First Show with My New Horse! Show Jumping + Dressage AD | This Esme

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[Music] moments like this all right guys today is the day of the show um so first things first i need to get everything ready and put it in the van all right so i'm just picking out my saddle pads now which i'm actually very excited about because obviously i'm going to be wearing nice white ones which look very like professional and fancy um so i think for show jumping i'm going to wear this one which is my lumia saddle pad which obviously has never been worn before that's why it's still in the plastic and hopefully the plastic will keep it clean um so we've got that and then for dressage i'm going to be wearing my voltaire design one which i actually wore at the pony mag photo shoot so it it's a little dirty on the inside but it looks fine on the outside so that's good um i'm gonna grab my boots as well i'm gonna be having my palisade ones these are my newest and fanciest ones because you know what first show want to look fancy you know um but yeah i'll put these in the van and it's time to grab the other stuff those can go there and i think these i'm gonna hang up so they're not gonna get dirty there we go lovely all right so now i have my dressage saddle already i have my jumping saddle i don't think i'm gonna be able to reach so high up oh no i don't want to drop it away i'm going to put my girth down i actually cannot reach all right so i have joey's ear it we're gonna go for navy to match my show jacket um we have got brown gloves for show jumping white gloves to dressage they are a little dirty but that's fine um we have my helmet i'm going to go for my like navy one today because again matches my show jacket kit and i thought that'll be really nice for dressage um i have my bridal and then i also have my breastplate as well for show jumpings so just hang everything up okay so the tech is in the van and i'm now here with joey because it's time to plat him so it's currently nine and my first my dressage is at 1 18 very specific time so the plan is to plat him now maybe let him out on the field again because i don't know how long it's going to take me to plant because i haven't last i've only done a dressage competition once and that was in 2016. so that was like what five years ago so uh do not judge my platting skills what will be will be again we're just going out for some fun so um you know if we look a little a little dodgy with the plaits you know what we're just going to rock them we're going to go on there and have some fun so uh hopefully i think i might have to let him out because i don't want i don't want to like be too slow with the plaits but then i don't also want to like be last minute plaiting and getting get him in too late so i'm gonna put him and just fingers crossed that he doesn't roll out on the field because again he's been out in the field today because i want him to have as much being a horse time as possible but yeah let's see what i can do with your main mister okay we all walk with an outer glow living on our insides casting shadows the world's spinning around again we all know but we all pretend [Music] oh blind the sun has really come out now but i'm going to be trying some of this um supreme products easy plait that was very kindly gifted because um hopefully this will make planting easier for me because it makes the plants a little bit more sort of like grippy to hold onto does that say spray yes it does so bright there we go you're okay joey there we go joey's moving so much because he's eating i thought it'd be easier if he was eating because then he wouldn't be as distracted but if you could eat in the same place that would be very helpful okay so i've done one flat i probably could have done it a little bit further down and maybe like flip that over when i tied it up but hopefully they won't look too much like gold balls when i roll them up and put them like so but joey does not have the easiest main to plat uh hopefully by the end of the summer i will be a lot better at plaiting and his main will be a lot easier to plant because as you can see it's just a wild mess of frizz but i have thinned out but it's still it's like thick at the top but thin at the bottoms is really difficult but um i'll see as much as i can do also here's a lovely poo patch here i'm gonna wash that off after i planted him because i don't want him to be like standing here being all cold and wet and uncomfortable so we'll do the platting first and see how it goes [Music] not long left till we're done although i have no idea what i'm going to do with this because that is just what even is that joey he's been scratching up or something probably because he's been like putting his head underneath the fence yes to get the long grass yes i feel like once they're rolled up though they won't look too bad no yeah as long as they don't look like golf balls i'm happy [Music] how [Music] all right guys there you go you can laugh at my plats i mean they could be worse but not that much worse you know um jerry does have quite a difficult main to plat as you can see he's got lots of little baby hairs that just stick up um you know i've tried my best they will do obviously i still need to like roll them up and things and they'll probably look better once they're rolled up but but um i've tried my best also it looks even more weird because joey's got his little white hairs coming through um and i didn't i washed his mane not that long ago and i didn't want to wash it before the show because obviously if you wash it it takes out all the natural oils and then it's just a little bit more difficult to plant so it's like you know what i wash it but it's a little a little dusty in there but nobody