Joan Hunter

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in every generation there have been revivals massive lose of the spirit that changed the course of history in every revival there were believers like you who chose to answer the call to become the one their generation discover your call to be the one generation we're about to take you face to face with history welcome to revival radio TV you are in for a treat today of course I'm your host Jean Bailey and Joan hunter thank you for being on the program I'm excited about being on here yeah we're excited we've been trying to get you for awhile I'm so glad you finally were able to work it into your schedule those of you who don't know who John Hunter was she's the daughter okay now just go with me of charles and frances hunter if you don't know who Charles and Frances hunter are I want you to watch this brief clip and then we're gonna come back we're gonna talk about what God has done watch retired I'm giving you the job I'm gonna come and I'm gonna live on the inside of you I'm gonna fill you with the Holy Spirit of God you're gonna receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit of God then you are gonna be my hands on this earth because my power is in you and you can use the authority that's in my name and how many know that the name of Jesus is above the name of every disease there is no disease that is higher than the name of Jesus there is no disease that has not been healed by the name of Jesus and by the power of God's Holy Spirit praise God for Jesus as a master we're the servant he gets the glory as we do the work sickness does not glorify Jesus and when we go out and just pray for the sick and they don't get healed except on rare occasions that does not glorify Jesus when they stay sick and but if we go out and perform the miracles with God's power in the name of Jesus to glorify the father in the son Jesus then he's glorified by the miracles and by the salvation and the baptism we are the body of Jesus Christ amen but we need to understand everybody put your hands in front of you everybody say those are the hands of Jesus or the hands of Jesus they can do the same things Jesus there they can do the same things Jesus did because his word said something cause there's word so so then say if Charles and Francis can do it if Charles and Francis can do it I could do it too to say if Jesus did it if Jesus did it I could do it too I can do it too as a matter of fact as a matter of fact I could even do greater things than Jesus didn't even do greater things than she word said so because his word says so jesus said if you're a believer that you're going to go out and do the same things that he did and then he said even greater things would you do because he goes to be with his father Wow Charles and Francis honey your mom and dad I want to ask first of all my experience with your mom and dad I was telling a little bit earlier they kind of scared me just a little bit cuz I didn't know what they were gonna do was back in the 70s when I worked at PTL and it was amazing stuff that would happen and I just remember my my first memory of them was people getting the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Mass I mean they would just and then people would get healed and was just electric services now what I want to know from you what was it like growing up because you you said your mom met Charles when you were 16 so what was life like before that that was very interesting up until when I was 12 when we got saved you know you had asked me how long mom and dad have been gone and moms getting ready to be right at the ten-year anniversary and she lived it she died at 93 but she lived two amazing lives one is 49 as a sinner and then the rest of her life as a Christian and trust me they were nothing like each other but when I ever heard this yeah it's it's kind of interesting because my mom was you know smoking five packs a day cussing she can come out cuss any sailor this is charles francis hunter here okay my dad was a sweetness this is how you grew up with that's who I grew up that's who my brother and I grew up with gotcha and and so which which our lifestyle was completely different and so we were so poor at that time that that we would go to garbage cans and dig out food in order to have food on our table but when my mom got saved I loved some of the stories because well my mom got saved like immediately she got her mouth washed out with Holy Ghost soap totally just like never cussed again and then and then she would be she got convict her about the smoking and you know she would drink a martini martinis like they were going out stop God would convict her about drinking and then she quit and then she she was a photographer and typer and things like that and and so she would type and then the habit was after smoking five packs a day you light went in the morning and you put the last one out at night right and you just light it from the other and so she would go like this to reach for the cigarette out of habit and she got smoked anymore you know and she had to break herself of that habit and she slapped her hand by the day or head but she'd smoked a long time years 37 35 years so yeah you know she got just totally set free literally within a month of all of the above and but my when we got saved my brother was already married and out