Now What Could This Be?? #3

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rock paper scissors see who goes into the overhead bend and cleans it out you're gonna do it right this time three taps and then what you want [Music] oh i think i would have two taps do you think i'm joking i'm not you have a little flutter in the heart while i woke up with severe pain no i wasn't pain as much as a very strange sensation through my chest you know what the problem is you don't have enough butter on that sandwich could it be my diet just dip it in there smear that on there maybe you should go in for a stress test in physical i heard the physical issues could be the stress you're putting on me what no lies i'm the best guy to work with right eric say yes just no comment on that one yeah i got a copy on you do you know where the liquid vacuum is for sucking water where it always is right there behind the radio from 1986 why am i talking to you on this when i'm 20 feet away from you don't make me choke now on my baloney should you be lifting that with your heart palpitations that seriously i'm going on record saying you should go get checked out for that and that's what 200 000 other people think too but he won't listen this just it just really needs some work around here we brought in a shipment uh ams this morning had them back in there worked worked unbelievably well except it's pretty wet here truck driver and his tennis shoes didn't fare so well probably he's gonna have to buy a new pair of nikes now but we brought in a semi load of ams we do actually have another semi load coming but we are buying now because we had a place to store it prices were really good through eggchem solutions link in the description so if you guys are interested in uh getting some chemicals early or really anytime go check them out worked out really good for us this time i gotta go up inside of that overhead band clean it out so let's start climbing good all right here we go [Music] radio down already hard to have nice things huh well they're quality so south side east dryer uh you can maybe paint a little bit up there too this paint watch your heads it can fly out of my hoodie that's the one that's the one drop that ketchup going back pocket you put ketchup in my hoodie again maybe yeah oh [Music] oh all right it ain't so bad if you climb up this bend we got catwalks all over up here so we can make it from some strange pickups driving up here hello we got a unrecognizable pickup coming up the driveway so if you come up this bend catwalk here across this sketchy little platform that isn't the platform then you can go on top of both dryers top of the wet band over to the big bin 100 000 bushel let's rob grottos oh this is painful [Music] [Music] so i'm not a fan of this job sorry for the echo because there's no stairs once you get to this point you just kind of walk down on the bolt heads like a cat and guess what i forgot my broom [Music] [Music] [Applause] so how come i wish so the idea is let's get all this powder off of the walls or the sloped part here and then [Music] make it go down out of the hole [Music] into the loader bucket and not to fall down the hole because i'd probably get stuck in there and then we'd have to call the fire department and then they'd have to torch the let's just not do that okay so the purpose of getting this stuff off is it will stick and cause a lot of issues and to make sure that this hole is open because we end our season using the overhead as a wet bed basically it's really echoey in here echo all right enough of this we'll see you when i get out [Music] that's a fantastic way to break in the clothes for the day [Music] that job's done the real question is is how many people are queasy from heights [Music] it used to bother me but once you do it a few times you can get used to it [Music] so dad uh wanted me to crawl out there i don't know if you can tell where the sun is on there once that painted tread says no i'm not going out there there's no rail without a harness hooked up to something not a chance well that was as exciting as it always is yeah it's good good times up there i was i was just right there here's what i all got out of the overhead just powder dust basically a little bit of molded stuff down in the gate but not too bad i've seen it much worse [Music] what are you doing seems like there could be some water back in there you're so close today again could you guys come in and help out here just got to duct tape some hoses together toby yeah you can do it out here come on grab it oh you don't he's scared of vacuum cleaners maybe if i was scared of vacuum cleaners you won't make me go down there we just did this and there's water back in there there's there's an issue it might be leaking i thought it looked like it was cocked up nice and tight there but it could be leaking down around the augers we don't know but it's so fun that why really look too hard because this here is so so entertaining if anybody knows of a better vacuum that can suck water faster than this one and is about 80 decibels less than that one please comment below toby toby there's a delivery coming this afternoon are you excited i'm excited big swede's excited [Music] so all right they are still working on the bend site but i am going to put def inside of our fuel trailer here this just came from kibble just picked up death or they delivered it actually so we're gonna see if this works oh god [Music] martin you're in the way almost pinched me okay so this is supposed to pop off like that so this is your fill hose what you would fill into the tractor or combine you take this this is supposed to connect down to the top of the boat [Music] [Applause] now we got the fill hose hooked up to the full tank and then tank fill [Music] [Applause] just about full [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you getting her done brand