25 Most Powerful MCU Aliens Ranked

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the galaxy's largest collection of fauna relics and species of all manner i imagine in the mcu people like tony stark started out as tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists shouting about aliens the mcu has only gotten exponentially larger since tony's cave adventure since then everyone has realized that they are not alone in the universe thought we wouldn't notice but we did but which aliens that we've met are the strongest well today we will try to answer that now these aliens come from somewhere off earth in the main mcu universe which means sorry shang cheese dragons dormammu and the watcher but no characters from other dimensions here they look like they're from earth let's see who creates the most dangerous close encounters right now you're from earth i'm from earth and from missouri yeah that's on earth yan rog was the false friend and eventual enemy of one of the mcu's strongest heroes captain marvel he was a strong military mind who had enough power to beat carol in a fight basically before she knew she had superpowers he was a master of certain cree weapons and showed impressive power when he took on several scrolls at once on torfa at the end of the day he proved to really be no match for most of the heroes in the universe and was more of a lackey for the cree supreme intelligence all that being said i mean i wouldn't want to fight him would you drax may be an oaf and a buffoon okay and a little ridiculous at times i've lost my train of thought oh yes he's still incredibly strong i have single-handedly vanquished the beast driven by rage at the loss of his family sometimes leads to foolish decisions like attempting to take on an entire army you called ronan but drax isn't called the destroyer for no reason they're tracks the destroyer i would like to see him display his power more in the mcu but as of now he definitely has some fighting capabilities lady siff is one of the mightiest warriors in all of asgard heck she's basically the front person in a band of thor's strongest friends it's lady siff and the warriors three i have to imagine if she wasn't the best of them it would just be called the warriors iv she is an expert combatant and has been seen taking on some very strong opponents in the grand scheme of things when it comes to aliens there are definitely stronger but siff deserves a place on this list especially since she's the last of thor's friends truly left standing he's funny witty loves organizing revolutions and is a pair of scissors worst nightmare my name is cork i'm kind of like the leader in here korg is a cronin who thor met in the gladiatorial arena on sakaar you don't need to be afraid unless you're made of scissors just the fact that korg was still around shows that he had not even lost in a fight yet even if it was just the undercard fights he wound up proving in the revolution as well as the battle of avengers end game that he has quite a helpful hand when it comes to fighting his rock may be perishable but it's stronger than most other things not to mention i can't imagine a greater power than being able to beat just about everyone at fortnight okay i can imagine a lot of things but cork still rocks a little rock paper scissors joke for you and yes i meant to do that nebula is the adopted daughter of thanos and thanks to her adopted father she has developed insane mechanical upgrades that make her a fighting machine with a few daddy issues on the side he's lucky i call him the big guy whenever nebula would lose a fight to her sister her father would replace one of her body parts with machinery in an attempt to perfect her she is almost more machine now than she is alien however after some brief counseling and reuniting with her sister family reunion she is in a much better head space and still able to dismantle most of the people she comes across telos definitely showed some promise as a fighter but as a skrull his real power lies and other talents he possesses you never know when you're gonna need to borrow some sugar he was the leader of a skrull faction who had been evading decree for some time and was a strong military leader he also like all skrulls possesses the capability to shape-shift into anyone he says that it takes some practice and skill and he has clearly mastered it i'll give you 50 bucks right now if you turn to the venus flat trap while taylors may lose in a one-on-one fight to every other alien on this list he could literally walk into the white house right now and start a nuclear war if he wanted to that's an impressive amount of power the leader of his ravager faction yondu is a deceptively powerful marvel alien not only for his ruthlessness excluding a soft spot for peter quill but due to the fact that he wielded one of the most deceptively powerful weapons in the mcu yondu didn't have a talking car but he did have a flying arrow the yaka arrow is no joke and we've seen him mow down fleets of people with it he even was able to tango with ego the living planet for a short time at the end of the day yondu chose to sacrifice himself but before that he was still surprisingly a loving adopted father and one heck of a whistler who struck fear into anyone who hurt his sweet tune gamora is likely the best fighter in the guardians even if she can't match up in strength to some of the others and believe me that's not putting her down she wielded an entire ship's cannon and used it like it was a sidearm she can tangle with some of the best including her father thanos and time and time again has defeated her sister in combat she can take a punch and will put her neck on the line to eventually do the right thing she was even strong as a kid essentially standing up to the people who wiped out her entire race ronin the accuser while a lackluster villain is actually more powerful than you may realize he was the leader of a cree extremist group and