Characters Who Are Worthy Of Mjolnir Ranked By Power

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thor's hammer mjolnir is one of the most iconic weapons in all of marvel comics like yeah yeah it's ultimately just at its core a big hammer but it also has that whole enchantment that makes it so only worthy people are allowed to wield it but of those who have wielded mjolnir which were the most powerful who could swing that hammer the best and who couldn't handle the awesome might and power of thor well that's what i'm here today to discuss i'm making a list of the most powerful mule near users and working my way down that's fun right over here right it's going to be a blast so let's get started right now it's kind of a surprise for me that venom is at the top of this list when it comes to how powerful a character can be while wielding mjolnir but the way he used it was nothing short of jaw-dropping first it's a surprise that venom was able to lift it at all i mean yeah venom now leans toward being a good guy but he still feels like a character who loves to munch on brains and generally bends the rules if it's something that he wants those types of heroes don't seem like the normal lifting mjolnir types but there was a special exception here in the king in black storyline which saw the evil knoll try to wipe out everything eddie brock was eliminated by null but then was resurrected by the enigma force sort of like the phoenix force the enigma force represented life and light in the universe i can't confirm this but i also think it loves asking riddles i mean you can't be the enigma force without asking riddles right anyway with the enigma force coursing through his veins eddie and venom literally summoned mjolnir out of thor's hands which just by itself is a boss level move but then it didn't end there after summoning the hammer venom summoned silver surfer's iconic board and then using his new found cosmic powers combined them together to make a battle axe that was even shaped like the venom logo which was just amazing so for style for creativity and for end results venom using mjolnir is one of the most powerful beings to ever utilize it and speaking of silver surfer i think he deserves the next spot on this list there's a wild thano-centric comic series out there that sees the mad titan travel to the end of the universe and sees a future where he has become king thanos in this reality we see a cosmic ghost rider we see the hulk become basically king thanos's brute strength pet and we also see a new version of silver surfer and he's now no longer known as the silver surfer but rather he calls himself the fallen one and comes with a nifty all-black upgrade thanks to being imbued with black matter this version of silver surfer has spent a millennia training to become worthy of wielding mjolnir which is kind of insane to think about serious kudos to the former herald of galactus for devoting that time to work on himself and become worthy if given thousands of years do you think you could become worthy of thor's hammer what would that even entail meditating every day cutting out gluten collecting all the loose carts you see at the grocery store parking lot and putting them in their designated spots every time seems like a lot of work but i respect a silver surfer for being so committed and then he was able to use the hammer to beat up not one but two versions of thanos so that's also fun beta ray bill may not be the strongest when it comes to wielding mjolnir but he's definitely one of the fan favorites the love for this character in the comics has left many a fan wondering just when the corbonite would make his big mcu debut especially since there have been so many references to him like there's a fun easter egg of his statue on the gladiator head thing in thor ragnarok and the fact that stormbreaker was originally bill's weapon in the comics just has left us all wondering how the mcu would adapt to this particular story but bill using mjolnir requires a special mention so originally in the comics what had happened was that in their first meeting thor got separated from mjolnir reverted to his human form of don blake then bill knocked him out then it turned out bill was worthy by picking up the hammer and wanted to claim the weapon as his own asgard's worst dad odin put together a new battle to the death between bill and thor and even though bill won that fight and had an overall advantage thanks to odin's tampering he refused to eliminate thor for good and thus just proved his worthiness even more that's when he was given his own weapon known as stormbreaker so kudos to bill and please show up soon in the mcu jane of foster coming back for thor love and thunder is a major surprise after natalie portman was vocal about the less than stellar experience of shooting thor the dark world as well as disappointment over the treatment of her character on top of them seeming to put thor through a soft reboot in thor ragnarok it seemed like we had seen the last of jane foster in the mcu but surprise nope taiko ytd surprised everyone at a comic con panel by revealing that jane was coming back and would become the mighty thor like in the comics now overall the mighty thor was a worthy replacement for regular thor what had happened was that in the comics nick fury had whispered to thor about how gore the god butcher was actually right and that basically made thor doubt himself and his own worthiness for a bit and he lost the ability to wield mjolnir well jane foster who at