Your Brain Is Wired for Love, Not Fear (Previously Aired)

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hello everybody I'm Kenneth Copeland this is the believers voice of victory broadcast you gonna get in on it today whoo we gonna have a good time I'm telling you that there well hey father in the name of Jesus we thank you for this broadcast today we open our hearts we open our minds for revelation for him from heaven and we thank you for it we receive it we have ears to hear and we go to God thank you lord thank you lord today is a special day of Revelation saith the Lord open your heart open your mind for the things that I have for you today most of you have never heard or thought of so rejoice and understand that I'm in the middle of it saith the Lord of Hosts that's that's very unusual the Lord just just the word of the Lord comes right on them right on the first of the broadcast didn't it amen now I want to introduce somebody special to you that has just has just exploded his glory in my life and it's just amazing we were last summer we were Lauria ministered with this young young woman in Hawaii with Kelly at a Women's Conference in Honolulu and oh my glory came home talking about this and Kelly came home talking about her and talking about her ministry in her life well of course I had to get in on it so I started reading our books and I vote yeah I'll tell you what we gonna have this woman on a broad gasps praise the Lord so we G joined me this morning in welcoming dr. Caroline leaf Caroline thank you thank you so much for being on this broadcast with us I don't know where you been Eliza but you you just exploded into our lives in it my goodness it is such a blessing she is a neuroscientist now let me tell you what it is she knows good stuff about your brain she is a brain researcher now you got to have a lot of brains to research the brains and she's got the brains to do it already go amen let's open up here and second Timothy and we're gonna look I want to read the first chapter the sixth and seventh verses wherefore I put you in remembrance that you stir up the gift of God which is in you by the putting on of my hands for God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind amen praise God now before before we get into this I would like very much for you to give give your testimony and and let everybody know who you are and they they you've got audience on TV and I'm just being my teacher I you don't realize that for 1314 nearly 30 years you've been my teacher you've been you Lori I have literally taught me everything that I know about when it comes to the Word of God you have every book you've ever written every DVD you've ever done every tape you leave it the old days when they were still tape cassettes and we had all of those you it was right from when I had my bed so you've been my teacher without knowing it well you know I heard that there's certain comments you you know said Gloria she's one of us that you came from South Africa and of course we've had offices and staff in South Africa many many many yes we're going back next year already so we're gonna get to be in Ramah that's where we come from yeah and that's that's where Matt got born again you told me this morning well that's I was preaching there and your husband got born again incredible incredible he changed his life you've completely changed his life every every time he wanted to reach for the bottle he reached for you one of your your books or tapes or DVDs or whatever and totally got over alcoholism and became a very fired up for the Holy Spirit and God and every man everything changed the whole course of our lives that's what is so much fun totally the divine connections yes and you don't know where they going to be we've watched you for years so to be here with you now is like a dream well we are certainly honored to have you here story well I'm a cognitive neuroscientist and a communication pathologist so I've studied the brain as you said and looked at how how we then what we say and what we do reflects on what we think so I study the science of thought how we think what is the mind how does the mind change the brain how has the mind led by the Spirit what is the spirit soul body think so from a spiritual side I've looked at it from that angle and then as a scientist I've looked at it from the whole thing of how does the mind change the brain because I see the mind and the brain as being separate things so I've spent 30 years in research I've done lots of research projects we still currently busy with research projects I practice as a clinician for 25 years and then for the last six years I've been traveling the globe teaching the link between brain science in the Bible and I have my own TV show now and TV and I basically this is all I do now for five days a week I'm in conferences I preach most Sundays and churches if you told me that I was going to do this a few years ago would never have dreamed this because I was a lecturer scientists therapists not teach this around the world and I'm preaching as I seen most lenders and preaching in churches and teaching people that the part that we have a love power and a sound mind that this is the norm that we can change that we have control that we can do life we can rejoice despite the circumstances that it really is what the word says is really true you know science is a wonderful tangible bridge for crossing between the spiritual and the and the practical reality of living in life because we take the word and we believe it and we love it and they were in laughing we've got to do life and sometimes it's just connecting us I see science is a wonderful way of building a bridge between those two I've been born again two years I was nine years old when I was born again some pretty much being a Christian my whole life so it's the most natural thing for me as a scientist to marry it with the word because God made everything so I just see science as God revealing how he made everything how our brain works how we physically work how the physical world works how the temporal world works versus the spiritual world you know just to help us to get closer to him so that I see signs very much in that way yeah the scientific world has by and large discounted God's Word but the reason for that is it's taken them a long time to catch up with it exactly it's not that the Bible was behind is that they were way and they still are and but if they had started with the word they'd be way ahead of where they are exactly that's exactly because science literally does one funeral at a time so as one revelation is brought forth then something new comes up and it has to be changed and things keep changing all the time every you know they take science as being fetching this is it this is the proof then five years later that's completely wrong and there's something new so it's like God inspires and reveals little bit by little bit so inspires the scientists to reveal but if they don't acknowledge you know he then he reveals another layer another layer so what we're having now in the world of science is an unprecedented thing that hasn't happened before which is that to India between up to 20% I think 20 to 25% of scientists that didn't believe are now starting to believe because the level where science is going is so revolutionary that the traditional way of evolution and age that it just doesn't work it doesn't it doesn't you know and most scientists will say if you ask them why they're doing what they do like quantum physicists and all these like really intelligent people you say you know what is your purpose what are you they always answer what we're trying to find out who we are and where we came from which goes back to what you just said we know who we are and we know where we came from we from God you know so as a seasoned Colossians one would think that's 15 through 18 we all come from God or one with God and that's what all of it points all the science points back to that that's why I love it you you pointed out and brought really really help me Lord the the revelation of the word like bringing in the kappa kap tivity every thought to the obedience of Christ or to the obedience of his anointing and casting down imaginations reasonings in second Corinthians 10:3 1,000 where it talks about the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds now what what I had seen in the word in that yes is that we were created to have strongholds that our stronghold should be the Word of God our stronghold should be walking in the love of God and the power of forgiveness these are empowered things they're mighty that word translated mighty means the ability to accomplish anything possible or impossible the literally the anointing of the Living God that resides in us now that means that a stronghold of something else that that God didn't create us to be thinking once you ever think on these things what's where are the things that are good just lovely good reporting so virtuous praise and so on now when you get outside that then you're in a danger zone thank you that it oh yeah mmm-hmm and he comes down there and it says our brains are wired for love and forgiveness and yeah but but here's what just like shocking even something is when you when you think other than that you actually damage your brain you physically damage your brain I thought whoa that amazing that for me was was just the river there's so many revelations I get so excited every day because that's why I've got these trees over here just to highlight what you've just said because you've highlighted a really good start point to understand this concept because that that green tree over they represents the love zone so if you think of the fact that we are wired for love we have a we have a spirit of love power and a sound mind so this is the love zone we don't have a spirit of fear this is the fear zone so that's the loves own and that's the fear zone now thoughts are real things they occupy mental real estate because God says bring all thoughts into captivity so what we see from science is that right now as you think as you're hearing hearing me I'm generating a signal at quantum speeds your brain is processing that signal you're causing your DNA to express and you are actually making proteins that are physically capturing the words that you're hearing me say because we're speaking laughs we growing healthy thoughts so healthy thoughts are what we designed to build everything about every chemical neurotransmitter structure circuit everything about the brain and the body are only wired for the love zone the love power and sound mind so when we make a wrong choice the proteins still Express the DNA still is impacted so the signal still hits the DNA which then causes the genes to actually literally make proteins but they fold incorrectly because now we're not wired for a distorted signal so when we make a wrong choice we cause that signal to cause the protein to fold incorrectly so we build a thought stole because that's the design God has designed the physical to capture the mind it just represents the mind then what then Brett the mind controls the brain so the brain simply is like almost like a photocopying machine it captures the thoughts and if it's a distorted signal we then grow if the protein folds incorrectly so we still grow the thought but it looks different in the brain and then it's abnormal so and that creates a whole pattern of brain damage that we can I can talk to you about as we go through the different episodes but the big picture is it looks different it's inflamed and it throws the body into a negative state of stress so it's basically brain damage it's neuro degeneration that we create in our brain through every toxic choice and that's we Romans 12:2 renewing of the mind when we renew our mind then basically