nobody will know from far away it's all good you know his full lock i've tried my best on but we will be wearing an air bonnet hopefully so uh nobody nobody will see that it'll be fine he won't look like a unicorn with a massive plat just sticking out um so yeah that's the plan i don't know if i want to roll them up now or roll them up later i might roll them up now and if they fall out i can just redo them just so then they're done and i don't have to worry about that or stress about that so that's what i can do now and then we can really take a good look at them and be like yeah you could have done better as well [Music] all night all right so i'm just trying to get rid of the little stain on joey luckily with the color he is just a bit of water really washes it away also getting rid of any dandruff that um he has there we go nobody needs to know about that he's looking pretty good guys you scrub up not too badly joey no pretty boy very handsome yeah just double check he doesn't have any other pilly bits on him all right so feel free to laugh i'm laughing on the outside but on the inside i'm crying because uh they could look a little better i am a bit of a perfectionist so you know um when i was at pony club all of my friends their like mums were hall scene would plat for them i didn't have horsey parents so i always had to plant mickey and casper myself and they always ended up looking a bit dodgy you'd think by now i would have had enough practice but um no it's been i mean it has been five years since i last properly platted so uh give me give me a bit a bit of an excuse but no he's actually looking very smart he looks better from the other side because he can't see the plaits but his main looks neat because it's all on one side but you know what i'm pretty happy with that what maybe one day i'll be able to do really neat plaits with like a needle and thread and all that jazz but uh because i'm more of a show jumper i'm gonna take what i've got and this is what we've got for today so after that it was time to give joey a little bit of time and turned out in the field and then get him back a little while later he has rolled but luckily he had his uh old rug on i didn't want to use his new fancy higher question rug because i knew that he was gonna roll and we still need to get some photos in it so um he does have his old manky one on but it has it has kept it somewhat clean after a quick tidy up it was time to load joey into the van and head on our way to the show all right guys we're now at the show i'm just letting joey have a bit of haylage on the ramp um while we wait because we got her a little bit early but i'm not mad about that because i kind of it's really good for him just to be here in a show environment with lots of new horses around him just getting him nice and settled so hopefully we have a nice and relaxed dressage test you listening joey okay that's what we want good [Music] when your man is full of nothing at all your body runs you forgot what for your eyes reflect light from a fire that is gone and your feet are the only things [Music] 100 [Music] in the ground so you gotta hold on you've gotta hold on [Music] drops [Music] dancing alone [Music] [Music] is [Music] he's hold on all right guys i am so happy it's been very noisy today calling out to all his new friends um but no he was so good in the dressage he could have been maybe like a little bit more relaxed but for his first dress dressage he did everything when i asked him to he was really responsive so yeah super happy time to get ready for show jumping hello everybody it's future esme here i thought i'd do a little chatty bit now because obviously at the show i wasn't able to talk too much because it was a bit of a rush in between uh dressage and show jumping because i had to untuck joey put on his jumping kit anyway i now have my dressage test result so i thought i'd do a little bit about that so i was very happy with joey we got all sixes and above so we got a few sixes and a half seven so overall our result was 63 which i was very happy with including we got two marks taken off because um we weren't wearing a number obviously very new to competing i say new i used to compete all the time when i was younger but it's been a while so um i didn't really know what it was like competing with covid i wouldn't ask someone if i needed to wear a number they didn't i think we got our wires crossed a little bit but i'm i don't care about that at all i was just happy to be out having some fun with my horse but no very happy the comments from the judges were super athletic horse showing correct training so you know that's good and um once more established in work he shows promise to do well so obviously you know joe is a young horse he's got a long way to go we both have a long way to go together but that's really lovely that's really nice overall i was really happy with him being a young horse never been in that particular indoor arena before he just went in straight away i was just very happy with him so much so that we had so much fun doing our dressage that i've actually booked a dressage show for as i'm filming this next week so that's very exciting so then after that we had the show jumping so went in the arena warmed him up and because it was because of kovid it's they do the thing in the uk where it's called arrive compete and leave so it's all very quick you have to be there on time if not you're not gonna go so um i was a bit confused when the show jumping um course walk would be so i didn't actually walk the course for show jumping so the show jumping was a little bit rushed i feel like i could have maybe warmed him up a little bit better but overall you know i was happy we went in the arena we jumped our course it was a little bit