possessed enough power to wield an infinity stone i know we're at the point in the mcu where infinity stones are just paperweights some of the guys use them as paper weights but back then it was a big deal we don't see much of ronan fighting one-on-one outside of his absolute embarrassment of drax the destroyer but the guy survives being plowed into by a ship at full speed and nearly destroyed an entire planet yes he got distracted by a guy dancing but hey nobody's perfect what are you doing who doesn't love themselves some groot even as a baby this alien deals out beatings he's incredibly strong and can take down multiple assailants at a time oh by the way this is a friend of mine tree he was called the muscle of the team for a reason and will casually kill 10 guys with a smile on his face he chose to sacrifice himself to save his friends and still was able to regenerate from just a twig had he not done that ronan may have been in a lot more trouble a lot faster thanos's children better known as the black order we're a powerful group of aliens you are about to die at the hands of the children of thanos upon second glance one of them is clearly stronger than the rest corvus glaive may be the leader and call obsidian may look like a truck but ebony maw possesses a scary amount of power he seems to have mastered the mcu's version of magic beyond the talents of most other people we have seen it's like he has it whittled down to a science an area he is also an expert in it seems so effortless for him to just hurl cars at people and yes i know he got taken out by a kid and an 80s movie reference yeah but the kids seen more movies but that doesn't change his insane power whether he's the president or an alligator it's likely that the god of mischief is one of the most dangerous creatures from another world in any universe loki the prince of asgard and rightful king of jotenheim has caused a lot of trouble in the marvel cinematic universe however beyond just the kid playing tricks on adults loki has shown impressive feats of power throughout his time on screen his mastery of magic rivals some of marvel's greatest magic users he also has shown incredible fighting ability against the likes of captain america and his brother thor yeah whether you love him or hate him or more likely that you love him and hate him there's no denying the power that this troublesome prince has man the eternals really pulled the old bait and switch on us didn't they i wish they hadn't because druid is really a menacing villain if given the time to be fleshed out his ability to control minds is truly a frightening feat essentially the eternal druid is what happens if professor x ever turns to the dark side now yes there were some mischievous moments to say the least but overall druid really proved himself to be more heroic in the marvel cinematic universe the power displayed is also something that is quite impressive and though he has been around for thousands of years it seems as though he has not even reached his full potential if and when he so chooses he could literally have the most powerful people in the world at his beck and call and they won't even have a say in the matter the pound-for-pound physically strongest eternal is far and away gilgamesh it's why he volunteered to look after athena when she was suffering from the mod weary we also see him one punch deviants who the other eternal spend a very long time trying to take down he doesn't display some of the other powers that the eternals possess like flight or mind control but getting into a fist fight with him is definitely the worst idea person could have even though he gave his life for his fellow eternals he will still be remembered as one of their strongest even in that apron i still fear what that guy's fist could do to my face algrim was the right hand man to malika thea cursed a dark elf who tried to drive the universe into darkness algorithm was a loyal follower who i believe grew more powerful than his leader algorithm became the last of the cursed when he crushed a cursed stone inside the dungeons of asgard he grew to an enormous size and became curse capable of incinerating people from the inside out and obtained enough strength to not only take on the god of thunder but essentially have the upper hand during the entire fight he swatted away mjolnir and took the life of friega the queen of asgard curse is definitely an underrated powerhouse probably because he fell for the oldest trick in the book you know try to impale the brother of the guy you're fighting when really he's just trying to get close enough to set off your black hole grenade and send you into oblivion we've all fallen for it thena is one of the most powerful eternals and even though she went a little crazy there are still very few who would want to tangle with her she has mastered the power to manifest weapons from thin air she also uses those weapons with precision and ferocity she single-handedly was able to take down the strongest deviant in the eternal's film and thanks to the mod weary she nearly took out the eternals themselves she's fantastic and when those eyes glaze over white you'd best turn and run cersei's power is probably the most understated of all the eternals that is of course until the end when she literally saves the world her power allows her to transform mater into any other matter she could turn a brick wall into a wall of flowers and a hammer into glass eventually she also learned how to transform organic matter which gives her such insane power that all she has to do is touch you and you could turn to stone that or she could date you for a thousand years and eventually choose dane whitman instead he may have turned out to be kind of a jerk but there's no denying that icarus was probably the strongest eternal that we saw it took a combined effort of all the other eternals to take him down we saw him display more powers than anyone else including super strength flight and