A First Account Attendee's of Azusa Street Revival | William Seymour

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we have no need to doubt God God word I have been proven it was God's will the nonsan be sick and supper and he cannot take all sickness away from being in the sixth sense of the parent I ask you tonight are you a Christian faith is not something we have to get it is something we already have for the law he is good the anointing is the overflow of the life of Jesus I will never forget to preach about the wonder-working power in the blood of jeans [Music] welcome to revival radio TV I'm dr. Jean Bailey man I am so glad you're with me today I got something really special today I want to show you but before I get to that let me read again acts 2 verse 17 and it shall come to pass in the last day saith God I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams now why did I read that I want to emphasize that God in His Word tells us about young people your young men your daughters your hand maidens all of it he's talking about the glassed a great revival and I want to show you something special this is an interview what you're about to see is an interview done in the 70s about you know quite a few years after after the revival had happened an interview that Ralph Wilson and Vincent sainan did with two people that were actually children at the revival as far as we know at that point they were the only two living relatives they were in well into their 70s and they talk about being children in the Azusa Street revival so I want to watch right along with you and I want you to see what happened as they describe what happened at Azusa Street watch this is an exciting day to be alive right here in Los Angeles just a short ways from the city hall and over there is a hotel an old one but this is an experience because this is the urban renewal site but it's something else a great movement took place right here on this spot dr. Vincent Cynon one of the foremost authorities who wrote this book charismatic Bridges has something to share with us today who and what happened right here at this spot from 1906 Ralph until 1909 the Azusa Street revival took place right on this open lot it's open now but one of the greatest revivals in church history because the worldwide Pentecostal movement had its beginning here as a worldwide force services went on day and night for three years in this place and from this place spirit baptized people went all over the world spreading the story of the baptism of the Holy Spirit now I think we should introduce immediately our friends because it's a rare honor to have these people here with us they were there when it happened and we think of this as the movement that was started without a man Jesus is the one who brought this movement into existence would you introduce these friends yes first this is Miss Maddie Cummings who was here at the beginning of the Azusa Street meeting as a young girl and this is the Reverend Lawrence Kent Lee who was pastor of a church of god in christ in pasadena in pasadena california he was here at this great revival and they are the two only known survivors that I know of who were here at that time now we're both of you acquainted at that time were you children here in the revival yes you know each other would you call each other then and matter yes you plead together son catters and this was this was a Methodist Church it was originally African Methodist Church and they built a new church on 8th Toontown Avenue and rented this to Azusa mission and eventually of Zeus aborted now you were wasn't it true that both of you received tremendous healings here at this spot yes I received healing I was deaf and I God healed me and now I can hear how many years ago that's been around 70 years ago somebody said healings don't laugh oh they do and sometimes I think I hear too much but thank God for hear you mean you really were were death death yes I couldn't go to school you could not go to school oh no and what about you well I had what we call TB in those days and tuberculosis and it was a terrible experience and I heard that there's a place uptown called a zoo submission where they prayed for people and they got well and I asked my mother to bring me and she eventually brought me and through the laying on of hands the prayer God delivered me from that TV and I have no I'm delivered because of not only because of the way I feel but I have been examined by lung specialists in the World War one and they said nothing the matter with you boy get out of here would you tell me how old you are I'm seven to nine years old really November the 23rd 1974 hey this is quite an exciting day to be alive isn't it doctor sign what would you say this place looked like when the Holy Spirit began to fall well I think these two could tell a lot more than I could because they were here well you researched it well it was just a two-block Street Azusa Street is very short Street near the City Hall it was in the downtown area and eldest William J Seymour had come from Texas to hold a revival here in the Nazarene Church but he preached the new experience the baptism with the Holy Spirit accompanied by speaking with other tongues and a revival broke out in the Asbury home on Bonnie Brae Street people receive this experience and crowds fill the streets and then they came to find a church building and they found this old abandoned Methodist Church building that had been used as a warehouse storage place and I think a stable at one time too and they found it it was empty it had no stained-glass windows no pews they just had rough hewn benches but here a worldwide revival began and people came from all over the world to this spot to find out what they had could you tell us what the main experience was that attracted the people Maddy well I think first it was because they came and began to speak in tongues and people heard them speak in their own language the Japanese Chinese and all the different nationalities they heard them speak and the gospel was preached to them you mean they had not learned these oh no they had not learned because the Spirit of God filled them and they really knew what the people were talking about and they too were saying now you saw this and heard this with your own ears I certainly did now dr. Simon was this interracial with all different