John Bevere - Catch The Fire Conference 2019 (Thursday Evening)

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good evening everybody welcome welcome welcome how about you stand up we're gonna welcome the holy spirit we're in a worship for about an hour or so have some holy sprit float I'm just met John Bevere wonderful nice guy he looks very young or at least he dresses very young so that's probably good and just hearing some of his stories which is good and he was telling us that he's had a had a dream that matched one of Carroll arnott's dreams a while back and so he's been sort of waiting to make a connection with us so we're really excited it's his first time that preacher catched the fire so we're looking forward to that how about you look at your friend to the left to the right and just sort of see if they're ready to worship the Lord are you ready [Applause] good welcome to all of you that are watching on touch fire TV so glad that you're with us my name is Steve my wife Sandy will be up here later and glad that you're with us tonight as this morning Ben Jackson is one of our worship leaders that catch the fire and he's going to be leading with Shalom asam her brand new name I just got married eight nine days ago so we're excited for that why don't you once you grab someone's hand that's right beside you Holy Spirit we welcome you how about you just say the amen to that they just pause friends just begin to feel his pleasure that you're here to make a choice to worship Him tonight the picture I just saw was this big smile just came out of heaven as the father looks down on us knows the intent of our heart is to celebrate him to know him better I feel for some of you that the Holy Spirit is going to be almost commissioning some of you during the worship time you're going to get God thoughts of next steps of people to see some of you I'm I was just getting an idea of business plans for some of you in the business realm and if the Lord speaks to you it needs to be a resounding yes you just if god's giving you a glimpse into your future it's a yes even if you don't know the details it's a yes it's a father we just say we always want to say yes to you we always want to have our heart open to you so Holy Spirit would you come be in this place father if you stir up the angels to worship with us tonight we'd really like that [Music] we worship your father let's worship together friends [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] your promise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] father a kind is you have food you brought me out of darkness you feel me maybe give her mercy your my help in time lord I can't [Music] for [Music] Oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] you call me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in your promises my confidence [Music] [Music] [Music] in your own my in your face [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] marilla come on your boys you are good big you are faithful you are gonna go and you are faithful yeah we love you we love you [Music] and I love you are oh your mercy never fails me and all my days I've been having your hair from the moment that away [Music] good to see you soon oh my life [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my life is so so good every breath did I I'm gonna say of the good the car [Music] oh I'm gonna say Oh bonus [Music] [Music] [Music] this is running [Music] mrs. Ronnie [Music] they're running [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all my life you had faith is so-so [Music] everywhere that our [Music] while asleep if the girl you are so good I was saying the game to God ah [Music] I'm gonna sing of your goodness gonna sing of your mercy [Music] I choose to trust [Music] you said [Music] they're stars in motion [Music] you your ways hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo smile [Music] Oh spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you may go [Music] oh you're lovelyz you make the way seasons major sneezes very change storms come back but your promise remains you make thank you for [Music] [Music] let's just take this moment just to think about his goodness your goodness the broader stir in your mercy it's what you do you're always even when I can't see in your steel sword you see you bleed is there anyone tonight that needs to choose to believe to choose to believe is to make God hire [Applause] to make God to make his voice greater and his love stronger than anything we faced so we choose to believe just take a moment to really pause and choose to believe you're the God who makes away you are who you say you are we choose to believe we choose to believe we're not swayed by our emotions or our feelings our hearts are in line with the truth of who you are you are God and you are good you are God and you are good you are God you are good you are God and you are good you are God and you are good you are God and you are good you are God and you are good you are God and you are good you are good you yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] it's your body [Music] me [Music] your body [Music] this is a [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] you could [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] come on this area's all together get me look I'm surrounded by [Music] [Music] like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I believe [Music] we choose to believe tonight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh we and we like it father [Music] the battle [Music] that's how we win [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah