Most Powerful Marvel Weapons

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sure you're ready for that Mr with me [Music] things they're sometimes filled with mystical power that could destroy destroy Universe they have cool names yeah swords are awesome and they're especially cool in the Marvel Universe there's been a ton of really amazing swords all through Marvel's history and today I wanted to highlight the best of the best what is the most powerful sword in the Marvel Universe well there's a lot of options I mean the all black the Twilight sword the Ebony Blade the Odin sword there's a lot to talk about so let's discuss some of the most powerful swords in Marvel right now of course I have to talk about the all black first it's been thrust into the Zeitgeist to thanks to Thor love and thunder since in the comics Gore the god butcher wields it but as cool as it was to watch Thor and a bunch of children kick shadow monster but thanks to some nekrosword magic The Sword we got in love and thunder wasn't that comic accurate and that's probably because of all those pesky rights issues you see the all black is actually the very first to symbiote created by the extremely evil null the all black is different from most swords on this list as it's actually alive and loves to corrupt ever is using it yeah it has its own Evil Personality and everything it's why I wanted to place it first on this list it's imbued with the power of a Celestial which gives it that extra bit of juice and is one of the most powerful weapons in the Galaxy I'm just hoping that null is the big bad of Venom 3 and then we can get a proper adaptation of this sword wouldn't that be cool the Twilight sword doesn't sound like that powerful of a name right I mean when I say twilight sword it probably just conjures up images of Edward and Bella and Jacob right well what if I told you the Twilight sword's other nickname is the sword of Doom that's more ominous isn't it the Twilight sword has a massive amount of power and its original wielder was surter the fire demon it was created thanks to the burning energy of an entire galaxy and Searcher tried to use it to basically burn down the entire galaxy yeah and it was powerful enough to do it too so it definitely goes beyond just a normal blade that hacks and slashes when villains want to retrieve and wield a sword that can bring the whole galaxy to its knees then that's something that probably should have never been created in the first place and it even made an appearance in the MCU and is what Searcher used to destroy Asgard in Thor Ragnarok fun fact in the comics Beta Ray Bill actually went on the hunt for this sword once so since he most likely can't have mjolnir or Stormbreaker in the MCU maybe they'll give him a piece to the Twilight sword instead you know what they say size absolutely matters which is probably why the Odin sword is ranked so high on this list I'll give you three guesses who wields the Odin sword that's right it's Odin this sword has a complicated history so it's humongous and was said that if it was ever unsheathed the universe would basically end so only Odin was powerful enough to use it safely and he used this sword particularly when the celestials were coming to fight to prepare for the upcoming battle Odin absorbed all the powers of all the Asgardian Gods it grew to a gigantic size and then used the sword for battle the sad part was that as powerful and how cursed the Odin sword was and how it would completely wreck just about anyone else it didn't stand a chance against the celestials who destroyed it almost immediately bummer the ebony blade is something I expect to have a lot of focus in the MCU going forward at least I hope so it's such a cool weapon and it's what grants the Black Knight all his special abilities so so far I've been talking about Universe ending swords but just your everyday powerful swords deserve love too the f blade can not only cut through any mystical barrier or Shield but it can also cut through adamantium and we all know how strong that is we better hope Wolverine isn't on whatever team blade is putting together with the Black Knight or would that be awesome anyways the Ebony Blade does come with a downside every time it draws blood from an opponent the user takes one step closer to Madness which you know is bad the muramasa blade that Wolverine was gifted in order to exact revenge for his murdered wife came with an incredible origin story to forge it the madman known as muramasa used not only a little of Logan's blood but also a piece of Logan's Soul crafting an almost indestructible weapon would you wield a sword knowing it had a little piece of Wolverine in it heck yeah the sword Not only was strong enough to cut through adamantium but it also had another incredible ability any wound made with the muramasa blade was almost permanent I can't imagine a normal person being cut with it but when normally instant healers like Wolverine or Sabretooth got cut with the blade the wound didn't heal for days that's massive so you know Gods right yeah there are a whole lot of them in the Marvel Universe and they have a tendency to want to fight each other classic God Shenanigans anyways one time there was a war between the Greek gods and the Japanese Gods Zeus and amatsu mikaboshi the god of evil and Chaos both went to the same blacksmith and asked him to forge them swords awkward doesn't that sound like a sitcom episode anyways he did end up making two swords and for this entry I'll talk about God killer this was a flawed sword not as perfect as the other one and it was given to Zeus for the battle over time Zeus eventually lost the sword and it found its way through mankind eliminating powerful Kings Emperors and wounding other gods so yeah it was definitely a solid sword and because it was wielded by Zeus and has the cooler name I'm placing it above the other one but let's talk about the other one it was the more perfect sword between the two of them and it was called grass cutter it also has a similar history where amatsu mikaboshi had it for first but then it found itself in different hands over the years causing all sorts of Destruction this one is interesting because eventually it found a way back to amatsumi kaboshi after countless years and the god tried to sow chaos by having aerys's son Alexander eliminate Ares with it and while the sword was permanently stained red with aerys's blood Alexander turned the tables and stabbed a matsumi kaboshi with it full circle I like it when heroes and villains have all this energy and they use it to form their own weapons like yet Green Lantern could just shoot a bunch of green energy out of his ring but he uses it instead to make cool constructs That's the basis for the quantum sword which is wielded by philavel Phi Lavelle is a hero that has Quantum bands which can be used to unleash massive amounts of energy all that energy it needs to go someplace so most of the time a Phi Lavelle used it to create the quantum sword I wouldn't want to fight anyone who is wielding the quantum sword am I right Ant-Man has basically confirmed that Quantum energy is super dangerous best not to mess with it eventually this sword took on another name too called the Oblivion sword so quick what's a cooler name Quantum sword or Oblivion sword in the 2020 cable series we were introduced to the light of galador this sword while having a unique name came with an interesting history so it belonged to a galidorian space Knight named mourn but he was basically eaten by a monster cable pulled the sword and Mourns remains from the monster and although he liked the sword other space Knights came trying to steal it back cable outwitted them all eliminated them and kept the sword for himself man Cable's so cool cable would go on to power a sword space station with it I mean sort the organization not a blade tough to distinguish in a list about swords right anyways yeah the light of galador was strong enough to power the entire space station so it definitely deserves a spot on this list the blade of the Phoenix is a mystical sword because it houses a very small piece of the Phoenix Force we all know the Phoenix Force right big Cosmic entity super powerful the fox Studio could never adapt it properly to live action yeah you know that one but its history is fascinating so the soul board was originally wielded by Rook sheer a shiar who was the second being ever to bond with the Phoenix Force Rook Shear was eventually corrupted and destroyed a couple of planets so an Imperial Guard was sent out and took him out permanently but a little piece of the Phoenix Force remained in the sword and throughout the centuries only descendants of rakshir were able to wield The Sword and access its true power yet whenever Cosmic entities get involved with a sword Shenanigans you know things can get messy how exciting so Excalibur is a pretty famous sword right we all know the general gist of King Arthur and where Excalibur comes from but I'm gonna use this time to talk about Doctor Doom yeah in one Iron Man comic doom and Iron Man actually travel through time and wind up in medieval times where Dr Doom gains possession of Excalibur and uses it to make himself incredibly powerful Iron Man is quite surprised when his normally pretty durable armor suddenly finds itself slashed up thanks to the awesome might of Excalibur now all I want is a doom focus in the MCU and if we learn that his armor is embedded with the power of Excalibur I certainly would not be mad at all doom always loves to use ancient artifacts to further his own desire for power and Excalibur is the perfect weapon of choice for him Ileana rasputina is a mutant sorceress who has a close connection with the Demonic realm known as limbo as a young girl Ileana was trapped in this realm for years and in that time it used her own life force to magically manifest a sword to protect herself this was Soul's sword and yeah we're getting to the point where the writers just seem to be throwing any name out there to see what sticks the soul sword name actually makes sense since it's a piece of Ileana and the more Ileana who eventually went by the name magic with a k at the end used the sword the more intricate the designs would become and the more powerful the sword got eventually Ileana Came To Rule at limbo herself and the sword became tied to that place like whoever had the sword was considered the leader of limbo and only the leader of limbo could wield the sword yeah it's very powerful and very magical Dragon Fang is something we've seen in the MCU it's what Valkyrie likes to wield and it's established there that the dragonfang are types of swords that all Valkyrie usually have but in the comics the backstory is a bit different there the dragonfang is one sword that was forged from the Tusk of an interdimensional dragon and was given to Doctor Strange who eventually passed it on to Valkyrie for her to use and yeah the MCU is cool and all and it's interesting that all the valkyrie had these special blades but come on they robbed us of an interdimensional Dragon backstory for that that's unfortunate anyways the comic blade comes with a whole range of abilities like magic absorption and the ability to recall the blade to your hand much like mjolnir Warriors of three sovereigns is a Chinese Marvel comic series that introduces the sword of fushi according to Legend This sword was labeled by null as a Divine star-forged weapon which was capable of destroying worlds but a mortal wielder couldn't unlock its true power it's an ancient weapon that's wielded by the descendants of fushi and projects these awesome green Flames that can be used to cut things or be used for ranged attacks it's a lot like mjolnir in that it's sentient and can move on its own so be sure to be nice to it if you ever encounter it okay this sword was eventually destroyed and shattered into fragments but its current wielder was able to create smaller blades from the shards and it proved