Instant Healing Testimonies at Ecc Nairobi

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there is a prompting in the spirit you are there you are sick as we sing this worship song i want you to come to the altar i want you to come to the altar psalms 107 and verse 20 says he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction jeremiah chapter 30 and verse 17 says for i will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds says the lord i want you to come to the altar you are sick in your body come and stand on the altar [Music] [Applause] [Applause] and even those that are joining us from around the world you are seeking your body right now the power of god is about to touch you yes [Music] right now i invoke the power of your stripes yes to every sickness let the blood of jesus begin to respond amen to every sickness every growth every infirmity every disease on the account of yeshua hamashiach those that are here and those that are watching receive your healing be healed from the crown of your head to receive new and fresh organs somebody is being healed from sugar diabetics yes somebody is being healed from arthritis right now i rebuke hypertension yes i speak healing of your heart healing of your plan i receive the killing of your body healing of your bones from the crown of your head to the soul of your features i declare be made whole amen be made whole amen let the virtues of christ respond to every sickness be healed of that thought condition be healed of that breast condition be healed in your lower abdomen i receive i command healing of your kidneys healing of your liver healing of your bladder healing of your knees i declare healing that i condition that back pain be healed of every incurable disease i command your unconditional release from the hand of the enemy somebody right now i sense it in the realm of the spirit the lord is healing your joints your marrows your cells your nerves your tissues and every organ in your body left oscar magadesh somebody say after me through the blood of jesus through the blood of jesus even those in the congregation said through the blood of jesus through the blood i am healed i am healed somebody said i received my healing now i receive my healing in the name of jesus in the name of jesus as you are stretching your hands i cancel every sickness and disease yes that has defied medical diagnosis yes every sickness in your body that has defied medical diagnosis the blood of jesus is against it now yes there is no sickness that god cannot heal right now i want you to breathe in and out three times even those that are watching i want you to breathe in and breathe out three times one breathe in even if you have your mask on just breathe in breathe out to breathe in breathe out as you breathe out the third time i release the totality of god i receive i release the breath of god into your body let every dead organ receive life let that condition come to an end let that pain leave your body free breathe in breathe out i want you to begin to examine yourself and if you have anyone that is sick at home stretch your hands if you have anyone sick at home whether they are at home whether they are at hospital wherever they are anybody that is connected to you that is sick i send the angels of healing i sent the angels of healing i sent the angels of healing i sent the angels of healing yes in there in that hospital bed back at home i send the angels of healing right now in the name of jesus i declare be healed may god touch your mother may god touch your father may god touch your brother may god touch your sister may god touch your wife james may god touch your husband yes may god touch your loved ones anyone that is sick that is connected to you somebody say i sent the angels of healing those that are watching us live from around the world you will not die of that sickness i command that sickness to die from the roots right now begin to examine yourself open your eyes somebody begin to examine yourself i will work in divine health those that are here begin to examine yourself begin to examine yourself [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] a [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus i sense it all types of diseases developing disease approaching disease diagnosed disease they are coming to an end i declare to somebody be lose i declare somebody here somebody that is watching be healed in the name of jesus i see chronic chest pains being healed i see migraines i see i see stiff neck i see blood clots i see asthma bronchitis nausea sinus infection i see neck pain hormonal imbalance anxiety attacks somebody i can't just beside your thoughts i can't just recite your books chandra bragadoska [Music] in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit shout amen amen you may be seated in the presence of god we have a testimony here let's have one testimony at a time so we can be having one person here let's hear the testimonies of what god has done we can the others can just line up as we are giving the testimonies so that we can have one person at a time we want to hear what god is doing uh-huh omar your god is too powerful this gentleman standing here is saying he fell down for the last two months he has been having a problem with the rib uh-huh so he was not able to bend on either side uh-huh but right now after you have declared the prophetic healing one he has said he has just received the instant healing and he's able to bend side to side my god so you are saying two months what happened something happened so you are not able to bend but now i can move my god so there is no pain at all the pain is god the pain is good [Applause] glory to jesus your healing is permanent and the lord is going come here the lord is going to restore you and even as god is restoring you i see the calling of god upon your life i see the hand of god on