we ever declare that tonight [Music] [Music] we don't have to trust in us because the battle so we give over to you God every fight every man [Music] [Music] you are [Music] our [Music] you are here [Music] a word you are [Music] moving in I you are [Music] our our we make miracle worker male speaker my god that is who you are we make miracle worker promise me [Music] that issue you [Applause] so every [Music] and I was [Music] healing every you are [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you work [Music] feeling your work it never never stop see it's you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] even when I can't feel it your work you never stop never stop [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus you [Music] to Jesus you [Music] Jesus [Music] come on give him giving my shout of the praise Jesus [Applause] you [Applause] Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] walking around these walls I thought by now they'd fall but you have never failed [Music] waiting for Chase to come knowing the back toes were for you have never come on [Music] No [Music] [Music] Jesus you're here Sukie me [Music] say this our promise [Music] [Music] [Music] this is you never fell [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay just raise your hands to the Lord right now come on come on what are you waiting for you know sometimes we're waiting and he's already here he's already doing what you've asked him to do you just have to walk in that place of faith right now and just say Lord I'll take some of that I'll have that I'll believe in that I'll take what you and then just call in all the things that he spoken to you and just begin to call in what the Word of God where he's spoken in the word and say I'm gonna have that this is what the Lord says father I thank you for every single person that is in this room and that is watching online right now Holy Spirit I'm asking that you would just come and you would minister to their hearts right now I'm asking Holy Spirit that you would just come and that there would just be even tonight divine appointments divine appointments that would drop onto into people right now father into their hearts father that you would come and you administer their hearts Holy Spirit we love your presence [Applause] about you Holy Spirit you know when the Holy Spirit built 25 years ago Stephen and I were here and we were like we didn't know what we were doing but all we knew is that we had to come and we had to be there and we just stood and there may be some of you that are here tonight and you're just standing in there like what are these crazy people doing you know what we're in love [Applause] with Jesus and that's why you know when you're lovers when you're lovers of Jesus you just go after that you go after him and you just go Lord I can't I need more and so father I'm calling out for every household that is in this place right now the father that your presence would come into their homes right now father even the ones that are at home father and and the ones where whatever's going on Lord and we just push away every bit of distraction and father we focus on you and father we give you glory we give you honor we give you praise Lord we just love your presence and father it is about you our gaze is on you Lord and tonight father we are gonna press in and I want to just encourage you that tonight that you just continue to press and don't give up he's here he's here he's here right now and so I bless you songs tonight were the response to John Arnott sermon this morning about just holding on knowing the faithfulness of God even when circumstances don't look like they're in your favor I love these overcomer songs that our band chose like two weeks ago not knowing what John was going to be talking about today and here were we're saying a yes in the spirit do you mind putting the house lights up if you are in one of those places where big obstacles are around you like I'm talking about things like bankruptcy I'm talking legal action that's around you I'm talking about doctors with diagnosis that are severe your life may end shorter than normal can I get you to put your hand up real high just wherever you are and keep your hand up real high those of you that are around someone just move to someone the closest person that's that's there that has their and listen just put your hand on their back if that's appropriate if they sort of squinched and take it off but this sort of make a connection and let's just push in for our friends and father we're saying that in the season that these people are in show yourself strong yes show them what you're doing help them to remember the the word of the Lord that probably preceded this prophetic word a circumstance a scripture passage where God spoke and said I'm with you always those kind of things yes I love the I did a sermon years ago about John the Apostle sorry Paul the Apostle and I looked backwards and you remember when he was shipwrecked and there was that snake that bit him and he just tossed it away as if it was a piece of wood remember that story why did he have that kind of confidence to just keep on picking up wood and not worried about a Viper that had just been in him and if you look backwards Paul and his third missions trip the Lord speaks to him and says you're called to preach and Rome and then the Lord begins to unravel to him night after night city after city he says that God spoke to him and said you will go through suffering you will go through suffering but you're gonna end up and wrong and so while others you