Revival Radio TV Special with Gene Bailey and Hank Kunneman

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[Music] [Music] I gene Bailey here on the center revival radio TV all right the time has come I've been getting emails and phone calls and questions how do I get a revival radio TV mug I see it on the set all the time well look here it is and now you can be part of the crew and have your very own crew mug this is the mug that we use here on the set the crew uses every time we shoot these programs and bring revival radio to you now listen we're not just selling a coffee cup what this is this is your point of contact for when we're praying for revival and an awakening and changing our culture for who Jesus is we want to make Jesus famous in your world right so listen all you got to do the information is right there on the screen and remember every day you pick this up and you pour your coffee or your tea or whatever beverage you put in here this is your point of contact that we're agreeing together in faith for the revival that you want to see get yours can be a part for a revival capital of the world Genesis 2618 tells us Isaac dug again the wells of Abraham in every generation there have been revivals massive lose of the Spirit that changed the course of history in every revival there were believers like you who chose to answer the call to become the one their generation discover your call to be the one generation we're about to take you face to face with history 2020 is a year of great change and listen so many things from the moment we crossed over in the New Year's Day so many things started happening so many things well I wanted to come to you today got a special guest with me that I'm want to kind of approach some of what's happening in the prophetic also in what's happening with this virus and things that have happened what's stirring in the atmosphere if you're like me you got tired of the news pretty quick and so now you're trying to figure out spiritually what's happening in there so please welcome with me my guest all the way from Omaha Nebraska Lord of Hosts Church ain't kutiman thank you sir thanks for joining me virtually on the set and that's an honor to be here yeah great we're gonna get I first off I want to give a little background here and when it comes to revivals here on revival radio TV we talk so much about being the one and reaching out and and doing what it takes to be a light we're in your world and what that means but when all of this happened with the coronavirus and all of that that suddenly took all of our attention I wonder what happened in history when it came to revival and and wow was I surprised as I went back and started looking at either there was a natural disaster or there was some plague that happened now you know my first thought was about John G lake and the bubonic plague that was going on there in Africa but it goes way back to the 2nd 3rd and 6th centuries there was always something happening so I wanted Hank for you to kind of come in and let's start this we're gonna read some scripture and kind of see what the word has to say but what do you think is really happening pastor Hank with what's happening out there right now what I think it's profound what you just said about how history supports the fact that whenever the move of God is happening in the earth or it's in process there's always something that coincides with it like you mentioned either you know some kind of war or catastrophe or something that kind of signaled it at the same time and if you look really at the times when Jesus when you came into the earth or you know you you can look at other examples in scripture where the enemy always responded or reacted because of the glory of God or the visitation of God you know the time that Jesus was born you know obviously it was a dark time in history there was a silent period where the prophets weren't speaking and really declaring in that time and so you know when I look at what's currently happening in this particular time with this virus we have to go back and look at what is God's perspective but I've learned something faster gene that I think is very important that that we as as Christians and viewers understand how God operates you know one of the first things we have to look at is God rolls up his sleeves when it's dark that's when God begins to really show forth his power in a way and that's why what you just mentioned you see the coinciding of different events at the same time that the move of God for example when God created the six days the evening in the morning each time was the first day second day all the way to the sixth day so God rolled up his sleeve the day began in the evening or when it was dark so we always have to look for the hand of God the move of the Spirit God's redemptive plan in every time that there is something that's happening like a tragedy a crisis of war and we have to get God's perspective and I want to draw our attention to Amos 3:7 because we need to ask ourself what is heaven up to in the midst of of crisis in the midst of this virus and this scripture in Amos chapter three verse seven says surely or you can count on it that the way that the Lord operates it says the Lord God will do nothing well nothing means nothing so the Lord God will do nothing except he reveals his secrets unto his servants the prophets so when God is doing something in the earth he won't withhold his secrets or his plan without sharing it with his prophets now we know that prophets do exist because they've been set into the church in Ephesians chapter 4 some were set in apostles profit evangelists pastors and teachers by Jesus it's not a self-appointed title it simply set in by the Lord of the church first Corinthians 12 28 says God set in fact let us go over and look at this because I always say this is God's endtime list of what we need to have in our in our churches and I want to draw attention to this for our viewers to give you hope that God always is speaking and when we see something dark begin to happen God always has a word of light when the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep in the book of Genesis chapter 1 God spoke and said let there be light and so that's