The 15 Best Character Entrances In The MCU

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[Music] not only are our favorite Marvel heroes amazing at saving the day infinity war notwithstanding but they also managed to look amazing while doing so today we're gonna be taking a look at the characters who showed up in impressive ways at some key points in MCU history whether they exerted a commanding presence or made us laugh so much we had tears streaming down our face we're celebrating some of the best entrances we've ever seen it's no secret that spider-man is one of the most beloved superheroes of all time although it was created by Sony and not Marvel Studios the movie spider-man is credited with helping kick off the craze of superhero movies back in 2000 two years later in 2008 Marvel Studios got started creating their own cinematic universe and it started to feel wrong that Spiderman wasn't involved but thanks to some superhuman caliber negotiating Marvel Studios got the rights to introduce spider-man into their universe and when he swung into the MCU he did so in the most memorable way possible with possibly the strangest and yet most awesome battle cry ever Tony Stark yells underoos and all of a sudden Captain America's shield is caught in spider-man's webbing it's a battle scene Peter Parker will excitedly talk about for ages afterward including during his own movie spider-man homecoming of course he could have stuck the landing a little better but his endearing awkwardness around beating his heroes for the first time has had us laughing at a time when tensions were high we have a feeling this wasn't how we imagined a meeting the famous Captain America but hey he made the best of the situation there were many exciting action-packed moments during Avengers infinity war but this triple threat entrance may be one of the best at the beginning of the movie Thor wasn't at his best he'd lost his eye his brother and his beloved hammer mjolnir recently and was feeling a bit down it was a bad week but instead of brooding he decided to make a brand new weapon and some new friends along the way he teamed up with guardians of the galaxy's Rocket Raccoon and Groot and said about helping forge a new axe called Stormbreaker the effort nearly cost Thor his life and cost his new pal Groot his arm but apparently that's just the kind of thing that really helps bring people together when the three best friends finally arrived at the raging in Wakanda they did so in style Thor bellowed bring me a dose while positively decimating everything around him The Avengers theme played triumphantly as he and his pals proceeded to absolutely wreck everything and everyone unlucky enough to be near them it was so awesome it almost makes up for Thor failing to take down Thanos once the two finally met up well almost come on or why didn't you aim for the head even the families of us mere mortals can get complicated from time to time so when you have a blended family of gods straight out of Norse mythology things get downright bizarre the MCU versions of Thor Loki and Odin are shockingly more well-adjusted than their mythological counterparts but that doesn't mean there aren't a few skeletons in their closets and by skeletons we mean a sister who's both estranged from the family and quite deranged we always knew Odin did a pretty lousy job being a father to Thor and Loki but apparently he had improved after raising his first child hella she grew so out of control that he had to ground her by sending her to hell yeah and you thought getting sent to your room was bad during thor ragnarok hella emerges once Odin perishes and doesn't even bother to pretend she's interested in making nice with her siblings she straight-up commands Thor and Loki to kneel before her and when they don't she reacts by breaking Thor's favorite possession older siblings huh her power is so overwhelming that Loki sense of self-preservation kicks in and he straight-up knope's right out of there while their retreat ended up being strategic palace entrance was undeniably awesome there are a lot of things you could say about Tony Stark and not all of them are nice according to Nick Fury he's volatile self-obsessed and doesn't play well with others then even Pepper Potts doesn't disagree with that assessment but to his credit Tony Stark definitely knows how to make an entrance and he's proven that time and time again over his career in the MCU we think his best entrances take place during the Avengers considering that this movie brought together some of our favorite Marvel heroes that's quite the accomplishment it manages to combine Iron Man's sense of privado and showmanship with the meeting of two amazing superheroes during the movie Captain America is facing off against Loki Baal Natasha Romanov observes from the Quinjet all of a sudden someone manages to override her aircraft sound system causing it to blare out ac/dc while Ironman flies past he effortlessly blasts Loki to the ground manages a graceful landing and casually addresses Captain America as if nothing interesting it just happened Tony Stark isn't just a super rich businessman he's also an impressive showman if only the friendship between Steve and Tony could have been as effortless as this Avengers entrance although Tony's entrance during the Avengers is one of our favorites he isn't the only hero to make an incredible appearance in the movie before it was released the Incredible Hulk was hyped up to be a huge success by Marvel Studios at the time hook was a much better known superhero than Iron Man and Marvel Studios was confident the movie would be a massive hit while Iron Man's success was a gamble but as we all know Ironman is considered an amazing movie vault The Incredible Hulk is one of those films many people like to forget exists so seeing Bruce Banner and the Avengers was kind of odd especially considering he was now played by Mark Ruffalo and not Edward Norton some fans were tentative about to change but those doubts disappeared when the Hulk came out to play Bruce Banner seemingly spent a long time trying to keep his temper in check but later on in the movie he uttered the now famous line that's my secret cap I'm always angry