Who Has the Most Powerful Weapon In The MCU

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i live for the simple things like how much this is gonna hurt i want one be honest every one of you is fantasized about using at least one weapon from the mcu who wouldn't want to try throwing cap shield heads up try on thanos's gauntlet or to see if they're worthy enough to lift my near if i could give you any one weapon from the mcu the only thing to know before you pick is which one is the best watch till the end where i'll decide the winner it may just surprise you what's life without a little controversy huh [Music] so let's start with the big weapon the one you're all here for that's right thanos's infinity gauntlet the infinity saga spent the better part of a decade meticulously introducing us to how terrifyingly powerful each and every infinity stone was pretty much every other year millions were put directly into harm's way because someone evil was swaying with some unbelievable power they didn't understand then came thanos who decided to design himself a glove that could house each and every one of those all-powerful stones this turned the already formidable titan who could throw hands with hulk without breaking a sweat into a greatest hit show of all the powers of bad guys past i mean in an endgame the man had no stones at all and still took on the big three avengers with a double-bladed sword that would make darth maul and cloud strife jealous once he gathered all the stones he was even able to obliterate half of all life in the universe with a snap of his fingers that power is not only most mcu villains could wish for but most movie villains as well sauron darth vader and voldemort would all have loved to borrow the glove for just a second one of the first glimpses we got into the mcu's supernatural mythology was our quick glimpse into odin's legendary war room not only did odin's vaults contain the casket of ancient winters and the destroyer but a plethora of marvel easter eggs like the infinity gauntlet and the eye of agamotto thor ragnarok turned this on its head by having hello reveal most of it was fake for some reason don't feel too bad odin all of us have bought something off ebay without reading the description first hella did shed some light on how great odin used to be evidently some of the weapons in the vault had some real value that we're likely to never know about she showed us the secret history of asgard as she and her father conquered the stars to build that golden throne he liked to sit on so much unfortunately thor burned the whole house down before we truly ever learned just what secrets odin was holding back on us for all we know he was the most powerful guy in the entire mcu some fans even think that thanos was waiting for his demise before he started taking matters into his own hands few superheroes out there are quite as attached as thor is to his weapons his entire first film was solely dedicated to his journey to prove himself worthy of his hammer say what you will about cap and his shield but he never spent an entire film dedicated to his love of his star-spangled frisbee mjolnir was once the weapon to end all weapons in the mcu every other avenger even stood up to try and prove their worth to wield it then thor's mean older sister showed up and ruined everything like many older siblings hella saw that thor was having a lot of fun with his favorite toy and decided to break it just out of spite this led thor to build his own weapon that he didn't have to prove anything to wield he took the power of an entire star on his back in order to build stormbreaker and the weapon did not disappoint it was able to cut right through a blast from the infinity gauntlet and nearly ended thanos before he had a chance to snap if only thor had better aim he would have proven himself as the strongest avenger once and for all you had it thor you finally had it oh it was right there if you're a giant vibranium robot that was literally designed by iron man to make the avengers obsolete how can you really get better well what if you had like a thousand more of yourself all linked to your own mind like a thousand fists that can overwhelm those puny human superheroes you hate so much that's what ultron had at his disposal when he planned on blowing a crater in the planet earth frankly i understand his overconfidence now that i think about it he probably has the most embarrassing loss of any villain in the mcu i mean most villains just lost once not one thousand times all at once wakanda has quite the leg up on the rest of the world everyone else hoards tiny scraps of vibranium they can get their hands on while wakanda sits on a giant meteor full of the stuff they have so much that shuri has time to not only make giant flying cars but specialized cat themed battle armor for her big bro the black panther unfortunately we only got to see t'challa use two suits during as far too short of a time in the mcu but both would even make batman jealous the latest featured deck that stored kinetic energy for a powerful release sure he has big panther-shaped boots to fill and designing herself a new killer black panther suit would be a good start wakanda forever everyone wants an iron man suit that's what the plot of the first two iron man movies were about and likely what the plot of the war machine centered armor wars will be about too while the government seemed out of line the first time i saw iron man 2 on a re-watch of all the mcu films i see their point in the years following that film there were several alien invasions a few godly showdowns and a hydra takeover attempt literally all of those scenarios could have been helped with a small army of iron man suits we saw this in great deal during iron man 3 where tony enlisted his entire wardrobe to