we can bring all those into captivity so we can bring them with all good thinking bring those into captivity and literally break them down so we can actually weave through our mind can bold we through our mind can pop them away and it takes a takes time it takes 21 times 3 so it takes 63 days and these things get out of our head so we're not bound by these so what we wire in we can wire out that's our 21 days to break it down and then another 21 day two cycles of 21 days to build as you breaking down you're building a healthy replacement thought and then it takes another to date between two cycles of 21 days so a total of 63 days to basically build a new pasture totally unbelievable that's both of those cases now as I'm sitting here looking at those side-by-side you don't just have thoughts there's going to be words come from those that's exactly it because where words come from thoughts roots on random events actions aren't random events we first think they mean you speak as a man thinks in his heart so you see and now when you when you speak them they become reality exactly well they're reality they but when you speak them you reinforce them they get bigger they get stronger you give them more strength and then those when you speak word Jesus said my words are not my own it's the father that dwells within me he does the works so he was getting his words from God he only said what he heard his father say that only did what he saw his father do so he his thoughts fell under Isaiah 55 where God said my thoughts are higher than your thoughts my ways higher than your ways but they didn't say well I know all that's true dummy but you just have to know no he said but my word goes for so with with his word we come up to his level exactly we use his word to do brain surgery we get we use his word to eliminate those so how accurate think how accurate the word is when it talks about renewing your mind oh yeah I mean it's that's what you're doing you're renewing yeah in renewing your mind you don't conformed to the world but being transferred by the renewing of your mind we've got about three or four minutes here and there's there's something on I've been asking ever since I read your first book I read the first book of yours that original the when Lazarus was at outside the rich man's door rich man fared sumptuously they both died the rich man went into hell he saw father Abraham now Abraham said son remember now his brain is on the surface up there somewhere with that body his spirit is in hell and his memory is intact so his memory his mind which is part of the soul I mean it it is intact it seemed tactus spirit soul buddy yeah so the brain and the mind are two different things two different things and and I and I was and I was reading this in your in your book and you have scientifically proven that there are two different things and I do it was all the time but but we deal in revelation concept and precept you deal in in revelation and scientific fact now if the scientific fact agrees with the Bible it's a scientific truth and but anyway I want you to I really do want you to talk if we don't get enough of it today what I do want to get into this more deeply maybe tomorrow on the difference between the mind and the brain very good that's a really good that's a good one to get into I used to say I used for a better way to put it I mean like I said we dealing as minister of the gospel and a prophet of God you deal with with revelation and insight then you have to have a way to say it so it's concept and precept because I'm not a scientist but I would say you are a spirit you have a soul made up of your mind you will in your motions you live in a body and the brain is the housing of them mind exactly create is that spirit soul and body so your spirit is your intuition your conscience your communion your soul your soul is your intellect will emotion and then your brain and your body also found three parts Exeter mesoderm end of them also three parts but they simply your body a brain and body brain controlling body does the world of the soul the soul does the will of the spirit and the Spirit is led by the Spirit of God so that's a pre designed to be delayed by the spirit Holy spirt is / - salt your body so when we don't have that order but no matter what people try and say the brain cannot update brain cannot produce mind if someone is date that brain is just nothing but if it's in like knots in our heads you're alive it's the action and the life we've seen there is the mind at work so we can describe the mind on a spiritual and on a physical level because your mind has one foot in the door which you mind being or solving your intellect or an emotion has one footing the door the spirt one foot in the door of the body so whatever we do with our loved power and sound mind is gonna impact the physical and it's gonna impact the spiritual through our mind that we create coherence between them and integration God Jesus said in is it sick and John 3:3 done - I want you healed spurt soul and body I want you prospering so that your soul your soul most prosperous Souls need to prosper so you'll your mind if it's not prospering your body won't prosper your spirit won't prosper because your mind it's through our mind we choose to read the book the word so our mind we choose to get into the word it's through a mom you choose to us - let's go back to our scripture our literal foundation scripture here and first Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 for God hath not given us the spirit of fear no now let they read this let me read it literally for God has not given us the spirit of fear but he has given us the spirit of power and the spirit of love and the spirit of a sound mind now if you have a mind full of fear it's not sound you may think you have a sound mind I mean you know I'm there nothing wrong with my mind but if fear is functioning in you you do not have a sound mind and it will it will affect actually affect your brain it will cause literal brain damage now I learned that from dr. leaf and I'm telling you you know what we do we turning over a new leaf here and that way we learning some stuff here that is good amen now then on yesterday's broadcast right there to close that we were talking about what Jesus revealed when he said there was a rich man that fared sumptuously all the days of his life and Lazarus was at his doorstep full of sores and so forth they both died and Lazarus carried into the bosom of Abraham and the richest men went into hell now he looked up and saw father Abraham recognized so he knew what he did on the earth and his and and Abraham said son remember when you were on the earth so his memory was intact was still intact so it was not just in his brain because his brains in a hole up there someplace disintegrated yeah it's gone but the memory is not gone so there's a very distinct separation between the mind and the brain that the brain the mind uses the brain so if the mind uses the brain then it can physically change the brain and this this is what this is what I got so excited about because man just your first thing I don't know I came here to hear you you didn't come here to hear me and I like your probably tell us City I'm okay yeah sir I'm the one with the gold pen so I uh I noticed when I turned 70 that now my mother's family of whom I take after all of them that I know anything about and going going back several generations that family didn't live through it except from my great-grandmother but she wasn't she was actually not on that the men's side of that family they thought my mother died at 77 the age I am right now and and her her dead and we go down through the line they were 74 75 76 that's where they all died well I noticed that my physical body began to go down and I pray about it you know understand against the thing and I went to the Lord about it I and what's happening here I'm and anyway he said your body is trying to follow their DNA that natural DNA and I and I see from studying your work that you can actually change your DNA but if everybody does the same thing family after family after family they're all going to have the same DNA down through the years and it's not just what they inherited from their parents so he said now but since you were born again not of corruptible seed but by the Word of God which lives and abides forever he said you have my DNA in your spirit now he said if if you will take hold of that truth and speak the Word of God concerning that you will change you'll you've changed that the outcome of that now see I didn't know yet that I'm like changed my D&I through my thoughts and words but I noticed when I did that my spiritual DNA arrested that and I'm already ahead of that family and I'm I have committed to God to live on this earth 120 years the days of man should be a hundred and twenty years and in Genesis 6:3 so now glory the scientific fact that you're actually changing your own physical DNA when you're believing and speaking the kind of thoughts and words that come from God not do something with it okay so Ecclesiastes 7:29 says I made them perfect but they choose to go down their own pathway so we take that I made them perfect virtuous but they choose to go down their own pathway take you turning me 30 19 I lay before you life and death blessing and cursing choose life choose life so that you and your descendants may live the iniquity of the father's will reach through to the third and the fourth generation but we're not responsible for our father's son so there's a whole pattern we have a loved part of soundman so if I take just those few scriptures and we look at the fact that we made in God's image we've made with a love power and a sound mind not a spirit of fear that's on normal or normal natural is that we are made perfect able to make good choices designed to be aligned with God made in His image so all of our spirit is perfect which we know our soul then God gives us the soul which is the ability to choose and then we have this physical body so the body has to do the bidding of the soul which has to do the bidding of the Spirit which is designed to be led by the Spirit of God I'm region and as you know you're not born again the sprit is unregenerate it so we've got a soul that is now not being laid by anything because the Spirit is unregenerate it so until we are born again we've got to regenerate on spirit but if we take man that is unregenerate we've got a soul and a body so the soul still the intellectual and the emotion the soul is our thinking choosing and feeling and it's reacting to the events and circumstances of life so man is in life with this ability to react to think in to choose we going to react with the regardless all that's the designer Bob of how God has made us we're going to respond to the world we going through yet whatever reaction we have changes the DNA and the DNA then expresses and it builds either that which is what our bodies wired for so whether you're born again or not your body's wired for love because that's the design that God has made and if we make a wrong choice we build that so when we born again we then have obviously a regenerated spirit being led by the spirit so when we make our choices we now have that ability to guide our choices so here we are in life and we are facing the events and circumstances of life and we can choose we had that love pants on man to choose even with our three generators worth as we choose we cause the DNA to change our choices the signal of our mind renew is changing totally so as we go to the thoughts that we are thinking now right at this moment are impacting every single one of the cells of our body the thoughts that we are thinking now impacting those that we are in relationship with right now although we can't see what's happening in the