Fall Off The Bone Turkey 🦃 Full Thanksgiving Dinner- Start to Finish🏁 Beginners Friendly🍽️

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my family may not be perfect we may not always see eye to eye but one thing we do agree on we are your family [Music] [Music] I meet all I want a January New Year I'm gonna be 30 pounds [Music] and how I do I watched you should leave at a time because let's go the you said mo born to movies don't believe in any advice on how to watch the Queen's properly yeah this I watch man I everybody will do all of this but I did watch my these tips and watching again that's how my mama taught me to cover countries [Music] okay I'd take and put a cup of these together all the time you know either selling no matter how you cut it but when he cooked thing on all the same season to me with a smaller very less never to see me make you slap your mama [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my first time ever being good I know what I'm doing like I said these greens my cupcakes especially when you ain't got a man bringing me a normal my doing with these hmm no these are keeping man greens man briefly speaking from the back [Music] hey y'all I'm back that's because I'm trying to they watch the reason I'm putting it on top so when Eckstein they're gonna go off do it cuz I just kinda wanna get half done with taste it and then we'll do the same thing I'll taste and see what I need to put in there sweet baby rape hot sauce they got make barbecue side this barbecue sauce too so I'm gonna put this on there just to get a little hot taste the greens all these countries can go back if you keep them maybe too hot nothing get done and start cooking you're gonna take to see what you got put down someone put a little Democrat this is [Music] norm I put fresh darling but just a little bit that's like another of sugar mine yeah cuz wants to get done and start cooking I'm uh you know I'm a taking off taste it no matter what size the office they're gonna cook away down there put some onions in there okay y'all I got salt pepper vinegar jalapeno peppers and and garlic pepper garlic some hot sauce and salt okay I'm putting that I got that in there so the next thing I'm recently putting this on top is because I wanted to season all this right here stuff I put in there the honey of the top with the hot sauce of vinegar salt and pepper I want all of that to hit the green so it can season the green and all those flavors that I put on top get crisp like bacon this I get the most grease will put that grease into my greens when I start cooking so listen if you want some good taste agree you need among grease and this for me this is the best form of no and season my greens and the ham hocks ham hocks and this goes together like some pcs with neck bones some people succeed we would with us smoked turkey I mean a lot of things they do it and leave someone season with people me if you also concha green like I said it's gonna put the power on you but just just time speak to you immediately when I cook the salt pork this is it right here I should have mo burning of Lima due to get the taste of this way i'ma take some of the water from the ham hocks that I cook Italian food now here's the water am i pulling aside of the others [Music] okay never take these ham hock post on this water the green you don't you shouldn't cook bring with a lot of water and the best thing if you're not use it you don't have to have pump that's kind of stick they don't care what you do once they cook the stuff in the water you can check these greens and you can put them in your oven and they will cook you ain't gotta worry about touching them all you gotta do it I stir them occasionally you know you storm a little bit a I'm on here so that's I want this going to greens to fall for grease women who want my post on top of the truth because this is where my grease was and I wanted this grease but it kind of cook the way that happens a lot but all you have to do is just take the water put the meat on top put some oil on top of this of course I can seal the I'm gonna all the steam just stay on steam stand back okay I gotta shove it up this what I'm covered I'm just funnin you know the dog I Mills downside put this but I'm gonna cut the stove I'm not high until they start cook I think a good cooking no drainage that I want to have so to that it will be one hour three o'clock we'll be able to have something out to give it that extra two hours that they don't cooking on and what they start cooking again tell them we're putting the other side I forgot I'm not juicing luck one and I won't put them in it okay now the Greens have cooked down that's why I put them in the boiling I'm giving a good store so they can start cooking Sadek cook the bird turn them over let that seemed ago in it once they got a look tender click for my animal taste and see when I got it add what else I got to put it most time I don't kind of awkward with my left hand I failed it hurt my arm so it's kind of off at its heart the stir would just want I mean come on move it still just gonna kind of feel a lot of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I like for my brain to be you know just like this some salt your nothing do anything cuz they haven't cooked in about 45 minutes I got just nothing doing okay yeah washing kind of it tastes just the worst part of the deal I [Music] like the potatoes because this when I went in the store I prefer the ones real smaller yellow because those are the sweetest a team and make the best candy and a small but taking dick for tasting try it out he ever bought one you see you see a potato like letting me draw it out oh hello juice singing honey you got your turbo the table yeah cut them up like this take the peels off of them wash them real good I have to do our cooking owning like holidays I really enjoy cooking