TL and Daisy Osborn’s Miracle Journey

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welcome to revival radio tv i'm your host gene bailey wow so many great things are happening in our world right now this really is the great awakening don't don't you feel it i know you do well today you're in for a treat today we're going to talk about something that's very near and dear now you guys know i love going back and talking about history of revival and revivalists but today you're really in for something really special let me ask you a question who's the founder and overseer of more than 60 ministries a thousand churches in 50 nations here's another hint she has tremendous outreach training for ladies her home base and international gospel centers in tulsa oklahoma figured it out yet no well come along with me because you are going to love this in genesis 26 18 it tells us isaac dug again the wells of abraham [Music] for those of you who may be too young to recognize t.l osborne and those of us who didn't see him often the ministry of t.l osborne and daisy osborne along with their daughter dr ladonna osborne has walked out targeting the unreached in over a hundred nations the osborne's pioneered mass miracle evangelism they have preached to huge groups of people with god confirming his word with astounding miracles jesus said in john 20 21 peace be unto you as my father has sent me i also send you the ministry has provided financial assistance to over 30 000 national missionaries who planted churches worldwide they provided tools for evangelism including documerical films in nearly 70 languages sermon recordings in nearly 90 languages gospel tracts and 132 languages and battery operated audio players and even four four-wheel drive vehicles that were equipped with projectors generators portable screens and public address speakers their goal is to get the gospel out in the most remote areas of the world in addition to her other work bishop is mother of six and is also president ceo of osborne ministries international founded by her parents so let's meet bishop dr ladonna osborne ladonna thank you it's so wonderful to be with you i know everybody watching at home is really excited about talking to you and let's we're you know we want to get some inside scoop in the one and you are you are definitely the one and you know tl was obviously and your mother were really we call them god's generals like uh robert saladin is coined that term so many years ago uh i want to know from you when you think of mom and dad it's just a personal question i want to know what's the first thing that comes to your mind that's a hard question our the culture of our family was always evangelism and it was among the unreached so when i think of my mother and father i think of creativity obedience focus on christ i think of them as being people who who were not answering to anyone but christ and courageously doing whatever he told them to do so i i think of them as as great models of faith right in in serving the lord serving their generation so what is a culture i'm going to ask you to go a little deeper what's the culture of evangelism at home what is that like a culture is is what has imprinted us what we think is normal right so we understand that in our culture here in the u.s different parts of the u.s we understand that term but our in our family when you consider that we began traveling as a family when i was nine months old wow and we would go from nation to nation by boat or old prop plane uh in those days you didn't have to buy a round-trip ticket to obtain a visa so we would go and we would live for months in one area work with the pastors set up these great evangelism events and then move on so our our family culture was built around doing the work of christ and proclaiming his gospel to people so that was really that's all you knew growing up that's all i knew i have forgotten more miracles than most people have ever seen when you think that today uh often well i suppose any time children might have been the center of a family right or a property or traditions we never had traditions we were every day we got up we had breakfast we we had family devotions every day we we went to the market we boiled our water and and washed our clothes in the river and and then in the afternoon we were having miracle crusades so this was our norm because you see in those days you couldn't even really make international calls right that's right yeah so we would set up we would be there we would get our mail at the general post office in that town and and um handle work so that was part of the ministry was the administrative work published magazines we did everything from the field yeah and so so that that's what really imprinted me and i thank god for that legacy and you know that's really interesting because you talk about your mother really bringing you guys into it at an early age you were learning the ministry without realizing you were learning ministry you're so right yeah and it's interesting about my mother because in that day there were other healing evangelists i'm sure you've talked about them with your people and so that during the tent revival the the rise of the healing ministry in really it was the uh mid to late 40s right and all of these wonderful ministries none of the wives were involved right their responsibility it was assumed that their job was to keep a good home when their husband would come home have a peaceful place they would raise the children right and somehow my mother was different the lord talked to her and he said now this is after jesus had appeared to my father which we may talk about in more detail but it was some time after that maybe a year the lord visited my mother and said i'm going to