nun in the instance in the spiritual world and in the the quantum world which I'll explain in a moment every thought that we are thinking is impacting ourselves plus those of you're in relationship with because we are entangled in each other's lives it's affecting the future generations as well because the thoughts from your father your grandfather your great-grandfather you agree all and your mother has come through the sperm and the over so whatever thoughts we have as we go through life that we build into our heads basically passes through the sperm in the over to the next four generations the next four generation in the show it's affecting the cells it actually gets captured inside exactly it's if the souls of 75 to 100 trillion cells in our body are impacted by every single thought that we think so it's captured as a physical thing it's passed through the generations and we are a bit of the past here's the great news what comes through the generation is zipped up can I use this for a moment to demonstrate so here is something from your great-grandmother great-great grandmother great brand for the pass through the sperm in the over here's a thought wrapped up in in protein it's wrapped up in protein it's dormant it's not going to do anything unless you say ah my father died at 77 my grandfather died at 77 that fearful thought is a signal of the mind that goes and unzips and now we're going to express your glasses are now becoming someone dying at 77 so it expresses that you but if I don't do that it doesn't it doesn't happen if I say ahead remember Jimmy Hester pastored there Arlington two years and years a good friend of ours just wonderful man we both like to ride motorcycles and I walked into motorcycle shop that I went over to get something and Jimmy was sitting there at the counter this years ago and he was sitting at them on a stool on a cat the sales kill over there and because he'd gotten a call and he's and he waved me to come on in and so I need finish Connie said I just got the results of my physical that I just took he said and I need to thank your mother I said what are you talking about you he said all my dad my brothers my grandfather my great-grandfather all died of heart trouble and he said my mother told me she said now you need to be careful because all the hester men have heart trouble and and they all died young that's a signal that she would have spoken over so that that literally if you receive it as a as a child adult speaking to a child a child trust an adult so you can literally build this Louise at the Inc let's just think you he bought one of these activated this now when my mother had a prayer group always she had a program and it gets big he couldn't get around her house and then then she turned it over to somebody they'd make a church out of it and she had wait a couple of year and start over again with ten and they had to do it again well somebody took him over to her prayer group and this this year of years before and the end day and they took Jimmy in there and for prayer she said what what he said he said well and he quoted all that to her she said what's truth about that he said lady I just told you the truth said my daddy died to the heart attack my my granddaddy down to the heart attack my great granddaddy died of heart attack and but the histor men don't don't we don't live very long and I've got heart trouble now she said I asked you for the truth about that he said lady I just told you the truth about he said Kenneth she boxed my ears she said she hit me upside the head like that she literally slapped both of his ear bang like this she said isaiah 53:3 four and five is the truth about this he bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases and by His stripes we are healed he'll understand the truth about that and he said I just sit there in shock I said yeah she saw death on him and suspect and she had to change it right then she didn't have time to deal with him and his mother mother walked in strong prayers and she she walked in the discerning of spirits she saw it she saw it on and he told me he said she box my ears and she changed my thinking in a moment's time you probably knew what he's talking about when she said she marks money but she broke that she broke through this he broke soon see that's the thing he had to receive that signal in his mind he received those words and then he had to make it was yes but he's exactly so she spoke that laughs into but he still had to choose to believe her he could have walked out of there a crazy old lady or he could see or he could have said okay this is actually reality so the fact that it doesn't happen to him means that he took that in he then they doze he allowed those words to go to this and destroy this in other words this thing was then thrown in the instead of being opened and expressed it was physically destroyed that's the power we have we can express it and live out of it or we can destroy it and it's all through all mind it's all through the might the thoughts that we are thinking and if we are aligning with God we gotta speak the correct words so we can destroy so we are not bound by this is the whole thing it comes through the generations but it's dormant and less destroy it or activate it so whatever we say and do is first a thought inside of our head so God gives us this incredible gift of being able to think and choose we're quite brilliant we have the ability to process the incoming information from the world outside cause the DNA Express and it captures gets captured and then we love from what we build so our mind processes it's captured and then the physical thing generates energy and that's what we actually speak from so in with Magnum speaking you speak if you're not speaking from nothing we are speaking from physical thoughts made of proteins and and all kinds of chemical structures inside of our brain that look like trees you think of that scripture revelations 22:5 the leaves of the tree or for the healing of the nations so the leaves that we build on our trees are other for healing or destruction and then the choice that we have so we're not bound by the sons of our Father we call that epigenetics that's actually called the science of epigenetics it be over and above the genes the fact that on mind controls genetic expression because everything about us being alive everything about us being alive sitting here today is because our genes are expressing but genes are just hard weight like a computer we can't this phone it's not gonna do anything unless I actually make it do something so my mind is the signal that actually activates the genes the genes are like just a little computer chip sitting there they're not gonna do anything until you actually switch the computer on and start activating so your mind is the signal 75 to 98% well it's actually the nurses today come from our thought life in other words the physical illnesses come from our thought laughter what we know from science is that that the signal of the mind is up to 90 80 90 the saint of the control that is happening in our body the other the other sort of two to five percent somewhere around there comes from what we are eating what we inhaling what we taking through munication in other words chemicals so in other words the majority of the power of how we function is from now in the natural world they've got it up like they're they're trying to control everything what they eat their exercise education and yeah education and medication they made it mates medications made us oh yeah so taking the damage is done and and then you try to control it chemically but the chemicals I'm praying oh god heal me now and then I've got medicine over here that is trying to work but in my thought life and in my actual words I keep saying I'm sick exactly I've set up a war between my body and that medicine and that's called cognitive dissonance in the brain what cognitive dissonance so in other words what you are thinking is 95 to 99 percent of the factor only what use what you're saying and what you're doing is only a 1% of the vector so in other words in terms of what is going to actually happen is based on what you are thinking in your non conscious mind that's why James 1:21 is so important the implanted word will save your soul so when what we plant in our mind is going to be determining what we say so we can be saying my God shall meet all my needs my God shall heal but what was thinking it doesn't work for me I don't really believe the word but we're saying it because we're supposed to say exactly this no faith and the faith is saying it without the power behind it exactly and the power is the 95 percent the anointing that God has placed in and on you to take his word and then take that the revelation of his word and and then go to science and which reveals the Word of God when when science and the word are together you don't have just scientific facts you have scientific truth and and that's that that's big that is really big today and I'm telling you this woman's got them she's got the scientific world flipped up over on its ear - because she's particularly in in some very very eye-opening theory that the Lord gave her from the Word of God and she took it into science then improved it and I'm only I don't even know how to talk about it it is so good and I'm gonna let my wife know let's open our Bibles today to Philippians chapter 4 and we're gonna begin reading here with a sixth verse be careful or now this is very important for what we're looking at today that word careful is filled with care or anxious anxiety all anxieties fear-based not faith-based be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall or will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things now if the word tells us exactly what to think on that means we have the power of choice we can think on that whether we feel like thinking on it or not well yeah brother Copeland been what difference does it make well let me tell you what difference it makes if the Word of God says it and it makes a difference now because what you think gets into your heart and that's what you begin to say and what you say is what comes to pass now all of this now all of this process which is a spiritual process has physical effect on the brain the thought life controls the brain the brain then through chemicals controlled the physical body are you listening to me that now this is something that is this is medical science knows that the body's got chemicals and all of that and and it releases certain chemicals and certain things happen but what they what they didn't understand was the effect of the brain the the brain begins to get damaged by its thoughts physically damaged by its thoughts amen now this is far as I'm gonna go with this because I'm gonna turn it over to the girl that knows how it happens why it happens and what to do about praise gun oh man this is so good the the the when I read your the first book of yours oh and you had pictures in there that actually showed what was going on on the inside of the human brain under the impact of certain thoughts and and then opposite thoughts and so forth and that there's certain thoughts that actually damage the brain absolutely all right so what you've read that scripture you know that I've quoted that scripture since I was 18 years old every single day of my life that scripture that you amongst others but that's like me one of my foundational scriptures because the mind is what's changing the brain as we say so we here's those here's the think the mind controls the brain the brain does not control the mind that's amazing if you think of it so the mind controls the brain the brain does not control the mind so that means our mind is powerful and changes the brain which means we're not a victim of our biology or