of the house and so his upbringing was totally not in the church you know in different things like that and he had been to a lot of trauma his father died of brain cancer and that my mom remarried married my father who was a narcissist and very very abusive she found out after they got married right and and it caused a real problem where my brother was concerned because he was like five and six years old at the time my father left before I was born came back while my mom was carrying me tried to kill us with a gun and and I've learned and I as part of my teaching I do a lot with trauma cellular memory different things like that we go back to trauma two and not specifically because I don't want to drum up any kind of memories per se but I go back to the trauma that it potentially even started in the womb right at conception and so I go back and and I was told in mid school eight nine years old I was dumb stupid ignorant I would never be able to read or write at the time of this recording I have 18 books out which I'm very very excited that's amazing and but he came at the time I believe that my brain was developing which brought trauma into my mom which passed the trauma into the baby which was me and so I've learned how to learn differently a kinetic learner I'm not stupid I would be in this position if I was but you know 60 years ago fifty five years ago that they didn't know what to do so I just put you in the corner just let you sit and if you learn anything great if you didn't and that's great too yeah yeah just sit there and you passed so let's pick it up where your mom met Charles how did that happen it's really a funny story my mom was getting ready to go speak at a Bible College in Houston and so this man called Charles Hunter he would call he says I want to stay at my house well that could mean two different things yes okay I want you to stay at my house yeah or you could have my house I'm gonna move into a hotel you can have my house I have a lady-in-waiting take care of you right she didn't hear that she heard come visit my house you know stay at my house with me oh you know she's she hang up she goes that dirty old man and he was very persistent you know because he wanted to offer his beautiful home to stay in you know but she never heard I'll move out you know that type of thing and so she was like hey that's a dirty old man I'm gonna just stay away from him so put your hand out she she goes this is this is Charles Hunter she goes oh really plus a lot longer time than this but we're not gonna pause that long yeah I was in she goes what happened a they were married Wow and as quick as that was don't recommend that but but it was just so amazing what God did and they've got their love story in a book and it's just and they never saw each other until a couple days before the wedding and again but it was just it was just literally a match made in heaven yeah and and so I also and I had a dad you know a dad that was in the Air Force right you know and you make your beds like you do in the Air Force everyday well my mom was from just so hard to dust I shall return so don't make your bed yeah so that's how I was raised so it was a it was a culture shock I'm a man you know and but he was he was amazing you know never had children never been around children never had a teenager and all of the above and it just so however were they when they got married dad was 49 and mom was 54 okay so yeah it's a big adjustment yeah you know and dad's wife had just died the the 1969 then they got married in 1970 Wow January one little after midnight and started the year off great so you you you're living with them and then you obviously at some point you moved out I went away to college went to Oral Roberts University got my degree in two years Mrs and missus so I came back and then we started traveling with mom and dad right and you know and and just hit the road running and I'll give you a really funny story which I think that a lot of people will really enjoy there would be thousands of people at their services this is before they taught them train them to pray with them okay so there was four four lines on a platform aka stage of a high school auditorium and there was thousands of people there so the ushers would line them up and moms like okay you take one row I'm like you know no my 22 maybe 23 and really young and so I'm like okay so I pray and I'm like I got seen the spirit that was awesome you know and I prayed and I prayed you know I went down the road and I was like there's screaming I thought did she get hurt what's wrong you know cuz you don't know you just wanna I was like is she okay are you okay she goes she was fine she can see I said are you kidding that was my first can you reply 2223 yeah and and she was the lady was healed of blindness and and that was like really awesome and I'm like are you kidding so and she horse she was as you can see it was okay let me also tell you miracle on the other side recently a couple of months ago I was in South Carolina's lady came up I had a word of knowledge for a really really a bad shoulder she couldn't raise it like this I prayed shoulder got healed instantly it was amazing and she was helped on the platform I'm very very observant but this one kind of slipped by me she says can you pray for my blindness I said sure absolutely and I prayed nothing happened I prayed