take your man to the ends of the world with my gospel wow and you have a choice you can stay at home you'll have a fine home your children will have the finest education you'll lack for nothing or you can listen to this terminology it's so it's so 40s or you can go with your man and have a part in the ministry wow did you know my mother was probably in her early 50s when she discovered that what god had said was not t.l osborne's ministry it was christ's ministry right wow that's good so you see ev every lesson builds on the next so uh she chose to go but when jesus appeared to him and here i have been fasting and praying as much as he had and i had the two babies and the t.l osborne of that epoch you know he just didn't wasn't too involved in housework and babies and all that he he was reserved for the ministry where i could be in the ministry and do all this see when he tells me that jesus appeared and all that jesus told him and i'm thrilled because this is wonderful so i continued my search for another two weeks and he'd keep saying honey you gotta eat you've got to eat well he never told me before you got to eat he said you got that i kept on fasting and kept on praying until the lord talked to me that's why see i go with t.l i go before t.l i go with t.l i go after t.l but it was a choice for me to this day he hasn't formally invited me to go with him i chose to go she chose to go and so she told my father our first mission was in jamaica and she told my father the children and i are going with you i was nine months my brother was about two and a half wow and my father said oh no i don't know what we're going to find there i don't know if it'll be safe i don't know where we'll stay so so so no i don't think that's a good idea well she said yes we're going with you and they went back and forth finally he said um okay i'll just go ahead and as soon as i have a place i'll send for you right and she said uh okay you go ahead but wait at the kingston jamaica airport because the children and i will be on the next flight oh wow now this gives you a little flavor a little a little insight to mom you remember i said courage yes they both demonstrated courage that was beyond the norm of the day so she was really uh a pioneer really for women's in that time for women to be involved in she really was a pioneer so she when we consider the entire work of their lives she was the she was the i won't say the brains but the administrative make it happen for us in the ministry he was the visionary he was the thinker he was the preacher the theologian the passionate one who would take the gospel and many many methods to get it to people then she would make it happen now reverend osborne is here he has a special message for you today the bible says that faith comes to you by hearing god's word forever now we're happy to turn the rest of this service to tls bring your friend and his interpreter peter davis let's talk about let's talk about miracles first when i say miracles tell me your earliest memory of a miracle with your mom and dad miracles were the norm when you imagine that every day of my life from babyhood i'm hearing the gospel of christ preached i'm seeing sick people right i'm smelling disease i'm hearing the groans of people i'm seeing mothers with their hopeless babies in these circumstances where they have no hope they have no clinic they have no pain relief they have nothing that's been my view the multitudes of the world that are lost and to hear the good news of christ proclaimed that is that that is where you bring light you bring hope and then of course you know we never laid hands on people my father nor mother ever claimed a gift of healing right but they would announce the promises of god and pray for the people in mass that was a breakthrough for them when they learned how to do that no one had ever done it exactly that's what you need to understand when you see these old film my folks did it the same as oral the same as a allen the same as all of them we had prayer lines and people who were sick would have to come to a teaching at least three times and they had a card and they'd put the date and get it punched right and then they could get in a prayer line right i mean there was a system to it sure so my folks started that way as well isn't this wonderful to reflect on how far we've come yeah and how faithful god has been to keep never getting impatient with us but if we desire to do his will how he how he works with us and keeps teaching us stretching us yeah amen i got a picture here uh this is uh your mom and dad when about when was this do you mean that that was close to their wedding they were married in 1942 so that would have been what they looked like yeah all right so they talk about a failure at the start of their ministry what happened well they were both born again at the age of 12. he in oklahoma she in california and um they met each other through wonderful providence i won't go into all of that but they married then at 17 and 18. and they began doing what all pentecostal young people called to the ministry did in those days they started holding revivals they ended up pastoring in oregon and a missionary came to their church talking about the needs in india and that really touched my parents and so my father he's from the farm he's a logical thinker he says well there's more preachers in america than there are in india we need to go there and help so they resigned their church sold everything packed up their baby he was um he was six months old and they took a freighter to india this is in 1945 wow right at the end of world war ii and we who consider history in this this was just at the time that that mahatma gandhi was leading the peaceful revolution for independence