you you are blessed it is done in jesus name give the lord [Music] [Music] mama oracle the gentleman standing beside me has been having chronic ulcers for the past two years after every three hours he has to take medication for the past two years mama oracle he has been under severe affliction and pain but right now mama oracle as you gave the prophetic instruction for us to breathe in and out three times the pain just checked out he is completely free jesus somebody said my healing is permanent my healing is prominent viewers from around the world as god is touching you and healing you i declare that healing is permanent come on say my healing is permanent my healing is probably the healing of my family is permanent the healing of my family how are you feeling now come closer how are you feeling now yeah you can just lower the mask so that i can hear you well yeah mama i was uh very much worried like it's my first time to be here uh-huh so uh i was really worried even when i was coming because i realized that i'm out of my medication uh-huh and i've been having chronic alcohol for the past two years like i have to take some astrazeneca and exam after every three hours so when i got in and the worship was flowing and i i got into that worship and i i'm feeling better now i'm feeling okay [Music] your healing is permanent he says when he came he was so worried because he didn't carry the medication and he was so worried because in every few hours he must take this for how long now for two years now two years now but he says after the prayer there is no pain you are in the solution center we know doctors we believe that doctors street and we appreciate all the medical doctors even here but we say jesus heals tell your neighbor doctor street doctor hospital but we know that jesus is the healer your healing is permanent i am not the healer jesus is the healer i am not the deliverer jesus is the deliverer and i declare as god's mandated oracle your healing is permanent and affliction will not rise a second time it is done in jesus name somebody say it is tired it is done mama for the last nine years the lady standing beside me mom she when she delivered her first child she said she has been experiencing back pain heavy bucking and even today when she came to the service she was not able to see it or even to stand up to bed but right now mama she has just received the healing the pain has gone yay so you've been having this pain since you delivered please come closer here since you delivered your first uh-huh but today child i walked in i wasn't able to stand following give up the microphone uh-huh so i've been sitting most of the time so most of the service time you were seated uh-huh the pain i could feel it at the lower back just where it is but just after you know we prayed and we breathe in and now i'm able to bend it yeah glory to jesus can you feel any pain the pain is good come affliction will not rise a second time and thus say get the lord god of israel your healing is permanent calling peace in jesus name somebody said the pain is gone the pain is gone thank you jesus uh-huh mama oracle the lady standing beside me was diagnosed with fibroids two months ago she has been experiencing severe abdominal pain mama oracle she has been affected even regarding her reproductive system she has been trusting god for children but because of the fibroids she's not been able to have a baby but right now mama oracle she says the pain just checked out the swelling has just gone down to jesus this can only be the god of the orchestra somebody said jesus is jesus jesus so the swelling that was there has gone away it has gone it is gone she says it is good power your healing is permanent [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will be a living testimony you will be a living testimony affliction will not rise a second time you will be a joyful mother you will have biological children i speak as an oracle every negative medical report i cancel it by fire believe the report of the lord it is done somebody said i believe in the report of the lord i believe in the report of the lord mama oracle it is testimony after testimony the lady standing beside me has been having severe abdominal pain for years now she's been going to the hospital but it has defied medical diagnosis and treatment she is constantly in pain but right now mama oracle the pain has checked out no more abdominal pain she's completely free how long have you been in have you been having this pain more than five years more than five years how are you feeling after the prayer you are well yes come your healing is permanent i declare affliction will not rise a second time it is done in jesus name amen let's give the lord a clear perfect every night to make a jew let's let's sing this song hallelujah just lift up your hands somebody god is touching you le para gados [Applause] [Music] your way [Applause] thank you jesus [Music] tell foreign [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] today i want this to be the cry of your heart that all i want is the lord we are in a generation that wants the blessing and not the blessing we are in a generation that wants the healing and not the healer we are in a generation that wants the deliverance and not the deliverer we are in a generation that wants the miracles but not a miracle worker but somebody lift up your hands and say hi jaya moyo angu the desire of my heart lord is only [Music] oh [Applause] thank you jesus thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you jesus uh-huh mama oracle one of your daughters here cynthia is testifying she says i attended my star will shine conference and the oracle declared it is our september to remember i received this prophetic word and i declared that i'm not crossing over to another month without my testimony indeed before the month ended i received a new job