Celebrity Family Feud - Saturday Night Live
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Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 13,091,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blake shelton, episode 12, SNL, Saturday Night Live, Season 40, 40th anniversary, celebrity, family fued, the voice, adam levine, pharrell, christina aguilera, keith urban, nicki minaj, harry connick jr, steven tyler, taran killam, jay pharoah, kenan thompson, kate mckinnon, beck bennett, cecily strong, sasheer zamata
Id: eZ6_vAXNcxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 25 2015
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Who actually watches Saturday Night Live unironically?
Urg this is terrible
This has been a joke for about 20 years. Or whenever the fucking chihuahua was the new mascot. Maddox wasn’t being original, and neither was SNL.
SNL's always had a "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" way to it, where only 2% of it is quality, and that's all anyone remembers. Wayne's World and that one where Chris Farley talks about living in a van down by the river were pure gold, amidst a whole desert of shit.
Except now, even that 2% is all gone, and they've sandblasted away all the talent anyone had going in. Kenan Thompson was funny and lively when he was on Nickelodeon, but just kinda seems... dead inside, on SNL.