on holidays with a man like this might be sharper I cut mine in circles you can cut along if you want some reason kind of a circle gonna be easy to cook there's a shop and I got to be very careful I couldn't but I said my maybe almost to engine that point to mention dancing a hand [Music] the first season do any word cuz you know I won't even meet I get a little nervous that time Hermes Clara just pretty anyway you know everybody have like here this cook just cook the best of your ability that's all you never as I said to honey sometimes complain and they don't take those tastes better than their okay I get I get some spot on my dams and these are so your command these are old-fashioned game the only thing I put in my name I'll talk it to you as I put it right now imma start with the sugar playing or not final sugar white sugar so I'm gonna put just one cup and put this over and it seem like it's gonna be a lot and it is gonna be a lot like I said it's fun it's not for people who same thing I'm getting can't wait on for this this for people to kick back and enjoy well that was one cup and I think maybe move a little bit just a 1/4 cup so the next thing on the pool on there pure vanilla extract no invitation flavor because I have mean you not gonna get the same thing I use extract and it's expensive but that's what I'm using here hold on don't pull something you need a lot of that so it's kind of expensive got a little bit once I taste and see if I'm gonna put in the mousse and I'm gonna sugar the next day cheer but now this is what really makes sweet potato face and sweet potatoes long time to go win have all of those fainter once they learn but mid- really fits the good flavor I don't like old spice I just like a nice people tell you guys I smell some train a brown or let me put somebody just sent it I don't like some of money money for brown sugar I'm going to ask for some of this [Music] okay I'm not funny that's funny honey is the best thing you can put in your food if you want but if you want to taste a little sweet on well squeeze and then we put too much honey and I'm just going to put a little taste good we already got that puts a get a different taste okay remember sugar let me add another flavor I'm just a chapel coming and you remember my family clutter all are you I'm gonna put them up this will make it to kiss all of it everything in the sweet potatoes rich feel it is not invitation here that's why my what a super take takes over don't give me some living to me are these a half [Music] we'll put the chocolates all I need to put in my mouth with my brown sugar I don't put them under that elbows up in their garages all I put this butter honey sugar lend me and vanilla extract [Music] don't play now I'm sending this on the stove or what - turn it up no matter cook listen cooked in his pain I love this and you know to me and when you cooking sweet potato bets are cooking in a skillet pan but some people watch it and you know you ain't got to worry about stirring okay okay i'm so put it in here I'm cutting down and we're gonna let it get first time we get a little warm and them I cut it down and after I get halfway done I'm gonna taste it I'm good you should have to some little cups in the spoon so we can taste all the food I'm a taster and I'm gonna see what else I got err - that's all you need the sweet potatoes okay y'all know my food pan cooked a little bit what I want you to do now I'm gonna taste I'm gonna be gonna paste inside of what I need to put on you get you a little cup like this or something on a taste I'm not sure what I had to go get in there I've got a little more stuffing again [Music] okay [Music] [Music] quickly all the water this pin I'm using here is another night cookies mr. timer that's what I cook month off sir can i cooking in this trim i will you making homemade stuffing you off from scratch and disappear right here the thing that makes good stuff you got to have the broth from the turf sometimes I make a lot of stuffing and I don't have enough juice for my so this is the bath when my turf cow is I put salt garlic and pepper I mean you can flip the season saw you but anything you want to but this is going to be enough in the minute you know who I'm late on this but I missed three things is all I need that's fun doesn't solve any you know it's just this just means I don't miss that I just pull it put a little pepper [Music] I smoked pepper that's kind of stirred up [Music] makes it real good [Music] make sure that we're gonna do it this with here the highest seasonal turkey most people don't know you always go to the breast of the turkey you take [Music] seasoning makes it good and you check and rub it in a breath-taking rub it in the breast of the turkey rub it in real good and so that's what the season that's gonna season the whole turkey and you'll have a helpful and sometimes just for look cough I might spark a little bit over mine just a little bit so this season we'll talk just to give it when the bacon is gonna make it look a little better [Music] most people don't know I take them I take a Red Delicious apple or game or anything this is not real this is just an apple I already took the other side out of it I'm gonna take a wash it off and you sift it in the middle of the turkeys you just gonna make this truck is so small somebody tell me that and I tried I couldn't believe it then I also take some celery sticks just put in it and you saw me seasoned attorney put on that pickup might put a little onion okay I forgot to take my brother and so this is called a Butterball turkey but you know what watch the night scene no dairy butter so my head I'm gonna have a mouth I'll talk about these little ones it's a half what sticks up but about maybe about two sticks I made a whole bunch stick in here maybe one and a half I stick already to search because this was something