against the colonial rule of britain right who had been there for 100 years and so they saw the masses they saw the need but they were so ill-prepared they didn't know what a muslim was they didn't know what a hindu was we went to india to help those poor people we had heard how poor they were and we thought well if they don't know about jesus the people over here in america they have a chance to know why not help them there's more of them than they needed so we went by that time we had our little boy he was 10 months old and and so we we we sold everything we had and when we got out there that the people were so kind to us you know india is the most beautiful country the most beautiful people and uh i what stumped me with the little market places where we'd go buy some rice or bread or our vegetables head greet me good morning brother osborne brother oliver and i thought this pagan praise god today isn't the lord well i just didn't expect them to talk like that and pull those kids out none of me i didn't know what to do i began to figure what am i supposed to tell so i just had what we got to tell them about jesus so i told him about jesus yes they thought jesus was a wonderful man well i thought where am i going to go from here they said oh and they told about their quran and they told about the teachings of muhammad and how many of the teachings of jesus they thought were so wonderful i thought wow where'd i go from here well i told him about his miracles yeah they knew he was a healer i didn't know they believed he was a healer yes they believed in his milk hear me try and convert these pagans right look what am i what am i going to convert them to then i began to get closer and i found out i thought well if thou shalt confess with your mouth jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god is raising the dead thou shalt be saved okay i knew that's what they got to believe so i told him yeah it's wonderful he was born of a virgin no no no conceit of the holy ghost no no no no died for our sins no no no his blood was divine no no no god raised him from the dead the third day no no no then i saw where we were at here's what daisy and i had to discover how do we prove this to these people that this jesus is alive they said prove it and we'll believe it the best words ever spoken to us what we did when they said that well you we got our bibles you bet i said we'll show you we'll take you to the scriptures and show you here we went i'll tell you they got their book here come their quran they laid it there you can match letter to letter both of us had black men i said what's that they said the holy quran the word of god given by the mouth of its prophet holy prophet muhammad i said who's muhammad jesus i know yeah on i looked at that wow boy i come to life then i was ready to fight no the bible is the word of god man i grew up the bible belt i thought the whole world had sensed enough know the bible was the word of god so i laid it there and they both had gold print on it we couldn't prove it we read it but they said no it says this our said this which was right i couldn't prove it and right then days and i made the decision we talked we said let's get out of here [Music] my father had no proof of what he had just told the young man without the bible right being decisive as they were another lesson we learned they sold everything they had brought packed their little boy up and came home my i wish every minister would go home if they don't know how to relate to people if they don't get results that mirror the ministry of christ we don't just go to debate religion and argue so they so they came home and my father of course made this promise i'm sure it was sincere at the time he told my mother i'll never take you from these shores again that didn't quite work the same way so they came home heartbroken disappointed feeling as failures they had gone with all this steam and they couldn't do anything so they began pastoring again and but it was at that point in their in their brokenness that they began to pray and they prayed a prayer every day for one year and the prayer was simply lord how do we convince people of other faiths that you are who you say you are the bible is your word and jesus is who he claimed to be right how do we one year they pray that isn't that wonderful you see they had a target of desire that was the right focus right god wants to convince people that his son is the savior right redeemer alive today that's god's heart oh that people would know christ so it happened that they at that time uh many of the the old uh i don't know really what to call them um the charles prices the the wigglesworth these that were pioneers the statesmen now yes of that earlier generation they were elderly and they began dying and my father was troubled by that you know what's going to happen they're all dying and he didn't get to meet them so they they were going to go to a convention where charles price was the speaker right they were so passionate to hear they were on their way halfway there they heard that brother price died and the stand-in minister was had he hammond well they didn't know hattie hammond of course you do most of our our friends uh would know them would know her and so they decided to go ahead and go now i'll tell you something funny the reason they decided to go because they didn't really want to hear her right they already had their offering ready to give oh really so in that in their sincerity and their there's a lesson in that time i'm telling you you don't just go somewhere to receive and not bring it all free so that was it was different than we teach it today right but it was the essence of of of a good a good a good obedient action and so anyway uh hattie hammond