Cave of Shadows Analysis

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so I wasn't originally planning on making a video about this until I realized how urgent the whole thing was I recently got an email from someone about an organized group called the system that consists of three YouTube channels named Katy shadows and a 0m nby and a week I had received requests to do analysis on all three of these channels before but I had no idea they were linked until right now and it would appear that they want me to do an analysis on them and one of NS 0mm VY's videos titled I saw it stare he mentions two people that he follows and also goes their initials the initials R II W and n n people have concluded that II W stands for eric wise which is my name and and n stands for Nick Nocturne which is the name of another youtuber named Knight mind I think it's fair to say that these initials do stand for our names since NS 0 MMB why does follow me on Twitter as his video stated if that's not enough there was also a file that people found through and 0 and then B why does password protected and the password is literally scared theater night mind so apparently the system wants us to do an analysis on this so why not the system consists of three YouTube channels like I said before so in order to make things easier on myself and to keep the video shorter I'll be analyzing one YouTube channel per video I'll start with cave of shadows sent this one was created first then I'll do NS 0 M nby and lastly I'll do a week so let's begin with cave of shadows cave of shadows was the first of the three YouTube channels created in the system which by the way I'm fairly certain he's just an Arg and the past six months they've only been six videos uploaded this YouTube channel so far but they are pretty interesting the first video uploaded titled welcome to cave of shadows is just a little introductory video about what the channel is about most of the information is in the description it states a cave of shadows which is a recreational broadcasting system we'll be broadcasting live every second Friday of the month from 2:00 o'clock the 2:30 p.m. CST each of these broadcasts as you will see later have recurring segments that they feature on the website you can even rate each segment during the broadcast and give them feedback the segments in cave of shadows first broadcast are as follows introduction to work from the / watcher you know more mr. giraffe weather forecast relaxation question mark question mark question mark and closing remarks the introduction is essentially just thanking us for watching the broadcast and ends by saying the show our gratitude we will now show you this we're then shown footage of a pixelated forest and eventually the words he is watching are shown for a split second after this the second segment of the show you know more begins for this segment they do show us a clip from a documentary about a man named Chang Zhu ping who was born with an undeveloped twin which caused his face to be horribly disfigured it does end happily though as Jane doesn't up receiving surgery to make his face like a lot more normal than it did before the next segment is mr. giraffe and this particular episode was called what's this the mr. giraffe show just shows a giraffe puppet doing something while the dialogue for his character appears on the screen the episode is very straightforward all that happens that mr. giraffe ends up playing with scissors and then he actively kills himself and then the episode ends the segment that follows mr. giraffe is the weather forecast this segment literally repeats the same weather forecast on the screen at 9 times but then it cuts off and we're shown the following text which is encrypted in base64 once you translate it it says hey it's me I checked if you over watch oh stop watching the broadcast and if they confirm this is a good way to communicate privately we need to wait until the next broadcast to relay any serious information after this the weather forecast repeats 9 more times the following segment is called relaxation this one pretty much just pan through a purple forest or strange music in the background while putting words of encouragement up on the screen such as you are great and you are a likeable person and so on so forth the final segment of the first broadcast is just named the question mark question mark question mark it just shows a static television will we can have someone narrating some lines from a poem called a place for the bees after this segment the closing remarks began where the audience had just thanked once again for watching the broadcast before the broadcast ends text reading he's watching appears on the screen for a split second one thing I'm sure a lot of people are wondering is who the over watcher actually is I really don't know all we know is that it seems that he runs his broadcast and he also seems to be described as being on mission in some way it's also very clear that the encrypted messages we saw drawing the weather forecast we're trying very hard to be hidden from the overwatch er he seems to be presented as a villain the next video on cave of shadows is titled unforeseen delay this video is just apologizing that there was a delay for broadcast number two but assures us it'll be posted on the 1st of November however strangely enough the second broadcast was actually uploaded on December 19th the scheduled segments for broadcast number 2 are the same as for broadcast one except question mark question mark question mark and closed Mary marks are removed and a few new segments are added which are called blank room a string of base64 which translates to orientation and the system fall celebration live the broadcast begins the special announcement from the / watcher they show the pics footage of a sewer drain with distorted noise in the background split-second text appears once again reading he sees all and then the you no more segment begins the episode of you no more is a lot less interesting than the last one it is shows footage of a lion attacking a deer after the lion attack the next segment of mr. draft begins this episode is called nature walk this episode depicts mr. giraffe taking a walk and at the beginning he tells the viewers of his parents told him to watch out for strangers he then finds a playground and starts swinging on the swing