why we've got to go back to the word because it brings that light or revelation or understanding clarity and how God operates in what his plan is but it says in verse 28 God has set some in the church now it says first now that word first is the word Greek word proton meaning time rank and order of importance so it starts with the Apostle then it goes to the Prophet now if we stop right there the scripture tells us in the book of Ephesians that the foundation of the church is established upon the Apostle and the Prophet and Jesus being the chief Cornerstone well when you look at that example on the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17 you see Jesus as the cornerstone of the church and who do you see with him you see Moses who is a type of an apostle because he you know was a father he governed you know the whole nation of Israel and then on the other side of him was Elijah so you had the Apostle and prophet standing by Jesus the lord of the church as the chief Cornerstone the pillar of cloud by day and the fire by night was another example of what I just shared out of the book of Ephesians and right here first apostles second profit the pillar of cloud was a type of an apostle because that cloud protected it governed it helped to guide and to move the people in the direction of what the Lord wanted that's what an apostles function is in Scripture plus they're given two signs and wonders like Moses was and that's 2nd Corinthians 12:12 the mark of an apostle is found in signs and wonders then what did you see at night you saw the pillar of fire right and that is the type of the prophet's ministry because they have an ability to shine light or revelation in times of darkness like what we're seeing so going back to 1st Corinthians 12 28 God set some in the church first apostles second prophets then thirdly teachers after that miracles so what comes when the apostles and prophets begin to align and they begin to speak and the teachers begin to take what the apostles and prophets are saying and break it down miracles begin to break forth healings begin to manifest and then you see helps governments and diversities of tongues so I'm saying all of this because God's communicating to us he's speaking through his prophets that's why the scripture of the Lord shared pastor Jean for this year 2020 was second Chronicles 2020 it says believe the prophets and you'll be established believe the prophets and you will prosper right so it's interesting it's 20/20 send Chronicles as well as this year because everything that God is doing right now is pointing to this move of God a revival a Great Awakening that's hitting this planet and we are right in the beginning stages of this so this is why this is important and I think it's profound the other thing I'd like to interject is how God in times of crisis functions I want us to look at Ezekiel 7 because I'm saying all of this because either we have a choice we can believe God's prophets who come from the throne room or the high places First Samuel chapter 10 said the prophets were coming from the high places well the high places today would be the place of the spirit or the throne room they there to represent what prophecy is in its simplest form it's God's heart his mind his will and his intent and so once we identify what God's heart is his mind will and intent agenda then we can begin to communicate that the problem is the devil also has prophets and when people listen to the news all the time and they begin to repeat what the news is saying based on a spirit of fear okay or it's it's motivated by things that are happening in the earth that oftentimes doesn't carry the Lord's perspective we can't repeat all of those things or we're just cooperating with the enemy and so Ezekiel chapter 7 verse 26 says something very interesting that God has laid out in times of crisis and and I always like this particular scripture I gotta find the Book of Ezekiel here and it talks about how the Lord hasn't left us without a perspective and he hasn't let that left us without a proper view so you know I want I want us to see this here it is okay let's go to the Book of Ezekiel and it says in verse 26 this is really interesting go ahead you and I did not talk about this but you started off in and I'm gonna have to interrupt you because something you said last night we were talking about being up in the wee hours of the morning and this scripture read this week and it's for something I've read it before it's a very familiar scripture and you said it you referred to something you didn't read the scripture but Jeremiah 33:3 which is calling to me and I will answer you show you great and mighty things but in the New Living that says ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you not know about remarkable secrets and that's that's first scripture you read was about the secrets so what this says to me yes and correct me here if you think I'm if you disagree but it says it doesn't say ask me if you have the gift of prophecy and you pastor a church and I'll tell you remarkable secrets it just says ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you know there's such a move of the prophetic obviously in your own personal ministry and your church we're seeing there's been this resurgence of the prophetic ministry like never before and I just want to encourage you watching go back and read Jeremiah 33:3 in your own time and I actually heard Rick Renner that this week talking about prayer is ask God for that and he'll tell you things I want you to do that this is the time yes we have to be in the word but ask God to show you these remarkable secrets so last night as I went to bed pondering this and I said Lord show me secrets I want remarkable secrets to be I want to know those things and what I woke up with was not some huge thing but what I come up woke up this morning Hank with these words you're beginning to see a surge in the prophetic ministry like never before you will see then but causes this time that we're in and you're you know you're so much a part of that but these secrets these secrets are the things that we need to see we have access we have insider information just to see what God is doing it's very true I had to