Changing Culture The Osborn Family

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in genesis 26 18 it tells us isaac dug again the wells of abraham for those of you who may be too young to recognize t.l osborn and those of us who didn't see him often the ministry of t.l osborne and daisy osborne along with their daughter dr ladonna osborne has walked out targeting the unreached in over a hundred nations the osborne's pioneered mass miracle evangelism they have preached to huge groups of people with god confirming his word with astounding miracles jesus said in john 20 21 peace be unto you as my father has sent me i also send you their goal is to get the gospel out in the most remote areas of the world in addition to her other work bishop is mother of six and is also president ceo of osborne ministries international founded by her parents let's go back to your mom here for a minute all right so she's she's with your dad now now she what happened from just kind of tagging along to suddenly she's ministering alongside right she she was in one sense she was ordinary trying to serve her husband that was the wife's role so in one sense she did that superbly the ministry part because of the need like in jamaica when you have that many sick people she had one line and he had another yeah and that was just same miracles it was just there are so many people so it was never it was never anything special it was just need you respond to the need and her her role or gender didn't have anything to do with it but that in that there's a key point here it's it's not just because we think of that in that era like that wasn't really thought of to do but she had to get past that in her own mind she had to realize hey no i'm i've got to stand there's a need well yes but there was another profound experience that she had i would tell you and this is so it's so amazing to me because after 35 years ministering and working with my father all over the world doing everything in fact she's the one that would go she would go two three four times in advance to a nation get everything set up when it's all ready he would come so that's what she always did so she went ahead always went ahead she set up everything i realized that she dealt with the governments she dealt with the permits all the churches all the printing all the everything she was the one who did that he came and preached right we've laughed a lot about that he says oh yeah daisy would go and get everything set up and when it was safe i would come that's great so so this was the norm and and of course we look back we know they were successful god was using them they were doing what god told them to do and in the 70s like 77-78 god began dealing with my mother about the condition of women both in the church and in the world right as a whole interesting because here god took a woman who had a wonderful marriage who had never had a bad experience with a man and he began to awaken her to the needs of women isn't that something after all these years you're in these cultures you see what's going on but somehow it didn't trigger and god began showing her in the scripture his plan for women he revealed himself in amazing ways and she he called her in in a in a vision he called her because she was feeling all of this this the need she didn't really know what to do about it because they had never she had never preached at one women's event she didn't know what to say to women right it was it was people yeah she was busy doing the work yes never knowing that she had any any restriction right and uh he said to her when she just said i don't know what to do he said preach the gospel to women wow this is that well if this is that and i got that how can i sit down and shut up women witnesses are world changers when they have been touched by jesus and filled with the holy spirit and your witness will make a difference it will change your world and the world and so from that point that that's what she did and this this book that that i brought to show you yeah this is one of five books that she writes five choices for women who win uh-huh and so she wrote the books not about women not how to be a traditional woman there's nothing in these about being a good wife or a mother or a helper none of that's there it's all what did jesus tell you to do can you obey it or can you not right so it's very very direct strong it's launched ministries all over the world and it's awakened men yeah to see that you know god created men and women in his image wow and uh both fell into sin both redeemed at the cross both filled with the spheres really good that's it that's a key point both both because we like to pick on the other one that's right yes but when you when you really think about it now you're a historian you like to put these things together we have to go back to the beginning yes you do what did god want in the beginning right he blessed them he gave them commands he gave them dominion everything was them male and female that's his image wow that settles the issue of a lot of questions yeah so i hope you heard that you need to listen to that all right so let's talk about jamaica you know they had like nine thousand saved and had to form two lines now this was the first mission uh that we went on after my father saw jesus after they resigned their church and they decided they're gonna put this to the test and so jamaica number one was close right they could afford to get there number two they spoke english right so this was how they were making a decision no special