nationalities the great thing I believe from studying the history of it was that people from all races and nations and tribes came here Los Angeles was a melting pot city the pastor was a black man yes and mostly blacks to start with but soon Mexicans and Russians and Chinese and Japanese is like today just like today from all over the world came and there was no distinction on race whoa no no nobody oh one thing that was so nice nobody ever said well you're black or you're white but we were just children of God rejoicing and praising God for all of his love and all of his mercy and his kindness for his healing and that was what brought the people what did they teach here as a doctrines well they taught that you must first be converted and then you must be sanctified and God would fill you on a sanctified life with his precious Holy Spirit and you would speak with tongues yes and then other gifts would come like prophets prophesy healing and other all the gifts in the Bible but has temptation of tongues Oh every every gift that's listed in the scripture was practiced right in azusa mission did it attract a lot of people Oh My yes we never heard the expression we're gonna have a white preacher preach for us today it was brother soon so brother Simon's gonna preach today and the people would begin in their heart to pray Lord you power to your word I'm interested in the singing what what kind of singing did they do oh they did all kinds of good singing no music there were no pianos at first but they sang the comforters come Oh spread the tidings round where every man is found and all songs like that blessed assurance deeper yet I pray and just good old hymns that's the kind of music we have like so much where Jesus is heavenly yes wasn't Jesus the center of this room yes oh how I love Jesus was one of the main what about these crutches around on the wall they were for people that came and was healed and many times people were healed just by being prayed for not laying on the hands all the time but sometimes reven Seymour would just reach and say the Lord wants to heal somebody whoever is here needs to be healed and people were healed just like that because of the power of God did you have an upper room yes we had an upper room and it was on this side of the building and that's where people would go and tarry on the other side with sleeping quarters wherever and Seymour used to sleep and have his little apartment there but that upper room I don't think it ever was empty because it went day and night somebody was there to pray for somebody could you tell us about L - Seymour the pastor of this mission what if he was a black man yes about 30-some years old from Texas uh-huh and he came out here and the Lord used this man to bring on this great revival what did he look like and what did he preach like well he didn't preach like the minister's preach today he preached more just the good word from the power of God came upon him and he brought the power of God and the power of God came upon him and he preached under the anointing of the power of God and that was so wonderful we would like to know Reverend Catlett the typical type of service that you had here what how would they open the service and what would happen while we opened with prayer and then they would we had no less specified time I mean a length of prayer whenever the Spirit of the Lord would lift from prayer was get up sometime it'd be half an hour sometimes longer and it wasn't the preacher pray to his little short prayer it was the people all got together and create aloud and I'm not like we are now said yet God can't understand all that conglomeration but I always tell the folks I'm not the oldest one in when a city pray and God here's everybody at the scene well did they have Bible reading there too oh we had scriptures lessons and everybody brought their Bible everybody you knew a Pentecostal person or goddess or where you saw whether they was going to work or going to picnic they always had a Bible and it didn't put it in the purse or in the briefcase they had it out sword could be seen now what about this singing now oh the singing was always so Graham but one little song is just well it's so wonderful for me it's never will I forget the day was in a gospel home this way yeah there indeed country shun I on the Lord he call he did not let me call in vain but he washed my sins away and from that our he gave me power and I know that he dwells within or he dwells within my soul praise is your name he's made me fully whole to God from his side out near depart for Jesus my Savior will come in and look like you could just feel the power of God in the atmosphere tears would run down and all drop off and chin and everything but the power of God was just here in mighty power people young children girls and boy moussah would get up and sing under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and grown men cry like babies on the conviction what about this water baptismal service oh yes we were baptized we went down to the Pacific Ocean down in Terminal Island and there always were a couple hundred people that were baptized and I was baptized they had to carry me out but I was baptized there the Pacific Ocean right oh it was wonderful 70 years ago 70 years ago that sounds like the Jesus revival what about this this great movement that was going on and and I just felt that why did it all break up why the divisions was it over doctrine over doctrine because men got proud and felt that they could do things instead of the Holy Spirit doing things and anytime man gets so proud like they did at that particular time it just breaks up something but thank God it doesn't break up the love of God aren't you glad of that was there love in this group oh yes yes just beautiful of all different nations all different nationalities you never knew what you were whether you were black white green the grisly design you were asking a question while ago about the emotionalism you remember how their meetings elder Seymour had a way of knowing when something was not of the Lord in controlling that what did you say Oh stairs he would stomp his feet and just stomp his feet and they knew somebody would get it and say stand up and said the spirit isn't right in this place and if they couldn't stop it pretty soon elder Seymour would come down and he would pray he would just