Mickey Bucking on the Lunge + Jumping Lesson with Casper - a Chaotic Barn Vlog AD | This Esme

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you'll need it oh wait what are you doing [Music] [Applause] oh no he's gonna get licky animal nice and clean Mickey don't get me all slippers please he's got a nice new jacket on I don't want it to get all licked on hey hey look my hands that makes you happy there we go we can do the intro now you happy good hey everybody this is me and today I'm gonna do a little vlog for you guys I thought I'd saw take you around what I'm getting up to today a lot of different things actually have a lesson later on this afternoon on Casper which I'm so excited about because I've not been able to take Casper out jumping for so long we've had the worst weather here in England than the UK we've had basically a storm every single weekend for the last few weeks pretty much it feels like we've had rain we've had wind we've had hail where she had a few of our fences blow down because of the storm which wasn't great so but jeez a bit of DIY around here fixing everything so I'm excited to get Casper out getting out riding again I think that's my instructor with a little bit of flat work to start off with and then first few jumps up see how he goes just because you know we don't want to push cast bit into anything too much into the deep end we'll just see how he feels what we do so I'm really excited about that had some fun jumping later and then this boy here I keep getting questions about Mickey a little bit of an update on his Cushing's and everything Mickey honestly has never been better like I have never seen him look so good in the last so one or two years and he's been living his best life guys I've been saying something I've actually been doing recently with him because our fields are so horrible and muddy and flooded the horses really can't have a good run around when they are turned out so something I've been doing with Mickey and Kasper as well as I've been lunging a little bit more so Mickey I've barely ever lunged him back when he was in work when I was riding him all the time when I was a lot smaller and this guy was a lot younger yes I'm actually gonna be a lung today and this boy finds it the most exciting thing yeah as soon as I put him on the lunge I don't even need a stick when I'm lunging him he just around Cantor's round the loads of laps so yeah first thing the first thing gonna do with this boy is lunge him so let's get you out of your stable and give him a bit of room you know it's lunging time mate well let's get the lead rope out here we go like he always does when I put his head collar on he just is like get it off my nose yes yes you putting me pulling funny faces see you are a funny one on UNIX you've got something stuck up your nose mate oh yeah I know he has this thing about he hates having things on his nose like the same that's like in the summer when he has a fly mask on he just hates having the fly mask net on his nose we have to cut it off we'll get one which doesn't have an attachment so here's a little bit of a funny guy no you don't like your nose being cut - do you like your mouth being touched because you're like licking but nose okay let's take his rug off Nicky's rug is absolutely destroyed like to be honest this is more of like a mud sheet than a rug because it doesn't really have much filling because he is the fluffiest boy at the moment so it's more just to keep them clean and get the rain off him so doesn't get like rain Scholl though ever but look how nice and fluffy and clean he is under his rug I just wish all of him was like this all the time yes I need to make do the little hooky take you out I just can't believe it's started raining again like seriously England can you write together I know it's a rainy country but this is getting ridiculous so I'm just gonna give him a quick room because obviously I don't want him to be out on the rainy get too wet but I just wanted to give him a little bit of a brush-off so he looks a little bit more presentable for you guys because if 9a there'll be some people being wet because she's so dirty but this guy is just living the book monster life like let him live his muddy life guys he loves the mud you know become partners personality bog monster unicorn you know Mickey without mud is like Mickey without licking it's just part of him now also look how thick and curly hears him because of his Cushing's I think I might actually have to clip him in the spring because his coat just doesn't really come out and he's gonna go patch in the springs in his Cushing's so that might be an interesting video cuz I think they've only really clipped Mickey once or maybe twice and wine on a quest you and Dad he feels like behind the camera he helped me flip him back in the day pay me club and we turned up a Preta Club and everyone was like oh my god he let you pause like that last night wasn't me it was my dad and Mickey had the most awful hairdo you going but you know what I think we pulled it off I think we rocked it so yeah at least he's looking a little bit better I'm doing him a bit of a groom just get some of the really thick mud dreadlocks and patches off him but you're still gonna be a little bit yellow stained aren't you okay so I'm now tackling the mane and I get asked quite a lot about Mickey's name because obviously it's a bit on the long side so I actually haven't really done anything with it for the last five years I guess why I haven't done anything with it for so long I can't actually remember when I lost trim Dale pulled it or anything like that but he's just living his best life because I don't know what Miki is so if he was like a native he could really easily get