and then promptly transformed into the towering Hulk who proceeded to start wrecking everything around him Hulk managed to make an incredible entrance put Loki in his place and absolutely steal the show Captain America may not be as flashy as Iron Man or as intimidating Lee terrifying as the Hulk but that doesn't mean he can't make an entrance when he wants to when Avengers infinity war hit fears it had been a couple of years since we'd seen Steve Rogers in action and many of us were looking forward to his reappearance well there were his public service announcements and spider-man homecoming but those don't really count during infinity war we were definitely kept waiting for quite some time as various other characters appeared prior to the introduction of Steve Rogers right when we were starting to get concerned about the fate of the First Avenger he definitely made his presence known when the black order attacked Scarlet Witch and vision things were looking pretty grim for our heroes that is until Captain America made his triumphant return once a nearby train flew past he emerged from the shadows rocking a very distinguished-looking beard he deftly caught a weapon thrown by Proxima midnight and he Black Widow and Falcon proceeded to rescue Scarlet Witch and vision turned out Captain America hadn't been letting his abilities wane during his absence and he showed up ready willing and able to defend Earth from Thanos and his minions although we may hate that he deprived us of so many beloved Marvel characters we have to admit Danno says a compelling villain one of the great things about the MCU spanning so many years and so many movies is that it's possible to build huge amounts of anticipation for certain characters and events the appearance of Thanos was first teased all the way back in the first Thor movie when an Infinity Gauntlet complete with Infinity stones was spotted in Odin's vault of course this was later revealed to be fake during thor ragnarok but it served its purpose during the Avengers we got our first glimpse of Thanos when it was revealed he was the one who had set Loki's actions in motion it was a chilling moment where Marvel fans realized there was an even greater threat than the Chitauri falling out of the sky and those were pretty darn dangerous then during guardians of the galaxy we finally got a real view of Thanos himself although it was little more than a cameo and all he really did was float ominously in a chair it was a clear harbinger of awful things to come in the MCU going into Avengers infinity war we had quite a few questions and one of them was definitely where the axis all stone we've seen the rest of the stones at various points in the MCU history but this one stone was seemingly well hidden fans guessed it was everywhere from Wakanda to a distant planet and it turned out to be nowhere any of us would have expected and to make it all the more shocking it was also being guarded by a character who came completely out of left field we had last seen Red Skull and Captain America the First Avenger which came out years ago and the movie Red Skull learned an important lesson about trying to obtain Infinity stones and the short takeaway was you you don't don't do it that goes they gonna zap you you know make you wish to fly away anyway he ended up being ripped through space and left on Boromir to guard this stone seeing him an infinity war was quite a shock and we had to wonder if that robe was part of the soul stones job requirements he was stuck guarding the soul stone until it was claimed by Thanos now that Red Skull is free can't help but wonder when he's going to pop up again sometimes the way Marvel studio holds back big reveals is positively masterful but other times it seems like they show too much too soon even seeing it in the trailer couldn't entirely spoil this epic character introduction from the movie Thor Ragnarok usually running into an old friend during tough times is a good thing but not when that pal is the Incredible Hulk Thor learned that lesson the hard way when he ended up on the planet Sekar at the mercy of the Grandmaster things were looking grim for Thor after his hammer had been destroyed and his father had passed away and his brother certainly wasn't being helpful Thor was forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena against an undefeated champion who turned out to be the Incredible Hulk seeing the Hulk burst out of the entrance and full gladiatorial armor was nothing short of amazing as was the way he chose to greet his good friend Thor seeing Tony Stark and Steve Rogers fight against one another in Captain America Civil War it was heartbreaking but this Clash of the Titans involving Thor in the Hulk was just incredible not only was this an epic entrance but it kicked off the beginning of a surprisingly talkative and calm Hulk when it comes to villains of the MCU Marvel Studios has sometimes struggled to make them actually compelling too often they're one-dimensional or only exist to be the antithesis of certain heroes but then we have Erik kill monger who we were introduced to during the hit movie Black Panther from the get-go kill monger was an incredibly compelling villain we first saw him liberating some artifacts from wakandan exhibit at a museum after calling out a staff member because of how the artifacts were obtained kill monger helps himself to the weapon and plans a hasty escape but perhaps even better is when kill monger shows up at Wakanda he strides in like he owns the place and quickly calls out the late king to Chaka for killing his father while the tribal leaders are in shock he casually greets the Queen Mother with a high aunty despite never actually being in Wakanda before kill monger acts with a characteristic brashness and confidence during the scene it's no wonder he was able to convince so many wakandans to side with him as he demanded justice from his tribal leaders not only to kill monger know how to make a powerful entrance but at the end of the movie we saw him go out like a champ as well some characters fly into battle in a heroic fashion just in time to save the day sometimes there's a symphony of music or cheers of fans but rarely is there a