pray until the Spirit of God just calmed everything down so beautiful that it was just wonderful how he called about the evil spirits well the evil spirits would come they would come but God had a way that through these ministers and Reverend Seymour they pled the blood of Jesus it was a blood of Jesus that calmed the spirit and put them out of the way sing a lot of songs about blood oh yeah the blood when I see the Blood I will pass over you under the blood the precious blood under this cleansing my mother by the way she used to sing under the blood so much we had an old parrot that he sang under the blood yes a Paris peace a under the blood the precious blood yes what about these missionaries did they go all over the world they did they went all over the world and they went because they were called and people believed that they were called they went and they came back and they brought wonderful reports of how God saved the heathen people and how they were brought into the kingdom of God how did they receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit would they lay hands on them or would they received the baptism and speak with tongues back in the audience or did they have a tarrying room or what well they had a room upstairs that called a upper room where he went to tarry for the Holy Spirit but we could not control the Spirit of God sometimes a person would receive the Holy Ghost right in their audience without even an altar call they just stand right up and begin speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave water and sometimes that happened in conversion person get under conviction and submit themselves to the Lord I've maintained you don't have to come to a specific place called an offer you give up in your heart and the Lord will save you then there wherever you are doctor I was amazed at the same language problem was broken down and people were converted because they heard their language here at this spot yes did you actually hear people speaking in Chinese Chinese a nice but yeah like people read people they spoke languages not gibbering but real languages and Japanese are those that people would come in and hear them speaking their language and they would be under conviction and they insisted that it be a language that would flow in that's right in person didn't know this length no no no no no brother and we have missed in the beginning particularly a lot of these people came off the streets from gambling houses and how phrases of how they didn't know about natural they came from many distances did it there's a train station over there and over here is the bus station yes and how far would you say people traveled oh Bloxom sometimes they would come all the way from Pasadena and all these little outlines where did you come from I came from watts we lived in Watson we came and we many a time we walked as Lord says we've walked halfway up here in order to get to get to one just get to Zeus the Street Sunday Sunday School oh that's good yes yeah the school was wonderful you mean the children love Sunday school our children love because the teachers love them I'm interested in the children in this revival what happened to them they were saved well today they were saved really safe yeah they got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost and they set down in church and just enjoyed the service like give me the old they sit with they set with their parents and sometimes we all set together but we didn't talk did any of them prophesy yes they prophesied spoke in tongues and how about a sound when they prophesy just like older people you know it was a mature word yes real words they prophesied and God knew and we knew that God was using them well when that a wonderful piece of old film that we were able to show you today that was done like I believe 1975 of course Laurence Kat Lee and Manny Cummings have all gone on to see Jesus and now and so but what what a wonderful testimony of what God does with kids now you notice what they were talking about there's a few things I want to go back and point out one that the kids were getting saved they were drawn to the revival to see what was going on in there and they were getting saved in the midst of it and then they were getting filled with the baptism in the Holy Spirit and they were speaking in other tongues and then did you hear them talking I think it was Maddie talking about just how much language how many languages were being and she talked about perfect Chinese and Mandarin Russian and all these languages that were being spoken and of course we know from history they Armenians that were there they were hearing their language perfectly God has a way when he doesn't mean he does it right he's poured out his spirit on all flesh just like he said there and you know back in that Acts chapter 2 he's doing it and he's doing it again I you see that special interview because I love the way they talk about it so many years later I mean it was almost fifty years later when that or 70 years later when they were able to actually talk about and you see how they recalled their memories that was quite an impression for a young child seventy years later to be able to hear and remember what God did with them as children well and as you heard the gentleman there Lawrence he went on to Pastor a church and Maddie continued to serve God till she went on to heaven but what a heritage what a heritage and I know you enjoyed here you're in that and of course Vincent Simon and Ralph Wilkerson doing the interview there what a what a great piece of film history that was there talking about Azusa Street you know we've talked about Frank Bartle Minh and there was a story about Frank he during the revival when he went to one day he went to the revival and I know we talked a little bit in a previous broadcast about you know presumption you couldn't be presumptive and people couldn't take the platform if they weren't hearing from God and they would either they would forget what they were talking about and have to go sit down or they'd get up and wouldn't be able to talk or even somewhat were temporarily blinded I mean this was so precious of an environment and atmosphere things just couldn't happen of their own you know nobody knew he never published coming up next week I'll be talking about your righteousness in Christ no there was no