nothing happened I thought wow you know not even lie nothing and it was it was pretty it was I was like wow something's not right here so when we have when people come up for prayer we haven't fellow list because most people have more than a shoulder so I looked at her list and it was filled with horrific abuse won't go into it but it was the whole sheet was this situation this says every one of them was horrific not bad horrific and I said did you ever say I've just seen enough I don't want to see any more she goes yeah I had to renounce those words and as soon as she renounced them she says I can see shadow around your face oh wow all this and it just started lightening lightening up and just they were like like coming into focus and so I let her to the end of the platform a friend of ours part of the team was helping her down we have shirts to say miracles happen and she goes down she goes miracles happen first words she's read in years was miracles happen so she goes down and I can see what's going on in the back and so if you're blind you don't bring your Bible to church that's right so she asked her friend can I borrow your Bible and let me see what I can read and she was completely healed reading within 45 minutes okay now I think that's really interesting I want to go back to what you said to her because you were saying something now we're obviously here on this network and Kenneth Copeland ministries we talk about the power of your words absolutely so you said you told her to renounce that again what you say now it's the words that she's had spoken over her father right and I let her for her father right now the name of Jesus I renounce those words I said that I don't want to see any more thank you Jesus amen now why would she ever say them that because she was tired of being let down no no because all the things that she did so okay because of the trauma and all the things that had been done to her that she's seen the power of your work yeah our of your work and so in the meantime John Paul Jackson and I have known him for 30-some years we were doing stuff together we were sitting together and so I made sure he had lots of bottles of water so I got seven grandkids out of it so that worked the Prophet made sure he had lots of bottles of water that's great I need to find another prophet and get some more grandchildren yeah there but but anyway as if the guy there's gotta be more to it and and see honor prophet receive a Prophet's reward now as an apostle you know I'm prophet is in there and so if you dishonor me like say anything negative about me you've dishonored the Prophet I know there's nothing you could find but in the event that you do don't say it you know because what I'm speaking is blessings blessings over your offering blessing over the anointing in the area of healing and when you dishonor the Prophet weather me whether you and Ken Copeland or whatever and it cuts off everything all the blessings that were speaking over you it cuts it off yeah you know and that's what dishonouring how do you honor prophet father bless Joe hunter father bless Gene Bailey father bless Ken Copeland that's how it gets multiplied back to you but I hope you were listening go back we're hit rewind if you're watching this on youtube or somewhere else because that you just preached a whole course mm-hmm in the Bible College right there right that is amazing Safari let's go back to the story so I want to make sure I get this out okay so you're 22 23 you see these great healings what were you thinking at the end of that that service that's pretty cool we ready to hit the road yeah as well I was on the road with it but I was taking care of the book table and take care of all the accounting and doing all that kind of stuff you know I thought that's pretty cool you know and and trust me being dumb I hadn't broken those words off at this point right okay dumb stupid inert never amount to anything ugly all of the above and reiterated by many many people you know especially when you got a brother certain brothers okay and all this kind of stuff and everything was against me you know I was morbidly obese I'm now down to overweight which is quite an accomplishment instead of morbidly obese so it's about a hundred pounds less thank you Jesus and and so and so I was the least likely person to ever be used of God and and and you know but it was it was amazing and how God did use me yeah so so let's fast forward in time when did this shift so you were traveling with mom and dad mm-hmm and so you obviously at some point you started having your own meetings and going on how did you get from there to that by co-passenger Church in Dallas for 18 years he worked at another Church here for a couple years before that and and just it was it was amazing what learned you know and and and the power of and the importance of having a good pastor Good Shepherd being a good pastor caring about the people things like that so which is augmented the evangelistic healing ministry type that I have and and so in the year 2000 faced with divorce and because of his unfaithfulness so here he was pastoring we were traveling the world we were doing all this kind of stuff and it was extremely devastating and it had been going on for a while you stand you pray you believe but then then there's a point where he's not gonna change and and there's there has to be