biology can change in all the way Corey Shabana do you talk about your the DNA right down to the level of subatomic particles on a quantum level right up to the macro level of our actual body so right the way all the way from the small the tiniest things to the biggest things is all controlled by the way that the mind is functioning so when we think on these good things when we do what it's do not be anxious and when you do what the Bible says you're in design that you design for that's your normal virtual natural so when we say things like I'm not perfect I just made that mistake in I'm not perfect you know we actually that's incorrect because we made perfect in God's image but we've used our choices in creating we've used online incorrectly and there's a consequence which is what you tirana me so 30:19 says so what we need to do start like at the beginning and that is that a thought is a real thing a thought is the same as a memory when god says bring all thoughts into captivity to Christ Jesus he didn't say we'll bring some one Monday and some one Tuesday he said all through all day long everything yes so we are designed to be aligned with God and as we talk through these broadcasts I'll show you how we are actually designed to constantly be in dialogue with because thoughts are real things that change the physical structure I believe that our triune being spiritual body we in a physical body because to help us to actually wake up and realize when we stepped out of alignment with God because the minute we make a wrong choice and we step into the fear zone we actually will feel the physical effects in our body because our DNA is change the way the proteins are forming so the thought as you thinking now as you're listening to me now you are literally generating I am speaking a signal it's going into your brain I'm going to show you the first image it's going to help people understand this I'm going to show you a big picture of inside the brain and it's a picture of us hanging out of our head literally so we're going to see a picture over here and this is like half of part of our brain fortunately we don't look like this but this is our five senses so our five senses are the contact between the external world and the internal world of our mind so we are receiving the events and circumstances of life through our five senses they go in as signals electromagnetic and quantum signals into our brain our brain is made up of a hundred structures and there's a very distinct process that the information as it passes through the brain that had moves through those hundred structures but the brain is just receiving it's just a receiver it's a very complex organ we only understand about two to eight percent of the brain that's all we understand about the brain it's hugely complex but it should be complex because our minds are hugely complex because our spirit is hugely complex because you made in the image of a hugely complex God so the human brain is very complex but it's designed to be able to hold the thoughts of the mind so thoughts on memories so the information comes in and it's processed in your non conscious part of your mind which is the dominant part of our mind which operates 24 hours a day and 400 billion plus actions per second so right now your non conscious mind is working with your conscious mind which is only a small part of you your conscious mind operates when you're awake so your non conscious mind is operating 24 hours a day very fast not bound by space and time hugely fast but faster than the speed of light quantum speeds your conscious mind is limited to the here and now it's a very very small part of who we are and it's limited by the prison the past in the future but the majority of us is not limited by the present past and future because that's the spiritual part of a semi predominately spiritual so when we receive information like you're receiving now through the signals my words through my words through you through all your five senses in into your brain that signal comes in and it activates memories from the non conscious mind so then things will pop up literally pop up from the unconscious mind four to five to seven things per any one moment but they pop up in a sequence and what pops up from the non conscious are thoughts that we have implanted over time we've been building thoughts which are memories right when you were conceived right from when we were conceived we were building memories so all the way through the time in the womb and every day we changing those memories every time we think because we are thinking being we are changing what those trees look like because those thoughts look like trees so the information comes in it's the signal it moves through the brain and that signal as it moves through the brain it impacts the DNA which is deep down inside the cells of the body inside the nucleus of the body just waiting there dormant like I used this illustration yesterday the DNA contains the chromosomes a nuclear nucleus which contains the chromosomes which unwind into the DNA strand that little letter letters letters thing we can show an image to the viewers and that has got the genetic code now it can't do anything until we think so what what you doing now is the signal that's coming in you thinking about my words which is causing those genes multiple genes across your entire body to actually respond to what I'm saying so genes are expressing you then in your brain the genes are basically making proteins which are and so right now very very fast 400 billion actions per second you both are building thoughts and all the viewers are building thoughts which look like trees inside their brain so they're processing through the hundred structures of the brain and you're building thoughts in your brain of this information which is a temporary memory it's a temporary memory because it will only last for 24 to 48 hours unless we stabilize it but we can talk about that in another broadcast so literally the signal turns from this mind the signal comes in and our mind activate that signal stuff from the non-conscious moves into the conscious to help us understand this incoming information so for example right now you're probably thinking of a scripture of an experience so as you hear in my words it's making you remember things so we are able to do more than to deal with 47 things at any one time we are also while you listening to me now you can have a conversation with God you can hear my words you can think of the scriptures that are popping up there the memories from the past and this whole mind thing is going on it is super 4-speed then you make a choice as you make a choice that's the signal that unzips that DNA the gene expresses a protein is formed and the little memory starts forming and this is happening and then branches are growing and the information is growing because each of us is unique even though we're hearing the same message each of us is building our own designer treat our own design of thought now those thoughts look like trees and if I show you this image over here this is these are actual foot trees inside the brain these are actual neurons memories inside the brain thoughts thoughts or memories that's what they look like this is you can see the tree like structure so those like all the tree trunks and those the little branches so as you are thinking and learning new information memorizing the word hearing what I'm saying you're going little branches to hold that information now you can grow an unlimited amount of branches we grow one branch per concept the ground branches all connect to each other so that's why they've very dense and very big we've got three million plus years of space in our brain we can grow we are deeply intellectual weakens the more we think the more branches we grow the more intelligent we know once you backcountry say that because that that impacted me when I read that in your book that we have brain capacity is beyond for what yes that's the estimate that's just the estimate of people that aren't even Christians and you think of what the scripture said to see now is just the perfection just in the same face-to-face obviously if you think of it Kenneth Santori he has designed us with in His image he's brilliant so we brilliant so he's given us this brilliance in our brain because if you look at the numbers and I'll tell you a few of the numbers as we're going along we have 75 to 100 trillion cells in our body a hundred billion of those cells are in the world form 20% of brain tissue the other 80% of brain tissues it's also different types of cells but the 20% of brain tissue which is a hundred billion of the 75 to 100 trillion cells in the human body are where the memories are formed so we form our memories on these nerve networks inside the brain which are 100 billion of them not each nerve net each of those 100 billion nerves or neurons can grow a limitless amount of information so the more you think the more branches you go there's just no limit to our capacity so we we are we we can grow and grow and ezreal changing our brain this is called neuroplasticity neuro meaning brain plastic meaning to change so we are designed to literally constantly moment by moment of every day as we are thinking we're adding new branches changing branches redesigning the landscape of our brain this is the power God has given us we're not the same now as you were five minutes ago because of our discussion because of the information we've received we've redesigned our brain certain memories have come from the non conscious to the conscious we're building a new memory we're redesigning those old ones that have been popping up so these are really being just in just a one minute a 60-second time frame they would have been changes in about 760 times like nearly for nearly three hundred three hundred or changes inside of our brain yeah and that's a minimal amount that would have happened so we constantly redesigning so thoughts are real things and we designed to think only good thoughts those Philippians 4:8 next design and then in 72 Ecclesiastes 7:29 which is the quote scripture quoted and one of the other broadcasts he made us virtuous he made us perfect but we choose to go our own pathway so our design is to do beautiful trees healthy trees that's how I use the analogy of the green we designed to to say to God again this is the event and circumstance coming at me I can't control there but God you know the answer I mean he's done at all he has every solution everything every healing he what we were healed everything that we need for our life has already been done it's over they in the pool of probabilities of God's love it's done what we have to do is align ourselves with God to hear what we're supposed to be doing to activate what he's already done so we have to get our mind right to activate what he's already done but the enemy tells us hey make up your own mind choose your own things you know it so we started listening to this side instead of listening aligning with God because we designed to align with God we designed to be addicted to God addiction is not a negative thing addictions only negative when it's in the zone we are designed to constantly be communicating and absorbed and stimulated and led by the Spirit of God that's that's an addiction they use addiction in the negative sense we think of the word addiction and we think you know alcohol and drugs and cocaine and but that's that's when addiction has gone wrong doing good exactly the addicted to God we're addicted to doing good we are addicted for the good there are no negative pathways in our brain we have to wire they mean we have to learn how to do those so we actually have to learn how to build toxic thoughts so every time we make a toxic choice a negative choice the wrong choice when we