they this and this I might put some onion well on your backpack - tip of the celery so anything you want to put in there take this bother this Alchemist Tara's gonna make this stuff so good and the end it's gonna be a good turkey I'm I just don't get this way let's cook this I'm like brother I put a man a lake butter in there because you know that's what kind I like I mean they probably got some building this but I swear on this I love this but I just get the plain butter and sure and help me I just get to see this I love this brothers is just blood is not salty I'm sorry to just plain butter and I use this in my checkout stick in here cuz this check it is called butterball and I'm gonna take it just for Magic Man I'm gonna put a little I know but I put this across all so I'm gonna wrap this up just about it and we'll wrap you slipping on the let this cook and it to make really good stuffing with Justin so here you wrap it up look at the package and the protector said three hours let it cook in these three hours and then you don't uncover just take this room they have a finger sticks out but I don't want to cover mine I think this sister and a half hours something let it cook three and a half out Oh 350 preheat my other okay now ready to I let i preheat my oven to 350 and time on now [Music] thanks and keep it on some time you have an awesome got to back up this is regularly set my family bathroom has cleaned up my kitchen [Music] [Music] I just want to show it to you this is the stock only so much stuff and sell they're juicing it and this is gonna be good children stuff most people think a circular print and looks very pretty but it don't taste that to me it just looked pretty cut-and-dry to them type first don't like like me so I can eat this why do I really don't like ugly faces season good out to the salt in the breath the salt the pepper and the honey and I'm sorry salt pepper and garlic I've put out season with breast river and the other pot and and the fruit and the bottom of it I put the half of the celery some onion and as that's all you need for a good turkey and start the Apple they said Apple make a turkey chin you and I really believe it I really believe that and I also put somebody this was a Butterball turkey but I also add extra butter in it so the surface is perfect now like I'm some get ready to make the corn bread for the stuffing most time I use the market like a shuttle rising filling meal mixing you tell myself putting I don't measure stuff I just poured enough this is enough for this pain right here so just play on cook this with you so this way they always use bottom them for my cornbread fish this bad about a little another you know this kind like the comics here and I just did not matter long as it's better I use a little bottling up come on it's white look so this amount in this bowl right here I'm gonna use 3 eggs for I think that also used to cooking cornbread I don't really have to measure you should always put a little sugar and corn brick but then put a lot especially for our stuffing it I'm for listening just to give it a little you're gonna take the pain out of and they're just give it a little just a pack of sweet sweet taste and I'm gonna put the off I'm gonna put the three eggs for cornbread you always put a lot or when you make it just a little wall in it you know Tyga's air best of all time I don't know my name is Kris Kobach this was a good sale so I got it I put just a little oil you so much I put this in a i'ma pull the butter look at that point in gravity so I could you know I'm gonna so I'm gonna get to running that bottom it really really makes you good cornbread but you remember that long time ago people used to cooking good cornbread and kick they butter and take some bottom look and pull on top of the clover that's a good thing the best country honey yeah young people don't know about that how crazy some edible [Music] okay you know if you should stir it to it but a lot because you can make it kind of but of course if you've stirred a lot of make it like a cake stick this can't do if you just do it the easier that way making stuffing and the reason I need too much of time for this I'm out but [Music] okay like I said move [Music] good so I got my oven preheated to 350 some amendments took about 35 minutes until dawn and there a couple about 35 minutes okay yeah I'm getting ready to do the best but they gotta cook in the microwave so they get a lift under and then they also gonna cook in this book and so don't matter I got a look that's not enough green pepper for the size of Turkey and but really to meet to me now this is celery that makes them make good stuff and some good self celery because celery has that taste that when you put it in Quinn over to taste so this seemed like a lot you know about that throws so i'ma take this boat Nana makes good butter hope y'all hear me lamellae because I saw that go things I like something for me I don't advertise you don't better so I like man to make like I say we'll put it in here and i'ma set this in the microwave until you know a trick on cook this gonna cook for about five minutes and gentlemen open it up take a partial and that thing come out of the sword and be read and put it in here put it on three minutes I don't know cook too much more than this where he will come I don't know these these these festivals are cooking fat the stuff in it and they give this flavor these are onion we cut itself so I'm still back film innocent of Gretel microwave like microwave about four minutes [Music] yeah that's good I got to let it cool off look like ginger but it ain't just some old multiplied cornbread with some buttermilk eggs and shorten and Alysha the hardest part solution is really just taking this turkey out of here because this turkey has cooked as we reach under and everything so I'm gonna tip the girth I'm