something appeared Ricker look at my head what the [ __ ] is out wrong with my head Dark Matter dark marker I hid my dark marker dark no you did say dark marker I read it wrong that's my fault you did say that I'll use it you're an Isaac Bullock oh all he's crying I get it Oh [Music] [Music] this one just only shoot as fast all I can charge this up now what everyone's dead I can't use it there give me some enemies what is that it what was supposed to happen era gal [Music] that's pretty cool reload default for you why charging but I need to do this though i fee free blanks though true they just messed up we fall for you mr. shott bedchamber and another one spice we're good in the obli at right or we didn't grab the crests rusty crust Krusty crappy two-year pizza for you in someone give this boy chance bullets speaking of spice I'm gonna put chocolate on my mouth [Music] there's my first counter well dude that Iraq oh that's why we didn't uh empty the viewer list let's do that what else they pick up drop that how do I drop it gee get rid of it that's three more items mad dog 17 months here come that boy oh [ __ ] what else makes two sub Mad Dogs quiet or a seven-month Center all of you ought to keep your head up and continue being awesome appreciate that did you wait two seconds then eyes did you send another one or is that the old one that was the old one oh my god I thought you said another ten thousand bits and I missed it I was like no no nope nope Maulik Tris what item do you fancy just make you Randy Norse poetry song is so funky duct tape any gun alright chat which ones remember they lose synergy when they get duct-taped so yari launcher it's gotta be duct-taped something to the yari launcher which yari launcher to the crown of guns yari launcher to the railgun bro d-pad and crown sounds incredibly lame yari launcher to the crown all right how do I use this mouse space grab the crown that's 12,000 yari launcher bullets burrow test it oh let's test it beep Roland King screaming eagle yari and scrambler would have been pretty ok but yeah she went to she went under I come from a land down under correct you're like pretty dead and stuff more spy stuff lament configure um the one that I just dropped all right use it chance to get more items and also more curse are we just using this guy a decent guy so now I use this if I get an item I think I get a curse as well some stale chips look bro all challenge room bring it baby Oh got me there oh no that made him Casey and not too much more curse here guys [Music] LaShawn boy glasha no be an alternate universe will recall can only be boy gilded bullets no nope nope yep yeah yep all three of those bunch of each other shadow dragon [Music] I like this the crisis stone even though you never have to really reload Casey okay that's an explosion barrel and also my face owl ma'el come with me protections nice you already went King lunar breath because Zod has never been greater to win anything else our world they are here on straps [Music] have a good rest of your stream lots of Shinobi appreciate that coming to give them riddle of light I already have it one of those bro got it I think the viewer list start over reenter please let's do for a little bit longer I do control the junk in Rockets mad dogs hashtag rigged chance bullets shoots a bullet from other guns could be popping get the absolute [ __ ] toasted unlimited I got an item for that it's really good the six chamber but it gives me a lot more cursed we would definitely step it up over the 10 cursed line if I grabbed it [Music] what does that item giving you that wall crisis stone makes you invulnerable when you're reloading [Music] brain sidearm I don't know if I can get that don't you look at that I can what a [ __ ] choice GCR got like plus like 300% damage right now can't be too bad elder blink down my 10 curse I'd be surprised if that's not Ted curse mr. banker [Music] got the ball out so I can put my own in curse bullets would you guys suck in me curse [Music] polar cat orange irony tamil bra don't even eat it meet ammo on nuttin combined rifle that looks pretty sick laser balls I am I am egg rolls figure it out Oh me Hey some say the explosions are still going on to this day biz tea duct tape what should we do sure boy lucky 15 months was up Oh Timmy J says what's your all-time favorite game loved content all-time favorite game I don't know can I say the binding of issac then even legal what should i duck tape you guys to this monstrous crown of guns crown plus scrambler go you really think scramblers my top choice here and not exotic or some thing that makes it a little bit weird railgun [Music] Kaycee can't be duct-taped I think anything with infinite ammo doesn't count [Music] the DS done the Lord Moon scraper but now we can't even use it scraping some moons look at this look at this [ __ ] light show stop the music [Music] wait wait wait wait Wow Papa Papa ouap ouap ouap ouap ouap [Music] epic holy [ __ ] didja to drop the piece justice Justice is to scrape the mood [Music] it's great scrape the moon's great it's great it's great to the moon it's great justice is it justice to scrape the moon yo [ __ ] yo girl damn [ __ ] up up up up it's a mimic a dead now see old [Music] I didn't pronounce that correctly but oh well then I miss my chance to do the rat [Music] no rats here [Music] the rat is here full wind-up gun [Music] all right raves over raids over cancer the music send the dancing girls home rains cancel that was a mimic - you little piece of [ __ ] Lord keV transpose is giving me like lasers