don't listen to God then those proteins as I mentioned earlier on will fold incorrectly me get these distorted versions of the truth so here's another image of inside the brain and this would be considered healthy thoughts so if you look over here I like look look listen over here there's a lot more branches on this one than they are over there which means that there's most thinking that's happened over there that's a bigger memory because there's more branches and you can grow as many branches as you want on your thoughts the more you think the more branches you grow there's no limit there's no kept these you it's you can just if you don't live three million years on the service but you've got that amount of space in your brain so we can just grow and grow and grow and grow and grow now that's healthy when you've made good choices but when we make bad choices we literally disrupt what it looks like inside of the brain so we create now I've used a bit of artistic license but we look this there's not a black hole is actually a toxic 40 but it's it's it's wiry it's distorted the proteins are folded incorrectly now the minute that if you cut your finger okay we cut our finger the minute we cut our finger our liver will secrete what we call C reactive proteins immune system will secrete other kinds of immune factors and it will go to the site of damage and over a period of 21 days healing will take place but those things that have been secreted those are the immune factors go to the sites of damage and creates a little tent of inflammation so that healing can take place this is what God's designed in our body now that we that's a physical injury or a virus when we have a toxic thought our body does the same thing so our immune system recognizes a toxic thought a wrong choice in the same way as it recognizes a virus or a physical wound so it also seems as though it would be a fear-based thought fear-based thought this is fear zone this is love zone so if I choose to be negative where I choose to have a an anxious thought or I choose to get irritated it would do the same thing and in my brain and my body as if I cut my finger physically and I had blood pouring out I would have the same reaction so your body recognizes that as an invasion like a viral invasion so build inflammation in that area because it's all distorted the proteins are folded incorrectly the electromagnetic balance is off the quantum balances of it looks different it disturbs everything around it that's why I've created as we be sure to try to show this was a black card if they just creates that this black card effect on an fMRI machine or a SPECT scan which one is it which is technology that that basically is a bird's-eye view it doesn't look at thoughts no as the Bible says no one except God and ask ourselves can read off thoughts oh no machines can never read our thoughts but what they can show us is that there is activity going on in the brain and this would shows healthy activity in the brain and this would show unhealthy activity in the brain so when someone is thinking a toxic thought that area becomes damaged if you don't deal with it if you don't forgive if you don't get rid of it it disrupts all the natural blood flow glucose metabolism electromagnetic magnetic balance and that's what the machines will pick up that's what an fMRI machine and a SPECT scan will pick up the damage inside that area of the brain now the good news is that that's not your destiny you're not a victim of your biology if that's where you are that's what you can become renewing the mind changes that into that I would this came up in my spirits from 112 song this blessed is the man that fears the Lord and delights greatly in his commandments his seed shall be mighty upon the earth now you come down here he shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord his heart is established he shall not be afraid until he see his desire upon his enemies now the impact of I'm seeing the signal we're out of time just have to do that yes it is let me finish the my statement here and there's this as Lord lead we'll take it up tomorrow on this the impact of sudden bad news it's just horrendous but it doesn't have to stay that way and you don't have to accept it no you don't have to what happens when you hear bad news you go dark your mind goes dark you think that bad stuff then it you have to dump it you have to get rid of it yeah and the first the first guard against the first guard against it of course is to be strong in the Lord the man a strong spirit of a man will sustain him through bodily of times of trouble and bodily pain so his mind is strong he's the blessing of the Lord is up and around about him is he protected he doesn't he doesn't fall for that now the first thing that comes up is the power of forgiveness you better immediately go into forgiving mode instead of letting some bad news stir you up you start getting mad somebody else and I want Jesus said to prove that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sin and he said the man Brian take up your bed and go home so the power to forgive and the power to hear are exactly the same power exactly and quote we need to go there tomorrow this is an exciting time I'm I and enjoy about all my life I've been mechanically I like mechanical stuff I like cars and airplanes motorcycles and and man I was born to fly but but I like knowing what's going on out there I like more I like to know more about an engine and it just makes noise you know more power I'd like I'd like to have I'd like to have all those word I'm looking for they functioning knowledge about what's happening yeah and that that's not quite what I was looking for but working now working knowledge that's where Thank You Gloria the working knowledge for instance you know how to buy a ticket and get on an airplane go somewhere mm-hmm I know how to fly the airplane over there so there's a there's a level of understanding there well the scripture says comprehending with all the saints the length the breadth the height and the depth and to know intimately the love of the Anointed One that's that's working knowledge that's what we're supposed to know that and I don't get inside that brain and find out what what that thought does to it what that word does to it then what this thought does to it and what that fellows do it's amazing amen now I want to get back over there what would were yesterday but I want I'm gonna get there through this scripture in the book of Colossians we can turn there in Colossians chapter 3 now what I want you in the in the in the totals and audience you and the radio artists you hear this but I want you to I want you to get your Bible I want you to put it in your eyes I want it going in your eyes I want it going in your ears and then I want it coming out your mouth okay now let's Colossians chapter 3 and we'll look at verse 15 let the peace of God rule in your heart to the which also you were called in one body and be thankful let the word of the Anointed One dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with the with grace in your heart to the Lord now let the peace of God rule Jesus gave us his peace it's in there today in your spirit it's part of the fruit of the Spirit the word is the seed to it and it's in there and by faith you can you can bring it you can you can bring it into operation into action it is part of the blessing of the Lord it's part of the blessing wall that by faith can be built up and should be built up around you and me and if every other born-again child had got on the face of the earth amen you remember how hack Satan got it job and he said to God there's a wall around him and it was the blessing wall he said you blessed him you blessed all that it has but fear opens the door and I love the devil to get through that wall and it hasn't changed it is exact the same now when we closed yesterday we're talking about 112 song the man with the fixed heart and the established heart is not afraid of evil tidings so how do we get there how did he get there okay so we have a concept in science called super position so what that means is that super super position so we made an image of god which we keep on saying we brilliant we wired for love we learn fear okay so look fear is not a normal response it's a learned response okay so what happens is that as every as we going through life we are experiencing the events and circumstances of life as I was explaining in the previous broadcast I'm picking up at the end of that broadcast and moving into the sport cost in terms of superposition so here I am about to make a choice so if you think of a wave you know how surfer on a way that's often leonetta gene you can show a picture of a surfer on a wave think of them as they they they kind of ride that wave and that wave is up there and before that wave crashes they're going to go along that wave now imagine a surfer on the top of a wave and in that position over there he's either gonna go this way with his surfboard he's going to go there with his surfboard imagine that there's a super position up here on top of this I can choose to go that way which is God's Way this is the love zone the green and the toxic tree represents the fear zone Bush actually looks like those trees in the brain in the brain yep that's it so when we've made so thoughts are real and they occupy mental real estate like the studio occupiers real estate a thought is occupying real estate so in this is occupying when we've made a bad choice we've actually literally built a stronghold that occupies real estate into our brain and this is a distorted toxic one and it's causing the whole brain to go into inflammation and every thought impacts every cell of your body so this thought has changed your brain chemistry and has changed the environment around every single cell in your body which is quite a quite a shocking thought when you think when you think of that when you think of the impact of a toxic thought we think another toxic thought because this thing is putting us into the vulnerabilities own food for illness it's this that increases our chance of getting a seventy five to ninety eight percent so illness doesn't come from God illness comes from the destruction that we've created through the entrance of sin right back to Adam and Eve as we know so everything going wrong okay so when we a moment-by-moment everyday God gives us the chance in superposition to make the right choice every 60 more or less every 63 days we are rewiring the networks in our brain through superposition so superposition is when something happens to us we are in a unique position where we are able to look at God's Way or the enemy's way so we can choose I'm either gonna follow align with God and I'm gonna believe what God said he has done your shooting you're sitting up here in this on the other than God we're back to Deuteronomy 30:19 choices we're sitting up here and God said I'm placing before you life and death blessing and cursing exactly and he's already given us every that decision you're about to made make the the answers are a TV in the Sun in the life side God's really giving us the solutions the first words are so important in the face of the bad news yes I thinks in his heart so is he James 13 through it starts with our thoughts starts with our thoughts so in meaning and God gives us this you so totally correct because we in God when we in the superposition we have this unique powerful mind that enables us to actually see the correct way or the wrong way we all know we have this checking station we for the holy sprit isn't if we if we are tuning into the intuition of the holy spirit this really struck me super position where wisdom reserve we are part of the super natural faculty that we are higher than we're not just natural being when well I'm