share that but I want to keep going now you see well no but you know well no let's let's let's talk about that because it's so important and you know there's the office of the prophets set in by Jesus which they're gonna be at a higher level of authority and grace and revelation information that's why Ezekiel 7 verse 26 is I was drawn your viewers to says disaster upon disaster or crisis upon crisis or even rumors about then they're gonna seek a vision from the Prophet so that's the prophets office that foretells and and that's important that we understand what are the prophets seeing and what are they saying absolutely now the simple but but Jeremiah 33:3 I always say is God's phone number you know if you want to call God go to Jeremiah 33:3 and but here's a beautiful thing on the day of Pentecost God shows us that the believer has the ability to tap into the secrets of God it also reveals three primary ways that God speaks prophetically and so I want to encourage you that are watching that you here from God just like pastor Jean said you can you can hear the secrets of heaven how does it come well it comes by God communicates primarily three ways something you hear something you see or something you feel on the day of Pentecost they could hear something there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind so that's something that you you hear then something you can see there was tongues of fire that settled upon their heads so that was something that you could see but then there's something that you can feel or perceive they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak now what's important about that is God communicates something you hear see or feel Peter gets up on the day of Pentecost and begins to declare acts 2 16 and 17 this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel then in the last day saith the Lord I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and watch this your sons and daughters will prophesy in other words they're gonna hear the secrets of the Lord and so there's going to come an increase of prophetic revelation and information coming and so we need to be turning off the news getting with God and let him begin to share his secrets so you know we have to look at something and I I call this the prophetic thread you know when things happen in the earth if you look at it also the way that God operated through prophets or prophetic people is when the whole nation or the trend would go a certain direction and especially he was motivated by fear God was never found in that and so let me give an example you can look at Scripture and see when the people were partying and and and and living it up man the prophets would come with a contrary word and you can find that example in 1st Kings 22 when there was 2 Kings Jehoshaphat and Ahab wanted to go to war with Syria and they were asking should we do this and josaphat said well we need to inquire of the prophets of the Lord and they have had 400 prophets of the Lord the problem is they became prophets of the land and they began to repeat what was happening on the earth what the king wanted to hear and they prophesied a word became a popular trend among the prophets they celebrated it one prophet Zedekiah put horns on his head and began to really act powerful like yes go to war and you're gonna be victorious well it was the wrong word and I can see a lot of times where wrong words are being prophesied and said based on human fear based on what the media is saying and mkhaya was one of those prophets in first Kings 22 he was the only one that prophesied the true word of the Lord so most of the time you know like we're seeing with this virus most of what's being produced 'ok ated and declared and prophesied are supposed to happen I'm sorry but the contrary is going to be found out to be true and that is in the midst of all of this God is prophesying there is a move of my spirit and awakening coming to this planet and it's already in process and the enemy doesn't like it that's right a man so he's cut trying to counter it yeah that's good so good okay keep going okay so you know Jesus said something in Luke 21 verse 26 and this is the the thing that we always have to look for it's what I always say if you're gonna prophesy a word of warning you got to know what spirit you're of that's what Jesus said to 2 Peter James and John when they wanted to call down fire he said look you got to understand you don't even know what spirit you're of so we have to remember something happened in Luke chapter 2 when the announcement of the christ was proclaimed by the by the hosts of heaven and it was this peace on earth doesn't mean there's going to be you know necessarily peace between nations or world leaders or whatever it just literally means that God his wrath has been satisfied through what they call the propitiation of our sins the penalty has been paid for through Jesus so now we have peace with God and peace on earth God's extended that Shalom he's extended his goodness and it says here's God's intent goodwill towards men that hasn't changed so in the midst of the virus Jesus and his love was injected into the earth through his death and resurrection that now we have peace God is trying to extend Shalom the first thing Jesus said when he appeared to his disciples was it wasn't hey look you lunkheads you know you're full of unbelief and fear he said he said peace yes and fear not because as long as the Spirit of God is in the earth God always has a redemptive plan or a good plan that's what peace on earth goodwill towards men means God has a redemptive plan in Luke 21 in fact let's look there I want to show us because often times we quote this and Luke 21 and yes it is talking about the return of the Lord but it's the prophetic thread that holds everything together when we are faced with a challenge globally or in our lives in our nation and it's this Luke 21:26 men's hearts failing them for fear right because they're looking after the things which are coming upon the earth now watch what Jesus says in verse 28 and when these things happen look up okay that's perspective right don't look at quit watching the news and getting consumed with what they're saying look up get your Bible out