supernaturally after being unemployed for a very long time my god the grace of the oracle is indeed at work i am starting my new job tomorrow and have even moved to a brand new apartment [Music] thank you jesus give her the microphone god bless you cynthia tell us a man so you are trusting god for a job yes i've been unemployed for five years you've been unemployed for five years uh-huh so in august i did a series of interviews i did the written interview and then the oral interview in september and then i got the confirmation and then i'm starting the job next tomorrow uh-huh and i've moved into a new house jesus can i pray for somebody that is believing god for a job yes my prophet anyone that is trusting god for a job yes either here or you're watching us live on facebook on youtube on oracle1 tv wherever you are or you have one of your family members that is trusting god for employment i declare that door is open i received any adversary against your open door let that adversary be destroyed in the name of jesus this month will not end before you receive that confirmation that has been out of employment for a long time yes i release high-paying jobs i receive i release high-paying jobs i receive i release high-paying jobs i receive anyone here that is working here i declare you will occupy the best positions in the name of jesus i said you will occupy the best position i received anyone here that is trusting god for business i release that business capital this october receive that business capital i receive receive that business capital piracy and you also moved into a new apartment tell your neighbor my address is about to change my addresses somebody that is watching us live you are about to lose the address of puberty i see god blessing you until the devil will testify you are blessed italian from around the world god is going to bless you until the devil will testify you are blessed somebody say i connect come hold the microphone this marks the beginning of a new season and even as you start this job may the favor of god be upon you may god empower you may god you know i love the blessings of god because the blessings of god are permanent tell your neighbor the blessing of god is permanent the blessing of god is when god promotes no man can demote what god has announced no man can denounce when god says yes no devil can say no it doesn't matter the opposition or the resistance the hand of god is upon you nobody can disqualify what god has qualified amen and this door that god has opened for you may it mark the beginning of a new season i'm hearing the lord say double for your trouble dab off for your troubles iris everything that you went through for the last five years i'm seeing divine compensation go and succeed it is done in jesus name somebody shout i receive i received for five years she was looking for a job i hear in the realms of the prophetic prophecy what you have been looking for for the last five years yes what you have been looking for for the last 10 years 15 years you will find it this month raise your hand and say what i have been looking for what i've been looking viewers from around the world begin to connect somebody say what i have been looking for what i have been looking for i receive it in the name of jesus i receive it viewers from around the world what you have been looking for somebody receive your citizenship your permanent residence your work permit my god receive the fruit of the womb what you have been looking for receive your own home receive your own personal car i don't know what you've been looking for but for five years but god has answered may this altar speak for you this month i received may this altar speak for you this month amen uh-huh john mordimer says i bless the god of the oracle i came to the arena of miracles for the very first time little did i know it was my day of visitation i came to ecc with a lot of issues my grandmother was sick i had lost my job had no means of income and was going through a major financial and economic crisis it was my first time in ecc and the oracle located me prophetically and spoke over my life can i locate somebody today [Music] i speak as an oracle yes or no you are conditioned will not escape the anointing piracy i said your condition will not escape the anointing i receive i declare wherever you are may the christ begin to speak for you shout i received [Music] you are in the arena of miracles your story is about to change somebody said my story is about to change my stories i will never be the same again [Music] the oracle located me prophetically and spoke over my life since then my doors have opened the god of the oracle has remembered me and my family glory to jesus come where are you i want to speak a blessing that you are healing that you are miracle you are blessings your open doors are permanent and those that are connecting from around the world i declare in the name of jesus whatever you are believing god for ah le prague receive it in the name of jesus viewers from around the world i declare your story is changing for good [Music] foreign [Music] i remove your finances from the dominion of the powers of darkness i command satan to take his hands off your finances this young man is saying as he got money his problems in crystal he could not even tell where his money was going up you're watching me from around the world i remove your finances from the dominion of the powers of darkness i declare the spring of your world will not go dry those hands touch millions i receive receive the power to prosper i receive deuteronomy 8 18 says you shall remember the lord your god for it is he that giveth us power to prosper in the remaining months of this year the money you have not touched from january till now yes i declare it is coming into your hands i receive and i hear the lord saying father speak your servant is listening i hear