preached that night if you ever see jesus you'll never be the same so is this where the vision came in yes okay so tell me the very next morning all right you got to you got to listen to this part this is the key amazing this is the key the next morning jesus walked in to my parents bedroom wow now who can explain a vision i mean jesus can do what he wants to do he reveals himself right the way the way i have always understood it my mother got up by this time i've been born and she takes care of the children feeds them breakfast he stays on his face on the floor in that bedroom until late in the afternoon weeping couldn't stop the tears didn't didn't know what was happening to him but when he came out of that room gene my mother looked at him and said i know i have a new husband wow he was transformed and he said uh that you have to go in the context this is in the 40s sure before this is still in the denominational era there was no other church beside a denominational church and my father says i am no longer a denominational man i am a jesus man wow so this is another one of those courageous responses to revelation because at that time if you weren't in a denomination you were just you had nothing yeah you were nothing you didn't even think that way yeah there was no no context for serving the lord outside of of the local church which was part of a denomination so when my father saw jesus they they made a decision i wish i wish every young especially young ministers who are who are desiring to help their world they made a decision to read the four gospels matthew mark luke and john and the book of acts and they approached it with the commitment that they were going to forget everything they had been taught wow young people don't think that well no they don't and they were going to read it and what they discovered was jesus he stood up from every page they heard his words they felt his emotions they saw his response they saw his will he saw his compassion his forgiveness his healing his authority his gracious words how he dealt with the religious system of the day how he dealt with tradition how he dealt with the outcast how he dealt with women how he how he responded in the in the confines of of oppressed israel right and then they went into the book of acts and they discovered that after jesus modeled and then after he fulfilled his mission through his sacrifice his burial his victorious resurrection the giving of the spirit jesus spirit then they saw a whole new generation the continuation of jesus ministry through those who had his spirit who simply obeyed him and that now you already know that my father simple logical thinker decisive yeah that's all they needed yeah that's the proof look jesus is the same the hallmark scripture of the entire ministry has always been jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever so if he would do it then he does it now and that will convince the world that jesus is who he says so miracles are not only the bait we advertise miracles yeah and they are the they are the proof that the message of christ is true jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever i'm holding in my hand a copy of the new testament everything i read in this book concerning the great miracle worker is unchanged today first the ministry of the great miracle worker jesus christ is unchanged today we're living in a day of changing time changing regulations churches change preachers change they tell you the ministry of jesus christ never changed jesus was a miracle worker he's the miracle worker today the same as he ever was do you believe it something that really stands out to me what you just said he logically went through the scripture put off what he thought it may be and really came in with an open mind that's so that's really so key and it was logical if he did it there he can do it with me and uh and uh okay so this is uh another picture and you i don't know if you can see and holding the crutches up this is this picture right here holding the crutches up here in the background uh this is what happens when you pray in mass yeah the miracles happen now there's no you know when you look at these old films there's no there's no place for people to form a healing line if they wanted to have one no and you see our style you look at any of our mass crowds we had no isles we had no chairs we had no open space to keep people away they came right up to the platform we touch people we don't keep them away yeah and and so when you see these miracles all we see is the testimonies that start coming across the platform right that's the way they start crutches in the air people shouting because over here some blind person's eyes come open and everyone around is screaming and then over here somebody's starting getting up off of bed and walking and so you've got all this context of the miraculous it's what and then people believe well donna i i can't believe we're out of time so far i mean i know you've been enjoying listening to bishop dr la da osborne talk about her parents especially t.l we're going to get into more next week so you don't want to miss a bit of this we're going to talk more about the family more about what she's doing make sure you join us right here on revival radio next week into this remember this god loves you we love you and jesus is lord you
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 3,472
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: Gene Bailey, Revival Radio TV, Eagle Mountain Church, Faith, Revival, awakenings, miracles, history, prayer, TL Osborn, Daisy Osborn, LaDonna Osborn, Muslim Revivals, miracle journey
Id: S4q4r0Y022g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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