New Horse Shopping! - The Search Begins AD | This Esme

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hello everybody this is me and welcome to episode 2 of my new horse series so I'm also joined for the kind of pre and true here with Toby and Bruno and I'm out here with the donkeys in their fields so today's video is quite exciting because it's all about me viewing and trying some of the horses before I found my dream unicorn who I actually have right now he's over there in his field the UAV meeting came until Friday in Friday's video and say also in today's video to sort of jazz up there I have actually invited some my friends and some familiar faces that you guys might know to predict what my new horse is going to be like I found it's so interesting hearing what everyone's predictions were so anyway let's get into today's video baby do not eat the camera hey guys it is hi London here and I have some piping hot tea for you guys I have heard through the grapevine that this s me is getting a new horse and not only that but rumor has it that she is refusing to even view any gray horses and she is sick and tired of grooming Kasper and Mickey and to be honest I don't blame her you know I like my horses the color of dirt and they're just all lifting right hi guys daddy's got you on there and some fascination with food I'm a puppy who is not running around I heard a man is getting a new horse and I think that her new horse I'm gonna house it again I think it's gonna be a bad girl babe with a white star about 16 times on about 9 years old vibes my guess what do you guys think hello everybody is Meg and Dora from elphic event ponies we are going to guess whatever means lovely new horse is going to be like personally we feel like you branched off from the gray vibe scuba is probably my main answer but I'd also like to pencil in done chestnut and face I would like half points if any of those are correct I think probably a six-year-old I think you're going to do some work with it get out heating and probably a gelding would you say Dora because can you imagine Mickey in Casper for mayor just waltzed in now I think you've probably gone for a gelding but please please let us know as me because honestly the suspense is absolutely killing us [Music] [Applause] hello everybody this is me and I'm in a slightly different setup here at the moment and so yeah this search begins for my new horse and I am so excited they're so nervous at the same time because I want to get it right and set up the human I'm on my laptop I'm searching through looking at so many different of all sides I don't know so many different websites different social medias looking for horses but it's so difficult because I have so many different requirements I feel like I'm so picky so I find it really nice horse but then it's a mess we can't get it and then not because I don't like mares but because I have to kill things I would rather have them up with geldings and we also have willow who can get in season and it would just be a mess so I prefer gelding then I also find one that's nice but then it's like 17 3 and that's gonna be way too big for me or it's like tiny and it's like pretty much the same size as Casper and I'm like no it's too small and then I sometimes I find some right oh this is so nice but then it's like 4 and I'm like it's been broken in for like three months and I'm like too green and too young and then I find someone like oh this is so nice but then it's like older and it's so difficult finding the right one sometimes if I wonder like oh my gosh this is so nice and then you look at the price or it's POA price an application and you type in below hey how much is it and you're like bye no not the money for that so it's very very difficult and I feel like I'm gonna be sitting here looking online for many hours so I'll get back to you guys and if I finally good ads we've also got Kate town very kindly helping me find my new horse so she actually has two horses that I'm going to be looking at next week so I'll see you next time when I'm trying them hey everyone me I'm Parker here today to try and guess what as me new horse will be like I don't know about Parker but I had a got a feel like be a mayor but now I feel like maybe a gelding and commute and I have a feeling she might go for a BAE I don't know just a gut feeling it will have a stripe and two white socks so we will see what do you think folks what do you think he's like just give me treats hello you guys I just wanna start off by saying a huge congratulations on the new addition to the head and then myself and I'm sure your followers are extremely excited to meet this new horse now I have been asked to give my predictions on what this new horse is going to be like and I want to start off by saying I think we're all pretty sure we're pretty sure that it's gonna be a gelding I think that may have already been given away could be wrong I also am pretty sure it is going to be a great now I got the chance to meet and film with esmi when she came to Australia last year for the LA three-day event so I know that she is very partial to a great I mean if that wasn't obvious already I also know she's after an all-rounder but with a handy jump so I wouldn't be surprised if the new horses breeding is similar to this little girl here probably like a warm blood cross of some kind either way I know this new horse is gonna be absolutely gorgeous and super lucky to be living in such an amazing home and we can't wait to meet him day one of viewing horses started at Littleton Manor which is actually Kate Terrance yard if you didn't know from my previous video Kate is helping me find my future outgrown partner my perfect unicorn because finding a new horse is a pretty overwhelming experience so she actually had two horses at her stables that were for sale and so I got to ride both of them on this particular day both horses were pretty different because honestly at the time I wasn't too sure what I was looking for myself if I was looking for more of a schoolmaster it's all been there done that got the t-shirt kind of horse something that could teach me as a rider so horse that could bring me up the levels a horse that pretty much