and [ __ ] I'm gonna get some rail gun shots on my channel trash gun you're a trash gun garbage rifle what is it called trash cannon trash can on secret room nice junuh law I'm Ron Burgundy j6 hello it's getting tight in here fire and poison the wyvern thing for secret boss why burn thing weird egg gotta find a fire oh you know what I think I'd like this and no that's the wrong button why do you throw it that far why are you stupid there and then light it on fire where the [ __ ] did it go where'd it go oh hello where the [ __ ] did it go oh yeah hi hello Gunjan support team I didn't even shoot the thing down and then this I shot it I killed it I destroyed it I [ __ ] ruined everything let's try it again this is fun you guys having a good time now don't shoot it don't shoot it shoot the thing in the wall and you shoot that thing in the wall you can't shoot that thing in the wall okay great we'll shoot this one then not I don't think that's close enough maybe if I shoot it and then drop it didn't even you didn't even shoot a fire down we gotta light it on fire do I have a [ __ ] thing that shoots fire besides the thing that blows it up no I killed it again I can't [ __ ] do it I literally can't do it sorry next see y'all stop packing you want already as real dreamer okay I [ __ ] can't do it I can't and I won't spend way too much time on it already swimmer beyond trash all right duct-tape moon scraper to crown I think you just make synergies work through duct tape my life would be complete bring a [ __ ] give me the boss oh I got hit somehow how that ass did I get hit the serpent was there what serpent goes and Undead did you already get picked there we go baby test it out roar of a tank plus one bullets [Music] all our cat already was picked fizz t was picked snobbery know where you picked I don't trust the system anymore on her bed Santino when it's getting heated and she says she's an anti-vaxxer her snake was right there as dumb Snake Eyes right there you call it your snake little creepy unless the missus is it is in the snakes missus is hidden - that was a weird blow leprechaun then I do what the last person said I don't remember the egg hatched right I mean the egg hatched right my blame blinded by the lights what room are we in or was that last floor oh the little serpent guy hmm didn't see him throw the pain in misery will go on to here and do this then that's junk in I think I don't think that's normal junk what do we throw them what's disposable well this is disposable not much here is really disposable in my eyes what's the thing that we had that we're not using I just give myself a couple more glass go on stones done the deed is done moving on did you guys see a rat room hot lead and once he a rat room Lu ezekiah who knows where the rat room is fight saber I'll run around until I see the the toots goats no one knows the hidden trap door somewhere in one of these rooms you guys see a rat and a ground even let me know your little smokes from your feet moving turn white if you walk over it oh is that it right there no I didn't know it's mice my little turtle boy popping up you can make it douse it I know but I don't have such a thing just give it yourself nope that's cheating I never cheat ever genes for terrible people use your tearjerker I might do it that's not making any water it's not doing it we'll be in here somewhere wouldn't you think not seeing anything [ __ ] just let me go to the rats why you have to make it so difficult just let me do it running out a patient's ear was there a rat room where is it did come the [ __ ] on blank the room with gun this one rusty lockpick warble gun just teleporter there it is kill the boss right we did everything we're good to go clear for landing captain [Music] help help Oh God what happens oh Henry we did it boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and cats and boots if we do the right thing no just go down first a tricky smooth [Music] right and then head down right gilded bullets already got it pick a different thing I don't think they stack it it could stack when Ellis who knows alright not seeing anything else from low ed I'm just gonna go ahead and rear all I'm not alone bum bullets what are bumble it's bum rip I was waiting dude I think you answer stop my still didn't even understand Oh fun bullets probably I'll do it I got you alright that's out of ammo no it's not it's got four because of the heroes bandana quadruples your ammo capacity controllers way better miss sucker miss it sucker you missed you sucker give me a super here would you no I missed it oh well the first ones so difficult to get the thing on does anyone ever countered that I still think it's impossible you're done you just [ __ ] done be done I want to end this on the super but guess not psyche [ __ ] I'm not going for the triple supers you guys yeah we did it once before whatever all right fun stuff fishy fish prime sub welcome fishy fish also be gaming I see you thank you for that if I just take all the passes because we have so many people to talk to anyways frog ruff cat you what mate ain't no such thing as a cat the cat claw there I don't even need to go up and do that thing what if we just jumped to the fifth floor oops Jamin see de Waal take your boots prime sub welcome appreciate the subs you guys whoa whoa whoa whoa love those cheesy boots are the best be able to walk over the edge when removing this fast necessary what's that symbol that's showing right now on this floor you guys see that symbol oh the cop died buddy kid listen up today might have