at this point the video cuts to a clip of what looks like tree bark and at the bottom left corner of the screen we see Texas has forgotten after this version of transition telling us that mr. giraffe was having so much fun they forgot to look out for strangers in this mistake cost him mr. giraffe eventually with a bloody stick impaling his head which concludes the episode next up is the weather forecast segment but for some reason instead of showing us the forecast it is rose as the screen saying we moved by the / watcher due to material under investigation it could be possible that this segment was redacted by the / watcher because he discovered the encrypted message in the last brother forecast and wanted to prevent something like that from happening again the next segment is one of the new ones and it's fairly interesting it's called a blank room with Xavier Xavier is narrating over this and explained to us that in this segment he will invite a viewer to the system to participate in an activity called somnom somnom means sleep enlightened by the way at this point we're shown a video of someone standing in their bedroom Xavier just tells the person to go over to the bed and it wants a personalized down des starts to tell us what the person is doing but several times Xavier is voice becomes very distorted eventually we are notified that the broadcast is having technical difficulties and then the segment ends the next segment is yet again another episode of relaxation this one destroy some videos that take place at Disneyland and shows us more words of encouragement such as you are important and you are valued very much like the last segment of relaxation the next segment which is called orientation to show someone walking at night with occasional cuts to a shower there are many strings of base64 in this video they translate to listen closely can you hear it there are voices in the water he's watching you he is he's everything at one point the segment we are showing a person wearing a mask with X's over the eyes this might be the overwatch er the final segment of the second broadcast is the system fall celebration live the segment begins by saying and now for the fall celebration the rest has redacted and replaced with a message saying removed by the over water due to sensitive material I had no idea Weiss was removed the broadcast ends with the viewers being thanked again and then we are showing text for a split second the reads he sees everything after this version of clip of the playground the mr. giraffe was filmed at along with another string of base64 the translates to with this web address this web plate will lead you to the download of a game call to experience one upon starting up the game it presents us with a screen saying click anywhere to begin once you click it'll be mode with a password box the first password can be discovered on the download page all you have to do is select everything on the page and texts will be revealed at the bottom left that reads have you forgot the playground there are secrets the word for God is in bold because this is the first password once you enter the password the game will begin all you have to do is the arrow keys to move into the playground room as a draft took place and pick up a dice cube you then turn around make your way to a sewer drain where if they drop the dice after this you'll be met with a screen that says press ENTER to summon him once you press enter the screen goes black and a distorted scream can be heard after this the game ends and a picture appears in your browser that says he knows where you are now I was pretty stuck with finding more passwords from here so I just tried typing in more key word from the download page first I tried playground which work then I tried secrets which did work if you type in secrets for the password I'll get a blue screen that says we have a present for you but you must go through some more trials prove your worthiness of the President of course find the four pieces and receive your reward before the game exits back to the opening screen it shows us the letters J n VG they seem meaningless at first but if you decrypt those letters from rot13 it will reveal that they translates to weights which is the next password when you type in wait for the password the game will just show you a picture of a control key the control key isn't the next password but rather it reveals an alternative part of the game if you type and forgot for the password again anyway people you did last time with the dice you'll once again and be one with a screen that says press ENTER to summon him but if you press the control keys that have Enter key something else will happen they'll get a blue screen that missed balls congratulations it and he will also see the number 36 there are a couple of other passwords for the game that I found but I'll get to those later the next video uploaded by cave of shadows is titled congratulations but once again it's misspelled the video distro is a number point zero eight seven a 6-1 so as of now we have the number is 36 and point zero eight seven eight six one I promise these are important and I'll get to the reason why in a moment first I need to cover the last video posted by cave of shadows as of now the final video of the cave of shadows has posted so far is broadcast number three the segment for this broadcaster as follows introduction and worked from the overwatch er you no more mr. giraffe weather forecast story time radio relaxation and closing remarks the introduction just states that the cave of shadows is no longer able to make money from their broadcast due to advertisements repeatedly playing during the broadcasts they also see that certain people have crossed the system and for this reason some elements has to be removed and with that the you no more segment begins the episode of you no more seems to be a parody of a car commercial in which a sock puppet is the car salesman at one point of the commercial the puppet stops talking mid-sentence and begins to cry text then appears on the screen saying don't make yaki business deals the next segment of mr. giraffe kind of confused me to be honest it is shows mr. giraffe walking down a sidewalk while the Texans green tells us that mr. giraffe can open his mouth but he can't make any words because one day he's had to make some special friends