green joey did feel like a completely different horse to ride in the show jumping when i've taken him out there previously for training or when i jump him at home or at my instructors he's very forward he will take me to all the jumps but it was as if suddenly something just clicked in his brain like the first fence i probably could have written a little bit better too but he spooked at the first one there was a plank on the ground it was in the spooky corner he didn't like it but i kicked him on we went forward so we ended up trotting over the first jump because he had a bit of a spook so we had the first one down um as you guys know when i film my videos at home cameraman is in the arena nice and close can get really good footage at show a little bit different you know we didn't get the best footage for show jumping unfortunately so we didn't get that much footage like some bits were out of focus some bits because it was raining as well we had to be technical difficulties but um some of the jumps he jumped he felt great i think i did let him go a little bit long because he was like nervous just like he was just a little bit more lucky really i felt like i should have had him a bit more collected had my leg on a little bit more but not let him rush forward i felt like he rushed a bit forward so he knocked a few jumps sorry if you can hear mickey they're currently in because it's a very hot sunny day today and obviously mickey is very sensitive to the sun but um no so because joey is a young horse like i talked with my instructor about how the course went and things and she thinks part of it was due to my nerves and part of it was because joey is young and i know people being like oh he's seven now he's old but he is a little bit of a late developer so he should have a little bit more muscle his top line still needs building up a little bit more so i don't i think doing a whole course with that many jumps i think he found it difficult to hold himself and he kind of ran forward a little bit so that's just something we need to work on you know he's a young horse we're going to get there eventually but we did have a few jumps down but i'm not too worried about that because the first one is because he spooked and we went over in trot and he kind of cat fleeked over the other one was actually part of a double and i think i because i didn't walk the course i didn't really know what the striding was so it's kind of like okay let's just see how it goes and he got the second part of that down i think he just didn't quite pick his legs up um other than that you know for a first show with a young horse very very happy so we just need to get out there a little bit more with the show jumping because we kind of had a break from show jumping over the winter we've been focusing a lot on our flat works that's probably why dressage she's a little bit better than the show jumping but overall i am so happy with joey honestly he was such a superstar he did everything i asked no silliness he could have gone out there and had an absolute like baby tantrum like he had has done a few times over the winter so that's why i was a little bit nervous but no he was so good and i honestly cannot wait to get back out there for our dressage competition coming up next week but anyway i'm gonna stop talking now take it back to past esme showing you her excitement of how well joey did at the show and also probably looking a little bit like a drowned route because it did rain quite a bit that day all right guys i am now back home i'm a little bit wet the rain did decide to suddenly calm down as soon as we got back but i'm so glad that it didn't really heavily rain while we were out there competing but i'm just so happy with joey i'm not gonna lie i know i kept saying oh i'm not nervous i'm excited but that's why i kept telling myself because no i was like the night before so nervous i haven't been in the show ring doing an actual competition that wasn't like a clear round a local place since 2016. that was when i last regularly competed with casper with the pony club so it has been like five years and i was so nervous because obviously i haven't competed since i've done youtube i was like well people watch me like yeah it was a lot but overall i'm so happy with joey like in the dressage i was like okay i'm prepared for him in like candy to explode or going down the center line to just like explode or like have a baby moment but he did everything i asked of him he was of course he was a little bit green a little bit tense but he soon settled down and i'm just so happy with him almonds and upwards from here guys and also like i'm just so excited to get back out there again but for a baby horse for his first time in the show ring with me and everything he just did everything i said he was on his best behavior again with the show jumping some of the jumps that he did felt incredible um obviously it could have been a little bit less messy but i'm very critical of myself so um but no he felt great the more and more jumps we did in the show jumping the more confident he felt it just felt like everything slowly just got better and better and we both felt more comfortable and not so nervous if that makes sense but yeah overall so happy can't wait to get back out there again so anyway guys thank you so much for watching today's video and following joey and i's journey first show very excited to do more um if you're new or have not done this already please like and subscribe it really does help me out and i really do appreciate it and i'll see you all next time bye [Music] you
Channel: This Esme
Views: 410,311
Rating: 4.9568396 out of 5
Id: 4falBPDaJ4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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