almost just as effective so the sword of Might is actually tied to Captain Britain in the original comic series when Brian Braddock was offered the chance to become Captain Britain he could either choose the Amulet of Rights or the sword of Might he did choose the amulet but the sword definitely has merits it's been said this sword was forged in the fires that created the universe those who chose the sword over the amulet chose violence over reason but come on it's a cool sword who wants some weird amulet anyway no only kidding The Amulet seems like the wisest decision but I do hope we get captain Britain's story in the MCU soon and then we can see the sword of might in action so the cerebro sword is one of the newest swords on this list it's crazy to think that some swords on here have been around for almost 60 years and others have been around for like three years shows the full breadth of the Marvel Universe right anyways Charles Xavier was assassinated in a recent comic series and to honor him Magneto forged a new sword using the medal of cerebral and turning it into a weapon but when Xavier was resurrected due to some comic book mumbo jumbo Magneto gifted his old friend The Sword and Professor X put it on his wall in his bedroom ah friendship anyways this sword soon was revealed to have cerebro e Powers which more people should have anticipated it had information locked within it that revealed backup minds of almost all mutant kind so it sounds like one sharp and dangerous hard drive the Infinity Blade is something I hope we see a version of in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. when Gamora goes off on her own to collect the Infinity Stones herself she adopts the name Requiem and starts wielding the Infinity Blade this sword was powered by the Power Stone so you know that it was no joke it could have probably ended up doing a ton more damage but the sword ended up shattered when Gamora tried to hit Emma Frost with it who had her own duplicate Power Stone thus causing powers to cancel out yeah I don't expect Gamora to go full evil in Guardian to the gauge volume 3 but it would be cool if she had a purple sword like this one right alright two of these final entries won't be special swords that are some combination combining some power word with the word sword or blade but I will be talking about Blade's sword here and am I mentioning this sword so that I can confuse Myself by referring to it as Blade's sword yeah definitely and at least they call it a sword and not a blade can you imagine if blade walked around wielding his blade hey have you seen blades blade okay moving on this sword isn't necessarily all-powerful but it's the perfect weapon for slicing off Vampire heads and the vampire Hunter has made sure that it's in Peak condition in order to get the job done She-Hulk just ended and as we wait to see where the character is going to go next I really hope that a future season can reintroduce Elizabeth Ross AKA Red She-Hulk much like red Hulk is a villain to the Hulk Red She-Hulk is a villain to She-Hulk she's meaner she's badder she's red der and she also sometimes wields The Savage Sword of She-Hulk that's the name of this thing and it's awesome I finally figured out what's missing in my life and it's a Hulk wielding a big sword I think Red She-Hulk would make an awesome antagonist for She-Hulk and that's the only reason I included the sword on this list the final sword on this list is actually sword AKA s w o r d the space organization that stands for sentient world's observation and response Department the video is called most powerful swords and this counts as a powerful sword right yeah definitely anyways just wanted to slip this entry at the bottom because I'm really hoping for great things with it in the MCU it's clear that we'll see more of the sword organization in the Marvels and secret Invasion and my hope is that Nick Fury has been working hard to make sword a perfect mediator between Earth and all the extraterrestrial life that's out there the cosmic side of things have grown substantially over the years and in order for Earth to be a serious player in Universe related incidents then sword needs to be sharp there are a lot of very powerful weapons within the Marvel Cinematic Universe Iron Man's repulsers Captain America's shield pretty much anything that Rocket Raccoon touches and yet none of them are in the same league as those that are best described as God weapons wielded by some of the most powerful beings in existence often granting their users some very impressive abilities these tools of Destruction are a sight to behold so why not go through and take a look at them maybe compare them to their comic counterparts and you know who might have used them over the years also just a heads up The Infinity Gauntlet and the ten Rings will not be appearing on this list because while they are incredibly powerful and power wise probably qualify as God weapons they haven't been wielded by actual gods and as far as we know they weren't created by them so they aren't on the list oh and also slight spoilers for Thor love and thunder are ahead so you've been warned without any further Ado let's go ahead and dive right into it as it was the first God weapon we ever saw within the MCU I figured this should probably be the first one that I talk about on this list yolnir isn't just a word that some people struggle to say it's also the weapon wielded by the God of Thunder himself Thor and also his ex-girlfriend Jane but you know that's a thing it was actually pretty cool now if you're watching this video I think it's pretty safe to assume that you already know pretty much everything there is to know about the hammer in the movies heck have you been paying attention at all since the first Thor film came out in 2011 you probably know all you need to know even if you haven't watched the movies so how about I just go ahead and throw out some interesting trivia that you might not know about it because that'd probably be a lot more fun than me like going through the story of the hammer and all that and just covering a bunch of stuff that you already know in the comics mjolnir grants its user lightning-based Powers because an elder god known as the god Tempest was imprisoned within it by Odin eons ago while the films do not expressly say that this is also the case on on screen the fact that the hammer seems to be somewhat conscious and able to make its own choices I choose to believe roughly the same thing is true here the name of the hammer mjolnir roughly translates to that witch smashes within traditional Norse mythology which has got to be about the most on the nose name for a hammer of all time I mean if it wasn't really capable of Smashing I'd be a little disappointed and finally in Ragnarok we saw that Thor disguised the Hammer as an umbrella while out and about around civilians and with a simple tap on the ground it was able to change back this is very reminiscent of the comics where Thor disguised it as a walking cane while in the guise of Dr Donald Blake and in order to change back into his Godly form he did exactly like he did in the movies and just slammed it into the ground see wasn't that more fun than me just like listing out its film appearances and stuff like that I think it was a lot more interesting and I certainly had a better time after mjolnir was crushed by hella Thor spent some time weaponless before he went and met up with giant Peter Dinklage who he had craft him an all-new weapon so that he could go and royally kick thanos's ass theoretically at least this new weapon was Stormbreaker the big fancy feature of this Implement of Titan beheading is the fact that it can summon the bifrost which came in super handy during the most recent Thor film as it allowed Thor and Co to Traverse the stars in search of Gore and the kidnapped children of course this did ultimately wind up to be a bit of a bad thing as well as Gore was able to use it to try to open the way to Eternity which probably would have ended really bad if Thor wasn't able to give a rousing speech that just tugged at Gore's heartstrings inside note the whole change to gore trying to find eternity as opposed to building a god bomb is probably a little bit more believable of a storyline than you know him trying to build a planet-sized bomb but I'm not really sure which one is more fun probably the bomb one the Comic version of Stormbreaker is quite similar to the one that we got on the screen except for one major factor it doesn't actually belong to Thor it is instead the hammer used by the horse-faced Warrior from beyond the stars Beta Ray Bill it's also a lot smaller in fact physically the film version of Stormbreaker is a lot closer in appearance to the Ultimate Universe version of mjolnir which is kind of neat as the MCU often pulls a lot of inspiration from the Ultimate Comics so it is appropriate I guess so yeah that's a thing still I haven't gotten an actual appearance by Bill by the way just his face on the side of a building which is sad as a lot of fans want to see it maybe someday he'll pop up somewhere but at this point oh and really hold my breath gumnir is one of the earliest God weapons we see within the MCU appearing for the first time in the hands of Odin at the beginning of the first solo Thor film and that is largely where it stayed in the hands of the rulers of Asgard not really doing a lot historically this spear whose name isn't actually said within the film so apologies if I mispronounce it is actually incredibly important for Odin's father used it to defeat the dark elves and their leader malekith when they tried to plunge the universe Into Darkness later on Odin himself wielded it while he fought back the frost Giants of yotenheim taking into their Frozen Homeland and using it to defeat the Giants leader right before kidnapping a blue baby who went on to become Loki from there we didn't really see it do much a tie-in comic explained that Odin used gungnier to send Thor back to Earth to stop Loki during The Avengers since the bifrost was still pretty wrecked at the time but that's about it the last time we actually saw it was during Thor Ragnarok when Thor used it very briefly during his fight with his sister hella before it was thrown to the ground and presumably destroyed when cerder blew the entirety of Asgard to smithereen will we ever see this fancy looking spear again within the films if I had to venture a guess probably not as Ragnarok seems to be a pretty definitive way to destroy pretty much anything but who knows out in the wider Multiverse there's sure to be a ton of different versions of it so maybe someday a variant Odin or variant Thor somebody will show up carrying the spear could be cool maybe in secret Wars I don't know we'll see now we get into the weapons that we really don't know too much about but they are still in the MCU so it might be good to go over what we do know about them first up is kanchu's crescent moon staff which is that thing there that's really all we know about it well okay we know a little bit more basically khonshu can fight with this thing pretty well in fact he can also use this staff to better Channel his Godly Powers such as when he moved the moon and the stars alongside Mark and Layla when they needed to get a look at how the sky looked years prior that's something that probably freaked a lot of people out at first you probably assume that it's just something that only Layla and Mark can see but then we see that people miles away are able to see it as well so you know that's a pretty good cause for panic probably led to a pretty fun news broadcast at least foreign [Music] [Applause] I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on anymore the sky just moved for no discernible reason there are characters out of myths and legends walking around like that's not a big deal and yeah let's not forget the fact that a good chunk of us just spent the last five years looking like the contents of