been my last day in the force I might have only been down here because of you but this isn't your father yeah you let me get hit by all those bullets sure you probably could have given me one of those fancy guns you've been hoarding but the point is it ain't your fault now get my badge to my kids to open up all them vengeance off the real sons dromeda strain what is it actually called though gun drum it uh I think it's like every character is like minus thirty percent health or something like that Azurill dreamer stop [ __ ] hacking let's just empty the viewer list start over why am i using my controller again goes [ __ ] like we need to dodge anyways five bucks from beau and dark love your face and stuff like that thank you for all the many nights of YouTube to help me sleep keep doing amazing content thank you for the many hours of enjoyment thank you for supporting me Ben dark appreciate that I'm taking it [ __ ] it you can't stop me heavy bullets I like it when do I get to pick something chat Ben dark right hey men it's not easy to remember over a thousand dates broccoli I like a good Brock in real life too it's like one of my favorite vegetables now I baked it so it gets crispy yeah it's good it's good when you're trying to like like be on a diet and [ __ ] so versatile you put a little like parmesan on it yeah you got it pretty spot-on with my name colorblind prime sub what is going on Bo and dark yeah okay oh it's not that dark it is Bo and dark full and dark so I was right the first time I second-guess myself and then failed miserably that's never happened before in any of human history ever Oh kill me sup BOTS stuck coloured lines now your first sub what's going on wah-wah-wah our tree lover 69 well you really like archery you do what to your bow despicable poor innocent bow I might have lost somehow that's full dude [ __ ] happens oh I'm on fire I didn't know that peashooter next thing we got to do is duct-tape it gotta go with this for the sound I guess I'll aim and I'm not out to have a I I'm out to have a good stream my friend SIA all chat and no my god what does Gyarados doing to Charizard brah another $100 have a good night Xen Heiser holy [ __ ] thank you for that good gravy goodness goodness goodness goodness goodness Oh Oh guys I [ __ ] it if you press the wrong buttons at the wrong time you actually lose the ability to use your command console yeah [ __ ] it up I can't do it anymore consoles left us and colorblind oh my god colorblind gives it a sub to Dragon cast more gifted a sudden more via its get us up the dope well get this up to Matt W get them to set the second-hand P get the decide to smexy squid or get to the sub two on that alone get that it's up to kr or leprechaun get there said the Joker table get those up to Alex and eat those full dang boy [ __ ] did thank you for that more subjects I love the chats more gloriousness love it I love the love I love the way that you love me consoles gone though you guys I can't give myself any more items sorry about the finish strong let's just go baby let's just finish this thing I just do this I could take it away there we go that's what I'm talking about am cheese why'd you be fit I don't even know what the combination of things are but I exit out of it and then I press tab or something like that and then also the consoles busted it's a known issue I don't know what to do about it this is a clone run it was indeed well it's broken I've ever seen dungeon happens to me when I hit escape in the console yeah that's gotta be it sounds right console button escape and a bar like right next to each other you looking at me are you looking me boy can see you can look me what's the most ridiculous gun to go through this with Casey nah kinda lost the ability for ridiculousness we need a moon scrape we have it it's just attached to all this nonsense oh damn lucky doors looking at me and everything Josh the Pug pride himself welcome Josh give me a buddy [Music] you and me are gonna be delicious the thing I don't have epilepsy I thought you said you did have epilepsy I'm surprised but in between very neither grunge buddy buddy buddy look at this old but his little cat but he's like dad scratch my fuzzy feeling okay staring off into nothingness did you see this right now this is what I mean by this cat's like 70 percent fun two hundred bits from shenanigans not sure what I wanna do but I'm loving everything that's happening sod get out here CDM rolls like oh hell yeah oh hell yeah a bud scratch fancy DM this is how we where I had some we don't give up nice sugar and spice and everything yeah oh no this is fine and I care mr. rieper man you gotta give a [ __ ] about you they don't what the [ __ ] you see here at me I'm waiting for the cutscene you can't hurt me during the [ __ ] wait for a cutscene hack fun stop difficult where's the reaper though where's the reap though look wait wait wait wait wait no no did I miss it [ __ ] if I shot him would that be cool you guys have a secret special ultra level if you shoot the super Grim Reaper in the head and then it like that's something different guys Gunjan you missed an opportunity there you kill death there's still explosions going on in the back why I'm not even touching anything not me
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 95,415
Rating: 4.7393484 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell
Id: Dz6JGkWdurM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 51sec (10071 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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