pray in the Holy Ghost get around some faith filled people and then it says in verse 28 for your Redemption draws nigh now we know that's the return of the Lord but it's also a prophetic pattern whenever things happen in the earth like the previous verses that Jesus said in verse 26 it's God's redemptive plan what is God's redemptive plan and it's really where revival comes in and the move of God it means this God always has a plan of help and a plan of hope that's what peace on earth goodwill towards minutes so it's a matter of perspective think about this for a moment in Mark chapter 8 Jesus it's the only time we find him praying for a man twice with it with the sickness he prays for a blind man and one of the anointings that Jesus came to proclaim his recovery of sight Luke chapter 4 to the blind we can be blinded by the events of the day that we don't often see man there's a move of God in the midst right that's you know Mark 6 where Jesus is walking out on the water and it's a visitation of Jesus this is exactly what's happening with this coronavirus a visitation of Jesus is countering it it's in process but disciples were so come consumed with the moment and the storm that they they called Jesus a ghost they they attributed a visitation of Jesus to something being evil right let's translate that to today too many are looking at the virus and they're not looking at the visitation of Jesus yes so going back to mark 8 Jesus takes a blind man the first thing he does jesus said look up again what's about perspective he takes the man out of the city because city is man's perspective it's what man built with the work of their hands their vision their perspective and he leads them out into the open and he prays for his eyes twice in fact I pray right now for you that are watching I just feel like there's an anointing right now one of the things that Elijah the Prophet did is he prayed for the servants eyes to be open because all he was seeing was the amount of of that which was contrary there was a huge army there was you know it looked like things were gonna get way out of hand and the Prophet anointed the eyes of the servant and he saw that there was more heavenly hosts there was more on on their side on God's people's side then what was against him so I prophesy right now to your eyes and I command your eyes the recovery of sight if you've been blinded by fear doubt anxiety or you just don't know what God is doing I speak now in the authority of Jesus Christ and the power of his spirit and I command now your eyes be open now to God's perspective and may there be a fresh touch just like in mark 8 of the man's eyes may there be a fresh touch on your eyes to see God's perspective amen now think about what happened in mark 8 and I'd like to look at that pastor gene if you don't mind in mark 8 if we if we could yes please in verse 22 I think it's important because I want you to see where this it speaks of a prophetic picture of revival he takes him out of the city and I like this in verse 23 took the bland blind man by the hand and led him out of the town again that's man's perspective and he spit on his eyes and put his hands upon him he asked him if he saw anything so God's asking the same question what do you see what are you looking at do you see a virus or do you see a visitation of Jesus do you see a Great Awakening think about it mark 4:16 those that sat in darkness I saw a great light so you can't have a great light until you have darkness that's okay the darkness that's happening is bringing the light or the awakening that we've been prophesying about the intercessors have been praying about you as a believer been listening to the Lord and expecting and anticipating it's now yes so Jesus leads them out and he says what do you see that's the question the Lord's asking what's your perspective and he says I see men as trees walking and after he put his hands again on his eyes again a second touch we need a fresh touch in our eyes that's why I prayed for you he made he made him look up notice Luke 21:28 look up Jesus said your Redemption draws nigh and he was able to see every man clearly or he was able to have a clearer perspective now he saw men walking his trees in other words he saw a movement among men there's a move of God coming among men yes that's why we've got to have a fresh perspective and not the virus perspective okay we have to understand that Korona means the Crown's son well don't let the crown false son correct take away from the Crown's son of God and his glory and his visitation that is coming on this planet at this time they men in Korea with it let me know if I could continue I do want to be sensitive to please please okay let me show you another example of a perspective and this this virus and why we've got to have the right perspective and why God always is operating in the contrary especially when something is being moved upon by fear in the book of Joel chapter 2 I've heard people quote this and and they they they only quote part of it and and the problem is they don't they don't see it for what it really is saying and in Joel chapter 2 it says in verse 2 and and this is pointing to the move of God but notice at the time that there's darkness like I quoted to you those that sat in darkness Matthew 4:16 saw a great light you can't have a great light unless there's darkness Isaiah 60 arise shine the light has come darkness covered the earth gross darkness covered the people so there was light and darkness happening at the same time but light always overcomes darkness so we're gonna see a major move of God and a great awakening of a revolution of light overcome what we are facing right now amen but Joel chapter 2 people often quote this faster and it's what I call the doom and gloom and it does say that there's a day of darkness and of gloominess we don't have our head in the sand we know that it's an evil day and and and people often quote Matthew 24 the birth pains and they talk about how there will be wars so if you say well you know what what's it gonna look like in the end times well Wars rumors of wars they'll say earthquakes in various places nation shall rise up against nation nations will be in perplexity and so on but they forget