a dive bar ashtray because some pissed off purple dude finished his rock collection and figured that would be a good way to celebrate living in this world really sucks I need a drink the most recent addition to the god weapon Arsenal within the MCU is the one that's only appearance as of the recording of this video came during the mid-credit scene of Thor love and thunder meaning I have no footage of it because the movie's still in theaters but yeah anyways I'm talking about Hercules golden mace since we don't have any info about it in the movies let's instead take a look at its common counterpart because otherwise I wouldn't really have anything to say not bet looking at its comic counterpart really does much to fix that problem this beastly looking mace was forged by hephaestas the Olympian god of fire and metal specifically for Hercules crafted out of adamantine a Divine medal which the more widely known adamantium is named after it was designed to replace the plain old wooden one that hurt used while he was still young and still mortal strength wise this thing is nion indestructible and is said to equal mjolnir in terms of its smashing power and durability it might not Grant its user the ability to conjure lightning or anything like that but it has been used in the past to redirect many different kinds of energy due in large parts of the materials in which it was crafted beyond that there really isn't a ton to say about it it's a cool mace that hurt Hercules is really fond of be honest though do you really need to know any more than that I didn't think so of course I've got to mention Zeus's lightning bolt here this metallic Thunderbolt is quite the impressive piece of Kit in the hands of the king of Olympus it could be used to summon and control storms as well as be thrown with pinpoint accuracy when thrown it can even split off into several smaller versions of itself a feature that the arrogant and eccentric Zeus was seen using in order to liven up his entrance during the movie outside of that the only real noteworthy thing that we saw it do within the film was splitting two so it could be dual wielded which is kind of cool I guess in a like early 2000s high schooler kind of way that's like some borderline Mall ninja stuff right there oh and also Thor used it to imbue a bunch of kids with some of his power temporarily though that's yet to be seen if that's something that the weapon itself allowed him to do or just something that he could always do jury is still out on it figured I had to talk about the Necker sword here at least a little bit this Dark Yet rather unassuming looking blade is rather unique when it comes to weapons both Godly and other otherwise as this is the first one that is said to be able to kill God's outright something that's proved to be pretty difficult any other time it was attempted and all that such power costs it eventually corrupts its user and kills them if they get separated from it which is really not what you want here's the thing though is this actually a god weapon sure in the comics it's called all black and is wielded by null and elder god so the Comic version is definitively a god weapon but the movie version we never actually find out where it came from or who created it so it's kind of hard to say so it could very well be a full-on god weapon could also very well not be who really knows at this point that being said given what it is capable of and the fact that it is apparently widely known by the god Community as a whole I think it is safe to let it be called one at least safer than The Infinity Gauntlet or the 10 Rings or kamala's bracer now that I think about it someone could probably make an argument for that being a god weapon but it ain't gonna be me finally we have hella's weapon weapons plural it's kind of hard to actually Define what hella's weapons really are in attached media I.E not in the movie itself but still official sources her blades are called necro swords which is just confusing now that we have the necro sword either way regardless of what these things actually are hella is able to manifest bladed weapons from her own body which she is then able to both wield his typical blades and throw with deadly accuracy like she did when she killed all the Warriors 3 in some rather unceremonious ways she could even give other people these weapons such as when she conjured up the blood ax and gifted it to Scourge which is cool and all but kind of hard to wrap your head around the logistics of like are these weapons made out of her either way we don't really know and we probably won't ever know because she is very dead why are you handing me the Melt stick man just imagine being a kid again your school bully pulls up for your lunch money and you whip out the ultimate nullifier the cosmos have given the Marvel Universe an insane amount of content from new worlds to new alien species and of course new things that go boom from sticks imbued with Godlike power to the actual power of the Gods the weaponry and Marvel Comics is some of the most imaginative of any ever created the ones that come from off Planet don't even get me started okay well now you've gotten me started let's check out the strongest Marvel Cosmic weapons right now I'm particularly fond of these I pulled them out of a place so midgard called Texas what could be more powerful than a literal unknown quantity capable of destroying just about anything believed to be omnipotent and all-powerful the weapon known as the heart of the universe has left even the greatest beings in the cosmos dumbfounded no one knows how this incredible weapon came to be not even the Living Tribunal Thanos once used it and he believed it was destroyed however the mysterious nature of this incredible weapon reappeared all on its own the heart of the universe is probably the most powerful weapon to exist but its quantity and capability is simply unknown this makes it one of the most intimidating forces ever to Grace the comic book page the ultimate nullifiers believed by many including watu the Watcher himself to be the strongest weapon that the cosmos ever produced the nullifier is legendary in Marvel lore and was wielded by one of the greatest Minds Reed Richards during galactus's first attempt to eat their Planet the powers of the ultimate nullifier can be explained quite simply it has the power to get rid of anything literally if one concentrates hard enough they can simply make their enemy vanish however there should be a giant warning label on this thing if wielded incorrectly or set to maximum power the ultimate nullifier has the ability to eliminate the entire universe in the comics entire multiversal timelines have been eradicated by the use of this great weapon it's the ultimate cheat code and using it presents such a danger to the universe that even The Watcher may be forced to intervene in its implementation you know I bet prior to the year 2018 you'd be hard-pressed to find a random person on the street who knew what the Infinity Gauntlet was now you're the odd one out if you don't know what this incredible piece of cosmic Weaponry can do the gauntlet itself is powered by some of the strongest singularities in any Universe the Infinity Stones mind space Soul reality power and time when combined basically give the user the power to do anything they desire they could snap away half of the universe in an instant or use entire moons as projectiles you've thrown on the moon at me and I'm gonna lose it wielding The Gauntlet takes an insane amount of ability even the great Tony Stark had to sacrifice his own life to use the mighty glove The Infinity Gauntlet may go down in history as one of the strongest weapons ever imagined in the MCU The Cosmic Cube was retconned to be the first infinity stone we would see on screen the space Stone however in the Marvel Comics the two are actually separate and the red skull's weapon of choice stands all on its own as a Powerhouse Cosmic weapon and don't give up hope on seeing this in the MCU because in the comics there are multiple the cosmic cubes are made of energy gathered from some of the most powerful beings in the universe the beyonders the cosmic cubes are capable of creation and destruction and all it takes is a strong will essentially these Cosmic cubes have the power to alter reality and grant wishes they're basically magic genies and lamps without all the obnoxious technicalities and just imagine what a magic Genie in the hands of Someone Like The Red Skull can do the necro sword is one of the coolest artifacts to come out of the billion year history of Marvel's symbiotes that's right Venom and Carnage are just the tip of the iceberg the Symbiote God null formed this venom-like blade and imbued it with Celestial energy it has the ability to shift its shape to better fit the user and is most famous for its ability to absolutely wreck those who consider themselves gods while the necrosword has been doing damage for centuries its most famous wielder is likely Gore who matter of factly earned the name the god butcher with this trusty sword in hand Gore has used the necrosaur to destroy celestials as well as three different versions of Thor at once who knows maybe some love and thunder will give us a little necro sword action sooner than we had imagined nothing screams uncontrollable power like the book of the Damned the darkhold was an ancient text that collected spells of the darkest nature tapping into the magic of the elder god cathon this artifact From Another World gives the reader an unbelievable amount of magical ability however let's just say the user needs to be able to read the text would likely serve as great historical memorabilia for the likes of Tony Stark or Steve Rogers but in the hands of a master sorcerer or witch I'm not a witch I don't cast spells no one taught me magic the dark hold can be one of the most dangerous objects in the cosmos recently seen wielded by Agatha Harkness in the MCU it gave her incredibly dark Powers allowing her to drain the magic of any other Mystic being however she foolishly let it get into the hands of the Scarlet Witch it's okay though because Wanda has a recent track record of nothing but responsibility and rational decision making so I'm sure the dark holds in great hands if anything starts with the word Odin you should probably be afraid of it the Odin sword is said to be the most powerful as guardian artifact in the great Pantheon of cosmic Weaponry this is really saying something since the likes of mjolnir and Stormbreaker have similar Origins like many dramatic Asgardian Tales this sword imbued with the power of Odin himself was said to be able to cause the end of the universe simply by wielding it while that proved not to be the case does certain celestials laughed at what they probably thought was a toothpick the Odin sword definitely deals a heavy blow it can summon the bifrost go toe-to-toe with any other handheld weapon and most importantly its true name may sound familiar we know it as the Odin sword though its true and fitting name is Ragnarok it should be abundantly clear by now that Asgard over its Eternal existence has perfected production of devastating Cosmic weapons another weapon wielded by the God of Thunder the God of Thunder Stormbreaker was a huge Improvement on mjolnir in many ways in the comic Stormbreaker is a special Hammer made for Beta Ray Bill imbuing him with the power of Thor after he proved himself worthy in the MCU Stormbreaker became Thor's newest ax to replace the destroyed mjolnir when he needed the type of weapon to kill a Titan not only does Stormbreaker give Thor the ability to fly more smoothly as well as pack an extra punch in each swing but Stormbreaker unlike mjolnir has the unique ability to summon the bifrost so not only is this ax great at opening beer bottles but it can also teleport the user across the entire Cosmos in the blink of an eye I think the tactigon is my new favorite weapon that I just learned about today it's maybe