the time was currently going through cancer treatment tried her hand at lifting mjolnir and found herself transformed with the power of thor becoming the mighty thor she became asgard's greatest protector during this time and proved she was just as capable using mjolnir as anyone else she proved what a great hero she could be and i can't wait to see how thor love and thunder adapts the storyline i have high hopes loki is on an interesting path right now his original version redeemed himself only to almost immediately be choked out by thanos but then a variant version of the character also has started undergoing the more heroic transformation that we all know he's capable of so the big thing is will this lead to loki eventually wielding mjolnir i hope so i've said before that loki holding mjolnir in a future movie would be the perfect end to his overall character arc anyways let's talk about comic instances when loki has wielded the hammer it was a pretty awesome moment so there was once a storyline called axis that followed what happened if the morality and character of everyone was flipped so good guys became bad guys and bad guys became good guys and in this instance a good loki was forced to fight an evil thor the fight led them to the moon where mjolnir just happened to be although loki was having trouble fighting his brother because thor was obviously more powerful loki now had the heart of a hero improved his worthiness by lifting the hammer and beating up bad thor with it it's a cheer worthy moment for sure in one of those fun wacky comic dc and marvel crossovers there was once a time when superman lifted mjolnir and i mean that makes sense right if there was any dc hero that would be worthy to pick up the hammer then it would have to be superman he's the embodiment of truth justice and all that jazz he's the ultimate good guy so in the jla avengers crossover there's this epic moment where superman is wielding mjolnir in one hand and holding captain america's shield in the other glorious right surely superman using mjolnir would make him the most powerful on this list right well not necessarily it was revealed later that superman couldn't lift it again and thor talks about how some unworthies were allowed to overcome the spell in desperate hours plus if you look at that scene it does sort of look like thor is giving the hammer all the energy and strength while superman is just sort of redirecting it to where it needs to go so sorry soup maybe next time could magneto use his powers of magnetism to lift mjolnir well in our main universe no the worthiness aspect trumps the mutant's abilities but in the ultimate universe it's a different story over there the circumstances are different where he can use his powers to control the electromagnetic field around the hammer and thus swing it around he just can't tap into the powers that the hammer holds he isn't embedded with the power of thor when he holds it but rather he's just a scary dude with a big hammer he's ranked here on this list though because of the intimidation factor but now the big question do you think in our universe magneto could ever become powerful enough to circumvent the worthiness claws and control the hammer i would say never say never this list has mostly been all comics related but i wanted to throw in one movie character who proved to not necessarily be worthy but rather just overall powerful enough to control and eventually destroy mjolnir i'm of course talking about hella in thor ragnarok it was revealed that odin had another child and the two of them conquered the nine realms together until odin grew a conscience really what's interesting though is that we saw that hella actually wielded mjolnir before odin had put the enchantment on it so is that the reason why the hammer didn't have a huge effect on hello when thor chucked it at her she didn't exactly wield it in the scene but rather she just stopped it rather easily and then without breaking a sweat broke the hammer into a million pieces that's an ultimate power move right there which has always begged the question sure hella stopped and destroyed the hammer but if she wanted to could she pick it up and use it herself she may not be worthy by any stretch but does her powers and relationship to odin allow her to circumvent the worthiness aspect this is a list of worthy people ranked by power and sometimes the power level that i'm referring to means more about the image of holding mjolnir and what that does to the people watching because sure you can be powerful swinging the hammer around and smacking people in the face but there's also a lot of power in breaking your enemies morale and that's sort of what happened when the evil version of captain america used the hammer thanks to cosmic cube shenanigans the worthiness aspect of the spell on mjolnir was altered and it allowed this newly evil version of steve rogers to step up and swing it around this was a huge blow to everyone watching what had happened was thor was faced out of existence which allowed this evil version to walk right up pick up the hammer and hold it high for the world to see and everyone was rocked to their core of course you would find out later that the evil version of captain america was never actually worthy a fact not known to him but still this was an excellent morale shattering moment doctor doom's inclusion on this list is a little iffy i admit but the story around him with mjolnir is just too good so doom is actually stuck in hell and trying desperately to escape