away with having the long luscious looks but you know what because we don't know what breed he is I feel like he can really pull off the long mane you know I felt like this yes yeah apparently is I always get asked what breed McKee is in this passport says he's an Irish sports horse number one he is not a horse he's 13 hands and number two I don't think there's much sport about him like actually he might prove us wrong today when we put him on the lunge because he's been zooming around on that recently but he's not the sportiest of ponies so I honestly just think they put that in their passports when they have like no clue what breed he is sometimes I became and I'm like oh London you a bit of cop sometimes when he's maneuvering around the field here's his tail bang up in the air and he looks like an Arab and it's like Mickey I have no clue what breed you are let's get my DNA tested or something like that to see what he actually is because I find that's so interesting but I honestly just think he was like a pony in Ireland because we tried to track down his breeding and everything and like where he came from but we have no information at all so honestly thinks the first company the first people that owned him was the company that shipped him from Ireland to the UK I honestly just think they'll like all this painting there we'll pick him up in settlement England so I have no clue about Mickey's history but it'd be really interesting to find out a bit more about him why that might be quite difficult but there we go your main looking so much better now mix looking gorgeous now it's all not muddy and tangles and like a bird's nest but now that's looking good Mick good boy like this bit here on his butt cheek this is always the worst part when it comes to grades because they always line their poo on this side and they'll oh no we in their horrible stable and it always gets so yellow and stained but this sides not looking too shabby max it's not looking too bad you've been lying down on this side of anything something that's currently but yeah I'm not looking too bad so we just had some pretty intense rainfall so I had to quickly grab this boy I know you're impatient you want to go running now so I quickly grabbed him put him in a stable I also put my helmet on and my gloves on I'm gonna be lunging this guy and he is a wild beast sometimes and I want to be you know safety first I wasn't on my jacket up as well because I don't wanna get wet it's so horrible and rainy also we're a little bit more matching matching outs I know a lot of people care about that one with me so you know we're kind of matching I've got my Navy top on kind of he's maybe on there you know we're not crashing you know we're not crashing so it's good start so yeah it's time to get this boy lunged and see how he's feeling also when I'm lunging Miki it's a little bit more on the feral side like a lot of people you know they put all the lunging equipment on this guy's retired I don't care if he's working in the outline or if he's using the correct muscles or anything as long as he gets to run around he's swimming good in himself and you know it's helping him lose a couple pounds cuz you know with Bailey's over you know the other day and this guy needs to lose a little bit of weight so this is definitely helping with that and I'm just getting him fitter so yeah time to do some feral lunging I need to undo this Oh Mickey you can't eat your lunch rope this this no don't eat the lunge line that's really no no no there we go set an example you're an older gentleman now you should know this I've also got my sick as well by honestly don't think I'll need to you sale just carry it with me and if I need it I need it Mickey oh my gosh I thought you were gonna be a good boy today yeah woman that was so sneaky I always forget when I'm working at ponies again that they're like whoo I want to do my own thing okay let's get you into the center I'm just going to put my stick down because honestly I don't think I'll need it okay I told you he finds the most exciting thing okay my lunch mine is all twisted I was not prepared for that Mickey oh he guys okay good boy let's not run over the camera who would think making it a few months ago would be like this living his best life bucking around on the lunge oh gosh so yeah this is my Farrell lungi it's a little bit like Mickey he just has a bit of a run around living his best life do a bit of obedience just let him have a bit of a cough okay and routine there we go good boy to be honest I can't you guys might think he looks quite excited now but yesterday he was off on one like he was just bucking and running and really feeling himself but you know now he's getting over a bit he's like almost exciting as it used to be okay Viktor good boy he'll say struggle sometimes yeah there we go he's got the right leg now sometimes he does go on the wrong leg but you know he hasn't been schooled or anything in so many years so I'm not really too fussed about it as long as he's enjoying himself and he's exercising he's getting fitter that's all the matters really good guy also something that he likes to do it's a bit like flying a kite really which is not what you're supposed to do when you're lunging but because Mickey's a bit more of the because he's no more of the wild kind of type the other day it was so windy it was actually like flying a kite he spent more time with his legs off the ground then on the ground okay just keep him going for a bit he's really a lot more tired today compared to yesterday so we're working to your hogs it worked him quite hard yesterday there we go we'll do one lap as he keeps going back to trot keep going okay and trots now I wants to cancer okay dripping good boy trot