one of the most underestimated and powerful weapons in the universe and its concept is so simple any one person likely has a weakness the unique powers of the tactigon alien weapon is that it can determine the weakness of any opponent and then transform itself into the perfect weapon to exploit that weakness and I do mean anything it could transform into a giant machine gun maybe a picture of Scarlett Johansson if you're fighting the Hulk or even a feather if Thanos is really ticklish or something it's one of the most versatile comic weapons that you probably didn't know existed before today the Silver Surfers board is made of almost pure cosmic energy meaning it's one of the most powerful forces in the universe it turns the rider into an all-powerful god-like being noren rad the Silver Surfer is a powerless gray alien until he is united with his board which allows him to fly past the speed of light deal out concussive blasts of pure energy and also absorb any attack to be redistributed later Dr Doom was able to commandeer the board showing that anyone is capable of harnessing its destructive power there are definitely many weapons on this list to choose from but all of them look a whole heck of a lot cooler while mounted aboard a shiny silver surfboard the thing even defeated Galactus or you know whatever that cloud thing was it almost ate the Earth the God and or demon depending on who you ask sitarak is definitely what you would call a complex character however like him or hate him you can't deny that his power is astonishing long ago he was banished to the Crimson Cosmos cursed to be trapped inside a red gem this gem has been used by a number of Marvel characters and given them incredible power Doctor Strange frequently uses the powers of the gem especially the Crimson bands of sidorak however this incredible artifact doesn't just power Heroes as it created one of the most understatedly powerful villains to exist the brother of Charles Xavier found this gem in a cave and it gave him the power of being unstoppable that's right the Crimson Gem of sidorak is the reason Deadpool's favorite character the Juggernaut exists Thor's Mighty Hammer is one of the greatest weapons ever created in the vast Cosmos forged in the heart of a Dying star mjolnir is one of the trustiest weapons to have at your side if only you were able to wield it you're all not worthy only those deemed worthy by a magic spell are able to lift the hammer but the ones that are get a pretty great surprise in return not only is mjolnir good for hitting stuff but it also gives you the powers of Thor this includes his super strength his ability to fly and his manipulation of lightning wielding it gives the users like Captain America and Jane Foster a Godlike power that is hard to match in the MCU alone Thor has destroyed entire countries defeated dragons and the Destroyer Captain America has taken on Thanos one on one all with the mighty mjolnir in the comics the special Hammer has been wrecking Thor's enemies for decades the 10 Rings seemed extremely powerful in the MCU in the end of Xiang Chi shows that there still may be more to come from these pieces of mcluhan tech however long time comic fans know that the 10 Rings were essentially nerfed from their capabilities on the comic page these pieces of ancient technology gave the Mandarin incredible power as each individual ring possessed unique abilities from matter transmutation mind control disintegration strength and at least six others with them the Mandarin was able to live an extremely long life and conquered just about every land he set his sights on like we saw the MCU basically made them just really great things to hit people with but I hope the mythology of these rings are explored further given that they're some of the most powerful artifacts that come from the universe okay stop me when you know what I'm talking about incredible magical stones of immense power used by a Godlike figure to enact his will of course I'm talking about the norn stones admittedly they are second rate to another set of stones though it seems sometimes that they could overpower the infinity ones however the norn stones are mystical Asgardian objects often used by the trickster god Loki these are essentially sentient rocks that can alter their power based on whoever is using them therefore with a mind like Loki's the norn stones are the perfect weapon to enact his mischievous ways and sometimes dark and consequential actions in the hands of the right person weapons like these could hold an Untold amount of power theoretically some of these weapons could overpower all others if used properly the wand of what tomb is certainly no exception we've actually seen the wand in the MCU wielded by Wong in the defense of the Hong Kong sanctum however its true full power was nowhere near displayed the wand gives the wielder incredible power it creates portals heals people locates anything and most importantly it has a unique ability to manipulate energy in such a way that it could even hold its own in a fight against the Infinity Stones however like I said it takes someone with true Mastery of the weapon to use it in such a way give Wong a break though he wasn't the sorcerer Supreme yet I'm sure he would do much more with the wand of with tomb now than just wave it around like he did in 2016. Quantum bands are very cool Cosmic artifacts that basically just prove Marvel and DC are the same thing with different names the quantum bands are so named because obviously it just sounds cool to put Quantum in front of everything oh and also these bands are capable of tapping into the subatomic powers of the quantum realm the reason for the DC comparison is quite simple the quantum bands basically have the exact same abilities as the Green Lantern Corps rings of power they can manifest physical energy constructs into any shape the wielder desires they were most notably used by the Avenger Quasar who definitely isn't Green Lantern so stop asking about it they're very handy tools when in the hands of someone who knows how to use them listen any chance I get to talk about this thing I'm going to go off one of the most deceptively powerful weapons in the MCU exists on the planet of sakhar that's right folks we're talking about the Melt stick oh good yeah come on I think you're gonna like this wielded by topaz the right hand henchwoman to the Grand Master of sakhar the Melt stick is a ball on the end of a stick that's it oh and also anytime the ball in the stick touches someone they melt the Grand Master uses it for not so ceremonial executions and my God an army where each one of the soldiers has one of these would rule over any planet in the galaxy not too sure what kind of Technology the Melt stick is made out of but I have no idea why the weapon makers of the MCU haven't been trying to harness that stuff there's a lot of crazy weapons on this list but I likely choose the Melt stick every time the staff of one is a unique little magical artifact passed down through generations of the menoru family it is most notably wielded by Nico menoru of The Runaways the staff of one uses blood magic to do its bidding the wielder of the staff can essentially use it to do whatever their imagination comes up with because of its blood magic ties the power of the staff of one increases with the amount of Bloodshed of the user it can do almost anything but it comes with a slightly annoying caveat each user can only do a certain action with it once and then it will never work again imagine teleporting yourself to Mars just to check it out and then find out you can't use that spell again you'd have to conjure some kind of space Uber this one definitely requires a creative mind the cosmic control rod is an extremely powerful artifact but oh boy is there a catch wielded by the leader annihilus it is said that the cosmic control rod has the power to beat even an infinity stone it gives the wielder such unbelievable strength that no one dares cross them this is how an eyeless is able to rule over the negative zone so well however that catch I mentioned the cosmic control rod only works in the negative Zone and in any other dimension it's basically useless you might as well just grab a tree branch plus it's the Negative Zone do you really need a magic stick to make you look around and say actually I think I'll go somewhere else thanks have a nice day Marvel's The Avengers showed us the first taste of power the cosmos had to offer in the form of Loki and the chittari the chittari were an alien army with incredibly powerful weapons but one of their most useful was the chittari energy Corps I imagine it's the Arc Reactor of wherever the chatari come from hey it's like the gluey thing that glowy thing is an explosive shatari energy core the tatari core is what powered all of their weapons during the invasion of New York including blasters and flying leviathans the vulture and his crew were also seen later using tatari cores to power the vulture suit as well as several other gadgets invented by Phineas Mason the tinkerer also in a pinch if you have an x-ray handy the jitari core can serve as a handy dandy grenade fun fact apparently they exist in the Sony verse 2. Michael Keaton was not there for long but he had another one of those flying machines up and running pretty quick even with all the exploring Marvel heroes have done the vastness of the cosmos definitely has some more surprises up their sleeves which Cosmic weapons do you think are the strongest and who is worthy enough to wield them weather in comic books are inside of the Cinematic Universe the masterminds at Marvel have created a variety of powerful weapons designed to destroy opponents worlds and even entire universes focusing in on the MCU we have witnessed many of these weapons already from web shooters to iron Legions to Infinity gauntlets however digging into the comic books there are many of these weapons that we have yet to see so in this video we will explore and rank from the Tactical to the inevitable 25 of the most powerful weapons that we have not seen within the MCU yet so without any further Ado let's go ahead and dive right into it we start our list with the infamous and ginormous robots primarily focused on capturing and destroying mutants the Sentinels were created by Dr Bolivar Trask hello thank you for coming whose intention was to use them to save Humanity from what he perceived as the threat of the mutant species although we've seen these destructive robots a couple of times on film throughout the fox X-Men movies we have yet to see them Unleashed inside of the MCU with the recent Revelations of varying Professor X and Miss Marvel's mutation do you think we'll see Sentinels in Phase five personally I'm not really thinking phase five but phase six seems like a possibility invented by the genius and mystical Doctor Doom the time platform is a machine used to send whoever stands on it into the past originally located in Castle Doom we have also seen portable versions of this device initially needing a separate operator from traveler Doom eventually modified his armor circuitry so that he could time travel and operate the platform remotely the very first time Dr Doom had ever attacked a Fantastic Four he used his time platform and with Reed Richards using some sort of similar device during Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Hello Steven it's safe to assume that we will see Dr Doom's time platform and the MCU soon during the original sin story arc in the comics owatu The Watcher was assassinated on his moon base and one of his eyeballs wound up in the possession of a mercenary known as orb who turned out to not be the culprit of the violent crime however when Nick Fury and the Avengers rated orb's base to question him he used the i in a focused attack unleashing a powerful and destructive wave of energy alternatively on Earth 415 during the Marvel future fight story owatu created a stone called The Eye Of The Watcher