to keep reading because in verse 15 it gives us hope those are all birth pains that I just shared with you right but Matthew 24 verse 15 says this gospel which is the good news shall be preached or promoted and then the end shall come so we've got to understand that one of the things that's going to lead to the return of the Lord is the revelation of the understanding of the goodness of God when you understand the goodness of God in the end times it's what leads men to repentance it's not a virus that's supposed to you know beat us upside our head and bring the fear of God in us right yeah I believe there's a certain getting your house in order sure and and reflection and a repentance but really it's to point to something the goodness of God and so here's why goodness and glory always go together you think about it it takes an anointing to promote the good that's why Jesus said I'm anointed to proclaim in Luke 4 okay the gospel I'm anointed because it's not popular it's it's easy to go the way of evil and and all only report that prophesy that declare that or fear Jesus in Luke 4 had an anointing yes you have an anointing I have an anointing to proclaim the good now here's why goodness and glory go together Moses wants the the the deeper intimate things of God and in Exodus 33 we'll get to Joel 2 here I'll make I'll bring it back to this but in Exodus 33 he says god I want to see your glory I mean that's the cry of all of us I want to see your glory I want a visitation I want revival I want the move of God I don't want this virus but but here's what what God the first thing he says that's connected to the manifestation of his glory Exodus 33 18 I want to see your glory that's that's what he cried out for verse 19 the next verse God says the first thing I will cause my goodness to pass before you think about second chronicles chapter 5 verse 13 we always quote this the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever yeah that's what we need to be saying not this virus is going to keep enduring right no the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever and then that word then appears right after that in Scent Chronicles 5:13 then the house was filled with glory sent Chronicles 6 verse 1 the very next verse if you keep reading the sequence of set Chronicles 5:13 you flip over and you see second Chronicles 6:1 Solomon says this thick dark Shekinah glory clout is God so God appeared in darkness when God called Moses into the cloud in in Exodus 20 verse 21 the Bible says that God called Moses into the thick darkness where he was when God came down upon Mount Sinai the Bible said it came with thick dark clouds lightning and thunder and hail okay it was a display but it wasn't when it was all bright and wonderful it and so what am I saying God it appears out of the midst of darkness or when you see something like this at your beginning point of this wonderful broadcast together is that's why Wars and tragedies and crisis always coincide with the glory of God that's how God appears it sets him up to appear right look at Joel - okay it's a day of darkness a day of gloom eNOS so we think okay right there Hank it it's a day of doom and gloom yeah but keep reading it's a day of clouds and thick darkness those words clouds and thick darkness in the Hebrew is the exact same words used for what I just said to you in the book of Exodus 19 and 20 where God came down and sent Chronicles 6:1 and thick darkness in the clouds of thick darkness so we're being set up pastor gene for an amazing time get our eyes off the virus get our eyes off all the things that are being said and start seeing Jesus walking on the water that's right in the midst of the storm bringing a visitation tour and an awakening globally hidden in your life as well maybe these are great times these are the most exciting times I agree all right so hanka before we go too much further I want us to get to that prophetic word that you had earlier on quite a while back was about the decade of difference I can't ever since you shared that with me that really been resonating in my ears the decade of difference and what yes means to us as believers is amazing please share that with the people again okay all right I'd love to and you know in fact it's so awesome that I'm on this broadcast with you and with brother Copeland because you know he was the first preacher that I ever listened to back in 1984 when I got saved and I've been cutting my teeth on him ever since but I was flying to meet with him for a couple days of prayer in the book in the month of August of 2019 and I asked the Lord a question I said God I've got a no because I'm getting ready to meet with brother Copeland what are you saying about this year coming and and what is it that's on your heart again that's what prophecy is God's heart mind willing intent and the Lord spoke to me in the airplane heading into Dallas he said Hank don't just look at it as the year 2020 look at it from the standpoint that you're entering into a new decade and this decade shall be known as the decade of difference and so I didn't know what that meant and I said well Lord you've got to explain this decade of difference so then prophetic utterances began to come or the Lord began to identify what he was saying but he gave me an analogy that I want to share with you that are watching today and it's based out of this in Luke 17 verse 21 Jesus says as in the days of Noah so shall it be that the coming of the Son of Man okay so in other words it's a prophetic application of something that historically and literally took place Noah's Ark but now there's another flood that's coming it's the flood of the move of God so when the Lord spoke that to me said I want to give you another prophetic application that goes along with this decade of difference let's go to the book of Exodus chapter 8 and I want you to see because this is profound and I'm gonna give you reasons why this is profound and it's gonna give you incredible hope because again it's God's redemptive plan God's a good God he's extending mercy and goodness and he's always coming with a plan of health and hope does it mean he doesn't warn if God warns there's always a plan of help and hope that we need to look