Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe

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[Music] hey what's up everybody I'm cholie and today I'm going to be showing you how to prepare and cook a turkey now this is not just your regular old turkey you just take base with butter and put it in the oven and let it bake for a few hours and Bam there you go no that's not what this is we start by taking the turkey we clean it then we inject and base the turkey with a Creo Cajun butter which consists of butter and my favorite blend of New Orleans seasonings which includes herbs and slices once we inject and base the turkey we put it in the oven and we bake it on a low temperature for about 3 hours then then once that's finished we take the fat and the meat drippings from the turkey and we make a delicious and flavorful turkey gravy that you're going to love that's right and today I'm going to be showing you step by step on how to prepare and cook this delicious and juicy turkey so let's get started okay this is all what you're going to need to prepare and bake your turkey and we're going to get started with our ingredients you're going to need one 14 lb turkey now if you have a 20 or 25 lb turkey I want to let you know that it will have an effect on the baking times now for this recipe it is recommended that you have between a 13 and a 15 lb turkey okay and along with that you're going to need some salted or unsalted butter allpurpose flour and for our seasonings you're going to need some Tony saturas Creo seasoning now if you don't have this you can use the zatan cre seasoning or to slap your mama cre seasoning okay and you're also going to need some cayenne pepper and also you're going to need some Chef Paul fom's Porche magic and some fresh sad and to bake our turkey you're going to need an 11x 16 in roasting pan and this pan has a capacity to hold up to 25 lb of turkey so this is perfect for our 14 lb turkey and for your tools you're going to need a meat thermometer and a flavor injector now this is totally optional for you to use just in case if you want to monitor the temperature or of your turkey or if you want to inject any type of flavor into your turkey and I'm going to be using both of these for this recipe okay okay and you're also going to need a pastry brush to base your turkey and there we have it let's get straight to it we're going to get started by removing these Sage leaves off of the stem we're going to Bunch the leaves all together and we're going to chop that up and you want to chop this really fine until it resembles coarse crumbs you're going to take your turkey and you're going to add it into a large pot and you're going to fill the pot with cold water and we're going to let this turkey Tha in between five to 9 hours and that's really the timetable um of how many hours it's going to take for your turkey to th completely here's another step you're going to wipe your sink off really good with soap and water you're going to rinse your sink off thoroughly with cold water water now you're going to fill your sink with cold water and you're going to fill this to us about 80% full now that we have it at 80% full now you're going to go ahead and add your turkey right on in there and you're going to uh throw it out in between 5 to 9 hours and uh also this step is totally safe I've done this method before and I am still alive as of November M 28th 2016 and here is a chart with the approximate thawing and roasting times for your turkey depending on what size turkey you have and uh you want to use this as a guideline to help you out we're going to get started by removing the packaging off of the turkey going to remove this uh yellow net off of the packaging of the turkey now at the bottom there's uh two holes for you insert your finger fingers I'm going to use my thumbs just going to insert my thumbs and I'm just going to pull that out and as you can see as I'm pulling it oped up the bag okay here's our turkey in the back we're going to remove the turkey neck and we're going to use this to make our turkey gravy so you want to set that on the side and you can also stuff this um if you like too as well now on the opposite side there's some packaging containing the turkey giblet and the turkey heart you're going to remove that out now we're going to use the turkey giblet to make our turkey gravy now the turkey heart you can discard that okay we're going to add the turkey into a strainer and you're going to rinse it off thoroughly with cold water okay here we have some napkins and we're going to Pat the turkey dry here we have some unsalted butter to the left we have a half a stick and to the right we have a whole stick and we're going to be using this to inject and to base the turkey and we're going to put this in the microwave and melt it on high for about 2 minutes we have that nice and melted over here to my right we have the half a cup of butter and to right here we have the 1/4 cup of butter now to add some seasoning we're going to add one teaspoon of T sasher cre seasoning 1 teaspoon of Chef poon's Porche magic and 1 teaspoon of kayenne pepper mix all ingredients together for your turkey butter base add two tpoon of Tony sasher Creo seasoning 1 teaspoon of Chef Paul pom's Porche magic 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 1 tbspoon of your chopped Sage stir all ingredients together and there we have it we have our turkey butter base and our butter injectable base and the reason why we have these separate is because the uh particles from the chopped Sage can clog the flavor injector now we're going to pour our injectable butter base into our flavor injector and be careful not to add the seasoning in there as that can cause the uh flavor injector to clog preheat your oven to 325° here we have a chart with the approximate roasting times depending on what size turkey you have now for this recipe it's going to take less than 3 hours but um you can also use this as a guideline here we have our flavor injector and we're just going to give that a quick shake and we're going to inject the breast of the turkey and you want to make sure you add a lot of the Creo butter inside of there okay now we're going to do the other side now you also want to make sure that you do the legs and the thighs of the turkey make sure you inject those all right now we're going to take some of the uh Creo butter that's uh spilled outside turkey and we're just going to rub that all around the turkey we're going to brush our turkey butter base all over the turkey now I want to let you know that if you happen to run out of this or the butter injectable base you can always make more okay we have the turkey nice and coated now we're going to take our