which was intended to rupture the time stream itself with watu being the primary character in mcu's what if series do you think there's a possibility that we'll see one of his eyes removed in a future phase still hope Nathaniel Richards of Earth 6311 AKA Kang the Conqueror has assumed many names forms and incarnations over the course of time and throughout the Multiverse this is why focusing in on one of the earlier of these identities Kang at one point was historically known as Rama Tut one of Rama Tut's most effective weapons was his Ultra diode raygun a technologically enhanced pistol on high power the ultra diode Ray was capable of draining its Target strength and Powers knocking them out simultaneously on low power the raygun would sap its targets will placing them under ramatutt's control with the threat of Kang looming in the future of the MCU it's quite possible that Rama Tut and his Ultra diode Ray will soon make an appearance as well Nova helmets designed by the Nova Corps are worn by members of the elite team known as the supernovas not to be mistaken with the Nova Force possessed by Richard Ryder who also assumes the name Nova in the comics Nova helmets Supply its wearer with a variety of powers and Technologies including tactical software that will translate languages from different species and feed information into its wielder's brain they also allow breathing in space or underwater Nova helmets also Grant Cosmic powers to whomever is wearing them such as flight energy blast and super strength we have met the Nova Corps inside of the MCU however we have yet to meet Nova or any of the supernovas yet muramaso was an immortal madman in legendary swordsmith most notably creating the red muramasa blade for Wolverine forging the muramasa blade using a piece of Wolverine's soul and some of his blood muramasa was able to extract and bond Wolverine's rage into the blade itself capable of slicing through solids at the molecular level the muramasa blade even poses a legitimate threat to supers with healing factors although we have seen A variation of these events in the Wolverine movie albeit with altered character names and themes Logan's historical adventures in Japan have yet to be documented inside of the MCU a Dwarven forged battle ax composed of Asgardian steel yarn yarn is a legendary weapon proven tried and true through many battles originally created for one of the original Valkyries Thor had also used yarn Bjorn as his regular weapon long before he obtained mjolnir although Asgard was destroyed the ax may have been salvaged and kept somewhere in new Asgard with the eminent threat of Hercules headed to Earth after Valkyrie stole ThunderBolt from Zeus in Thor 11 Thunder perhaps King Valkyrie will discover this ax while battling with the Olympians in Phase five or six speaking of Hercules forged out of adamantine the medal for which adamantium was named and referred to as the medal of the Gods this golden mace is one of Hercules's regular weapons easily is strong and as durable as mjolnir the mighty mace was created for Hercules as a replacement for the wooden club that he favored as a mortal only getting a glimpse of Hercules inside the MCU so far during Thor 4's mid-credit scene it appears as though he is already in possession of his golden mace I for one am incredibly excited at the thought of a Thor vs Hercules movie and it appears that will be the next Endeavor for the God of Thunder within the MCU made of an unknown metal and capable of manipulating matter at the molecular level The Evil Eye Of Avalon is a powerful and mystical artifact originally placed in the care of the Crusader prester John the evil eye was thought to have exploded but it actually shattered into six separate pieces scattering Across the Universe fashioning a piece of the evil eye into a weapon called the Stellar Rod Jon would not be the only one to come across his artifact the dark sorceress Morgan lafaye had once used the evil eye to resurrect the femorian sun god bailor in a battle against doctor strange and black knight a version of Morgan lafay appeared in the television series runaways and perhaps she will return again officially this time within the proper MCU most notably wielded by two members of The Runaways the staff of one is so powerful that it is said to have made the likes of dorm Mamu tremble like a few of the other entries on this list we have seen the staff of one in The Runaways television series however it is unclear at this point if that show was part of the MCU continuity or not powered by blood magic Conjuring and operating this weapon requires a blood offering generally having an affinity towards one wielder whoever owns or controls the staff is able to enchant and cast spells furthermore the staff is stored literally within its Keeper's body now when the staff's powers begin to wane it will reabsorb itself back into its resting place the magical blade known as the soul sword was constructed out of the life force of colossus's sister Ileana Rasputin AKA magic forging the soul sword while trapped within limbo magic would eventually rule over that Dimension used to harm and nullify Supernatural Mystic and Magic based opponents unfortunately the soul sword has rarely injured non-magical beings nonetheless when encountering the enchanted and combating against spellcasters the soul sword is possibly the most powerful sword in the universe again we have seen a version of magic and her soul sword in the new Mutant however as far as we know that movie remains very strictly non-canonical to the MCU lore although out of all of the fox X-Men films that one is probably the easiest one to just tack onto the MCU because it's largely disconnected from those other movies sorry doctor although natural and a part of his mutation as well as being made of bone the adamantium fused with Wolverine's Infamous Claws and skeleton is a procedural enhancement from his time in the Weapon X Program literally turning him into a weapon Wolverine was chosen for this experiment due to his uncanny regenerative healing powers another factor of his mutation seeing the adamantium clause in Action a number of times during the fox X-Men films fans more or less know what to expect when we finally get a new Wolverine within the MCU question remains though Who Would You cast to play the new Wolverine let us know in the comments they do mostly connected with Captain Britton and the team of mutants that go by that name Excalibur is the fabled sword of King Arthur according to Legend Excalibur was forged by the witches on Avalon and otherworldly realm connected to the British Isles accessible through Pathways found on Earth of course plucked from a stone by King Arthur over the course of history Excalibur has been endowed with several magical properties capable of killing and healing anyone from man to God alike and renders its wielder nearly Immortal now that we know Dane Whitman has possession of the Ebony Blade as seen at the end of the eternals could Excalibur be the next mystical sword revealed inside the MCU I mean in some comic continuities the Ebony Blade Annex Calibur kind of two sides of the same coin so it would definitely make sense ready for that Mr Whitman although it is unclear if Kamala Khan's bangle from the MCU series Miss Marvel is the same as the Nega bands from the comics most fans feel they are essentially the same for the sake of this video and the fact that they haven't been called that by name we will include both the quantum and mega bands on this list the quantum bands draw their powers from the quantum realm and the Nega band Powers have ties to the negative Zone that's pretty simple right the quantum bands Supply their wheeler with unlimited power rendering them capable of manipulating energy and enhancing their physiology whoever dons the quantum bands becomes known as Quasar the Nega bands are transformed relics from the cree Empire also supplying their wearer with energy manipulation and Cosmic physiology with the most famous pair of Nega bands being owned by Captain Marvel though there have been more than one pair that have popped up throughout Marvel Comics history in the MCU we've seen the iovagamoto accompanied Doctor Strange during a plethora of Adventures already in the comic books however the eye of agamoto has two other counterparts commonly possessed by the sorcerer's Supreme of Earth and the artifact fans are most familiar with the I representing knowledge can possess mystically telepathic abilities the second eye representing power fell into the hands of the Asgardian Dragon satorung augmenting his strength magically lastly the third eye of agamoto's powers remain unknown as the artifact was lost in time the evil sorcerer coulan goth created a fake version of this eye using it to scheme and trick people a special time Drive chair created by Kang the Conqueror allowing him to travel throughout time and space Kang's time chair is also a formidable offensive and defensive tool when needed equipped with Advanced laser defensive weapons and a Force Shield able to withstand powerful blows the time chair is the key to Kang's Mission meaning he who remains in Loki he taught us that Kang is on his way and will confront Ant-Man and the Lobster in the upcoming quantumania movie created by Dr Doom doombots on occasion have acted as henchmen focused on targeted attacks and tasks generally all robots that are identified as doombots are exact physical and mental replicas of the original Victor Von Doom designed with psionic disguising circuitry and capable of fooling low-level telepaths into accepting them as the real deal doombots also believe that they are the real Doom themselves replacing Doctor Doom when he cannot be present with speculation circulating online that he may play a role in the upcoming black panther wakanda forever movie perhaps we'll see doombots inside the MCU sooner rather than later produced from a rare synthetic alloy found in the 40th Century Kang the conqueror's armor is neurokinetic meaning it responds to Kang's subconscious thoughts though Kang has no powers himself his armor endows him with the equivalence of superhuman abilities you really hope to defeat Me by throwing rocks at me with Kang being the next Thanos level threat in the MCU it's only a matter of time before we see his armor in action against Earth's Mightiest Heroes the tactagon is classified as an Omega Level weapon an alien and somewhat sentient device created billions of years ago that tactogon is not only capable of changing its shape into whatever conventional or esoteric weapon is needed for any given situation but it can also emit destructive energy blasts and infiltrate computers to gain information over a thousand years ago eight beings of magical power known as the octessens gathered together and made a wager over who was the most powerful each creating totems holding fragments of their individual power which were scattered across the world the first human who touched a respective gem would become what is known as an Exemplar sitarax Crimson gem was found by Kane Marco which transformed him into the Unstoppable juggernaut created by a Celestial called godhead the black Vortex acts as a mirror that shows an individual what they would look like with their Cosmic potential Unleashed submission and Corruption at the realization of their powers garnered by the black Vortex is highly likely capable of reverting the state of its users taking their Cosmic powers from them mental or physical side effects might also remain after encountering the black vortex known as the Nexus of all realities she are legends say that the home of the macron crystal was the first planet ever to be formed a huge pink gem of unknown Origins the macron crystal is the host of an entire Neutron Galaxy granting people the ability to travel through realities within the Multiverse the crystal also possesses restorative properties giving Professor X's mutation back after he was de-powered by the