clink of beer bottles the introduction of l korean thor ragnarok was perfect because it played into the comical tone of the movie while accurately portraying the attitude of the character as well as her less than stellar mental state after his interaction with his long-lost sister thor ends up on stack are weary runs afoul of some of the less than friendly locals suddenly a spaceship lands and valkyrie emerges clutching a bottle of boosts and callin dibs on thor at first Valkyrie seems pretty cool and composed that is until she stumbles into a pile of garbage hey this isn't a list of the most dignified entrances and even though she's fallen down drunk she still manages to defeat Thor's pursuers and claim him as her own later we learned Valkyrie started drinking in an effort to cope with the loss of her fellow Asgardian warriors who perished in the fight against hella her introduction was just enough of a hint of a tragic backstory that this information was surprising and her overcoming her trauma to defend Asgard was meaningful not all the characters in the MCU are serious and indeed some of our favorite moments are those which involves some amount 11e enter our favorite human jukebox Lewis who we first met in the movie ant-man although he can be long-winded at the best of times nobody gives a better rundown of events then this guy and he has his own kind of tragic backstory even if he does manage to put a humorous spin on it one Scott Lang was released from prison his old friend Lewis picked him up in his totally sweet van Scott tried to catch up with Elise about his life on the outside but apparently things had been going less-than-stellar upon being asked about his girlfriend Lewis confesses she left him while Scott was in prison then he adds that his mother died and his father got deported but none of that seemed to be weighing too heavily on the waist he cheerfully informed Scott that at least he got the van this introduction was totally unexpected and help set up the movie surprisingly hilarious tone it also made us look forward to hearing Lois speak in every subsequent scene he showed up in when it comes to impressive visuals in a Marvel movie it's hard to beat Doctor Strange the movie was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects and it started out strong with some amazing effects and the introduction of the ancient one although we didn't get a face reveal until later it wasn't hard to figure out that the sorcerer supreme was in this exciting scene her former student kycilia is stealing one of the mystical texts and the ancient one isn't all too happy about it we wonder if Wong was too busy listening to some Beyonce the ancient one gives chase and uses her powers to create glass fractals and to manipulate the world around her to a ridiculous degree when Chi Silius manages to escape the ancient one puts everything back to normal and acts like she didn't just transform the streets of London with her stupefying magic abilities if dr. strange had seen this we're guessing he'd have been a bit more polite and humble when he eventually meets the ancient one although we do love scenes where she puts the smug dr. strange in his place it's hard to beat out this raw display of power both behind the scenes and in front of the camera Nick Fury has been responsible for a ton of interesting events in the MCU after all it was he who launched the Avengers initiative which drew so many of our favorite heroes together in the first place interestingly enough this now iconic Marvel character almost didn't make it into the 2008 movie Ironman at all when he did appear it was in the very first post-credit scene in the history of the MCU it kind of makes us sad thinking about all the people who probably missed it because they were rushing to throw away their oversized popcorn buckets but those who stuck around got a serious hint of what was to come and the very first appearance of Nick Fury in the MCU not only does he managed to get into Tony's house which is no easy feat but he's quick to burst Tony's bubble he flat-out tells the most self-centered character in the MCU that he's nothing special and oh by the way there are lots of other superheroes around apparently Nick Fury thought that was the perfect segue to get into the Avengers initiative and announced that tony is now part of a bigger universe everybody knows Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers our total friendship goals and they've been besties for the most of their lives when they first met it was Bucky who was the stronger of the two while he was excelling at his military career Steve couldn't even get accepted into the military during wartime but despite this disparity in power these two had a great dynamic and it was clear they considered themselves to be the best of friends when things changed and Steve became Captain America Bucky was then the one struggling to keep up with his pal while at least he wasn't buried at the bottom of the ocean Bucky wasn't exactly living the high life when Steve was indisposed most characters in the MCU thought he was gone for good until he surprisingly appeared in Captain America the Winter Soldier Bucky showed up as the brainwashed Hydra assassin the Winter Soldier and started blowing things apart and critically wounding Nick Fury apparently subtlety isn't exactly this guy's style it was an action-packed scene that revealed the extent of how dangerous Bucky had become over the years of course some fans didn't yet realize it was Bucky which made the later twist all the more impactful now that we've talked about some of our top picks what's your favorite character entrance in the history of the MCU share your choice with us in the comment section below and then click on that subscribe button for more great videos from us here at CB our thanks for watching and we'll see you again next time [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 3,375,059
Rating: 4.8229766 out of 5
Keywords: CBR, Marvel, MCU, best, entrances, Spider-Man, Thor, Groot, Rocket, Infinity War, Avengers, Tony Stark, Captain America, Iron Man, introduction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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