remember even a gibbous the Prophet comes and takes his belt and ties them up and said this is what's gonna happen if you go to Jerusalem everyone freaked out except for Paul Paul's going yes thank you that's confirmation I knew that and I wanted those of you to put your hand up I want you to just push into God and say could you remind me what you said before this began remind me what you said remind me what you've said during this process I'm with you I got this I'll be your strength I'll be your comfort or whatever it is that the Lord spoke hold on to those things hold on to those things you know I just I'm getting this odd picture and I don't even know how it's gonna work but I just remember a commercial of some kind of candy or something I don't know what it was and you know somebody raised their hands and then they they they they just fell back now please I don't know how that's gonna work but anyways they fell back into the freshness of what was there and it was delicious I can't remember what it was for and all I could see was the people were raising their hands when people were raising their hands and they were just stepping back into the Father's love and I feel like that tonight if you need a little bit of that if you need to be refreshed who needs a refreshing from the Holy Spirit I mean all of you just reach up into heaven right now reach up there come on and just let heaven come down on you in this place right now and just refresh you Holy Spirit I'm asking that you would just come and just refresh them refresh them Holy Spirit that you would come and just and father we're choosing to step back and to let you just do what you need to do in our lives we'll just come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit all over this room all over this room even watching on the the internet right now and then all over Holy Spirit will you come will you come and just refresh every single person well Lord we love your presence we can't do this without you every bit of restlessness comes right off of people right now well come on [Music] Jesus I love his presence I love his presence God is good friends when when the Lord is with us no worries yep even when circumstances are are really really challenging I like you just to close your eyes for one more minute here friends if you're in this room and you're not a follower Jesus you can choose Jesus right here right now right here right now and as my wife was saying if you're not a follower of Jesus you're probably looking at some of the people are just going is it possible to love Jesus that much and the answer is yes and the reason for that is because of what he's done in our lives how real he is to us how close he is to us and so if you're in this room I'd like you to say this Jesus reveal yourself to me I want to know who you are I'd like to begin a relationship with you and I know enough today that you came from heaven to earth because of me for my sins and I've heard the stories Resurrection Sunday you came back to life and you did that to prove that my sins were forgiven and there's the hope of a resurrection for me [Music] so Jesus would you come into my life right now and be with me forever be with me forever amen [Music] now in just a moment we're going to be having some people move back to their chairs so if people don't do that yet where's pastor Curtis he's right there okay Curtis can you come and stand right up here please this is one of our pastors Santa do you want to come up as well couple of our pastors and as we're transitioning people going back to their seats those of you that said that prayer and would like someone to minister to you and pray with you and get you full the Holy Spirit you make your way up right here right now okay people head back yes so this is this is your choosing Jesus today you're giving your life to Jesus so as people are going back to those seats just right up here if that's you be bold be bold yeah I just I just really felt I want to pray for the artists that are in this room if you're an art like if you're in any kind of an art an art can mean different things how about you just to stand up painters crafters whatever whatever you are if you consider yourself an artist I really feel that in this season that God is on artists that he's he's you know I mean there may be some people in the room where you've been on a bit of a sabbatical and you're like I got to get back to this this is the gift that God's given me but I really feel like the the Lord just wants to pour into you and that even as this the next couple of days the Lord's gonna begin to show you stuff so just hold your hands to the Lord right now father I'm asking that you would just come and be with these people Lord that you've created them to be artistic father you've given them visual ways to express what you're saying and father I'm asking that you would just come and just bless their hands father bless them the eyes of their heart so that they can see what what you're doing Lord and bless them as they they confirm it with Scripture but Lord or is that they paint it as they dance whatever they do Lord father that you would increase that and father may it just influence all those around them and everybody said amen I bless you guys very very good Steve and Sandra for those of you don't know us that maybe tonight's your first night with us at the capture the fire conference so thank you so much for being here welcome to Toronto if you have never been here before wonderful wonderful City we're always in the top three or four best cities of the world and I think that's because of you and me Sandra