Scarlet Witch the Odin sword is a name that's been applied to a bunch of different blades wielded by Odin in Marvel Comics the first and most important version of the Odin sword also known as the oversword of Asgard is a giant-sized blade that if ever unsheathed is prophesized to mean that the end of the universe is at hand a second version was presented by Odin to Thor claiming its true name was Ragnarok the third version of the Odin sword was used by Thor to literally slice through space and time [Music] created by mnew the ultimate nullifier at one point destroyed nine tenths of the entire universe when used to defend the watchers from an evil alien takeover later when Galactus was threatening Earth the Fantastic Four were tasked with retrieving the ultimate nullifier the threat of the Fantastic Four activating this ungodly weapon was enough to make Galactus withdraw from his mission inspiring outright fear in the cosmic Giant the heart of the universe poor the infinite is the most powerful and cataclysmic weapon in the entire Marvel Multiverse its history is entirely unknown and it is virtually omnipotent able to take on all Cosmic beings regardless of stature or power level a unique Jewel to say the least the heart of the universe can flare up into what resembles a sun or supernova capable of essentially erasing anything from existence in an instant posing a threat to even the Living Tribunal the heart of the universe ranks number one on our list oh so want to use a big wooden Fork axes swords and Veronica oh my the MCU is chock full of some of the deadliest and most amazing weapons anyone has ever seen with some of the greatest inventors as well as mythical creatures and legends straight out of fantasy the goal of destroying your enemy yields some creative results from hammers to axes to well melt sticks why are you handing me the Melt stick these weapons are any Warrior's dream but which of these weapons proves to be the greatest of them all let's dive into it and watch out for pointy things right now perfectly level Hawkeye's trick arrows allow this ordinary man with great combat abilities to become one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes we have seen amazing uses for these arrows including melting flying ships exploding helicarriers hacking into Shield servers and grappling from tall buildings Hawkeye was even able to knock Loki out of the sky with a well-placed exploding arrow and take on an arsenal of Ultron bots in the hands of an expert Marksman like Clint Barton these arrows provide an unexpected punch at every turn I can't wait to see what kind of trick arrows Kate Bishop has of her sleeve Sonic Blast technology has been used by multiple characters in the MCU while on the whole these Sonic cannons are non-lethal they still have an incredible capability to subdue some of the most powerful beings in the universe if only for a short while the first time we see these Sonic cannons in use is in the Incredible Hulk when Thaddeus Ross and the Army outfitted a couple tanks and used them to stop the green hulking Giant in his tracks rhodius also used a Sonic cannon in his War Machine armor which was successful in rendering the Scarlet Witch herself incapable of fighting at a pivotal moment in Captain America Civil War these electronic obedience discs might be the most annoyingly effective weapon in the MCU while we've never seen them actually kill anyone they hold the power to make anyone Bend to the remote control holder's will the Grand Master uses them on his prisoners with jobs and no one has really found a way around them they render Thor Loki Korg and several other powerful Gladiators completely useless even in some of their most powerful moments surging an electric charge throughout the victim the discs cause Total Electric paralysis and even render the victim unconscious once the charge is complete no matter their power level do you think corvus glaive's parents knew what weapon he was going to pick the glaive wielded by the black order member as one deceptively powerful piece of Hardware it is very sharp and made from an extraterrestrial metal allowing it to pierce the heavily durable skin of an asgardia Thanos used the glaive to kill Thor's longtime friend Heimdall and corvus himself used it to pierce vision's vibranium body there is some mysticism surrounding the blade as it disabled vision's ability to phase and heal himself it deflected blasts from the Mind Stone and nearly extracted the Stone from vision's forehead it can be recalled in a manner similar to Thor calling mjolnir and in the comics the glaive has the power to resurrect corvus from the dead given that he's died twice I would say in the MCU that's not the case the wakandan spear is the weapon of choice for the Dora milage and the greater wakandan Army Eric killmonger sought to send these weapons to various forces across the globe as he called them untraceable handheld Sonic cannons powerful enough to stop a tank the spears are made of vibranium making them extremely durable Okoye was able to cause a fast-moving car to crash dead in its tracks by striking the spear into the ground overall these weapons provide powerful strikes from close and long range and it makes sense why the most advanced society would choose these as their weapons Captain America's shield has long been a symbol of Honor in the country used by characters such as Steve Rogers Bucky John Walker and now finally Sam Wilson the vibranium alloy that makes up the world's most powerful frisbee is nearly unbreakable given its makeup The Shield is able to Ricochet off of objects without losing speed or velocity as all objects made from vibranium are able to do this makes it an exceptionally powerful projectile weapon which Captain America has been able to use at a distance and switch just as quickly back into an all but impenetrable defensive mechanism The Shield can also be used in combination with other weapons like mjolnir or Iron Man's repulsers to multiply the power of their attacks Falcons wings were an incredibly powerful piece of Weaponry long before the wakandans ever got a hold of them they have shown shielding capabilities as well as possessing rocket launch targeting system they provide him with such effective flight capability that he was able to outrun and maneuver several missiles sent his way in Captain America the Winter Soldier his EXO 7 system can even detect Ant-Man when fully shrunken now that Sam has received an upgrade as the new Captain America the wings have been infused with a healthy dose of vibranium this seriously improved the quality of their shielding capabilities and likely possess a number of wakandan weapons we have yet to even see Unleashed heimdall's weapon of choice the bifrost sword is an exceptionally powerful Asgardian object other than you know being a giant sword that Heimdall has used to cut down Frost Giants Dark Elves and Undead as guardian Soldiers the sword also holds the amazing power of activating the bifrost only a few objects are able to accomplish this unlocking the user to interspace travel the sword became especially important when sought by hella for the use of Conquering the nine Realms meaning that heimdall's possession of it may have saved the World As We Know It sorry about that Tony Stark has more Iron Man suits than shoes I will ever have in my entire life one of his most powerful versions is the nanotech suit Iron Man displayed in Avengers Infinity War entirely stored in his chest piece the armor expands outward covering Tony's entire body the technology allows Tony to conjure weapons from seemingly thin air he displays powerful blasts against col obsidian and Ebony Ma and even goes toe-to-toe with Thanos drawing a single drop of blood the suit does have some weaknesses as Thanos proved the nanites can be removed a little bit at a time and while Tony can repurpose them it does sometimes leave him exposed the suits still allow Tony to wield the Infinity Stones and defeat Thanos and his army it's easy to see why Odin chose the Destroyer armor as the protector of his treasure Vault this machine is made of very strong metal and can fire blasts that turn almost anything they touch into Ash in the comics Odin has even used the Destroyer armor to fight the celestials in the MCU Thor was able to defeat the Destroyer rather easily but not before it nearly took out the Warriors 3 and leveled a New Mexico town to the ground Hank Pym is one of the brightest Minds in the universe he created a particle that would shrink or expand the distance between atoms little did he know all of the incredible powerful implications this would have not only does the particle give life to powerful suits like Ant-Man the wasp and giant man but the Pym particle would prove to be the secret to entering the quantum realm the gateway to time travel The Avengers would use their remaining pin particles to travel through time and retrieve the stones reversing the snap and eventually defeating Thanos in Avengers end game thanos's weapon of choice throughout all his years of conquest and violence was revealed this double-bladed spinning sword of death was able to accomplish incredible Feats that many thought impossible it deflected a full power Blast from Iron Man and cracked Captain America's uncrackable shield the material this weapon is made of is still a mystery but director Joe Russo has hinted at its origin it's quite possible the blade was made by itri the dwarf of nitivalir and is made of a material that knocks vibranium out of first place as the strongest material in the MCU this one is a personal favorite of mine the Melt stick featured in Thor Ragnarok was wielded by topaz the right-hand henchwoman of the Grand Master upon first glance it doesn't look like much just a ball on a stick but the Grand Master was able to use this stick to Pardon his cousin from Life by merely touching the ball end of the stick to a living thing that entire thing melts into a puddle of burnt toe smelling orange goo we only see it used once but just think about it Thor went for the chest many said the head I stood up and yelled just use the Melt stick I'm calling it Veronica codenamed Veronica the Hulkbuster armor was designed by Bruce Banner and Tony Stark as a worst case measure if the Hulk was ever to lose control again we saw this come to fruition when the Scarlet Witch forced the Hulk into an unbridled rage powered by multiple Arc reactors Veronica is able to blast extremely powerful energy beams fly and deliver a series of powerful punches it is closely followed by an overhead drone which replenishes any damaged parts of the armored suit in the end it accomplished something that not many can claim it took on the Hulk and won sure it tore down a building to do it but you don't need the details an ancient Relic belonging to the frost Giants of yotenheim the casket of ancient Winters is the MacGuffin of the first Thor film hella may have thought it to be weak but its history shows anything but with the ability to freeze anything and everything the frost Giants once used it to cause a literal Ice Age on Earth it revealed Loki's true Heritage and Loki used it to freeze heimdal solid and allow the frost giants into Asgard while its full potential is only glimpsed at the casket of ancient Winters is certainly a powerful artifact that anyone could find useful in wiping out armies or freezing powerful opponents ever the jokester even in death Tony truly was the hero for all his self-centeredness and bragging at heart Tony Stark really was one of the greatest protectors the Earth would ever see it stands to reason that in the event of his untimely demise Tony would have devised something for those who live on to continue protecting themselves Tony created a shockingly powerful arsenal of drones all controlled by a central system named Edith he left this system to Peter Parker who quickly learned of its destructive and Espionage capabilities when Edith fell into the hands of the villainous