a breakage in that and so the year 2000 divorced two days later diagnosed with breast cancer and so my first response honestly you're laying on the examining table your hands are like this you can see the kids are on the sonogram and I'm like put some flowers in my hand and bury me because cancer carries a death sentence with it but it depends on how we interpret that because it's known as a big see but Christ is the big see and I thought no and I started typing myself and I said I'm gonna live and not die in declare the works the Lord I have four good reasons to live charity spiced ability to have a gill my girls right who still need me today you know even though they're in their 30s and 40s they still need their mom on a regular basis and and they're just like you know they love spending as much time as they can with me which is really awesome that is you know and out what God has done in that situation but and I'm realizing I have to live so but I can't live with a broken heart right I was completely devastated you know my soul mate the the you know man of my dreams I mean everything in one quick moment down done and you know and then I'm like you can't use me because I'm divorced right you know you can't you're not like there's no way I'm going to make it financially you know and and and and I'm like God what are you gonna do but I'm like once again I can't live with a broken heart you can live without a breast but you can't live with a broken sure and so I went after getting my heart healed which I learned so much about heart heart healings things like that my latest book is love again live again restore your heart and regain your health very very important there is good and and so at that point I had to get rid of the trauma worry rejection abandonment betrayal and a lot of other things right and in the process of that I started feeling I could breathe again my shoulders were going up my head was coming up and many times people will sequester themselves and just go into hiding I went to every church service I could find and money was so tight I would get a ride to the church sure I would just have somebody come and pick me up and take me to church just to save that little bit of gas that's how tight money was right and and so at that point I I just you know and so a few months later I'm like I'd call my parents had them pray I prayed that was the extent of that because I had to get my heart healed yeah and broken heart syndrome and different things like that so at that point I thought I need to go back and get my tests done you know see what they recommend chemo I said to me you know whatever because it was all over my left side and all the way down even way like almost on my waist and very is spread the whole bit and so I went back in two hours later in a gallon of the goop that they put on you I thought it was on the left side well maybe something right side no his shows here on the left side and so I had a gallon of goop all over me but I didn't have a drop of cancer yeah and so I teach getting rid and we talked about that with the words you know I had to cut those words off that was spoken over me that I had about two years to live no that was like 19 years ago okay so praise God so I'm totally cancer-free praise God get my mammogram about once a year once every other year something like that but clear and I get it done for my kids it's just wisdom to do that of course and and so but anyway but my heart is totally healed and and there's a sky that does his testing on your heart and your body and you magnetically go through the body see if there's anything wrong he says there's nothing wrong I was about 62 at the time and he said a friend of mine had it done it says there's something in here when you were four years old that you'd never forgave your mother for she's 78 years old and she's like how did you know that it showed up on the test that's how fine-tuned this test is mmm and then they said we're gonna do another one we're gonna attach stuff to your brain to your feet to your hands and then they're gonna measure the effect of trauma and what's wrong with your body like emotionally right okay and they said and here's the line below the line is your past above the line is where you are and he says in 25 years of doing this test I've never had anybody show up with nothing below the line and that amazing in that amazing Wow it's so cool all the trauma that we've kind of talked about yeah it's not there it's not in my body and it has no effect so he says above the line he says this one here this one is joy I'm like that sounds good to me and he says I know you have stress but it doesn't you don't allow it to affect your body which is true and I teach on how to close the door to stress and trauma get rid of stress and trauma in your life and and how to fix your husband how to fix your wife how to fix your kids do it biblically and not carry the weight of all of that wow that's good it is it makes you live longer okay so I want we're gonna pause right here cuz I want you to tell people these books how can they get their your copies your books your website Joan hunter org nice and simple nice and simple Joan hunter org will leave the the website up there for just a minute so you can make sure you get it down and get it I know there are a lot of people that are there glued to their sets listening to what