there we go also this definitely isn't a how to lunge video I actually have an a proper lunging video that I did with the British whole society so I'll leave a link in the description below if you would like to check that out this isn't how you do it but it's how you lunge a Mickey anyway good boy also Mickey he really likes to lean on me as well he likes to make the circle up bigger when I don't want it to be too big if I gets better on the excited side so he does like to lean quite a bit and obviously he doesn't have a bridle on me but she just has a head collar on but you know what I'm see you look at his tail it stick it up like let's go look at me carefully okay I'll see you guys when we change the rain good boy so if I was lunging Kaspar right now this would be the part where you think he's all tired out from going on one rain and then he's like nah I'm gonna start having a bucking sit on the other room Mickey isn't too bad it should be fine funny one there we go oh gosh yep we've got the bucking bit today and you're on the wrong leg just let them out there we go we're gonna change a lake are you gonna be a carry on doing it disunited it's up to you hon oh my god he really does like to pull so I'm just rearranging my lunge right lines that's not all knotted okay okay and he's on the wrong leg again there we go good legs honestly for a horse that has never properly really been lunged and he's now 20 I don't think he's doing too badly you have I never really trained him to lunch when I was younger I just couldn't ride him good boy okay all these I'm trotting what's a good bean okay we can look at in between a trot and canter yeah and one the right leg good boy apologies rise head collar twisting a little bit he likes to lean a lot on the lunge he is a very lean Ipoh knee from someone the farrier comes also he just need his who's doing the fairies coming in like a few days he loves to leaned his head on you and on the farrier it's like he can't stand up with three legs it's like nope I'm gonna lean all my way to use though yeah so that's all he likes just hear her lunging he loves to lean which isn't the best but you know it's fine okay and trot so yeah make it being 20 now he's actually it's almost his 21st birthday so I will be doing a special video for that so I'm really excited they'll be good fun but yeah so apparently this 20 there's never really properly been lunch before and again this is improper lunging guys keep treating I don't think he's doing him out of a job hey good boy again apologies the twisted head color he going keep going simple here we go just pick up some girls in the way good boy I didn't actually need to use my stick just because he found it way too exciting but if he was a little bit more on the chilled side that I probably would have used it like you're supposed to but honestly if he doesn't need it then I'm not gonna use it hey cuz when I first started lunging him I don't know why but he just found it like I don't know he found it's like slightly stress he or he found exciting cuz he was bucking around and stuff don't know somebody had really you know got the stick and be like go go go go go but as soon as I put him on the lunge line he was like I've got to run I've gotta run I gotta run but now you know he seems like he's really enjoying it he's just doing it for lucky good old run around rather than like oh my gosh I've got to run I've got to run so you know I want him to do it because you know he enjoys it cuz you know he's an older gentleman now just want you to live live your best life hey Mick yeah living your best life don't eat the lunge line stop eating it it's not food pop you in and let you dry off for a little bit before we let you out and put your rug on shall we good man show you some treats she needs some treats Oh some treats good boy oh goodness Mickey you are so lucky really up to your currents left so you can have the last one I'll say this all the Kaspar for later you can have the big one yes mommy's so young good boy hey yummy carrot yes yes there we go and you let him chew off one bit at a time because I don't want you to choke hey don't worry to choke you love your carrots Hey okay there we go big chunk there good boy the last bit last bit okay there you go gonna have the whole thing yeah I think you can run into that whoo-hoo so this guy was such a good boy today I think he really enjoyed having a bit of a run around especially it's the fields are so muddy they literally can't run like they find shot difficult enough because it's like going through a balk and it pretty much some places it goes up to Mickey's knees and it's like for goodness sake England please just cut it out with the raining just for him just for a little bit please okay yeah no Mickey's doing really well he looks so good so I'm really happy so now I need to wait for him to dry off a bit give that stable a bit of a Kleenex I'm locked out yet today and let you out on the field good man okay everybody Vicky's had his groom his lunge I've knocked out the stables I've just made a few hay nets as well but actually when I've seen the horses breakfast this morning I just found out that we're running very low on food so I need to go out into town and run some errands and things pick some things up so while I'm out there I'm also going to go to a local feed store pick up some feed for the horses so I'll take you along with me okay everybody I'm now in my car and back to go out into town we'll see if you're wondering yes we're going out in town in my horse clothes I have changed my jacket though because my jacket did smell quite bad optimal yet stable so perfect spray on you know be fine also because I live in such a rural area oh that's my dad coming Starbucks