What did AA Allen teach me?

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when i went through something i tried to make sure my next generation didn't go through that yeah i tried to be the old man to build that bridge right where the one that comes behind me has a way to cross in genesis 26 18 it tells us isaac dug again the wells of abraham welcome back again to revival radio tv glad you're with me today listen you know i've had the privilege of talking to a lot of ministers men and women who've either revival in the past revival now and there's great but you know there's few that stick out as people you just kind of click with you kind of connect with and with me back again today is sam nicks pastor sam nicks sam thank you sir for being here again today thank you so glad and i want if you've had if you don't remember there's people you have go back to revivalradiotv.com and go through all the programs and go back uh we talk about sam's uh testimony we'll recap that a little bit but i want you to see the program that we did with jack code jr before he moved to heaven that was especially one of my favorites so sam real quick let's uh i don't want to take the whole show even though i know i could take like three hours with you let's talk about your history um and what you have to do with revival and the connections you have well my history was god putting me in the right place at the right time at the right season the bible said there's the time and season for everything and i was associated with a allen and i was just associated with jack cole and through them i met a lot of the revival preachers and i was in bible school at brother allen's and from there changed my life and i've traveled in associates and with people that they knew and i want to he's he's given you a very vague uh overview but there's a lot of people that will talk about a.a allen and jack coe and but uh sam master sam here actually you actually lived with him for a while in his house you drove his car you were with him probably more than anybody alive today that i can think of that correct well not more than anybody but i stayed in the home during the camp meetings for 30 days yeah every day we get up and uh have breakfast come home at night but i was there for 30 days during the campaign amazing what a great season when you think back on that time and i'm really going to try not to spend too long here but i can't help but do it when you think back on those nine when you spent 30 days with them there what what memory comes back to you what fond memory comes back to you about hey alan ah the font memories was seeing the man in the pulpit right and seeing the man at home and what was that like well he was when he was out of the pulpit he was always focused on the pulpit and when he was in the pulpit he was totally focused it was amazing we would sit in the morning and have breakfast and he said he would say jesus is a sensationalist he's going to do sensational things and then in service you would see it yeah and then at night when i'd be trying to sleep he would walk around the house oh god heal that lady oh god heal that lady and i would say oh god let him go to sleep but he was always up late at night and then in the morning he would slip that little door back had sliding glass doors in his house and he's let me just get up you know get up we're going to have coffee and we're going to service yeah so that was the amazing thing seeing the dedication commitment commitment to the calling and i you know i never really thought you know originally thinking studying a.a allen and all that he did i didn't realize the man of faith he he had a he had a um had an interesting faith life you know i guess what i'm saying is he tapped into some things in faith that i think a lot of us nowadays have either forgotten through the years or we don't tap into but he really lived this faith i mean i love watching these old videos where you know my one of my favorite is the person who can't eat or drink and he goes bring me a sandwich yes i can do nothing for he just have to stop to death he's too weak to go through surgery and he'll have to starve to death yes just like that now for six months he's been stopping today doctor says he was found to death they can't help him do you mean that my jesus wants this man to starve to death do you believe it's god's will for him to starve oh my lord assures god the body of the word of life the word of god that people might live spiritually god has provided bread that he can live physically in the name of jesus i command you get up [Applause] come here [Music] here's the here's the sandwich how did that milk taste yes he does oh my i was never so excited [Applause] do you believe god's done something for him how many believe the lord's done something for him [Applause] and it's going down how's that taste wonderful that almost makes me hungry right in church hear me sweet how many brief thoughts on something boring can you quit eating just a minute uh i'll wait i'll wait just a minute how do you feel well i feel good i never felt so good in six months already it was instantaneous it wasn't like let me think about this do i want to do this you know he was he absolutely believed these people were going to get healed he really tapped into that i think when a real faith healer when you know where you are alan knew he knew that was that's what he was supposed to do that's why he was there and that's why we