the lord saying your blessings will come from unexpected places expected and unexpected places shout [Music] your grandmother oh yes anyone saying you are going to church jesus you are praying you are fasting anybody that is questioning the prophetic word on your life jesus they will know you are god i say your family members will know you suffer living god amen you are relatives and your family members they will know you serve a living god amen shall i receive i receive it may god give you a miracle that will silence the doubters i respect this marks the beginning of a new season why if you know your grandmother as well siblings [Music] coming i pray for families today just my prophet every spirit of disunity yes every spirit of discord the name of jesus every spirit of hatred yes among us family members yes among us children are from the same family among your sisters and brothers yes i decree and declare yes every spirit of hatred yes i declare die from the roots i speak unity in the family i receive i speak oneness in the family i receive your children will love each other i receive brothers and sisters we love each other i receive i declare every form of family wickedness yes fire fire fire fire catch fire my god come the lord is opening a new chapter this is just the beginning and i hear the lord say you are the deliverer of your family you are the person that god has ordained as a deliverer as the priest of this altar i bless you go and succeed go and be a part and breaker go and rewrite the history of your family positively i bless you from today i declare you will walk in purpose you are moving from pain to purpose thank you spirit of god you are moving from lamentation to laughter you're moving from trials to triumph this is just but the beginning go and succeed somebody say it is done it is time hey the testimonies are too many my goodness it seems i'm only going to prophesy in this service jesus christ mama oracle we have a testimony here from shirin she says i have been raising my teenage son single-handedly and it has not been easy because he has had various disciplinary issues and has been battling depression for a really long time she says i began applying and pouring the anointed water on his head on his bed as i declared that the grace of the oracle for academic excellence would fall upon him now my son who had been giving me a really hard time is the best improved student and is now a class prefect hey i pray for our children yes academic excellence i speak wisdom i speak knowledge i speak understanding of our children i speak wisdom i pray over every parent may your children never lack school fees children go to the best schools may god give you the grace to raise godly children i recently declare your labor as a parent shall be rewarded i pray for every mother and every father yes you will not whip concerning your children i said you will not weep concerning your children i bring your children under the canopy of god's grace yes come i want to hear that testimony where are you she says she took the anointed water from ecc hey worship worship we are prophetic jesus please give her the microphone uh mama i you know i have been coming to your office when you have been having one of ones yes and i have been talking to you about my son yes he's really been giving me an issue yes it has not been easy raising him as a teenage son and i had spoken to you about the absence of his father yes and i remember you prophesied about the settlement and you know whatever came out yes and uh so i took the anointed water when you heard the prayers breaking the yolks of the family yes and i went home and continually applied the water on his empty bed because he's in a boarding school so you are using the bed as a point of contact hey don't joke with praying madasis so you are sprinkling the anointed water i was sprinkling the anointing because he's in a body so i would sprinkle the anointed water on his bed in his cupboard on his clothes you know and pray with the prayer verses that you had given from the bible yes during that conference and when i went to pick him from school the teachers told me he actually got an award because of corona i would not i was not able to go parents who are not able to attend their awards but they sent me a photo of my son receiving the award and some monetary awards also for him the best improved student my killer the destinies of our children will not be wasted amen i said the destinies of our children will not be wasted so i'm very grateful mama because through meeting you i remember coming from 680 hotels yes you know it has been from the days of miracle monday from the days of miracle monday amen you know i thank god because of your grace i have been able to pull through because she is my prophet and she's also my mother glory to jesus all of you know that uh when you raise a single child as a single parent society always stigmatizes you as a single parent so and especially when the child is wayward yes no one wants to listen to you no one wants to offer advice to that child but how is the child now now i thank god and i'm praying that he continues the same way for evil my god come i bless you and god is going to settle you god is going to bless you chandra braga stretch your hands towards this woman nina [Music] my daughter i declare over your life affliction will not rise a second time kelly ochaco mexico the bible says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning right now i declare over your son his deliverance is permanent what god has done in his life is permanent so shall it be in jesus name amen go and succeed
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 1,249
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, Miracle monday, the oracle
Id: z5ybcU-WbgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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