help him take down a bunch of extremis guys what could have been an avengers level threat to the president himself was once shotted by tony alone with plenty of suits to spare this wasn't even including his suit that was capable of trading punches with the hulk he topped that too by including specialized nanotech in his final suit that may have had a little bit of shuri's help in its design it's also worth mentioning that the suit just looks like a lot of fun to take a ride around in who wouldn't want to take it for a joyride huh most weapons in the mcu are based on some sort of logic even if it's comic book logic captain america's vibranium shield cuts right through stupid things like logic and physics somehow no matter where steve rogers throws that shield it always manages to bounce perfectly back into his hands like a big vibranium boomerang while it's quite impressive its defensive capabilities are even greater captain america is one of the more vulnerable avengers so it's fitting that he carries a shield to protect him from pretty much anything including thor's hammer it seemed truly indestructible until thanos cut it up like a christmas ham all dreams have to die sometime i guess it's kind of crazy to think that peter parker's superhero career started with basically his red and blue sweats and some modified goggles seriously you know what's most impressive about the toby maguire spider-man that would be his sewing skills man the rainy spider suit was quite impressive for someone sewing in his aunt's basement as far as the mcu goes tony stark provided our pete with quite the superhero glow up when he took parker out of his sweatpants and into his 21st century superhero attire he provided him with all the best dark tech that hawkeye's been waiting years for his own ai custom web weapons and a kill mode that frankly seems just like cheating if that wasn't cool enough peter also got the iron spider suit the most powerful we've seen in the mcu this took peter from a streetwise young superhero to a full-fledged avenger who could take on intergalactic threats without having to be in his undies as cool as all that was none of it was as good as peter's latest costume sure it doesn't have extra legs coming out the back like the iron spider suit but it's cooler because peter designed it himself from here on out he won't be wearing anything with stark's signature but his own that's the pete we know and love the plucky scientist who could run apple if he weren't so busy busting up bad guys and getting the snot beat out of him steven strange used to have a simple stress-free life of being rushed into emergency rooms and save the lives of horribly injured people in surgeries where even the slightest slip of a finger could mean a life or his career forever super stress-free stuff you know well compared to being a sorcerer supreme who has to fight interdimensional bad guys and big purple alien men that is luckily steven has more than a scalpel backing him up when the fate of the world is hanging in the balance he has access to probably the greatest assembly of magical artifacts since the last scene of raiders of the lost ark rings that can teleport sentient flying capes and necklaces that can bend time are only the tip of the magical iceberg that the sanctum sanctorum contains as movies like thor ragnarok shows us we've barely scratched the surface of what secrets steven and any other supremes have been storing all this time strange's battle with thanos showed us that steven has mastered weapons from the comics like the crimson bands of psyturak and a sword which may be dragonfang this combined with the eye of agamotto the sling rings and his cloak of levitation make him one decked-out wizard unlike odin most of his stuff seems legit too the death star from star wars episode iv a new hope was a game-changing piece of galactic engineering that took over a decade to construct and change the nature of space warfare forever once it was destroyed the evil engineers of the star wars universe seemed obsessed with creating another weapon capable of obliterating a planet rocket raccoon could build a weapon that could do that with a box of scraps and peter quill's ship the hadron enforcer was a device built with the capabilities of destroying a moon if the intended target had enough mass the payload would deliver death star levels of damage it wasn't enough to make a power stone upgraded ronin go down but i imagine it would do a heck of a job on alderaan without the crazy light show it's a good thing that rocket isn't evil because thanos would have some serious competition [Music] who would have thought that the smallest mcu franchise ant-man would have ended up being the most important part of the biggest mcu film end game sure enough silly little scott lang and his adventures through the microscopic universe were what saved the day in the end it's funny because fans knew ant-man was going to defeat thanos but they were a little bit off their pitch luckily we didn't have to watch scott try to expand inside thanos intestines you guys do know they make these movies for kids right endgame did shine a light on something hank pym has known about for decades the pin particles are perhaps the most dangerous scientific discovery of all time sure scott and hope have basically only used them for cool capers and silly hijinks with ants that play the drums but they are capable of reshifting all reality as we know it think about it our heroes were able to use hank's technology to shrink into the past create several alternate timelines destroy those timelines and undo the catastrophic events of thanos snap these are just the ways heroes like the avengers have used hank's tech too i can't imagine what someone with more nefarious intent could do with them really makes the stakes of