straightaway I could start doing demos and going out for show jumping clinics and start competing straightaway that had been there baked lding number one here was more of an established horse he'd actually competed up to one meter thirty I believe and was also just a little bit out of my price range but it was so so useful for me to be able to try him and ride him and really see how established of a horse I'm looking for it was also really good for Kate to watch me ride him and be able to see what sort of rider I am and not gonna lie and it'd take me a good couple of minutes to get used to the horse strides from mainly riding a 14-3 15 hand corner maripony and then sitting on an almost seventeen hand horse it was quite a big step up I just take a while to get used to him he was really nice he could do shoulder in leg yielding flying changes and was schooled really nicely I actually took me a while to properly start riding him rather than just sitting on him because I was so nervous about riding somebody else's horses that I'd do it wrong and then we started jumping I did a few cross polls and here we have a new series called watch as me mess up the stride - pretty much every single fence yep he can take the flyer just because I was so not used to the hall strides at all it did take me quite a while to get used to him so here when I kind of learned okay this is a horse that I need to sit up and kind of hold back a bit more which is very different to Casper where I more have to push him forward by the end of me trying him I became a lot more confident we were hitting the strides and here he did a beautiful flying change however me and Kate we both kind of decided yes he is a really nice horse and I think he would have been a lot of fun but he just wasn't quite the horse for me as well as being over budget we also decided it would be good to look for halls that had no competition records something that's never affiliated before due to my job in social media we thought it'd be a good idea to look for a horse that was a little bit more low-key and to the radar the second horse I tried bague Eldin number two was definitely that as he's actually only five years old but my goodness this horse has so much potential again there is a series of me not being able to see astride unfortunately we didn't get many flatwork clips because it was so horrible this was actually the day after a storm so it was pelting it down with rain once I kind of realized with bei gelding number two that this was a horse that I needed to push forward and he also as you can see because he's a bit younger he's got some muscle that he needs to build up he needs to put on a little bit more weight however this horse has such a lovely jump on him also with him being so young and the weather conditions being awful it was really nice to see such a level head that he had he had such a sweet personality and he was just so honest as well there were so many times that I was riding him and I set him up awfully or did a horrible stride but here by the end of the session I got him nice and straight had my leg on and he jumped that oxer beautifully I was so happy and day one of viewing horses came to a close and it was such a great day for me it was so educational because I definitely kind of realized then what sort of horse I need to be looking for something young that's got a lot of potential where we can grow and go on this journey together alright I mean to show jumping joke though I've been asked to guess the new color versus horse I could've gone for a bag yeah I've got plenty of ways and stuff nice good-looking horses are one of them as well hey guys me so it's currently night time I'm hoping it's not too dark I'm hoping I still have good lighting I'm here with my pretty girl she's having dinner hopefully it's not too distracting but first of all we'd like to congratulate you on your new horse that is so exciting here's my guesses I'm thinking it's gonna be a mess because all of yours are boys and maybe you want to try out a mare right maybe we'll see I might be totally wrong for my high guess 16 to 4 Co color I'm thinking a babe and age maybe around nine I'm gonna go with nine okay that's my official guess either way I know it's gonna be an amazing horse I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to see what it's like I wonder if any of my guesses are gonna be right okay guys it's now day two of viewing horses and on this particular day I tried this gray gelding and unfortunately something that you won't be able to see in this video which is so essential when you're looking for a new horse is to make sure before you get on you see the horse being groomed being tucked up see what their ground manners are like and most importantly before you get on the horse is to also see somebody ride it so I got to see this horse on the flat doing walk trot canter and I also got to see this gelding being jumped as well and this horse's owners had sent us lots of videos and photos to look through as well before I came to view him which was brilliant although this horse was around 16 to 16 3 I believe so he was a big boy a lot bigger than I'm used to I felt so comfortable on him he had such a nice rhythm and I feel like we clicked really quickly so after riding him on the flat it was then time to jump so here you can see my goodness he has a lot of scope and it was also nice to see after this fence as well that he was able to do flying changes and then it was time to do a course and I probably could have held him back a little bit there we went absolutely flying then for this oxer I realized that I did need to hold him back a little bit more this time and his back end oh my goodness is so gorgeous he flew over the oxer we just lost our rhythm a little bit here but he's still jumped really really nicely so I decided to do the course one more time now I kind of knew how this horse needs to be ridden and all my goodness this Aqsa is probably one of the largest I've ever done in my life just because I've never had a horse capable of jumping these heights before however unfortunately it just wasn't meant to be so the search for a new horse continues hi everyone its Gracie here from painting that when