Quentin Beck he Unleashed its true potential of Illusions and Firepower to create an Avengers level threat and nearly destroyed London in the process the mantle of black panther was passed down from Warrior to Warrior since the formation of the nation of wakanda powered by the heart-shaped herbs the Black Panther already gained enhanced speed strength and fighting ability the wakandans learned how to manipulate vibranium and over time created a black panther suit that made The Greatest Warrior indestructible once the smartest person in the MCU shuri got a hold of it the Black Panther suit saw a huge upgrade making it a devastating weapon along with its already sharp claws and impenetrable weave shuri allowed for the suit to be stored in the teeth of a necklace she also enabled it to store and redistribute kinetic energy knocking out groups of people at a time Odin all father ruler of the nine Realms in King of Asgard is unsurprisingly a very strong piece of Weaponry it holds the distinction that only a few objects have in that it can activate the bifrost allowing for the holder to travel as far across the Galaxy as they please the spear is also clearly made of strong material as Loki uses it in a one-on-one fight with his brother Thor wielding mjolnir its sharp edge makes it a useful Spear and finally it is capable of firing an energy laser beam that can mow down anything in its path the Yucca arrow is one of the most devastating weapons we've seen in the MCU to date once one Masters it as yondu has the arrow can allow one man to take out entire fleets of people all yandu had to do was show the arrow to someone and it would cause them to instantly surrender he used it to destroy at least two dozen sakharan soldiers at the Battle of zandar in nearly an instant once captured by taserface and a ravager mutiny yondu used a prototype fin to control the yaka arrow and kill everyone aboard and blow up the ship itself he was able to fend off ego until the arrow was finally broken now that rocket has fixed it hopefully craglin has been working on his whistling forged in the heart of a Dying star mjolnir is the hammer wielded by the Mighty God of Thunder a magical inscription only allows those who are worthy to wield it and once they can they are granted the powers of Thor along with an unbelievable tool to build and weapon to destroy we have seen mjolnir summon lightning when used by Thor and Captain America in rather intelligent moves we have seen mjolnir be used to pin down powerful villains who are unworthy to wield it the hammer answers the worthy wielder's call no matter how far away in the universe it is and always delivers a powerful punch it is terribly well balanced and even can be used to Grant the power of flight a favored weapon of the Dark Elves the cursed Stone was a piece of magical cursed Weaponry that transformed the user into an Unholy but all-powerful beast when the last of the cursed used it he was able to break down the cells of the Asgardian dungeon burn soldiers from the inside out and destroy the entire force field the cursed Stone allowed curse to nearly destroy Thor and Loki until something just a little bit stronger came in his way during the battle of wakanda the Android vision had the unfortunate luck of being gruesomely killed not once but twice After Time reversed his girlfriend blowing him up Thanos ripped the Mind Stone from his forehead deactivating him seemingly forever for a while it was a mystery what had happened to the strong shell that used to be Vision as everyone around him was slightly distracted by all their friends turning into dust moments later it was revealed that vision's body was taken by sword a government agency dealing in sentient weapons during the blip acting director Tyler Hayward began working on Reawakening Vision into a powerful weapon he succeeded in creating a Mindless and mind stoneless version of vision completely white this Vision still has all the powers of flight phasing and energy blasts of the original it would seem however at the end of one division that white Vision may have ceased to be a weapon and became an individual when his memories were returned to him these weapons are maybe the most understated source of power I've ever seen in the MCU coming from a rather lackluster movie and maybe the mcu's most lackluster villain the black hole grenades displayed in Thor the Dark World possess a scary amount of power they have the power to crush anything in their vicinity into literal Oblivion once malakith's henchman algorithm became curse he was able to swat away mjolnir like a fly seemingly unbeatable Loki was able to use a black hole grenade against him destroying the Beast permanently there seemed to be no limits on these insanely powerful little objects which in theory could have made Thanos disappear long before he even uttered the words Infinity Stones when Thor started his mission to defeat Thanos he knew he would need a very powerful weapon venturing to the devil ear to see itri the dwarf Thor sought a Titan killing bringer of death known as a king's weapon Stormbreaker was an ax forged in the dying star on knit avalir it is said to be so mighty that it would crush those who lack the strength to wield it with all the powers of mjolnir it allows Thor to summon lightning and fly additionally this weapon can summon the bifrost making Inner Space travel possible from anywhere Stormbreaker even overpowered a full blast from the completed Infinity Gauntlet to bury itself in thanos's chest the Infinity Stones are clearly the greatest power we've seen in the MCU to date even if they do not hold that distinction forever when combined in The Infinity Gauntlet they make a being like Thanos capable of achieving anything in his case you know it was to eliminate half the universe it's good to have goals I guess but Stones control all aspects of reality and even separated we have seen the stones accomplish incredible Feats of power the power Stone as decimated Worlds the reality Stone could turn the universe to Darkness the time Stone can defeat dormammu the space Stone led to the rise of Hydra and Loki was able to wreak unruly havoc on New York with the Mind Stone in hand the stones of powered weapons like Loki scepter and ronan's Hammer as well as bringing to life the Android vision it would appear that the only thing powerful enough to overcome the stones would be the stones themselves when Thanos used them to produce the stones to atoms Thor represents the Best of Both Worlds no I'm not referring to Asgard and midgard I'm trying to make the point that Thor is both the funniest Avenger and the one who suffered the most most I mean he's proven to be a comedic gold mine in Thor Ragnarok and end game but also along the way lost his hammer his best friend his parents his people his brother his eye and for a short time his metabolism Thor is incredibly complex and today we're gonna dig into the minute details in the inner psychological workings of his mind and oh oh wait what's that oh we're not doing that we're ranking Thor's most powerful weapons he's ever had instead oh thank the all father for that because I want to talk about things that smash other things into bits what's Thor's strongest weapon what's his weakest let's get started right now oh my God Emma pujov the ground you pull me off the ground up into the air and I would fly before we get into the individual weapons with just a fantastic sounding names I thought we'd clear the deck and start off with the weakest slash less impressive weapons and start working our way up to the most powerful so taking the bottom spot on this list is the cluster of weapons Thor used to fight on sakar while facing his friends from work to The Incredible Hulk although all of them had an awesome sort of retro design to them it was like bringing a knife to a gunfight or in this case bringing a knife to a Hulk fight the first set of weapons we see Thor try to use against the Hulk is a Mason Shield that belongs to the Gladiator before him the Fearsome Doug okay fearsome Doug wasn't his nickname but I wanted to spruce up his title a bit it was just Doug come on of course some Alien named Doug was going to lose to the Incredible Hulk I mean that's just a losing battle right there it's just not threatening enough oh what's this I've just been handed a note from the Council of CBR gods that I need to read the personal attitude of this video regarding people named Doug does not reflect cbr's views of people named Doug and TBR can't be held responsible for any Doug related outrage okay okay I get it anyway back to the fight the Mason Shield lasts for about three seconds as one hit from Hulk breaks the weapons right away man I can see how Doug lost now and honestly I think this was a missed opportunity sure the mace wasn't very cool but seeing Thor with a shield was a great opportunity to make some Captain America jokes wouldn't you expect to Thor Ragnarok to have a sequence where Thor tries to copy Steve Rogers Style with the shield by throwing it and expecting it to come back to him that sort of gag would have worked perfectly there but no time for that because we're on to the retractable swords I mean the name is pretty self-explanatory right they're swords that retract that Thor pulls out ready to defend against the rampaging rage monster these hold out a little better than the Mason shield and actually defend against a few attacks before they Bend and earn knocked away obviously these aren't vibranium swords though someone should invest in those then Thor decides to Fight Fire with Fire a little bit and use one of Hulk's own War hammers against system this is much more effective than his previous weapons as he's able to send Hulk flying across the stadium with one hit then Thor tries the tried and true method of beating the Hulk up with the Warhammer until Banner reappears but you know the thing about the Hulk he gets stronger the angrier he gets so Thor bashing him relentlessly with the Warhammer only increases the rage and soon makes the Warhammer ineffective overall I'd grade his set of sakar weapons a c-minus they look flashy but besides the Warhammer didn't do anything useful thankfully the others on this list can do some serious damage now it's time to get a little comic bookie the next weapon I want to talk about is yarn Bjorn like we know mjolnir and Thor are the signature Duo but have you ever considered what Thor used as a weapon before his famous Hammer well it was an ax by the name of Jean Bjorn aka the wrecker of Worlds now this bad boy has a fascinating history it was originally created by the dwarves for roona who was an original member of The Valkyrie before she was assimilated by The Headless Celestial where's that backstory am I right like all I'm saying is that the OG Valkyries would make a fascinating Disney plus TV show right I mean if Agatha Harkness can get a spin-off show then soak in the Valkyries anyway in the comics Thor was getting tired of not being able to lift mjolnir so he switched over to jar Bjorn instead and they had a series of fun adventures together like one time he blessed the ax with his own blood which allowed it to pierce a Celestial armor another time Thor lost yarn Bjorn but eventually King the Conqueror recovered it from Baron mordo's tomb man is it possible to get all three of these characters to meet somehow but overall this ax basically acts as Thor's rebound whenever he goes through a period where he is no longer worthy of mjolnir he just shifts to yarn Bjorn that sort of puts the ax lower on this list for that reason but now I'm just wondering if there's a way to work jar Bjorn into the MCU in some capacity like yeah Thor has a Stormbreaker now but that's such an OP weapon is he going to carry that around forever no he needs a good medium-sized weapon to occupy his time for a while and charm Bjorn is just the ax for the job sure axes and hammers are fit for warriors but you know what really makes you stand out a staff and not