new look at this baby back to the 70s it looks like it there's something coming up the road again you excited yeah i actually think this is going to be pretty awesome yeah me too [Music] is the truck gonna stay this time that's pretty nice the truck's even my color i don't understand why he played dumb when i asked him who was coming to pick him up i think the truck's supposed to go in the shop right it sure looks like it would fit in right right with my pickup i like it i think if we tell eric to help us we can take him he's a good-sized guy but if all three of us gang up on them have a chance right i suppose how come this thing looks like what you looked at up at big iron that's because this thing was the thing at big iron oh that explains it the umber first pro force 2250 fertilizer spreader they don't come bigger dude who's gonna break it to eric that he don't get to drive his floater this fall this thing's as big as a semi it holds a semi load it's big i am excited for that 450 is going to have her work cut out yeah so i am excited to test this eric from umber firth is coming out and i think eli tomorrow afternoon we're gonna get this thing in the field get some drone footage test it out get it set make sure it's ready for us for uh this season we're gonna run her and see what we think of it show you guys the features of this thing i'm excited about it being on track and it's holding a semi load of fertilizer so hopefully we can just kill it one time truck goes back to town no waiting for the truck driver or the applicator so should be exciting the only thing we're interested to see how it works in the wind is a spreader but they say it works great so we'll see you excited eric oh yeah i can't wait cannot wait this is gonna be awesome it's in our it's an entire semi load we'll bring out empty the whole truck he'll go to town probably grab dinner he can take the long way home and i still won't be empty yeah yeah this is this is another one of them demos like the 2096 that it's not leaving well we'll see i've said that before all right we'll see what we think i love the idea of it let's just say that we'll test it obviously we know windy days we'll see how it does with that they said it's it works out in the end this spreads 90 feet or floated at 70. so and i don't have to kill i can hold three times as much in this so if you can pull it i'll pull it well i tried to but i wasn't tough enough yeah you did look there man am i strong we won't show nobody that he went dugo on it yeah i guess so you're supposed to loose loosen it not tighten it lefty loosey righty tighty right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know you're big but you look small next to this anyone should i don't know how long this thing is like another green card it's got the same tracks it's a backup green card [Music] look at how wide the belt is i guess it's also made for not only fertilizer but for turkey litter lime man if you got your arms into this though that's why the safety bar is here so that you can't reach into it right oh oh thank goodness you know what it reminds me of i don't know why from the front it looks like a road runner big long it's long legs on it that's what i'm gonna call it all right road runner it is you know when i was looking at this thing at big iron i was already thinking that we could put some boards on the side of this we could get her to be a 30 ton i think really keep it up [Applause] all the engineers at umber perth right now are thinking chet don't give people ideas it's not designed for that [Music] [Music] we're already confused [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it doesn't fit no okay so i came from a 25 or 20 96 grain cart yeah you can see pretty good behind this thing yeah but actually it looks small for being a 22 ton spreader yeah i am seriously very excited for this i think this is going to be pretty sweet i hope so i don't want your dirty hands where my feet are going to go all right we got the foot switch wired we got the hoses tied up here to the lend of hand so nothing should get in to the track i think this is ready for tomorrow randy's actually jumped in the fertilizer truck going to get a load we're just going to get a 105 acre load so that we know how much roughly it's off if it is off we'll calibrate it we're going to get a load that fits in there that we know fits in there and yeah it should work out good you'll see that in the next video will be us in the field with that thing so make sure to uh keep an eye out for that it's gonna be exciting so this all worked out really nice we adjusted the hitch because the shop is a lot higher than a pickup so it's riding really level looks pretty sharp it is quite a bit narrower than the truck so a little difficult to see when backing up but i think we'll be able to manage with that if it gets a little crooked we'll be able to see it just you ain't going to want to back a half a mile with it or something like that but we'll be able to manage that so in about 18 minutes this should be full to my calculations i got a two pumps running here one out of those well they're both uh diesel red diet diesel just due to separate tanks so both of them should with filtering and hopefully do 27 gallons a minute then i got a gauge right here that tells me when the fuel trailer is full or empty or where it's at so that we know when we need to refill this that's actually really handy anyways guys i think that's going to be the end of this video we appreciate you watching i hope you're excited like we are get that fertilizer spreader out in the field so don't forget to subscribe like this video we'll see in the next one i'm excited see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 254,990
Rating: 4.9829836 out of 5
Id: zRTra0AdJM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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