only human no you're not if you're born again you're like Jesus you are you are spirit and God and you are you are human but you're a superhuman you're a god human and you're sitting here super you're a super natural born again child of God sitting on this this precipice with a the God right a choice and you're in super position oh it's a it's a scientific fact that if I'm sorry 40 times every second we are actually in an unconscious mind which is the bigger part of us we are because these waves of decision-making that are happening that these like waves that are building and crashing but we experience superposition every more or less two to seven seconds so every two to seven seconds we are literally in the situation where we can switch off to the external switch on to the internal and say holy spread what should I do because the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth we can sit back analyze our frontal lobe of our brain is designed to enable us to be able to stand back and have a multiple perspective advantage in superposition you have a multiple perspective advantage if I go that way I could land in the mouth of jaws I'm on the surfboard if I go that way I'll get away from jaws I'll go into God's arms and activate so with me we're able to do that we let's all love power no sound mind so if we are aligned with God if we have implanted the Word of God then that's what's gonna save our soul that's where the wisdom will come from we're gonna look at it through God's eyes but if we've spent hours and hours on TV gossip Google and everything else except God that's what's going to inform our mind because James is you know James 1:13 3:15 talks about I'm just going to paraphrase it the fact that when we give when we give it in an evil desire when we give attention to an evil desire it grows and it grows into sin and as the Sun grows it brings forth death now that's exactly what this does what we have found from science is that if I grow one of these and I keep growing it whatever I think about the most grow we my mind goes my brain will follow so as this thing grows and gets bigger and bigger and bigger it's going to put me into sickness zone because the bigger that gets the more inflammation the more disease the more break down the more neuro degeneration the more cardiovascular stroke brain whatever cancer all of these things 98% of cancer comes from the brain that's what I'm from them from the mind this is what research is showing so ninety-eight percent of cancer core is coming from how we are managing our thoughts laughs you see what God says is that choose life so we can't control the events all circle Newton cells you are coming from our thought laughs they're coming from just this is a mutant cell and in enough mutant cells eventually over time start breaking down at a at a very micro level breaks down like these little tubules inside the brain and they start disintegrating and we started manifesting with disease so if we have enough negative reactions and unforgiveness and bitterness we even more we keep that the more inflammation the more break down the more vulnerability to illness let me turn and say God why meanwhile we didn't take responsibility for a thought life I mean you read the scripture of proverbs 4:23 22 22 22 pay attention to my words incline line here and Jim are saying keep it in the midst of your heart you know if we are in super position and we've taken the time to implant the Word of God when we in super position what's going to pop up to remember the loss if food costs are spoke about as information comes in things pop from the unconscious to the conscious mind or when I'm in super position and I'm dealing with any event or circumstance and I have to make a choice I'm either gonna have toxicity popping up and that's going to inform my decision well I'm gonna have positive god stuff popping up and that's going to inform my decision and then I'm in superposition and I can either choose to listen to God stuff or I can choose to listen to the enemy because they are only two rather the enemy or God there is no gray zone and you're going to listen to one of them we're going to be informed by one of them and then what we do is we take that from superposition and we collapse what was a probability a probability hasn't is in the enemies world over here in the fear zone it's an illusion it hasn't yet happened it's a lie the enemy has no power as we know so he can only lie so it's an illusion he needs us to take his line and turn it into into something you know he didn't make DNA brace and both so we he wants us to create the Ebro so he gives us the lie God already has all the solutions so God's probabilities are all already done they achieved a finish it's a finished work everything we ever need is there so in superposition we can either choose the good finished work or we can create evil that's what we've pretty much doing so when we create evil this is evil this is the Sun this is the stronghold of the enemy this is the even the little thing of being irritated - the big thing of murder or whatever it's all sin it's all a probability that we've collapsed in the wrong direction when we were in super position because we chose not to be aligned with God we chose not to be led by the Spirit of God so our intuition in our spirit man is where the holy spirit speaks to us as we know and if we need to use our mind to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying but that's a choice and if our mind is so clogged up with all the wrong thinking and gossip and reading watching TV and you know filling it up with all the nonsense instead of balancing it with filling it up with the Word of God it's the implanted word of God that saves us all not the implanted word of Google and in gossip and whatever are they in the world and that's where we Pro to decide how we are spending our time we are we directing our attention and that's what I love about proverbs you know you knew that that he'll teach you in Proverbs you got that incredible book we read that you did on proverbs few years ago I love that book but proverbs 23 22 is teaching us the principles and when you're in superposition if you incline your ear if you look at what you put in the midst of your heart if you spent that time and chosen to do that that's what's going to pop up that's how you're going to do the current situation we can't control the events and circumstances of life because the events and circumstances of life are the result of other people's choices but we can control our reaction to the events and circumstances of life and in superposition that's what we designed to do so when we move into God's sight that's when the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guide our mind in Christ Jesus when we make the wrong decision enemy side we don't have the peace of God and we don't have it protecting our mind so mine goes into chaos and disorder and does n disorder will manifest mental ill-health will manifest versus mental health so the love zone is mental health mental ill-health comes from the fear zone and it's all through choices and this is where I think of such a passion to make people realize that we can't blame our biology we can't blame our parents we can't blame or circumstances though so that's life that's the nature-nurture debate and blaming it that's that's that's part of other people's decisions but we're in this unique superposition state we reconsider god I don't like this but can you help me control my reaction so that I can rejoice despite the circumstance so that when I am getting that bad news and you get that phone call and you hear that that's whatever happens and remember when Lindsey you that Lindsey your granddaughter when she was sick and you the you guys didn't didn't react negatively you immediately sort of praying the word move you in superposition you could have gone and heard all the negative and gone down the hole but you didn't you proclaim the word you chose to align you chose to activate the the probability of her mother yeah you're standing there and they didn't expect Lindsey to live no the doctors really said she state that really given that further motion but the but Kelley from we we had no fear in our household we didn't teach them fear at all and we would do certain things that other people just cringe at but we believe done mm-hmm anyway the moment she heard that news I mean the moment she heard it she turned to Terri and she said I refuse to fear superposition she collapsed in the right yeah she told me she said daddy that thing she said it was dark and it was black and it was a heavy pressure on me but she said I was amazed and how weak it was she said when I said I refuse to fear so it just it just like a bird flying out the wind it was gone she made her choice and she refused that's the thing because they put that darkness which is the lie of the enemy it's not real it's an illusion because it can't it's not it hasn't happened because the truth is is that the healing is there it's already done and that's what I don't think we kidding leaders Christians I don't think we really get the fact that everything that we need for everything in our life has already been already done we have to in our superposition activate and then we can rejoice the spot the circus right that's a good word steeping like the the pull of a sister you could sit back any one's walking past me or you can get in that water and activate the healing and in that place you can either activate the sphere or you can activate exactly you can only have to know about exactly your back and your back to first words Jesus said why take either Thought saying that's so good so that's the way you cuz you do you take because the minute you take that thought the miniature in superposition and you take that thought you've activated DNA you've caused genetic expression you've made proteins you've grown one of these and that's and then if the more you think about it the more will grow and then this is what you will speak and do this will become your new reality this becomes the faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen we faith in the wrong direction yeah but it could be well that's what fear is there's twisted faith fear of a dangerous animal for instance is faith in that animals ability to hurt you but the the it's the spiritual force of faith in Adam was twisted and became the force of fear she chose they chose yeah they made the choice and what and when they did it separated them from good okay so that spiritual force of faith separated from God became fear because he was instantly connected to st. mark who is a spirit minute we go they it's so simple if we see it like that I always show and I teach the sim you can show this on the screen I show this person on a surfboard and in in the way in the way this is murky Muto in the shock is there and then I show a picture of an actual shock and so that's what I mean it's literally what the enemy is waiting just to get you but we can get out of that we don't have to go there well jesus said to ourselves the word Satan comes immediately to steal it all he's after to steal is the word he's not out to steal your car he's not out steal of your family he's out to steal the word if he can get the word he's got your car and your fans good everything and that stealing is something I'd love to talk about on a broadcast in terms of the turning how he how the timing gets us how we get coke without even realizing because we don't recognize the time of the stealing it's in a very interesting point see she and I have been married for 52 years 53 years in April of 2015 that is amazing you know I wouldn't lie read on my own broadcast I do not remember the last argument we had it's just amazing no it's it's her fault I mean whatever the last argument