were having a camp meeting and he would always say that it's a corporate faith and he'd say when you do it god will do it for for letting people know that he's god it was one important scripture all through the old testament the lord clearly said that the people may know that i am the lord yeah and that was the important thing yeah amen it's a different time a different season than it was in a allen days but i want to go back to start off with traveling with a.a allen and the racism thing when i when i talked to his son paul and when i talked to jack and talk to you i mean uh hey allen really went a lot further down the road combating racism than a lot of other preachers did in that time i know oral followed and of course jack did as well but you know he really he really seemed to be a man who was coming against the racism that was experiencing which was much worse than it is now but what was what do you remember about him when it comes to dealing with racism i can go back to esther the bible yeah and mordecai said to esther he said for such a time as this and that was actually racism where the king wanted to annihilate all the jewish people that's right and mordecai protested he refused to go along with the laws that was his calling some of us don't know why that book was in the bible but to some people we understand why that book was in the bible and he told esther he said we need to do something about this we're not going to sit back and just let it happen he says so if you don't do it somebody else is going to do it right and god raised up different people with different agendas and that was alan's agenda uh alan he felt it and he preached it and he lived it and the funny thing is he used to tell me he said you know what you ought to do you ought to marry a white girl [Laughter] that was funny because the people in his school were from alabama right and this was right after right after the civil rights movement yeah so they um you know people were being hung for winking yep if you winked at a white woman you could go to jail you know it seems impossible to for most people to grasp that today but i mean it really was that bad and yet he he was bold about it he was a fighter that's what fighters do yeah you know if i'm a champion and i'm a fighter i'm looking for somebody to give me a good fight yeah amen okay so here we are today now i speak as a white man i can't help but speak as a white man and so you know there are so many things i don't understand and will never understand because of my color i can i can sympathize with what you must have dealt with and others have dealt with but i sure can't relate to it so help me understand today what do we get we have such an uproar in our nation and it's it's really sad to me that we haven't gotten better at this that we haven't haven't gone further down the road to healing in this very good question i think that um the problem is there because we've only discussed it and then went on to the next subject but the bible says bear you one another's burdens right it didn't say uh put up with one another right he said bear you one another's burdens and so when you look at as a white person right uh i did a thesis when i was in college about racism in the bible and one of my topics was that uh people don't listen they don't want to listen and even if they listen they don't want to understand they just want to say okay i'm listening so let's go on to the next thing but in a husband and wife situation uh when they get married in order for them to get along he has to number one listen to her and then try to understand her and then try to help her right and so what a lot of people don't do is they don't listen um if i mention i went on my facebook before i really knew and i put i was when i saw the man get shot yeah he touched me down in here oh yeah i said oh wow it and it brought back so many memories right going to church yeah i've looked down the barrel of shotguns yeah so when the the guy got shot it did something down it felt like moses right moses saw the egyptian beating that israelite yeah and something happened to moses yeah and i asked myself why does that hurt because it's a repetition of things and it hurts to see that guy and you think about the times i was leaving church and pulled out in my car and police pulled up in the rain pulled the car over put the shotgun to my head so get on the ground they didn't call me pastor nix i said it's raining and i end up after i hear you know another gun went click click another guy got out and three of them i got on the ground in the rain yeah and uh when i went to church oh well we'll pray about it pastor next i'm not coming back to this church anymore because only thing was done yeah we understand we're going to pray about it but it left it hurt me so nobody asked why are you hurting the husband asked the wife okay why what did i say that hurts why did it hurt you yeah so many people they just disrespect you get over it you know we mention it yeah gotta take care of it and that's not the answer so what is the answer beer you want another sperm so explain let's let's explain what that really means how can i what should i do to help bury your burden samaritans were racist jewish were racist against the samaritans right and the man had fallen on hard times so good or bad hard times are hard times you know whether i'm right or wrong if i need help i need help right so the man was by the side of the road and