call no special super spiritual anything just practical need we can get there okay so when we arrived they they took out an ad in the newspaper full page ad and all it says come to this place bring the sick jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever that's all and this hall i don't know how many it would seat but it was packed three times every day they would minister they would just take turns ministering and laying hands on the sick they would be there sometimes all night this was the way it was done in those days and it was during that time that they wanted to prove let's see if this will work will what they did in the book of acts happened today right so they preached the same messages they proclaimed the messages the promises of god and it was in that time with all of this tedium of laying on hands 9 000 people accepted christ i think at least 90 people who were totally blind received sight i think 70 or so deaf i i have seen a picture in that little hall where all across the back of that stage was crutches and trusses for hernias and hearing aids and canes and back braces and everything imaginable and so they were from that point on they just launched wow that's good wow wow i mean this is i i know you guys are enjoying hearing these stories all right so here's um the harold khan miracle marvelous story if you can if you can see that boy's brace look at two things look at how tall his raised shoe that was to make him walk level and look at how perfect his calves and his feet are yeah this was another one his leg grew those six inches wow immediately it was just a creative supernatural miracle look at this you'll never realize the wonder that god has done to this young man standing there with both of his feet even this young fella was injured when he was playing a game two years ago he was only 12 years old he's 14 now he was injured in one of his legs and from that time the leg stopped growing also a disease in the bone set up and he was becoming a hopeless and laying here on the ground here is what herald came carrying up to the platform the other night there is the shoe that harold was wearing on one foot can you see that his right leg was about five inches shorter than the left leg there's the shoe here's the shoe he was wearing on his other foot and here's the brace a hopeless and friends in one moment jesus christ passed this lad's way a muslim boy but a believing boy and harold was healed and his leg grew out the full normal length and became as healthy and as normal as the other leg is this a wonder of god if it is say amen and uh and so this was a muslim family and his mother had been forbidden to come to the crusade but she slipped off and brought the boy and look what god did when you go back and you think about miracles in that era what stands out to you is there one specific miracle that you go there is just this one that really i remember like it was yesterday um the one the one that i remember because the story is is so so significant but how do you compare a leper being cleansed to a demon-possessed person who comes in chains being delivered to a dead person being raised to a baby with a water head bigger than a water than being here how do you compare but a dramatic one right was peter amikanji and it's in this book the gospel according to t.l and daisy peter amakanji was paralyzed from the waist down wow so his legs were like wet ropes oh nothing so he sat on the ground and he would scoot himself backwards and his legs would just drag along behind him that man came and received christ was wonderfully healed and he came to give his testimony and the amazing thing about this miracle was how um thorough it was you know you see some crippled people and it takes a while for their muscles to develop and the flesh to become shapely on the leg this young man was instantly restored his legs were shapely and of course this was in nigeria no no this was kenya this is kenya and when he was giving his testimony he was so excited showing people his legs he turned around to the crown and pulled down his pens to show his his butt that now he had a butt and i guess that was an important thing and so here's something you won't see today you won't see that day hopefully and so the thing that makes this testimony so so rich to me after the crusade my folks conducted um a soul winners institute and they were teaching all of these new believers how to do the ministry of christ right you can go okay peter amikanji believed and he felt called to go to tanzania this neighboring nation to kenya and so he walked to the border of kenya i love this you see god will use people as soon as they will trust him and do it willing vessels yes he'll teach us as we go that's right and so he got to the border and of course he didn't have a visa he didn't have anything the guard stopped him and said uh let me see your let me see your visa oh i don't i don't have a visa well you have to have a visa to come to tanzania and they argued back and forth and and he said you cannot come into tanzania and he says yes i have a passport he got out his bible he had a great big bible wow and he turned in his bible to where jesus told his disciples go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature look look gave his testimony he says look here this is what jesus he's the one who healed me right and he's the one who tells me to go and he's sending me to tanzania wow this went on all day finally in the evening the guard was exhausted they let peter go through oh my goodness wow come with me 