gonna check out at all the stuff I put in and make it taste good that Apple should open up and the celery make it taste is already inside look at this I mean that's what you call it you're getting other Drive truck out of life so I gotta pick this turkey up transfer this to the scanner the reason I'm doing that is because I want to make my stuffing up at this we're all like tastes like nothing this company leaders are pardoned upon the stuff I got quite a visit useful [Music] okay you can read it to mix up my stuffing and some people just take it makes stuff up with Jeff keys right in these crumbs what it's a couple of ribs form this is the classic harvest season its herb season and some people just knew this was something but hey you know like it just puts you water in and blah blah uses dripping from the turkey but I'm gonna put corn bread man this cornbread homemade cornbread with a buttermilk it's so soft put it in here all the juices from the turkey buttermilk is what women make some good [Music] sometimes I used to you notice you juice right hand that fall over their neck and I used to just take my corn bread up and use that the water you know that season a good till you can do that I chose to do it like this that one that bottom to play [Music] I'm gonna take the celery onions here microwave this one remember this is gonna cook them in my cookie stuffing [Music] you cook yours like this you will have you some good job you should never cook it no way but like this some people put sauces and stuff it is the season to [Music] and I get it like this when we put my season only things you need to put in here and that's the truth for this real season there's portrait season and watch the seasons and pepper [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna see all y'all cook this for Thanksgiving while you cook it and don't you give me some cumin so hot think you probably did what I told you to do it then be good I'm getting it almost a consistent that I want then I'm gonna put the seasoning savy peppers you can't want to cook it again and you're not gonna see all these big thanks I gotta cook [Music] [Music] I know anybody wait eight much stuffing information be mad not here they an idea to get some sometimes I just rock to count chicken broth I just put a little bit this is a little bit cuz I don't have to use that backup okay just about a good consistent [Music] [Music] my portrait season no you need to put in here as well making this portrait season oh this is old-fashioned I wish you can smell this myself maybe they'll get stuck on the front of one you can smear to bring it through the phone now it's really important on this magnificus a good but the most important part on this you have to taste your stuff enough you can't just whip up a recipe let me imagine a recipe and even from my wife [Music] add a little pepper it's pretty good and and I can't cook with pepper [Music] baby [Music] I gots a little bit kitchen I'm gonna say this one time again this is my best time failure this is well this is kind of rich but I cook it very rich it's not that person think they can have all these health problems and eat this like this every day Christmas and Thanksgiving is okay twice a year okay I'm having like my stuff smooth that I like a kind of choppy like cuz it looks you got another egg that when you're cooking when it's kind of trouble so they're just smoothing it down like it's a cake it looks more pleasing and what I'm gonna do now I do it differently I'm gonna take this turkey you set it in here we try to keep sending the holy cards for people who like this turkey stuffing there's good at tasting so good I'm just trying to put it in there it's gonna come off the bone [Music] perfect on paper good to me to come off the line let me just they get all right here in the most meat it's gonna be people like dark meat that's a dark meat they're gonna call that pretty much a school these little they used to cook and invite the pastor come over and eat on and everything up and when they went home happy okay Mary son before a meal like this pretty I'm not a bit pretty good cook okay now this is ready to go into the of get around but you'll be surprised I didn't run along the oven attack [Music] let's go back in the oven for the last time come up we're gonna be ready to eat [Music] take a look at the take me bond without to get done I'm gonna take these bottles out bleep the ham hocks salt let me taste it for the last time [Music] thirty minutes a night under a shoe [Music] that's gonna be it little cookie so they get the taters [Music] [Music] break up a table it tastes want to be see to me the one that has the less flavoring are the ones that you know the yellow ones there's more someone get one that's kind of energy [Music] [Music] this is what it was all all that cooking and if it don't look good and damn so tastes good after Thanksgiving and also Merry Christmas this is a warm welcome from the bottom of our heart from the fourth Shore Family Channel please don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell for notification until next time see ya
Channel: 4Sure Family
Views: 317,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mukbang, family, fried green tomatoes, how to, fried tomatoes, hot sauce, mom, mother, kitchen, cooking, cooking fried tomatoes, #mamafrog, thanksgiving, thanksgiving dinner, mattie's kitchen, secret recipes, happy thanksgiving, collard greens, sweet potatoes, sugar, pepper, garlic, seasoning greens, hammocks, salt pork, turkey, stuffing, turkey and stuffing, Mukbang, chicken, eating, 먹방, first video, belove, beloves life, nick avocado, soo, family fun, Thanksgiving recipes, 4Sure, 4Sure Family
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 14sec (2834 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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