I go tea I've seen people wear jumpers and breeches and riding stuff so you know what I'm gonna join the club are you filming very responsible driver but we are now on our way [Music] my car is so crappy this anyway so yeah we are on our way now so I then picked up some Bailey's local bouncer using our little tickets that very kindly gift you from my sponsors and then it was time to put it in my very small car along with the tire that I was running some errands to get that fixed and then after all the jobs we then went got a coffee and then after that after lunch it was then time for my lesson camera ran facing real so last time Casper and I actually had a lesson was before Christmas so it had been a while so we started off doing some work on the flat when we did some trotting over some poles there something that we were really working on in today's session was lengthening and shortening Casper's canter stride so Casper is a very short stride at hall's he does struggle a little bit especially with the horse distances the poles were actually set out so you're supposed to get four strides in but with Casper again being a pony he naturally gets five strides in so we then had a little breather a little bit of a chat a little bit of a rest about how he's going and then one starch was basically like Esme hurt your leg on we need to go go go and try and get for it here I definitely threw my position out of the window but we managed to get four [Applause] Yeah right take a second we're gonna do the same thing alrighty so now it's time to go on to the right rain the other rain and see how Casper goes this time I wasn't really pushing here we had you kind of tripped over the first policies sorry Cass but we've got five and then we'll okay this time I'm going to try and push him try and push before but unfortunately we did get five again so we had a little bit of a breather a little bit of a chat and then it was time to go at it again that's why sometimes you know when we've done stuff in the past yeah just to make him push he does know it's pushing him outside of his comfort zone yeah unfortunately we couldn't get the fall but Casper was so much better the second exercise where I had to shorten him as much as possible and we actually got 77 so we went round again to prove it was luck and again we got seven so I was really happy with that and he actually had a really nice sort of canter here on the left road the right rein was a little bit more dodgy he's better on the Left Rory I really had to get that more collected grid work type canter rather than a normal sort of show jumping canter and then it was time to jump and he actually took a little bit of fire to that one that little warmer it just makes it a little bit sort of sharper off your leg and then afterwards we pop the fence on the other aim and then it was time to put the fences to an upright good now not so long ago you would have put an extra one in yeah good man after warming up we then tried a little combination here I was really pushing to get the four and we got it then we jump this filler and you did chip into a tiny bit B still jumped it really nicely so I was happy with that and then here Casper was very lucky at this fella so really had to wrap my legs around did a bit of a chicken flap to get him over but you know what we got over it so I was happy nonetheless then here he had a real meltdown at this fence I do not know why so again really had to wrap my legs around being like okay we are going and then here we had a bit of a miscommunication so you gonna go round good oh wait what are you doing [Music] yeah okay I was confused then as me so no doubt that's why he was look like you to come in sideways and then after that pallava it was then time to actually start the course hey again we pushed before and I was so happy when Casper got the four strides there so then it was time to go to this up right and again he jumps it absolutely beautifully I was so happy I think because I was so happy about that I kind of relaxed a bit so then we got to this fence I think we just chipped in a little bit so sorry Casper he really had to do a bit of a leap there and then Hales I care need to get my reins back I need to get my canter back he was getting a little bit long here so okay let's pull him up a little bit and then here we just messed up the straining again so a really sorry Casper too long you don't have to chip here yeah the purge going right so let's just do the last two again yeah although it wasn't perfect and he was still a tiny bit lucky he's still but it's so much better than the first time and then we'll going down the long side [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and that's one [Applause] the rule out how sucks is that okay guys I've now put the feed in the feed bin I also need changed the sort of feed bin names on the lids because none of it correlates to the right thing so I need to probably take those off in a block maybe in a spring cleaning video that would be good fun and so yeah anyway guys thank you so much for watching today's video I hope you enjoyed seeing me give me a little lunch he was loving that I also had it so much fun in my Iceland with Casper as well it was good to be sort of back in action again and so anyway guys if you're new you're having a ton Cerny please like and subscribe as it really does help me out thank you so much again for watching and I'll see you next time bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: This Esme
Views: 883,113
Rating: 4.9281454 out of 5
Keywords: BarnVlog, Jumping, Bucking, Horse, Pony, Equestrian, Vlog, Barn, Equine
Id: durMluTPmHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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