luckily an asgardian portal opens up near him and he sees his chance to escape while using the portal he sees mjolnir and for a second doom feels enough asgardian power within him that he believes he's capable of holding mjolnir and wielding it in his mind he's worthy of course that's not the case and again iffy inclusion here but the visual of doom fighting to get out of hell by jumping through a portal and having asgardian forces flow through his body enough to want to reach out and grab mjolnir is an exciting visual that no one on this list can really top odin's enchantment is what makes mjolnir so special in the first place and it constantly challenges thor to live up to the lofty expectations of worthiness but did you know the hammer was also odin's weapon of choice when he was younger yeah and the history behind the hammer is wild during a battle two elder gods shattered a moon made of uru and the pieces were found by dwarves and later one chunk was gifted to odin then a cosmic storm called the god tempest threatened asgard and to defeat it odin trapped the storm inside the uru trunk and then asked the dwarves to forge mjolnir that's rad i only give that backstory because after the hammer was forged and odin started using it he could barely control it due to its immense power and it had to be enchanted and managed over time odin even used the hammer while fighting with the prehistoric avengers which is a fun little tidbit but yeah his inability to control it properly at first places odin near the bottom of this list so bore is odin's father and was resurrected by loki in more modern times because loki loves little chaos loki ended up tricking bore into thinking earth was full of monsters and needed to be wiped out which led to thor's intervention performing his usual trick of chucking mjolnir at his enemy thor tries this against a boar but to his surprise his grandfather simply catches the hammer and tosses it aside there's nothing to this moment that's particularly powerful and it's never really explained why boar can do this but perhaps it's because he's the father of the asgardian who made the enchantment or was technically born before the enchantment was placed or was in fact worthy himself i guess that is technically an option [Music] there are a few loopholes around mjolnir's enchantments that thor's enemies and opponents have employed over the years because yes although you do need to be worthy in order to lift the hammer that doesn't mean you have to be worthy to lift thor if the god of thunder is holding the hammer then if you're strong enough you can move the hammer around that's actually what hulk ended up doing at least once in the comics the rivalry between thor and hulk is one of the greatest in the comics as their strength levels always seem to be even with each other right but of course thor does have the advantage with his lightning abilities and his hammer which made it all the funnier when hulk used the hammer that thor was still holding on to and used it to viciously beat the god of thunder with that's such a fun loophole in my opinion it's much better than the gravity loophole others have used in the comics because this one actually does make sense do you think deadpool could ever be worthy enough to wield mjolnir he's trying to be the world's best x-man sorry i mean no not in the standard way at least yeah deadpool is a great hero at times but there's just too many factors working against him so how did he end up wielding mjolnir well it was actually through a loki shenanigan that saw a duplicate hammer being made and it falling into deadpool's hands so although it wasn't technically real it did answer the question of what type of things the merc with the mouth would do if he ever became like thor yes he obviously started talking with a shakespearean accent but he also did things like played baseball with it played one of the strength machines with it and naturally busted out animals from michael jackson's estate so he didn't do anything specifically powerful with the hammer but at least he had some fun at the bottom of this list is iron man his experience holding the hammer was brief and he didn't end up doing that much with it of course tony stark isn't exactly a worthy character thanks to the whole plethora of different faults and inner demons but he was able to pick up the hammer one time when mjolnir had lost its special enchantment in this instance tony wanted to take the hammer in for testing and thor didn't want that and it ended with tony picking up the hammer and smacking thor with it though in a not quite shocking conclusion this didn't seem to have any effect on the god of thunder it looked like the god of thunder was hit with a foam toy that's how strong thor is in general i guess the only good thing about this instance is that tony got photo proof that he did in fact hold mjolnir and he did in fact hit thor with it and i guess that's something right question for you who do you think in the mcu is worthy of mjolnir but hasn't tried picking up the hammer spider-man ant-man chung shangxi elena any of them none of them what would they have to do to become worthy let me know in the comments below thanks for watching
Channel: CBR
Views: 114,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captain america, cbr, iron man, love and thunder, thor’s hammer, who can use mjolnir, who lifted mjolnir, worthy of mjolnir
Id: s_h-UV5VlCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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