was I did it she would never ever she just wouldn't engage in it and and she taught me and she taught me how to live in superposition yeah between she laid her hands on me one day and she said it I find no fault in you and it just revolutionized my whole life and so I am eternally grateful for the life that I have well mekin I always base our relationship on your example we always say Kinnison where you do this Kinnison where do [Laughter] I really appreciate you doing this hey you man glory to God I've been married how long 52 to be 53 years in April of 2015 I never did run home to mama not one didn't even talk about it amen the word of the Lord came to me back and we'd been married we'd been married four and a half years before before I went to or you and the word of the Lord came to me there and he said she's precious to me I have given her to you and here's is reading it brought this up she is to you what temper is to steal you take steal before it's tempered is brittle yes you take a screwdriver for instance and you before it's put in the oil and you run the temper colors on it and so it's brittle it brings it break it so easy and they the love of God and people is supposed to strengthen one another like that and and it's the two of you become stronger and straight far or strongly in one of you can be by yourself now the thing that I'm thinking about here is it is so vitally important that both of you think love thoughts and faith thoughts even if there's something going on between you no no no you put up a solid front against it we may have different ideas but we're not going to have words we are going to stand in the love of God we're going to stand in the Word of God and she had to teach that to me and it's a marvelous thing let's open our Bibles today to the book of James please it is true that opposites attract and I get married well there's a reason for that though when you think about it if you were both the same one of you wouldn't be any stronger than the other ones right but when one of you has strengths here and the other one has strengths here this is the benefit of covenant that's what covenants all about put up a solid front now I learned this the Lord taught taught me this years ago this is the basis of racism that's the spirit of division that the spirit of division will magnify a difference in hate so if there's two different colors or two different genders or it's not just color there's there's the it's all all of it there's the female race and the male race and and all of that and he'll take a difference in you magnified hey he makes it a value judgment yeah excellent way to say it yeah it's not a very judgmental stream in covenant however you you the the Spirit of God magnifies a difference in love and that you strengthen one another with that difference so when a black man and a brown man and a red man yelling man white man when they all get together all of us see things from a different perspective but you get us all together and Creflo Dollar said I don't understand why the white man claps on one two three four and the black man claps on one two three four he said I don't understand that but together we don't miss a beat in that good but but the truth of that is this we're gonna go and see it right here in in the third chapter of the book of James verse 14 if you have bitter envying and strife in your heart glory not and lie not against the truth or the Word of God keep your mouth shut don't say anything that's so good this wisdom their sins not from above but is earthly it is sensual it is devilish for where there is in thee and strife there is confusion and every evil work but the wisdom now you know Luke 11 49 Jesus called the written word the wisdom of God but the wisdom that is from above is first pure it is peaceable it is gentle it is easy to be entreated talking about the Word of God it's full of mercy and good fruit it is without partiality and it is without hypocrisy I can take the Word of God I can say I'm healed when every symptom in me is saying I'm sick and I'm not a hypocrite for saying it however on the other hand I'm a born-again believer and the Word of God said by His stripes you were healed and I say I'm sick that's hypocritical that's saying you believe the word you don't well what I what I believe the Lord has led us in here to to deal with today is strife stress bitterness unforgiveness they jesus said to prove that the Son of God hath power on the earth to forgive sins he said to the sick of the palsy rise take up your bed and go home the same spiritual force of God that heals that the supernatural power of faith and the supernatural power of God the anointing of God that removes burdens and destroys yokes is exactly the same power that removes sin forgives sin forgiveness removes it so we have that god-given power to forgive that's been invested in us but the power ago now what I mean what I'm hearing and learning from you that the toxins of the brain we're not supposed to be there in the first place and they're their literal their literal their literal toxins then they're not just bad ideas that they're they're chemical forces that are eating away at the brain itself well it's actually the good stuff in the wrong quantities so it's all the good stuff gone wrong it's distortions the confusion they're very scripture that you've read that's what that's what this does the toxic toxic thinking creates complete confusion so we for example cortisol is a is very important you die with that cortisol but if cortisol flows in the wrong quantities it becomes like battery acid and literally starts destroying brain cells so they don't actually create negative stubb substance we just we we take what's there and we distort it so it's all in correct proportions in correct amounts distorted proteins folded incorrectly so it's all confusion which is exactly what the scriptures say so when we do the wrong thing we men have faced physically with exactly the same pattern inside of our brain and that thing creates that illness in our body so I mean the scriptures are so perfect for that so we react incorrectly we stress stress for example stress we all think is a bad thing but stress is actually an amazing thing it helps us to be focused and clear stress is when your body literally goes in where your heart starts pumping faster your blood vessels around your heart dilate which means that you have more blood flow you have more oxygen pumping to your brain it's a state where you focused where you cognitively alert and where you can rejoice despite the circumstances where you can tune into the Holy Spirit lets it be reacting correctly but if we create react incorrectly we take all those same things that and explain to the heart and the and the oxygen in the brain we actually react incorrectly then we change the whole pattern so instead of the heart pumping correctly instead of the blood vessels dilating they constrict which then puts you at risk for heart attack you don't have enough oxygen pumping to your brain which puts you at risk for a stroke though the blood the lack of blood flow also risk for a stroke in your brain in other words we need the way we react to the events and circumstances will push us into the good stuff if it's a good thing good stress or stress which is a good thing can be distorted if we react incorrectly so in Deuteronomy 30:19 and we choose incorrectly we go into negative stress so stage we call it we call stage 1 a stress healthy and good and positive and we called negative stress stage 2 and stage 3 of stage stress which is in stage 2 & 3 is just a distortion of the truth and what they found from science is that if you react this is fascinating if you react in corrected we react incorrectly to tune event or circumstance and push ourselves into negative stress we actually increase our chance of dying by 43% in the next 12 months in that amazing if you when you walk in love and you forgive you miss all that stress you're gonna live longer exactly you stay in that you stay completely in the positive zone so everything is doing what it should you think my Proform helped them you're gonna breathe I am totally convinced that that's why Jesus made it a commandment don't you forgive it's not just your truth that is not optional it is a come he said don't let corrupt communication come out of your mouth but what forgiving one another even as God forgave you for Christ's sake now at first that just looks like that's for Jesus sake but you have to remember Christ is not his last name that that word Christ there is referring to the anointing the word Christ as the the Greek translation of the word Messiah and it means the anointing or it's referring to the anointed which is Jesus of course of course you can't separate them but in this case it was talking about this for the sake with the body of Christ we are the body of that anointing we are supposed to be walking in a state of power and healing and deliverance all the time exactly so that's normal where the body of the anointing it it's in there and they're supposed to be flowing turkey does because if you're looking at mark 11 to today it's a mock 11 22 23 speak to the mountain and we'll be cost to sieve it go and forgive first you know you can offer if you ask your father that you'll be done but it will give so that's also just in addition to what you're saying so if we're gonna deal with the mountains in our lives we have to have forgiveness and what what signs shows so nicely about about this whole thing of why we need to forgive why it's good for us to forgive is that if someone's hurts us we've been received some kind of toxicity in whatever we've got this you know we've got but what they did to us if we've both me bolted into our mind that's why and it's part of us it's affecting us so that means if there's an open doorway for whatever that personal persons did they can connect with you through quantum physics we know that these now there's a connection that's being set up and created because this physical this because equals thing exists in your head so we're even that person that did that to you it's connected to that so whatever curse I speak over you whatever negative things I speak over you a curse with a cause you know exactly a curse without of mozzie I forgive I get this out of my head I give that to God it's out of my head it's sorry I'm a beast you that it should be for you it's out of my head it's in God's hands and I've then I can activate second Thessalonians 1:6 which says he will repay with retribution those who trouble you but the big thing is you've kept our account with God clear we've eliminated that from all have you forgiven we've released you've got it out it's literally taken it out of our head and broken their connection between those people and put them in God's hands so we keep that in our head we are vulnerable to no matter what even if we die victim it's a you know this Sun which is Valen treat a stroma which is involuntary serve you a traffic to eternal something terrible happened to you didn't ask for that but it's gonna look the same in the brain so we have to still forgive if people speak about you you didn't ask for that people speak bad things or what if we didn't but that's true Matt but we still have to forgive because otherwise we connected to those people we connected to that situation and that thing puts our body in that vulnerable state for illness affects our mind and affects of spiritual the best reason jesus said this commanded us to love your enemy don't you ever let him get inside you I don't you ever let that don't you ever let that enemy get inside does that's the enemy in you and a DNA literally inside of you this is something that we're dealing with now in ministry to the military the soldiers promise in the soldiers some and then if they don't