laser vision the guy was basically superman only with a much less friendly relationship with the sun i don't wear a cape it's too bad he flew to his demise because what i wouldn't give to see him in a showdown with a certain god of thunder speaking of the asgardian prince thor was the first alien that we the audience actually saw visit earth in the mcu and after he regained his powers he proved to be one of the strongest he wields a mighty weapon in either mjolnir or stormbreaker and genuinely could knock anyone's lights out without either of them with the ability to fly and pull me off oh my god emma pulled you off and a manipulation of lightning it's safe to say that without thor the earth would have been lost long ago i am the god of thunder he comes from a powerful family and has outlived them all is he asleep no no i'm pretty sure he's dead he has even decapitated the mighty thanos and defeated some of the strongest villains in the marvel universe i believe we have not yet seen the strongest version of thor who may one day grow to surpass all others the people of earth don't nickname an alien the goddess of death unless they see some real potential in that alien's destructive capability you must be hella essentially hella earned her nickname the firstborn child of odin hella showed why her father felt the need to trap her in another realm to contain her bloodlust she has the power to manifest swords from thin air and turn them into projectiles which she used to just destroy the warriors 3 as well as the entire asgardian army there was almost no way to stop her which is why thor basically had to cheat imagine you were just destroying someone in one-on-one basketball and they decide to blow up the court so that you can't play anymore that's essentially the only way to take an alien like hella out odin all father ruler of the nine realms and king of asgard well you know until that whole thing happened before odin's passing he was one of the most powerful beings in the universe born on asgard to his father king boer odin once came to earth to fight the frost giants and eventually with his daughter at his side conquered the nine realms he wields some of the most powerful weapons including the odin force and houses some of the universe's greatest treasures odin's treasures fake odin was able to amass one of the most powerful armies and build one of the greatest empires in the mcu everyone thinks that being worthy enough to wield mjolnir exhibits insane power but how about being the guy who basically decides who is worthy before he passed into the next life the mere presence of odin was holding back some of the universe's greatest evils on his own certain may not seem like much heck thor had time to defeat him before the main title card even popped up however when combined with the eternal flame as was written sirder of muspelheim becomes an alien capable of destroying worlds certain commands a powerful army himself and wields the twilight sword a deceptively powerful weapon when serta grew as big as a mountain in order to fulfill the ragnarok prophecy i cannot die not until i fulfill my destiny no one not even the goddess of death could hope to stop him he used the twilight sword to completely obliterate asgard one of the universe's most powerful realms leaving not even the foundations left in his wake ego the living planet was one of the first celestials kind enough to introduce himself to us in the marvel cinematic universe he also happens to be an absolute psychopath driven to take over the entire universe with his connection to the light he had the power to physically manifest anything he could imagine so he took this power to spread himself throughout the cosmos planting a piece of himself on every planet this way when he had enough power he could enact his plan which he called the expansion luckily the guardians were able to take him down but had they not we would literally all be gone and every planet would just have a giant kurt russell face on it which now that i think about it i think there are worse fates what else can be said about the mad titan thanos some have called him the most powerful being in the universe this was even before he upped his jewelry collection to one that allowed him to destroy half the population with a snap of his fingers he's a plague honey he invades planets he takes what he wants he wipes out half the population he rips through full teams of avengers like cotton candy and needless to say was a worthy villain to cap off three phases of cinematic universe he can beat the hulk in a fistfight and even outwit the god of mischief there's almost no stopping him and even trying means you're going to lose some good heroes along the way now that the celestials have revealed themselves to us i believe we have been introduced to one of if not their strongest in the form of ereshum the judge he has the power to literally create and destroy worlds whenever he so chooses he has almost full control over some of the other extremely powerful aliens on this list in an afternoon he could kill billions and also create billions he is nothing less than a god in the mcu whose job is to determine which worlds live and which ones don't whatever the case aeroshem is a galactic being who is bigger than the earth and easily one of the most powerful aliens we may ever see they come from outer space and while some of them pose a serious threat others are the earth's best defense regardless we have only seen a small fraction of what the mcu cosmos has to offer which marvel aliens are you looking forward to making their on-screen debut [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 91,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mcu aliens ranked, most powerful aliens in marvel, most powerful aliens in the mcu, most powerful mcu aliens, cbr, asgard, loki, thor
Id: HW-I421dLnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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