everybody passed him and going oh poor man you know when we get back let's send a sandwich out here you know poor guy you know let's call 9-1-1 and get this guy off the road but one guy said when you hurt i hurt yeah that's what love is so the good samaritan he he stopped and said hey this brother shouldn't have been here maybe he did something wrong maybe he wasted his money maybe he was on drugs but regardless love hides a multitude of that's right so as christians we can talk christ all we want to but like donnie hathaway said where's the love yeah so he took the man and he stopped what he was doing nothing was more important now man you the priest was on his way to the temple so church was important right to the priests but what was important to that hurting man what was important to jesus when the israelites wouldn't accept him he said i'm going to the lost sheep so they took that man and he put him up paid for him and then came back to check on the man and said brother i want you to know that i care about you it's not just lip service i'm not going to toss you a piece of bread how many times do people say i've had people say to me now i'm going to help you fight i'm going to help you get over this and one thing brother allen did he said i know it but i'll help you fight it what did he do well in the bible school there when i first went um most of the guys were from alabama and they had not been exposed to to the different i don't believe in racism i believe it's different cultures or beliefs different nationalities and they wanted to kick me out because when i went to the school i had worked in the printing department and so when i went there they classified me and they said well nick's downing uh two other guys said you guys work in the hay field so you know arizona yeah oh yeah 100 degrees oh definitely easy hundred and i said oh no i i was i said no no no you guys made a mistake no um no i'm working in the front department and he says no you're working in a hay field so i said no no i'm not working in the hayfield i don't know anything about the hay field well they brought the bible to me and it showed me in the bible that ham was cursed and and black people were meant to be slaves so when brother allen came and we finally got acquainted brother allen said oh that's nonsense i said you need to go talk to him and so he kind of even though i kicked against the system i wasn't really kicking against the system i just didn't want to bail hay because rattlesnakes are six feet tall yeah and when you pull that hay back the guys would come back and see how the snakes would jump out at them and i said oh no no i'm i so i refused uh i was labeled and he was always gone so when he came back uh i you know i said i didn't want to tell him because i said all of you guys you know i know i know to do all you guys do this but i said no let me help you understand it's the difference between an individual and a whole race of people right right you know the the problem individual people say i love you but the problem is still with uh how can you do this and have a conscience well the conscience is that you're meant to be a slave so as and when i talk to you don't look me in my eyes because it's threatening me yeah i'm a christian yeah so they had me in the room and they were praying that god would soften my heart to obey them i i had been saved about a month or two and so they were speaking in tongues and praying that i would submit and obey them and work in the hay field i said i don't mind obeying you but i'm not working in the hay field and so the mentality they were right my mentality i was going to leave and go back to doing what i was doing i'm out of here i'm going to tucson getting on the plane i'm headed back to new york brother allen helped me through that and then brother allen used to say well if we had an integrated couple well another reason they want to kick me out myself and thomas downing thomas downing they we looked alike because we were both were light-skinned in black so tom said if sam's not working in a hayfield i'm not working in the hayfield so they would call us in they were saying well you you you spoke to the girls stay away from the girls because you people and this is this is i'm saved now you people and they painted us with the brush this is what you people do you people are wild bears your this your that we don't trust you it was always and so instead of quitting brotherhood says stay in there and fight and so we had to we had to put up with and i admired him because he he was like a coach pushing me so i had to smile he said you go in there and you smile anyway when i'm gone i can't do anything but you smile and then he would do things to me like one day he called me he said take my car go down to my office and do this for me well driving his car to his vacant space yeah nobody parked there right right none of the students nobody went in his office so when i pulled up i mean they were ready to arrest me and everything you know what are you doing in his car when you stole it yeah number two you got the keys to his office check him he's tired if he's at home this guy's killed him you know yeah yeah and they just had a the people had a just uh how did i feel you know it was like that that song in there in the background calling these are christians tongue-talking people calling me this n-word yeah you know he's this and he's that black kid and he's killed this man and uh so when i came