for to follow so in Exodus 8 you can see in verse let me look at it here in verse 22 now the King James uses the word sever but in many of the translations it says and I will sever or I will put a difference in that day in the land of goshen in which many my people dwell then no swarm of flies shall be there and this was the first time that there was a distinction because up until this point it didn't say that God was bringing a separation or a distinction but now the finger of God shows up and when you read that about the finger of God showing up that the magician's could not emulate the finger means God's justice the Justice of God shows up God steps in and so now we look at verse 23 and God says I'll put a difference between my people and thy people tomorrow and and this shall be the sign and I like verse 24 and the Lord did so we're seeing that the Lord is doing he is moving in the midst of this virus and he's bringing a decade of difference meaning good now there's three things that will define this decade Moses is crying out to God he says Lord how are the people gonna know in other words what's gonna be the difference that they're gonna understand that I'm really led and appointed by you and God gives three things that are gonna define this decade that's why we don't look at the virus we look at the promises and God's redemptive plan number one he says to him Moses he said my goodness will pass before thee so that's the first thing we need to look for is how is God's goodness gonna show up how is God going to knock out the Goliath of the coronavirus well he's gonna do something good he's gonna take a small stone or something significant and we may not even be aware of what it is but it shows up like a you know a simple you know like they're saying a simple I think it was medicine or some a malaria drug possibly or discovery out of Israel but here's the point the point is he said my goodness so that's the first thing second thing he said my presence or my glory will go with you and then here's the great thing okay we're we've got people in their homes right now pastor Gina I've enjoyed I love traveling but I've been enjoying resting that's the third thing first is is my goodness right that'll define this decade second will be God's glory and third I'll give you rest we're coming into arrest and we're supposed to be resting just like Jesus when the storm came in mark for he was resting that's his position he was sleeping on a pillow okay and that needs to be our position too so this is the decade of difference but may I continue I just want to make sure these go ahead I only need two okay okay now let's talk about this my glory my goodness my rest now it's interesting that we're about to enter into the first Passover of the decade you think about that the first Passover of this new decade and and I believe in all my heart where brother Copeland said that this thing is not going to last as long as what they're saying it's going to be over sooner than we think well we had just listened to brother Hagin that first message and suddenly the word of the Lord came to me so I jumped up grin got my notepad and wrote it down 9:20 for this disease called Co DV 19 will be over much sooner than you think Christian people all over this country praying have overwhelmed it give me all the glory set the spirit of grace and many many people will come to know me through it I'm still lord over this nation I'm on the throne and faith in me changes things what a word from God what a prophet of God and and and and and I'm telling you people are signaling that something is going to happen significant perhaps around the time of the month of April here and the time of Passover and you know why I believe that I wouldn't this is just my own my own guests or perspective I wouldn't put it past how the Lord is doing this I'm going to show you why it's the decade of difference that's what my point will be but I want to say before I make my point think about it for a moment it wouldn't surprise me if we are we all in our homes on Good Friday right okay Passover time and God strikes and here's what's interesting and I'm going to draw attention to this the last three plagues that God you know struck his hand was against the Sun God of Egypt yes that's right there were locusts is that blocked out the Sun yeah light and darkness and then of course the last one happened at midnight when it was farthest away from the the Sun God raw that was their their crowns son it was it was the the Sun God and so the last three plagues God struck at him because Pharaoh had an attitude and a mockery that's really been on some people today that they don't think that they need the Lord they think we're you know Christians are crazy yeah and he threatened them in Exodus 10 he said all right Moses you can go and you can take the people with you but he said evil will be before you he was mocking him and threatening him because that word evil in the Hebrew is the word raw which is the name for their Egyptian Sun God he said Rob's gonna get you it's no coincidence that we are facing right before Passover leading up to Passover coronavirus means which means crowns son right and I believe that God is going to bring a judgment against that evil spirit amen I believe just like he did with the last three plagues so let's talk about the decade of difference if God is using this as a prophetic application and I showed you an exodus 8 you can also look at Exodus 10 in Exodus 11 where God made a difference and he specifically said it in fact there were 10 plagues but 10 times God said something this is where revival comes in he said 10 times when these plagues were happening I'm doing this with this with this separation or this difference so that you will know or the world will know that I am the Lord Wow that's what this is all about not about coronavirus it's about the Crown's son of God that the earth will know that on the Lord now let's talk about the difference there were plagues in the time of Egypt in Israel okay there's a coronavirus today there was fear can you imagine the fear that must have happened in those days today people are in fear they were quarantined to their homes people are being quarantined in their homes