just any step half either a kingly one like Gandalf had one Jafar from Aladdin had one Maleficent had one if you want to look cool and menacing just get a cool staff that's where gun near comes in Gung near was an uru made spear staff hybrid that acted as a symbol of Asgardian kingship let he who wields the staff be the king of Asgard or something along those lines we know it's been passed down a few Generations as we saw Odin's father King boar wield it then we saw Odin swing that thing around a few times and then finally Thor gained possession of it during Thor Ragnarok the God of Thunder then used it at the beginning of his final fight with hella which I would say is a bold strategy I mean have we seen a Thor really fight with a staff before no and there Thor wind ready to fight the strongest Baddie she's ever faced before with a weapon that we don't even know if he's proficient in but at least he held his own for a bit sure he eventually dropped it and didn't bother to pick it up again so that means more than likely the staff was destroyed when Asgard turned to space dust either that or just floating in space somewhere waiting for the next lucky person to stumble across it overall it's a cool artifact for both its fighting prowess as well as its kingly significance I wish all our world leaders had big kingly staffs with them everywhere they went wouldn't that make the world a much better place I think so I would never forgive myself if I made a list of the strongest Thor weapons and didn't include frog jonier yes that's right it just rolls off the tongue frog jolnir and it belongs to throg the Frog of Thunder naturally here's how it played out Thor was once turned into a frog by Loki Thor aided another frog named puddle Gulp and eventually puddle gulp saw Thor use mjolnir and thanks to a horse named tooth gnasher a small sliver of the hammer broke off puddle gulp saw this took it and then was transformed into throg now he's the Frog version of Thor yes there are so many questions and it's so delightfully weird that I couldn't not mention it throg even has a small cameo in the Loki TV show so I thought I'd give some credit here now though it just has me thinking what would happen if we melt down mjolnir into Parts would each part be just as powerful no matter what that's cool we know that there are a bunch of different universes out there now which begs the question which major Universe are we going to see and spend time in first a big option is the Ultimate Universe which sees some big differences for some of our favorite Heroes one of those is the Thor character who in the Ultimate Universe was a seemingly regular human named thoroughly Goldman who after his 30th birthday started hallucinating visions of Asgard turns out he was having repressed memories and he was actually Thor don't you just hate it when that happens anyways the ultimate version of mjolnir has a lot of similarities to the one in Earth at 616 but also a lot of key differences like did you know it possesses a 4D teleportation so yeah the regular mjolnir has access to the magic of the bifrost but the ultimate mural near can transport objects and such to different locations and although the OG is a magical weapon that only the worthy can lift the ultimate mjolnir doesn't have those enchantments since it was made by humans so all in all it's a pretty cool weapon and I'm glad there's a mjolnir representation in different universes than just our own and as an added benefit a later upgrade to Ultimate mjolnir saw Odin create a magical one so oh that's pretty cool although this might be a little controversial I stand by putting mjolnir as third on this list yes it's what we're always going to associate with Thor no matter what and try as the franchise might to get us excited for the Thor and Jane reunion in Thor love and thunder but we all know the real reunion we're most excited for is the possibility of Thor being reunited permanently with mjolnir Thor and mjolnir go together like peanut butter and jelly like Jimmy woo and close-up magic like Sam Wilson's sister and Bucky Barnes it's just a match made in heaven right forget all the great love stories that the MCU has given us over the years the real hearts of the franchise is Thor's relationship with mjolnir it's a nice way of putting it okay maybe that's getting a little too carried away but on the other hand just think about it for a second pre-thor Ragnarok Thor felt like he was defined by his hammer and could only be a powerful warrior with that by his side and after it was destroyed he thought he was less of a person it wasn't until after ghost Odin gave him a pep talk telling him the secret of his strength came from within him that really helped him then end game brought Thor to tears when he realized he was still worthy for mjolnir after all this time and now he's on his own path that's the equivalent of somebody who was in a relationship their whole life and becoming dependent on that person and then taking a bit of time to grow on their own a bit before finally being ready to accept that other person back into their life wow that's a really long way to explain how important Thor's Journey back to mjolnir is enough about all that let's talk about the smashy smashy stuff for the hammer mjolnir is incredibly powerful as it not only packs one heck of a punch but it also helped Channel Thor's lightning could help him seem like he could fly and provided a convenient way to trap enemies who weren't worthy enough to wield it I mean seriously is there a better use of a super weapon than pinning enemies down in some capacity in the first Thor the God of Thunder trapped Loki by pinning him with the hammer in The Avengers Thor made Hulk really mad by throwing the hammer and making it so Hulk got confused on how he couldn't lift it in Age of Ultron Thor not only only stopped at the nearly Unstoppable Quicksilver by making him grab the hammer in mid-air but also provided a fun party game for all his Avenger friends as they all took turns trying to lift the hammer so overall it's an incredibly powerful weapon that could defeat anyone who's not worthy the whole worthy element does really set it apart from other weapons in terms of defeating bad guys but I would argue it's also a fundamental flaw of the weapon itself because it forces us to question just what counts as being worthy to wield it as well as ask the question of why doesn't Thor just pin his enemies like he did with Loki immediately and then future Thor movies would only be about 35 minutes each and who would want that as powerful as mjolnir is there's one actual weapon that's above it of course it's Stormbreaker the weapon specifically designed to defeat Thanos now both mjolnir and Stormbreaker were made in the same place it actually comes from dwarves and both were forged with uru metal uru is one of the strongest Metals in the universe and it's right up there in terms of indestructibility with the likes of adamantium and vibranium and if we continue to compare Stormbreaker with mjolnir then I think you'll find a lot of similarities but with Stormbreaker having a bit of an edge like literally it has a sharp edge because it's an ax while mjolnir is a blunt instrument let me put it this way it was incredibly easy to cut off thanos's head with Stormbreaker but that is something that would take a lot more force and skill if mjolnir was used for the same purpose Plus in the MCU I would say that Stormbreaker has a bit of an added benefit in that its handle is made from groot's arm and side notes did anyone else have a problem with the scene like they go through all this work to make Stormbreaker and emphasize how important it is to get the the timing right but then when it's all ready for the handle the group realizes they don't have one nearby come on guys the fate of the universe is at stake here luckily Groot is around to provide a sturdy handle for the brand new battle ax and the rest is history it has a lot of the same properties as mjolnir like being able to utilize the bifrost but it looks like it could increase Thor's lightning a significant amount now that's the Stormbreaker we saw in the MCU but what about the Stormbreaker from the comics originally a Stormbreaker was made for Beta Ray Bill a corbinite who was teased a slightly in Thor Ragnarok but remains high on the list of best Marvel characters who haven't appeared in the MCU yet in the comics a Stormbreaker has the same let he who be worthy charm as mjolnir as well as some additional powers like allowing Beta Ray Bill to transform into a human and creating portals to other areas all in all it's quite a powerful weapon but will a Beta Ray Bill show up to claim it in an upcoming Thor movie I hope so most powerful weapon though isn't real near or Stormbreaker and it's technically not even something that Thor can wield yes that's right for the number one spot on this list I'm ranking the Destroyer armor as Thor's best weapon and I know what you're saying but disembodied CBR voice we've never seen Thor use that as a weapon and to that I say fair point but it's the potential of the Destroyer armor That's so exciting and could lead to big things for the MCU and Thor what can I say I'm an optimist we saw the destroyer in the MCU in the first to Thor movie when Loki took control of Asgard and therefore took control of the Destroyer armor and sent it to destroy Thor it proved to be insanely powerful and had the capacity to level small towns with its awesome might Thor tried to sacrifice himself to save the town but that only led to him being deemed as worthy enough to wield mjolnir and transform back to his Asgardian God self he was able to defeat the destroyer by turning the energy in on itself but for now the actual location of the Destroyer armor is unknown it's been said that the original idea was for it to return in Thor Ragnarok during hella's attack on Asgard only for it to be destroyed by hella the fact they ultimately decided to not include this scene could point to big things on one hand it could just be that the pacing didn't quite work and we didn't need to see another scene of how powerful hella was but on the other hand maybe they cut this scene in order to keep the Destroyer armor around for a later use see as I said I'm an optimist in the comics the Destroyer armor was specifically made with a certain metal That Was Then Enchanted by Odin thousands of years ago it's supposed to be stronger than adamantium uru and vibranium and it was designed specifically back in the day to fight celestials that's right celestials those all-powerful figures that are becoming more and more important to the MCU as we continue to expand into the cosmos so just why is this important well the way the Destroyer armor works is that basically the user can't wear the armor but rather project their life force into it in order to bring it to life so what if we get into a situat Nation where there's a Celestial fight and Thor who's definitely one of the strongest fighters in the universe transfers his life force into the Destroyer armor to fight a Celestial I didn't know that's what I wanted for Thor's character but now it's all I can think about so come on MCU bring the Destroyer armor back it's probably just floating in space after asgard's destruction right right what's been your favorite use of a Thor weapon I'm torn between the time he threw mjolnir and force it to come back in order to get fake Odin to reveal himself as Loki or the time he hung his hammer on the coat rack tough toss-up don't you think
Channel: CBR
Views: 58,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel most powerful weapons, cbr, marvel most overpowered weapons, most powerful weapons in marvel comics, most powerful weapons in the mcu, strongest marvel weapons, strongest mcu weapons
Id: kh0rlVMmLnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 31sec (5311 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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