the first ant-man where scott and the gang were fighting to keep the particles out of hydra's hands seem a lot more intense if anyone shouldn't get time travel powers it's hydra or deadpool that was a bad idea looking back on the plot of spider-man far from home mysterio's plan wasn't all that great sure fixing yourself to look like the superhero successor to iron man with fake superhero disasters you make using stark tech looks great on paper quinton beck had the whole world fooled into thinking he was a superhero but like what was he gonna do during a legit superhero disaster aliens vade new york like every other year in the mcu and they would expect mysterio to be all up in it you might be able to fool an average joe with your holographic light show buddy but thor and an army of chittari aren't so easily fooled into thinking you have superpowers luckily bec did have one incredibly powerful trick up his sleeve back in age of ultron tony stark declared that he wanted to make a suit of armor around the world well he succeeded obviously not learning the lesson from that movie or captain america winter soldier tony made an enhanced form of shields project insight that was able to take out any person around the globe just like with insight a bad guy got control of it and nearly caused global mayhem luckily peter was able to take back control of edith and save the day maybe he shouldn't have given those glasses to a teenager in the first place huh falcon has spent most of his mcu screen time stuck in captain america's shadow well that's all about to change because he's about to be a center stage hero thanks to cat passing the torch er shield to sam in anthony macky's new disney plus show falcon and the winter soldier not to mention outside the wire and a whole bunch of other movies for 2021 where does he find the dime sorry but he'll always be papadoc from eight mile to me you know while inheriting the shield from steve is a huge deal his go-to weapon is worthy of a disney plus series by itself his specialized buzz lightyear wings not only give him the ability to zoom through the sky but they're also highly versatile in combat civil war showed us that they can be used as combat shields missile launchers and even has a drone named red wing adorable hopefully the show shed some light on the para rescue team where he got his fancy flyers i would love to see the vulture from homecoming cameo as a commanding officer back in the day i mean how many people out there can be experts in jetpack wing combat huh marvel fans know something deep down that even kevin feige would probably never admit to if yondu was an infinity war that movie would have lasted about 10 minutes long thanos shows up yondu would whistle thanos would drop roll credits i'm pretty sure that's the only reason they offed him in guardians 2. that in that heartbreaking scene was chris pratt he only had one spacesuit see yondu's yaka arrow is one of those deceptively brilliant weapons that has the power to take down an entire battalion with just a few breaths that was demonstrated twice in each of the guardians films first he made ronan sakara and warriors look like plastic army men by decimating them with less effort than it takes for you to call your horse in red dead redemption in a second film he topped that by obliterating an entire ravager crew and the ship itself yondu is a one-man army all without having to lift a finger they showed that stakar and the old school ravagers all drifted apart after yondu was kicked out of the original group let's be honest the reason why that yondu alone is ravagers at 99 power so yeah no pressure craiglin you better practice those whistling skills bud the avengers are the greatest fighting force in the galaxy despite the fact that the earth is seemingly centuries behind the rest of the galaxy developmentally every alien race that's tried to conquer the planet has been scent packing just imagine a massive army of modern soldiers fighting against the strike force of half a dozen medieval era soldiers then imagine those medieval soldiers send the entire army back where they came from that's how incredible the avengers are they managed to do that through the incredible weapons powers and skills the team have amassed this includes the one that everyone likes to ridicule hawkeye sure compared to thor and the hulk little clint barton might not seem like that big of a deal when you just look at him individually as a hero he's quite impressive that's in no small part because of the dozens of trick arrows explosives and gadgets resting in his quiver while many people fall tawkey for not carrying a firearm he manages to do more with that special bow of his than he'd ever be able to do with a sniper rifle hopefully his hawkeye disney plus series will cover how he was trained to be the greatest archer in the world i'd like to imagine that there was one crazy general in the 90s who was in charge of all the bow and arrow falcon wing and ninja tech our mortal heroes are experts in now let's see that disney plus series [Music] i think endgame proves the gauntlet can be beat the pym particles managed to make time travel possible if you don't believe they are the most powerful just wait until you see what kang the conqueror does with them thanos who no seriously does the guy have a last name or is it like beyonce cher you know
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,522,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avengers: Infinity War, WandaVision, Avengers: Endgame, Doctor Strange, Captain America, Black Panther, Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: Civil War, Ant-Man, Kang the Conqueror, Disney+, Thanos, Thor, Odin
Id: Kb5g-T2bYfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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