today now keep in mind God spoke this back in August of 2019 on the way to meet with brother Copeland it'd be the decade of difference even on our victory thong right I shared a little bit about this and and and brother Duplantis even mentioned it and here's another thing they had to get their house in order and they had to focus on the blood of the lamb how many people today are are are pleading the blood of Jesus oh yeah there were judgments against the yeah go ahead no no keep going I'm listening alright okay there were there were judgments against the sun-god that I mentioned there's judgment coming against this coronavirus there was Passover where there was a strike I believe it was gonna come it's what brother Copeland I believe was seeing that there is coming an absolute strike of the Lord's hand in fact God prophesied through our ministry that there would be three strikes one in March one in April and one that would follow and I believe we're gonna see this thing be eradicated now here's the good thing in the decade of difference or the difference that God brought between Egypt and Israel some of you might be out of work right now maybe you're in a place you're like well I don't know how I'm gonna get paid maybe you've got a business maybe you're a pastor of a church do you know two specific things came out of the decade of DIF or the time of difference between Israel and Egypt that God is promising us that's going to come out of this situation with this virus you've got to remember Psalm 105 verse 37 God brought them out we are being brought out and we're gonna see the goodness of God in His redemptive plan now that verse continues he brought them out watch this with provision with silver and gold or even a wealth transfer a supernatural supply and provision you need to get in faith for that God is going to make sure that we are being provided for and blessed and it's the year of double we need to expect minimum double they men received it now the last thing there was not one feeble man among them in other words they were not weak they were not frail they weren't sick so this is why God the enemy is striking so hard at the beginning of this decade of difference because he's trying to get us like he did with 9/11 to assume that this is how things are always going to be and God is saying no I'm bringing my presence my glory I'm bringing my goodness and rest and I am bringing my people out to bless them and to bring a massive move of God of healing that's going to be one of the things that's going to mark this new decade praise God man I receive that father thank you Lord we received that we receive your rest your goodness your glory your presence it takes us into this revival this awakening you know it's been interesting Hank to see churches have gotten suddenly very creative how how can we minister to people and I think what we're seeing is the very you know William Brandon would say that he could just look over the side and he would see into someone's life and the perception and I think what we're seeing right now is just a peek over into what this revival really is because right now people are I mean I saw something on social media about the Bible Isle at a at a store that was cleared out because people are interested in what does this mean this is the entitles you know in January we weren't so concerned and you know if and when and you gave that word a decade of difference you're right back in October I think it's when I first heard it or September and I never would have thought what we were about to walk into as soon as we crested over into this decade you know it seems in the natural mind everything seems to be of course it's been shaken and it's scary but something happened this week Hank I don't know what it was I think it was yesterday I woke up with like it's over it told I told my wife Terry I said I don't know why I just telling you this is over it's a done deal we have moved into a new place weaved into a new era and I know brother Copeland even on the air yesterday showing people how to apply the blood over their house and what that meant and what we're doing is creating a berry but what I see more than that is a turn to the prophetic a turn to the supernatural a turn back to God himself to say this is my season this is my time and I'm going to show you things you haven't seen and he's going to reveal those remarkable secrets that we've been looking for what is it that you want to leave people here in the net and we've got about 15 minutes left I want you to really take some time here and you can pray whatever you feel like you need to do let's just let the Holy I don't have anything planned we and plan anything I just told Hank where we're gonna start and we're just well I want to let the Holy Spirit have his way and just take the next few minutes and do whatever share or pray prophesy whatever the Lord's tell yeah sure sure let's you know one of the things I do want to remind the viewers of you mentioned a new era and you know this was in 2015 that the Lord prophesied a word and he said that there would be a former president that would be laid to rest in others that he would pass away and the Lord prophesied and he said went on the very day that that he passes away look for the the ground of your nation will shake United States as a sign that you're entering into a new era and they will look and they will say with this earthquake how can it be that it did not bring this you know destruction that brought you know deaths and things and the day that George Bush senior died there was a 7.0 earthquake in Alaska that happened I think it was like three years later I think was in 2018 now the prophecy that I prophesied was in 2015 so God was already preparing us for a new decade and was giving us signs and I want to just encourage the the viewers to remember that the Lord asked me a question in 2016 and he said to me he said what does the nation look like filled with glory I was walking my two German Shepherds and I said Lord I can't answer that question he said Hank most people they don't understand because they've never seen a nation filled with glory before but he said this is what I'm doing and this is what's moving towards this planet and then