advertising there was none other than the word-of-mouth advertising that went from person to person Frank barliman was out still telling people on the street corners about the revival and so were many many many others talking about what God was doing but one night Frank barber was on he'd had a spat with his wife and he was on his way to the revival and he left and he stormed out of the house and walked over there to Azusa Street to go to the meeting that night got just a few feet from the door and got knocked down what is this so he gets up this takes an extent back looks around and goes back gets knocked down again so the third time he gets back and he goes I'm gonna get a running start to whatever is knocking me down so he gets a run start BAM right back on his backside again and goes God what's going on told me you better go home and make things right with your wife before you enter it you want to go to this meeting where there's a revival going on and God's inside there you better get your heart right so he sent him back home so Frank Bart Ehrman went all the way back home made up with his wife before he could come back and go to the revival how wonderful it would be if we all had that same experience I know I one der how many of us would be able to enter church sometimes you know if we if we didn't make things right you know so get things right get your heart right to be able to enter into the revival and be where God is amen well you know Azusa there are stories after stories there's a you know if you want to read about stories on what happened there with those children as told to Tommy well Joey has a book out about stories from the great great revivals of Azusa Street I suggest you go online and see if you can get that book and and it's it's wonderful reading it will stir your heart in your spirit man to see and hear what God did among the children there in Azusa Street you know I one thing that is so interesting to me you know in my own life as I've shared with you before God did a thing with me when I was eight years old and eleven years old and in a couple of meetings that was huge for my life and I remember it like it was yesterday now I'm it hasn't been 70 years but I can see how those indelible markings of God making a point in your life has its effect on who you are as you get older you don't forget when God shows up you don't forget when things happen you know and we've talked about you know some of the failures of Charles Parham and and the failures there at Azusa Street but Charles Parham actually for a while there he did one thing very interesting he actually when missionaries would come through missionaries would come through to go out onto the mission field he would actually send them I guess as a clearinghouse or go get as a more like a gas station a filling station go over to the Azusa revival and get touched and see what's going on there and then go out oh my the the stories that have come as missionaries came through and then went out and spread what they heard and saw and experienced at the Azusa revival so many things have happened since then right now there's not really anything there there's no Azusa Street mission or your Apostolic Faith Mission there on a Zeus's Street you have to look and find it but it's not just about the place and I love something that Lawrence said right there in that interview is you don't have to get to a place to get with God you don't have to have an experience only if you got to get to a certain thing and jump through certain hoops you can have it right where you're at right now right where you're sitting so I want to pray with you just here in these last couple of minutes father sir I just asked you to touch each person watching this program right now no matter what time of day it is Lord that you would just minister in their lives Lord create a hunger in us feed that hunger that we're able to seek you and search for our own personal revival Lord as you speak to these people show us your direction in your ways as we open ourselves up to you and we open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit father I thank you what you're doing in each person's life in Jesus name Amen now that was a very simple prayer all I want you to do is reach out and accept that prayer as your own yes Lord create in me a new heart if that's what needs to happen creating me that revival that own personal revival that I need to be able to get back maybe you need to get back to where you once were maybe you were in church earlier in your life and you came across this program just because it was talking about old things you saw that old that old film listen God has a plan for your life in these are the last days in the last days he's gonna pour out his spirit on all flesh and that includes you that includes you amen amen listen we want you to go to our Facebook page there follow us on Twitter and all of our social media you'll see some things up there we've got some great guests that we're actually going to interview live here that they're going to come in the next few weeks you're gonna want to make sure you're a part and I have so much more to talk about Azusa Wales Armenian revival oh my goodness the great prayer revival of 1857 we have so much to talk about you're not gonna want to miss an episode but if you have missed here's what you need to do go sign up on the website and download the show notes get the show notes because there will have a lot of the details and the facts that you can keep in your own create your own library so you can go back and then be encouraged if you're like me the more I go back and read about these things that happen and watch old clips like the one we saw man it's exciting because it's real and it gets done in your spirit and you know man thank you God for what you're doing and what you're going to do and then you can go out affect your world and you can be the one I'll see you next time next week on revival radio TV or a viable was about to sweep a nation an empire an empire right in the heart of the most unlikely place possible next week on revival radio TV [Music]
Channel: The Victory Channel
Views: 146,303
Rating: 4.9103141 out of 5
Keywords: Azusa Street Revival, William Seymour, azusa revival
Id: m6AoOZFej7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2017
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