back you know i got back home and i said what happened he said how'd it go i said i said you're not right you did that to me you did that to me he said yeah make it tough so he would do things like that and but he would back me up so he got up and preached the whole sermon if i want to have 25 in people in my house it's my business and people are saying i shouldn't have this and if they want it's my business and he got up and defended and said and i'm up there crying shut up and it's embarrassing but he made a point if i tell you paul was ordained by a black man and when they had fasted and when they had prayed and laid their hands on them they sent them away this is where they ordained and sent forth paul and silas there was in the church at antioch certain prophets and teachers at barnabas and simon that was called niger which had been brought up with herod the patriarch and saul and as they ministered to the lord in his niger with the wives ministering to the lord and fasted the holy ghost said said to who all of them including the niger he said separate me barnabas and saul for the work praying to i have called them and when they had fasted and among them was a niger fasting and praying with the white folks they laid their hands on them paul and what ordained him and sent him out to preach the gospel so here's the apostle paul being ordained by black hands being laid upon him after the man who had the black hands had been fasting and praying and they laid black hands on a white man and ordained him to preach the gospel i kind of like this do you listen first corinthians 12 13 for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be jews or gentiles that means white or black or whether we be bound or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit so with god there are no racial barriers and but god there are no social barriers and so i had to live with it i would cry at night and put on my brave face during the day and praise god what would he do today do you think with everything going on in our nation what do you think he'd be saying he would call people out he would get up and preach about it he would do daring things and he would challenge you to do things yeah just like he did but one thing i unders i think he understand he told me i don't know if this is abroad he told me that his mother had a lot of men he told me that his stepdad was half black and he said i see you know having that black pant what the family goes through and i think he kind of fought for that it's it's a love there were why don't you feel what i feel if you if if me and you had done that yeah i would have marched you down to that place i went down to the police change said hey what is the problem right and i think and i look back over my years when i went through something i tried to make sure my next generation didn't go through that yeah i tried to be the old man to build that bridge right where the one that comes behind me has a way to cross yeah amen you know on this program you and i have talked about the great revivals of a allen and we've talked about things happening and things you've seen since then and god's used you it's interesting to me that we we're most believers you can talk to are going to say oh it's the great awakening we're on the edge of this great last great revival but yet over here on the other side we've got this great problem going on with uh race in our country i mean it's it's like rewinding to 1968 and just different clothes on it's the same thing all over again what do what do we do you think this has got to get correct before we see an outpouring yes it had to get correct for moses yeah and get correct for esther had to get correct for uh paul yes he did that's right i was called to the gentiles peter went in there and said you know if i pride you i can be with you yeah but i can't eat with you and paul said no no i'm calling you out right now and he confronted peter they got rid of their racial prejudice and racial pride shall be saved the baptism isn't all together the washing away the filth of the flesh but it's the answer of a good conscience toward god according to first peter 3 21 and i tell you god began to to send judgment nobody come ready for baptism women forgot their wrist watchers and their lovely feathered hats and their fine sunday night clothes colored in the white forgot their complexions they forgot their fine clothes and they began to run down and said my god baptized me baptized me baptized me and some didn't even wait to climb up the steps they jumped over the side they were so anxious to get baptized i said come and help me brother stewart my god i jumped in there with my sunday night clothes on and brother stewart jumped in and together we baptized 385 people in 12 minutes flat 385 people got ready for heaven because they got rid of their racial prejudice and racial pride and i tell you when they got through we had wigs floating all over that water we had false teeth sunk in the bottom of it we had hats everywhere there was jewelry everywhere there was shoes the power of god fell and we had one of the greatest services we've ever had and god healed hundreds of people that night without praying a prayer for those who needed healing take me [Music] follow my away you
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 9,385
Rating: 4.9875002 out of 5
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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