30 days later he's gone to a village he has witnessed and he has a he has he has won at least 150 people to christ so he walks all the way back to kenya and he tells the the man who was the chairman of the crusade he says i'm back well the man didn't remember him at all he says i'm back and it's time for you to send a pastor to tanzania i have the converts wow this is now this is the gospel that is the gospel this is the fruit of the gospel it changes lives restores people and sends them everyone imagine a beggar one day a church planter the next um let's see this one look at the density of that crowd i know i hope you can see that because the point i want to make is that when people are healed and we ask them to come and testify look what they're going to have to wade through yeah they're they're leaving their friends they're leaving their family maybe children right how are they ever going to find them yeah they've walked there they're trapped in this big crowd they work their way look at just the determination to come and publicly show what christ has done and say thank you amen isn't that beautiful it is beautiful what up all right we've got so much i want to spend the the last part you know and there's such a in this book right here uh the gospel tell me what's in this book the gospel according to t.l and david gospel according to t.l and daisy is a pictorial if you flip through that there's tons of pictures it's a pictorial and it's put together as them talking telling their story miracles their journey from the beginning some of the transitions they went through so it is really uh it's really those early years of the ministry and there's a great picture there of daisy talking with someone um yeah these pictures really tell the story oh my goodness the only thing you're missing is the smells and the dust the shouts the energy what were you guys doing you and your brother during all of these things i was a photographer on most of those so you were actually taking the pictures yeah doing the work oh yeah all right so let's get to you tell me what exactly you're doing now i am i am a wonderful example of what god can do with a surprising vessel right i worked in the ministry from my earliest memory right i mean i worked and then when we were in in at tulsa we had an office administrative i worked i processed through that i became international general manager we had charities in seven countries publishing in three languages every month huge staff so i'm the administrator and that was my gift i thought right i was afraid to speak in public i was timid i had no interest in anything but administration and i did it well and then god visited me oh my goodness and you know what he did it was i had an experience with the lord that lasted about two hours but what god began to show me was that his priority really is the church right and he did in me i won't take you through the whole thing but he did in me um a merging a synergy of evangelism and commitment to the local church right the church was in the garden the church is the one thing that continues through eternity and when you consider all the mess we've been through from the first century onward how god has never given up on his church his people that's right and so to understand the church as as broken people with baggage bumps and bruises different levels of maturity in christ different levels of faith and we all come together as one body and and we don't kill each other we love each other why do we love each other and together we make this brilliant floodlight of truth in our communities and to the world so so somehow in in this experience all that timidity was gone all of that all that hating to speak in public all of that changed i began to see things in the scripture i had never seen before and of course i was already doing evangelism events yeah and in 1987 my mother and father planted a church in tulsa oklahoma and they they assigned my husband and me as associates we didn't know what to do but but six months before the planting uh is when this visitation happened and i was being called to pastoral ministry well well there was nothing to pastor and yet i i have evangelism in my blood sure and i was learning that there was no conflict and the conflict is wrong that's true and so after about eight months my mother and father went back to the world and i i the people installed me as the pastor so that was in 1987 and and it was probably 10 years later by this time a fellowship of churches has begun i didn't ask for it but you know things just happen that's right and god's will just kept unfolding and uh so of course that's what you were sharing with our friends uh i oversee more than a thousand churches now that's amazing so i relate to pastors yeah we go every place i also relate to those people are the missionaries out in the field yes i do yes i do yes i do when we go when i go to a city to do evangelism i only go where 100 of the christian pastors commit to working together right that's necessary if you're going to have a huge harvest right you need hundreds of churches yeah so uh it's to see how god has developed my my um i don't know what you would call it my my focus right on pastors that transforms them that keeps them focused on jesus they i can help them move away from doctrinal division and to come back to the real purpose of the church the power of the holy spirit the absolute validity of god's word and the miracles that make the difference in every nation so so that's that's what that's what i do of course i do lots