I'm with Danny and we're gonna be having a prediction about ESPYs new horse can you believe it I think esmie's going for a gray I mean she's got two grades already she's gonna keep up the trends hi guys it's chats elsewhere as Jessica EQ through the cruise I heard that asthma's got a new hose and managed to keep it secret for this long which is first of all incredibly impressive I'm really very excited for her cruise and I have been making guesses as to what type of course it would be I think she's gone for like swimming Irish like an Irish sports cause Casper's Connemara so I guess to keep on sort of the Irish trend Cruz clearly thinks Cruz thinks Irish is the elite breed as well so he's working on that and contrary to popular belief I reckon she's gone something isn't great I reckon she's been so fed up of cleaning it keeps making in Casper this is decided not that will not again because beautiful great ponies tend to just absorb mud baby I also think as she's taller than me which I suppose is a very difficult task I don't think shizzles they're gone for like 16 162 no I'm really really excited for her and I'm really looking forward to see what the new horse he or she is like he's very excited to journey day three of viewing horses starts with me riding bay gelding at number three and on this particular day it was so cold it was so windy as well it really wasn't the best weather hence why I'm wearing a lovely thick winter coat with multiple layers so this gelding was actually one of the oldest horses I tried when viewing horses so he was about eight or nine I'm pretty sure and the reason why I did actually view quite a lot of younger horses is because I am sort of looking for something that doesn't have a competition record isn't affiliated so a lot of younger horses because they haven't done so much they don't have that however this bay gelding was actually previously a hunting horse so he's done of hedges big solid fences which is great for me as one of the things kind of on my checklist is dava horse that's bold I'm not looking for something that's quite spooky and I've actually seen some videos of this horse do his first ever cross country schooling session and it was flying over some pretty technical and tricky novice combinations so I was super impressed with that however unfortunately this wasn't the horse for me I just didn't quite feel like we had that connection even though this horse has an absolutely super jump on him like look at him go for that huge oxr however I feel like he was definitely more suited to an event income so just wasn't quite the right horse for me then I thought she has a great and the thing is with us green horse owners is that we get our first grade we realize that it's the worst decision we've ever made no higher lives it's hell on earth Bar thing is just the worst experience you could even imagine and keeping them clean is literally impossible that's why my next horse I go to Bay because you're easy to keep clean once you've had one great horse you say that I'm never gonna do it again I'm never making this mistake again and the thing is what we always do is we always end up with another great horse and we think how do we get here I said I was never going to get another great horse it's the worst everything and somehow you end up with three I feel like as Maine could have pulled it into this track if she got anything other than a gray she made the right decision if she got a gray she's oh she's going to regret it Esme Kate here and I'd have to say I was a little shocked when you told me you were getting a new horse mostly because I thought I'd already bought all the horses that were available turns out I haven't but don't worry on that note I have an author that I think you'll be really interested in okay hang on a sec see what I've got here so I understand you'll be excited by a new horse and everything but I have an offer for you I will give you two pounds 40 for your new horse okay and if that's not tempting enough hang on I will just check my bank account back in a minute I reckon I can up that offer one second yeah I will give you 2 pound 40 for your new horse I don't expect to reply quickly I understand you'll need some time to think about it but I think you should think about it so I know you asked me to make some predictions about your new hall so although a third grey would be a mistake in terms of cleaning I think you're still gonna go for a gray in terms of like temperament and stuff I don't know it depends how old they are because if you've got something young you could be in for some fun regardless of all that and all joking aside Esme I'm so proud of you you have worked so hard for this opportunity and I wish you all the best with your new horse and don't forget to think about my offer my offer is only available for a very limited time okay let me by we've heard the rumors and we reckon Irish Toby Banks Irish from us the question is will it be gray again or may it be Apache Pony Oh hmm dink says he too busy sick for dink says done you're going down on you blondie okay everybody I really hope you enjoyed today's video let me know what you think my new horse is gonna be like in the comments below already given away they it's a gelding so yeah guess it's height age color and breed I guess also I'd like to say a huge huge thank you to everybody who took part in today's video I'll leave all their channels in the description below so let's say a huge thank you no particular order to Holly on home Lauren from Eddie's gun 91 Megan from elphic event ponies Teddy the Shetland Alice from echo ali-han from hand equestrian Joe Stockdale valentina cowgirl Cindy Gracie from homey nuts Jess and Jesse cue Lily Lily equestrian oh my gosh Bruno Cates from blog the Cobb and Tina from life on the left rein say thank you so much again for watching today's video be sure to tune in on Friday to find out what my new horse is like and I'll see you next time bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: This Esme
Views: 930,599
Rating: 4.9434681 out of 5
Keywords: Horse, Shopping, Equestrian
Id: ZxJ0A5xcqEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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