you're saying right now we are yeah that's right so all right so you start you dealt with this and you've come out of a bad diagnosis and a death sentence the user words and so now what happens you're coming out of all of this what and and so I ask God heal my heart God heal my heart and and gave me grounds for writing books yeah and and like I have a book called power to heal which goes in deals directly with root causes of sickness what opens the door for sickness one is a power of your words well you know it's it's allergy season you know and I've been healed of allergies so I thank God for that but I went right back to the trauma of what brought the allergies on and now I'm no longer jet to ragweed and I can go through every August September October and not even sneeze no it's awesome it's but see God can heal me to the Word of God says you're gonna lay hands on the sick and you shall recover that doesn't say excluding yourself this is a main problem that people have and and so I've got you know I got new Sai Roy's got nude renal glands and don't have allergies anymore got a new knees from me laying hands on me yeah you know so I want to encourage you that you can lay hands on you and get yourself healed amen praise God but in the in the book once again power of your words number two it talks about generational curses generational curses passed down to the bloodline what about a blood transfusion what about a body part plan transplant what about GMO genetic genetically modified organisms genetic there's somebody's genetics that's going into our food yeah and that can open the door for generational curses I have lots of tons of examples of this of how that's happened and I talked about when I got divorced they said renounce the soul ties so I said now's the soul ties but you know in Jesus name so two years later I got the revelation I didn't go into sol-type with him when I got married I went into covenant with him right and covenant is a very strong it's a sexual covenant right okay Jesus considered what meant the well she'd have been married five times she hadn't been married married five times she slept with five men yeah okay so at that point up until that point as a covenant he had right to my blessings right and I had right to his junk yeah okay cuz sometimes I'm just like I just feel lucky I don't know what's going on when I got the revelation about the Covenant I was in covenant no two minutes I said name of Jesus I called George for generic George I went into covenant with George were no longer married and in Jesus name I renounce that covenant anything bad that came in through that covenant take it from me now Angie is saying oh wow that was amazing and and then that put a wall up that he could no longer receive my blessing nor I could no longer experience anything and kind of know in my spirit what he was doing Wow it was it's amazing that isn't me and any any kind of sexual activity outside of marriage like that needs to be renounced yeah you started going on the road at this point uh I had been traveling with my mom and dad before and this is really I think a very powerful point here I started traveling with my mom and dad after the divorce you know one weekend a month on a full-time job in Dallas and and I would and they were very gracious with letting me off for the weekend etc so I have a goal and join them well me being in charge of accounting any note that was meant for mom and dad I would go through and pass them on you need to get your daughter off the road she's a combination of God she's been divorced and I'm like I would cry in my hotel room sure weep over those notes and and I'm like God because that's kind of what the world said you know oh yeah the world doesn't say that anymore but the denomination that church does yeah and I said God you know I said what about that blind person that was healed that night the back pain that was gone and they say you'll never use me again you know what he said he said just remember they're not the ones that called you I am that's good and you needed to hear that today because see no matter what your past is God wants your future and it's so important that the people that have told us we can't or we even shouldn't we need to do what we can do to get our hearts healed pure before God and then go and do what he's called you to do and don't and and knock down all these roadblocks in Jesus name and watch what God will do we need to remove the D for divorce in here and loser all those things dumb stupid and all that stuff whatever has been spoken to you you can't do anything you never finish anything don't start all these words you need to renounce and literally wipe them off of you and watch what God will do amen amen thank you so much the power of your words and I'm glad you talked to the folks because that's that's exactly what we need to know and we're gonna learn more about how Joan became the one in everything that she does now so you want to make sure you tune in next week make sure you go to our website revival radio of course follows facebook Instagram and all of our social media outlets until next time we'll see you remember Jesus is Lord you
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 6,012
Rating: 4.9781423 out of 5
Id: 2LUux-I7Hc8
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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