of things right so tell me about these books look at these these these are documentation of two events just two events and i rather journal so if anyone uh wants to get the behind the scenes of our strategy how do we do what we do either of these we have others i would recommend chaos of miracles or unknown but not forgotten right this chaos of miracles was back in what is now the drc i went to a town called kequit they had never had any foreign guests they didn't know what to do in fact when i arrived all of our two years of planning hadn't happened because they didn't think i was coming they says no no osborne wouldn't come here and they certainly wouldn't come for lowly pastors like us right so i had to roll up my sleeves and go to work when i arrived god did a supernatural thing it was about 30 kilometers from the airport to the town of kequit and they had like a parade motorcycles all kinds of vehicles people running do you know the sides of the street were lined the whole way people shouting things like god has answered our prayer god has sent help where did they get this a huge crowd enormous crowd probably 120 000 people all crammed together the very first night i ministered people accepted christ shouts began to happen i saw out of the corner of my eye something in the ground it was like in all this red dirt you know and it began to do whip like this and it went up like a pillar and it began and i thought to myself oh no not again this had happened to me in togo a supernatural visitation this wind whipped all the way around that multitude wow and began to fill the air over like an umbrella of this dust i never prayed for the sick i could never give my instructions and the look at this look at this that's the day yeah there was a miracle wind that began to blow wow first person that came up to testify an adult threw a child up there six years old who had never walked i ever prayed he's the one that broke it all loose he began walking his mother was holding the stick that he used to walk he is serious about receiving her miracle amazing things amazing things so so that that that's a great testimony of miracles chaos of miracles you can't control the supernatural don't ever try to control and you know what that's that's a really important part about chaos of miracles so many so many mistakes have been made with ministers ministries trying to keep make it all nice and neat and keep it on a little box holy spirit doesn't work that way it works that way and you can't make a formula out of the supernatural all right so as you're talking today i'm hearing our audience i know that people are they're so excited and they're hearing these stories they've never heard of and maybe they're hearing them again for the first time um you know i there are people out there that one the most powerful thing you said to me today in this whole story was your parents went home feel like they had failed but they turned around and came back and and look at what god did so there's i want you to pray for people just look at the camera here ministry people who feel like that they want to be involved they want to do things but oh well i've done this or oh i had a divorce these things so please take it next week thank you thank you for this and i know many people are suffering we're in a we're in a season there's we've come through a season of real confusion a lot of pain people have been sick people have prayed for their friends or family and then they've died they have questions how did this happen what went wrong and faith has the potential of being eroded through circumstances like we're in now but i i am here as a as a witness the power of god is always available and his ability to step into our circumstance not only to heal us and to restore us and to excite our faith but to cause us to become his representatives in every area of our world i want to encourage you i want to encourage you you if you are a believer in jesus christ you are filled with his spirit you have authority you have the word of god i want to encourage your faith be bold you know this is a time for individual evangelism personal soul winning because everyone we talk to we meet in this store we do business with people they're hurting and so we can come in ask how they're doing show compassion tell them about god's love offer to pray for them people generally will not refuse a prayer but it starts with you you must be strong you must be convinced you must see yourself as god sees you amen thank you so much i know you enjoyed today listen i want to just remind you any of these products we want to recommend you go to the website go to get everything this book right here is like i was thinking about this uh ladonna that this is like a uh this is a lifetime of ministry wrapped up in one book and of course ladonna's books uh daisies as well you want to make sure you get there so go check it out want to be a part of it and thank you for watching revival radio tv stay tuned to us to the victory channel and everything we're doing right here until then we'll see you again remember this god loves you we love you and jesus is lord you
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 2,487
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Gene Bailey, Revival Radio TV, Eagle Mountain Church, Faith, Revival, awakenings, miracles, history, prayer, TL Osborn, Daisy Osborn, LaDonna Osborn, Muslim Revivals, miracle journey
Id: N73GEwPklvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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