he said to me he said when glory comes he said everything begins to change Matthew 17 Transfiguration of Jesus proves that things change when glory shows up but something also glory does when it comes and I put this in my notes is we are often challenged when glory shows up because think about it Pharaoh and his army we're pursuing a nation or attacking a nation when the glory showed up in the pillar of cloud by day and the fire by night and so we're not to be moved all of these things so I pray for you that are watching right now and I decree in the name of Jesus Christ that there comes a calming Spirit of the Lord God himself that begins to manifest to the people today and I pray and I declare Lord that this is the day that the earth will see and know that you are the Lord and so Lord bring this decade of difference where the people will begin to understand that this is what the Lord is saying for there is a time since the Spirit of God that I am moving upon this earth and it is this time and so I say to you that are wondering and expecting for there to be just calamities and shakings can I stand in the midst of shakings and calamity and rest my feet down upon this planet that I have created says the Lord yes and I am for you see I loved this world that I gave my son I loved this world I loved the things that I created but I love the people that I sent my son for therefore watch what begins to take place for there should be a sound once again that shall rise up among the earth and you will see once again how music shall begin to shift and change for this will be a precursor this will be a sign of a new sound being released for sound always precedes the move watch the Lord says this evangelist shall arise and they shall be the least likely of those that you would think would proclaim the gospel and preach my word well the Lord says there will be a deep repentance that shall break forth and I will use the most unlikely once for there will be some who will be world leaders some will be even among the entertainment screens and in the sports too and the Lord says because a global Awakening is taking place upon this planet that the earth will know that I am the Lord therefore watch as I caused it to reign in the natural for there should be rains of cleansing especially in the United States in this season and there'll be winds that will blow with great force and this will be a sign of great winds of change and as these things begin to happen look for the the vein is pointing in a new direction says the Spirit of God and it's in the direction of the move of my hand and of my spirit rejoices that they call a virus shall not have the last say or shall not have its way for I am the God who sets forth things in motion and I am resting my feet and I am striking with my hands as the Spirit of God that this will not draw and be the attention or the center point for you watch what shall begin to arise upon this land for this Passover season is mine and I as I did before I brought a public display over the enemy against the enemy and the risen Christ and God says look to this time again for there will be manifestations that you will see that will be so obvious because the homes you've gathered the stadiums have been emptied the schools have been emptied the workplace has been empty the church house has been empty because God says you are in a time of divine reversal and reset like I did with Hezekiah I brought a divine reversal and I brought a reset and this is my word to my people and to those in the earth today get ready for what will be returning and reset she'll be I'll take those stadiums that are empty I will take the schools that have been empty I will even take the government places that have been empty I'll even take the workplaces in the streets that have been empty and I'll fill it with my glory and there'll be mass gatherings of people across this nation the United States and the nations of the earth and they shall say and you will hear them say great is our God it'll sweep across the land but they will say out of their own mouth Yeshua Yeshua Jesus is Lord this is not a time to be afraid but it's a time to watch and see that the Lord is good and His mercy has come at this time and it shall be brought forth with the manifestation of great glory says the spirit of grace father we receive that word we receive it we take it by faith and we and in this decade of difference to be your men and women of God in this nation in Jesus name Amen amen amen thank you so much and I'm looking forward Hank's gonna be here in person you're actually in your spot here in revival radio where you'll be sitting in person beers virtually in your seat I can't wait we're gonna have a good time so listen I want to say thank you again for being here those of you in the Omaha area look there's a great church right there order this host Omaha will put the all the web information on the screen and you can see it again thank you so much Hank for joining us today thank you it's always an honor I love you and I love [Music] Jeanne Bailey here on the set of revival radio TV all right the time has come I've been getting emails and phone calls and questions how do I get a revival radio TV mic I see it on the set all the time well look here it is and now you can be part of the crew and have your very own crew mug this is the mug that we use here on the set the crew uses every time we shoot these programs and bring revival radio to you now listen we're not just selling a coffee cup what this is this is your point of contact for when we're praying for revival and an awakening and changing our culture for who Jesus is we want to make Jesus famous in your world right so listen all you got to do the information is right there on the screen and remember every day you pick this up and you pour your coffee or tea or whatever beverage you put in here this is your point of contact that we're agreeing together in faith for the revival that you want to see get yours and be a part for revival capital of the world [Music] [Music] you
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Length: 56min 0sec (3360 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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