Now Isn’t That Awesome!!??

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you're cleaning well just a little bit is there room for me now don't break the steering wheel off i've seen stuff like that happen before hey bring me over i got to wash another truck for you that's good i see people work you just cleaned this like three days ago well you could get us dirty within three days [Applause] so been so windy it blew a bunch of dirt and uh leaves in here so of course doug was cleaning it up i uh washed the silver bullet this morning and the tri-axle trailer we sold the rest of our corn which wasn't much that we had left but we sold that so that's got to move out next week i believe and also some soybeans so we're washing up the trucks getting them all cleaned road worthy i think we're gonna actually be unhooking the orange one the hammer from this trailer putting the silver bullet onto this truck because that truck really struggles to pull 97 000 pounds the engine likes to get hot so we're going to put the new purple truck on that one and silver bullet on this one because those technically will probably be the nicest trucks for driving so that's the plan anyways but i get to wash this one up so let me get my soaper soaper down and start start washing about time that i put in another order of that stuff really using the heck out of it you're really liking it and if you guys want to get your self some foam for power washing and also the foam cannon uh their link is in the description at you can check them out i vouch for it seems to be a good product so it seems to uh work the best with this stuff i set the gun at uh number three on the flow of the soap into the gun use cold water when i'm putting it on and uh start at the bottom and work out and let it sit for uh until it looks like it's going to start drying and then wash it off i do uh cover every inch with the pressure washer even though this foam is supposed to take it off but i don't want it to leave any spots so i cover every inch just not as aggressively as if you didn't have the foam on there [Music] so [Music] so i really don't mind pressure washing isn't the funnest job in the world but the end result is so worth it so nice so worth the effort she cleans up nice maybe i can get dad to polish this one you think so probably not he'd get himself hurt again oh the hard water you can see it on the glass can you see it probably not get to clean the glass now you guys take my motivation where'd it go gone so we get to uh unhook this truck right now and then we're going to put this one on the other trailer a whole bunch of swapping around but we want to get the get the new purple truck out to do some work and make sure there's no issues with it oh did you hear that pack our power pack our power never heard of it yeah me [Music] either [Music] so of course i drove it since it's a truck and i got an air leak for whatever reason the hose pulled out of the connection another one of them things that you'll just never understand how it's possible truck will be out of air shortly then i can work on it looks like the polly's holding up good thought i'd give you an inside peek of martin's uh unloading proving to be very difficult i didn't think he had enough martin time there that's all the time i can give you shut them off there good job martin hey is it dinner time oh look it it's way past dinner [Music] ate it all huh how does it feel when this gets put on you good did you eat already no this is good you're better it's too bad we're being spoiled let's throw a pizza me and toby are gonna eat now [Music] pizza oh that's gonna look nice nice nice that's some nice frame gap right there looks nice love it you think this will all work how much for one with a ladder [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so guys we are actually in the market for another hopper bottom but we're looking for one with the tag axe basically to match this trailer we want either black or gray those are the two colors we want absolutely no white but if you guys know of any uh used trailers with a third axle hit me up with an email that'd be great because we do need one before harvest and just like everything they're hard to find used new we're open to everything options options these are temptees i'd be i'd consider wilson maybe before timothy again try something different they haven't been bad trailers it's just it's maybe time to switch brands i don't know so this is the first truck that we own that the fifth wheel plate actually slid normally all of our trucks the uh fifth wheel plates never slide you can't get the weight where you want it to but right here as you sit we slid it ahead quite a bit try to get a little more weight up front now we gotta roll the scale with it and see how she waits out dad's already made a comment about the trailer tires not being polished i can't disagree it does look like does look like crap all right we'll get uh silver bullet here hooked up to the 42 foot get her ready to roll i'm gonna crank it down some good to go they make everything else electric why aren't why aren't these electric [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this could be the longest truck we've owned yet i get to redo a slack adjuster slack adjuster incorrect words so i get to redo a brake chamber because it is internally leaking so when you step on the brakes lightly if you step on um on them hard it works just fine you step on them lightly the air just pours out of it and dumps all your air so before we get it on the road i think tomorrow i'll probably swap this thing out every place is closed right now so i can't go and get one but we'll swap it out get a new one on there and she should be road ready then i think i hope i really hope well i'm calling it a night tonight because it is seven o'clock and i got things to do at home so uh we'll see what we get into tomorrow and we're back working on the purple feet greasing you greasing i don't know if i'm greasing the truck or if the grease gun is greasing me so we're working on a wheel seal that was leaking but then it quit leaking they just don't make a good grease gun and that but then lasts then it quit leaking because it was out of oil yeah maybe we should do like the guy that had this truck just would pump it full of grease grease don't leak out but then really do you want grease in your wheel bearing hub probably not not ideal i wouldn't think so but maybe it's an old timer's trick i'm just too young to know about it grease on your nice church shirt i grew out of this back when i got all buff is that the right word no not quite what i'd call it eric eric well i do not recommend playing softball thursday nights although it was fun but i'm tired and sore you told your i think i'm the youngest guy on the team and i'm i need to run more we need to do jobs that cause us to run at the farm here no because that's generally means there's an overflow happening or something it's a pull type sprayer for a reason we should use our legs to pull it and put like 10 gallons in it not 2 400. i know you're big but i don't think you pull it empty i'd get stuck be like a t-track you'd have to have a crank for the hydraulics yeah i suppose now you got to multitask get a walk exert energy plus crank a crank so and auto steer in your mind i'd have to put in my two weeks for sure so i think i got it i did that last night i got my spindle all oiled up okay so yeah this this is what's left of the old seal that was leaking and then all the rest of the components so we're putting a new one in yep reassembling we won't tell them about all the struggles we've had yeah we won't tell them how the jack fell out from underneath it and yeah almost wrecked the abs harness uh the seal came out in two pieces like you're saying the spindle is shocked it's burnt because there was no oil in there the spindle is not shot but it is bearings are shut some marks on i've used up a lot of pink towels some to wipe sweat some to wipe oil a little blood a little bit of blood tears you know it is a normal friday let's get her done [Music] [Music] [Music] so we really managed to milk that one out what can i work out in peace is this a crunch am i doing a full tobacco [Music] i'm doing a full crunch you gotta hold my feet down that's one can you even do one two can you do a full one i'm doing three right now four keep them up to six no here here let's let's let's do 99 1000 1001 1002 1 million yeah so that we are done and it's about noon and we did one we'll see all day that's how friday friday we're in lazy mode day i think we should go put that tire on the land roller yeah because we might that's the afternoon job right two tires a day i forgot to over before i thought we were doing two tires like every half day that would have been crazy but i'd have a day off like toby he's been chasing rabbits and the cats around the yard so uh aggressively that every other day he's gonna stay home and sleep it off hey randy's done driving the forklift around the yard oh quick look busy this is okay go to those videos of you well thanks for hanging out and watching this video today guys we appreciate it we're taking off for the weekend and uh try to have a good weekend with some family and friends so appreciate it see you guys next time you
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 275,601
Rating: 4.9875669 out of 5
Id: ehodruY39OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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