know they know some about the soldiers some but there's a soldier's promise that says if you go to war armed before the Lord and I remove my enemy from my face you come home guiltless before God and before the nation Wow what wealth it was think about that now if I know that I can go to war and never hate my enemy never I'm in a covenant place with God I'm on a mission with God I have a covenant relationship with Gloria and and I have a commitment before God to protect her and I'll do it I will do it to the point if I have to a shifty graveyard dead because I have a responsibility see now God has a covenant responsibility with us and we have a covenant responsibility with him and when we're a soldier on the battlefield if we'll keep that covenant with God he'll keep our minds clear he'll keep us strong even if we're in combat he'll take care of you you have to you know take care of business and do what you have to do and come home guiltless before God and guiltless before the nation all because of what's in your heart and what's in your thought that's amazing it's so good and I see it I see why you keep you from connecting with that enemy that they don't impact your life anymore that's dynamite knowledge yes forgiveness is really to keep our own health in our own sanity in our own spirits or body integrated you know obviously forgiveness is a command but it's actually physically everything the more I study science the more crazy I get about God because and love him war because he just reveals I admire him more and more and more through science because I see all the things that I read in the word playing out in the field of science evidence just more and more evidence of why we should your revolution the word gives you revelation in the science room because it was the word that created the natural in the first place why sure so it's just catching up it's just another way it's just a tangible way of seeing you know another way of looking at God another way I've seen how he's a star so gloriously and how things work and that's so exciting it's got to the point where now that's good sign the study of science I'd do it alongside I have just studied at least two hours a day in science to keep up with the field and I do it alongside my Bible study it gets to the point we are Bethel to get past like a like two lines in a scripture because it's so exciting because this isn't a lot is a life then always think of when you talk about the example if you're not playing in nine innings game you know you always you playing to win you know that's always stuck in my mind that really just if you just persevere with these things we will always weren't you know it's always will win if people can get that revelation it's the power that God has given us to one to survive to whatever it looks like there's something we've got the let this last couple of minutes here before we go that and because as the Lord leads I really do want to touch on this next week that place is grief in its place that is the highest stress most people ever know through now grief is the is comes from loss mm-hmm it's the sense of loss the spirit of grief is the spirit of loss the scripture tells us to saw her or not we're not a people without hope he bore our griefs and carried our sorrows we ought to stand against grief just like we stand against see now grief loss depression I had the word of the Lord came to me I battled depression and and and the God doesn't delivered me from it and in fact by glory of praying over me as part of that whole process I was telling you about oh yeah now we've got just these few seconds but I want to place this in here he said grief a depression is grieving over things you haven't lost yet but you see it as a loss and it just goes on and on and on and the devil has captured your mind and all that whole process now there needs to be ministry that has that the truth and the power of God to break that cage it's people get around it then it just seemed like nowhere else no way out of this but there he is because I know I got out thank God God broke mine I'll give you some of the science facts in the next week's broadcast that show you how much power God has given us to get out of mental health yeah there's two things we want to get into next week one we want to get into that and the other is traumatic brain injury a traumatic brain injury and the timing of how we change yeah whoo glory to God yes a man will be back [Music] the who switched off my brain package provides real answers to real questions learn what is happening in your brain what it means to build a thought how to renew your mind how you can replace toxic thoughts with healthy ones and much more this package by dr. Caroline leaf now includes the who switched off my brain revised edition book the who switched off my brain workbook in DVD set and the follow up book titled switch on your brain which contains her 21 day detox plan dr. leaf has studied the mind brain connection since the early 1980s and she desires to help you optimize your thinking it is possible to live an emotionally happy and physically healthy life by controlling your thoughts learn to break the cycle of toxic thinking and release the full potential of your brain power learn how to detox your thinking and reverse the effects of toxic thoughts with the who switched off my brain package four powerful resources by dr. Caroline leaf available at a special package price of 65 ninety-eight go to KCMG org slash TB special or call toll free 800 600 seven 395 release the full potential of your brain power as you renew your mind with the Word of God order your package today now if you've never accepted Jesus as your Lord and your Savior then where the scripture says bring every thought into captivity if you've never been born again you don't have the power in you to do that you can't do it you can try and try and try but but they see the scripture said that that our weapons are not natural but they're powerful through God they're mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds and so this you don't have any life in you you have existence in you but you don't have the life of God in you until you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior now he's available right now don't go another second without him listen to what this says if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord believe in your heart god raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved now for though with the heart man believes the righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation now pray this out loud with me I'm gonna lead you in prayer you pray when when Gloria and dr. lief pray and you just you just believe God and and like I said do it out loud you need to hear these words with your own ears Oh God in heaven Oh God in heaven in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I believe with all my heart I believe it's all my heart that you have raised Jesus from the dead that you have raised Jesus from the dead Lord Jesus or Jesus come into my heart I receive you as my Lord and my Savior I receive you as my Lord and my Savior I repent of sin I repent of sin I renounce it I renounce it I renounce the past I renounced the past I renounce the devil and everything you stands for I renounce the devil and everything stands for fill me sir fill me sir whether your precious Holy Spirit your precious Toni's I receive him now I receive him now I fully expect my supernatural prayer language I fully expect my supernatural prayer I expect us to speak and pray and praise in other tongues I expect you to speak and pray and praise and others just like they did on the day it's just like they do on the day I receive it I receive it in Jesus and Jesus name now let me tell you what I want you to do I want you to let us know if you prayed that with us because I want to send you this little brochure and this little book that will help you get started reading your Bible you don't need to struggle with this book this is where your life is this is where your new thoughts are heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out demons freely you have received freely give there are those who've said that some of the diseases that are on the rampage right now are God's Way of punishing immoral people today there is absolutely no scriptural basis for that God does not bring disease on the human race in fact if there's anybody who hates it it's Jesus the devil is the one who's trying to tell us otherwise he's promoting a lie it's time for you and I as believers to put a stop to that line we need to tell people that God loves them and he has the desire and power to heal them Jesus Christ is not their captor he's the one who can set them free back when we first started this broadcast I didn't want to receive offerings at all I mean this is years ago and particularly when I went on the radio man there was never back in those days all I'm old there are just a lot of junk on there begging for money and all that then I said Lord I know I don't even want receive all from winging it no he said that's on scripture and you don't need to be doing it he says you need Friday should be offering day on the broadcast because he said you you have well let me just read it right here this is what he said let him that's taught in the word communicate or respond unto him that teaches in all good things don't be deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man souls that silly also reaped for he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that souls to his spirit shall of the Spirit reap life or Zoe everlasting now here's one thing we know for sure jesus said the sower sows the word and Satan's coming immediately to steal it here's how he's stuck with this he can't do anything he can't do anything to you if you if you refuse to say what he says jesus said I only say when I hear my father say and it's the father dwells within he does the work that is the heavenly paw yes that has been enforced in this search since creation day Satan is stuck with it you and I are blessed with it if you ever start looking at him and start saying what he's saying then he can do the work so what are we doing here reaping life everlasting once you sow into that message and receive it you live in inquire of God first what would you have me so and then like like his mama told all the people said whatever he says to you do do it now when you do that all of a sudden the roots start life comes into your spirit and the word begins to root in there now what does it do aha begins to control your thinking and by doing that it controls everything around you father we pray reveal please to our partners and to all than the sound of my voice they're part of the finances of this ministry and we give you the praise and the honor we release the the force and increase of faith in Jesus name Amen we'll see you Monday praise God until then this is Kenneth and glory and dr. Caroline Lee we're gonna be back Monday we'll see you then remember that Jesus thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory for this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to KCMG org or call or write to us today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you get the word working in your life so you can experience all God has for you if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living your new life and victory you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 22,586
Rating: 4.8626261 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, healing, week@once, freedom, wao, gloria copeland, kenneth copeland, caroline leaf
Id: C8iiiKPccys
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Length: 115min 20sec (6920 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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