turkey and add it into our baking pan now it is ready to be baked Place into a preheated 325° oven and we're going to bake this for 1 hour and this is how the turkey looks after 1 hour once that hour is up you're going to remove your turkey out of the oven now as you can see the turkey has released some of its oils and juices we're going to take our brush and we're going to brush that um on top of the turkey you make sure you coat the entire turkey with this now if you want to use some of your Creo butter base you can use that and you want to make sure you coat the entire turkey with this as well you're going to place your turkey back into a preheated 325° oven and you're going to bake it for 1 hour this is how the turkey looks after the second hour now we're going to remove the turkey out of the oven we're going to preheat our oven to 310° now we're going to take some of the juices from the turkey and we're just going to brush the entire turkey with this now remember if you want to use the Creo butter um you can spread that all around your turkey as well okay Place into a preheated 310° oven and we're going to bake this for about 40 minutes okay in the strainer we're going to add our turkey neck and our turkey giblet and we're going to rinse this off with cold water preheat your fire to medium high heat add 4 cups of water add about a half a teaspoon of Tony sasher Creo seasoning and a half a teaspoon of Chef pooms Porche magic add your turkey neck and giblet into the pot we're going to cover this and we're going to let this simmer for about 40 minutes to an hour this is how how our turkey will look after 40 minutes you're going to remove your turkey out of the oven after baking on 325° for 2 hours and 310° for 40 minutes now we're going to check the turkey for dness we're going to insert our oven thermometer into the breast of the turkey and it should read about 170° in the breast and you also going to insert the meat thermometer into the thigh of the turkey and that should read about 100 80° now to be honest my readings on my oven thermometer um actually surpass the uh recommended amounts about 15 to 20° more which is a sign that this turkey is done now if you're having any trouble with your turkey um not reaching the temperature of 170° in the breast or 180° in the thigh you're going to base your turkey first and you're going to place it back into your oven for about 30 minutes and you're going to continue to do this every 30 minutes until the turkey is done or until it reaches uh that recommended temperature it's been about an hour now and our turkey stock is now done going to turn your fire off you're going to remove your turkey neck and giblet out of the pot now you can take the meat off the turkey neck and add it into your stuffing and you can also take the turkey giblet and chop that up and add that into your stuffing if you like here we have our turkey fat and meat drippings we're going to add this into a measuring cup we have a strainer right there to catch all of the turkey fat here we have some actual turkey fat and this is very highly seasoned you're going to set that on the side to add to your turkey gravy later and here we have our oil released from my turkey and we're going to make a little r with this then we're going to turn it into turkey gravy preheat your fire to medium high heat add a half a cup of turkey fat and you're going to let this get hot for about two minutes and to that we're going to add less than a half a cup of allpurpose flour and we're going to stir that in now as you can see the uh R will start to Clump up a lot and this is because I added too much of flour my mistake that's why I say add less than a half a cup of flour okay now we're going to work with this I'm going to add my turkey broth right on in there I'm going to go ahead and stir that in now as the broth cooks and comes to a simmer all of those little bitty chunky pieces of the r will start to disolve into that broth you're going to continue to stir this for about 3 to 5 minutes it's been about 3 to 5 minutes now and our turkey gravy has thickened now to thin it out some if you want you can add an additional 1/4 cup of turkey stock or 1/4 cup of water now remember those that turkey fat that I told you to save you're going to add that in there stir all ingredients together now if you want to add a little seasoning you're going to add a half a teaspoon of Tony sasher Creo seasoning mix all ingredients together and you're going to stir this for about 1 minute it's been about 1 minute now and our turkey gravy is now done and as you can see despite our R clumping up and everything we was able to get everything dissolved then now it is done came out perfectly going to turn your fire off and I'm just going to do a little taste test here and it is good nice and well seasoned now you're going to let this cool off so the flavors can settle and this is how your turkey gravy will look after it is done as you can see it's a nice smooth consistency now I'm going to go ahead and cut you a slice of turkey just to show you how the inside looks oh my goodness look at how juicy that looks and there you have it ladies and gentlemen how to prepare and cook a turkey by a New Orleans native thanks for watching ah now it's time to go ahead and take a bite man good cheers oh my goodness man that turkey is so juicy it melts in your mouth then you have that flavor of that that Cad and and CR butter that we injected inside that turkey then you got that flavor of that turkey gravy in there too oh man the flavor is just amazing woo woo it's good I'm telling y'all it's rolling and there you have it ladies and gentlemen how to prepare and cook a turkey prepared and cooked by a New Orleans native thanks for watching now I'm going to go ahead and take another bite M so good man so juicy it just smells right in your mouth so good hey y'all I hope you all enjoyed the video like up subscribe to my channel so you can enjoy all of my delicious recipes cooked right here in my kitchen if you have any questions or comments please post them or you can email me at charliethecookandrews you can also like or contact me on Facebook charliethecookandrews you can also check out this recipe along with all of my other recipes at www. Charlie cook Andrews . and if you want to donate to the channel check out the links in the description box and it'll take you step by step on how to donate so until next time take care and I hope you all have a blessed day [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Charlie Andrews
Views: 48,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thanksgiving Turkey, Turkey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2016
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