at a special showcase but he forgot to cover his tracks it ends in the way it usually does by saying we all make mistakes but the one mr. giraffe made cost him manage was mr. draft laying over the same sewer drain we saw in the experience game after this the weather forecast segment begins but just like in the last broadcast it was removed by the overwatch er for some reason the segment that follows this one is actually a new segment called story time with NS a zero MMB it begins at the woman named mrs. Xu Li re telling us that she'll be narrating a story for us we are then Turing the title card for the first episode of the story time the story she tells us is about a penguin named penguin who Guan walks all the time but occasionally he would take a rest to ponder his past mistakes his one particular memory that he feels guilty about and which went to a baseball game to see a little friend who was up to bat the story ends by saying that long after the game penguin took the point of a little boy's room to help him and the remainder of the story is removed by the / watcher I don't know about you but I feel like this part was kind of hinting at some sort of sexual abuse the next segment is yet again another new segment called radio it just plays weird music the whole segment with text up on the screen saying requires for xaa the following segment is one that we're familiar with relaxation this just shows the cameras spinning around a pause strange music plays in the background like usual however no words of encouragement cop on the screen like they normally do at one point the screen cuts a static and when it comes back we're from the playground the mr. giraffe was filmed at except it's snowing and we can see the word three at the bottom left corner of the screen the broadcast ends of the viewers being thanked for watching once again and for a split second we're shown text that reads he knows where you are now in the very last seconds of the video we're also shown text that says check the experience which is obviously referring to the game remember how earlier we're showing text that said three at the bottom left of the screen this is another password for the game typing in this password will open up a youtube video titled clue which just shows six numbers on the screen as you would expect this is another cipher that simply replaces the letters but their corresponding numbers this translates to system which was the last password I was able to find so far when you type in system as the password they'll get a blue screen with a number and negative 86 so if what it's been gathered so far we found three numbers from the game thirty-six point zero seven eight six one and negative eighty six people have speculated that we actually have to combine 36 and the decimal has one number to make it 36 point zero eight seven eight six one at this point we now have two numbers which are thought by many to be coordinates these coordinates lead to a cold a sack in Nashville Tennessee I really don't know what the significance of this location is or if it has any significance at all if anything I think we're supposed to be getting one more coordinate since one of the messages in the experience game so we must find four pieces assuming the pieces are numbers we've only found three maybe the last one will lead us somewhere and those were the last of the videos by cave of shadows so far admittedly I've never watched any of these broadcasts alive but the next broadcast will go live on March 12th and they will certainly be watching that one live cave shadows also has a Twitter account where updates it and whatnot are posted recently this picture was posted using the same letter to number cipher as the one we saw previously it translates to new camera new footage they conclude the video I want to point out one thing I also noticed that I found pretty interesting if you google search cave of shadows the first mesh shows up is the allegory of the cave which was an allegory presented by the Greek philosopher Plato and this allegory there's a cave where people have been chained up since birth they're chained in a way so they can only look at the wall behind them as a fire which protects shadows onto the wall in front of them the people chained in this cave perceived shadows as a reality since it's the only thing they've ever known if one of these prisoners were ever freed they would turn around and see the fire the lay from the fire would hurt their eyes and they would not accept what they were seeing so they turned back to the shadows which they were accustomed to if this prisoner were to ever be dragged out of a cave into the sunlight they'd be blinded by the sunlight but eventually their eyes would adjust and they would experience a new reality if they would ever to go back to the cave and rescue the prisoners he would be blind from the darkness in the cave the remaining prisoners seeing this but assume that this journey must have heard him therefore they would not want to leave the cave in the end these prisoners would attempt to kill anyone who tried to bring them out of the cave so this is definitely an interesting and deep allegory but does it actually have anything to do with the cave of shadows yes and notice for a fact the reason I know this is because of the banner of the cave of shadows YouTube channel they also have the same banner picture on their website the picture here is hard to see but it's very clear this picture is just a distorted version of this picture which is a very common illustration of the allegory of the cave that's all I have to say on cave of shadows right now I know there are probably some things I didn't mention that link this to ns0 mnb why and awake but you have to keep in mind I haven't even looked at those other two channels yet my next analysis will be on NS 0 M and B why and one after that will be about a week from there I'll make the connections that are needed thank you for watching and I will see you on the flipside you
Channel: ScareTheater
Views: 1,040,736
Rating: 4.9177284 out of 5
Keywords: cave, of, shadow, shadows, analysis, analyze, explain, explained, explanation, ARG, alternate, reality, game, the, system, ns0mnby, awake, allegory, Plato, Socrates, scary, creepy, broadcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2016
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