no all right maybe not maybe not what was that gonna say I'm going to draw your attention to this piece of paper that you got as you came in and a fascinating thing for me in the scriptures you you know that Mary Magdalene was met at the tomb of Jesus by angels and then by the Lord Himself and if you remember in Luke's passage I think it's chapter 24 it says that she was with other women and it names some of those ladies one of those ladies was a lady named Joanna and it's no coincidence that those same ladies are named earlier in the scriptures in Luke chapter 8 those ladies all had a god experience that God encounter with Jesus it says of Mary Magdalene that demonic spirits left her it would appear that a gale gal named Joanna that she had some sort of sickness and disease and was healed of that and because she because these ladies had encounters with Jesus they took it one step further and they said thank you to the Lord by financially supporting Jesus and I find it fascinating that these ladies who had God encounters are now helping the finance the Ministry of Jesus and the and perhaps many many others that were travelling with Jesus and they're the ones that are closest to Jesus even on the Resurrection Sunday they're the first ones there they're the ones to meet the Angels and that it's like they had a special place in the heart of God because they valued experiences and they put their money where their mouth is and we have an amazing group of people that are sitting over here and if I could get all of our world changers to just stand up for a moment with me I want you to look at these people over here we got some slides that are gonna start scrolling around so I'm just gonna guess keep standing people these people are world changers so what that means is every month they give a minimum of twenty-five dollars towards catch the fire for us to change nations and for the most part the money that comes from Canadian stays in Canada and money from the state stays in America the money that comes from Britain and Europe stays in those nations to bring revival in those nations we help to start churches we do revival meetings in all across the nations we do missions trips people would I be correct that one of the reasons that you give is because you've had a Jesus encounter at some point you've had a God encounter would I be correct hands up if that's you I love that I got my world changed your badge as well Sandra and I are in that category and can I just encourage you that if God's done something unique through catch the fire we'd love to have you join these people is around 600 of us that every month pray send their money and contributes in many many different ways we do missions trips you guys can sit down right now John on it this morning what he was talking about the the school that we did in Turkey for Iranians and if I remember right it was around $300 for each of the Iranians to fly from their country into Turkey for an underground Holy Spirit school that we did and these people paid that $300 per Iranian a couple years ago maybe four years ago five years ago we we have a one-week school that which was the one that John and Carol and others were doing in Turkey and one year we were ambitious and we did 35 of those schools all around the world and our world changers were the ones who contributed to that helping to change lives so these are amazing people and if you feel that you'd like to join this mighty band of misfits is that the right word I find it interesting that David when he was on the run had 600 people we got 600 world-changers yeah we're in the Bible anyways if you'd like to contribute to be part of that all the informations here read that and at the end of the meeting in the lobby I think Celine is there or tomorrow you can talk to her then get some benefits they get good seats they get a lounge to go to they get newsletters and all those different kind of things they get to travel with our pastors and our ministry team and people so thank you so much for being world changers miss Mel come on up what do we need to know same as yesterday I'll just give you who here's joining us tonight for the first time hands up some of you okay so just for tomorrow morning the same as the same deal is this morning the doors open at 8:30 a.m. and then as well as the coffee shop so you can get your coffee at 8:30 a.m. but then the auditorium doors don't open till 9:00 a.m. tomorrow and so there is a line up at the back you are inside which is great but you're lining up from 8:30 all the way to 9 at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning again same as this morning there is intercession so was it good this morning yeah all right so 9:00 a.m. intersession tomorrow morning bring your coffee and go and get ready it's gonna be good for tonight the same thing as last night we are having our encounter room open and so if you weren't here last night last night it was incredible we here at catch the fire really value ministry and ministry time and we want you to have an opportunity to receive tonight and not just go running out the doors as soon as everything's done here on the stage and so when we're done here you don't have to go running out right away at the back over there we're gonna open up there's prayer lines as for the ministry men your team is at that's where you can get prayed for and then there is worship going on as well and so just take your time enjoy this week enjoy the evenings we really really want you we believe that you are gonna receive something even tonight well before we invite John up just did you guys love worship tonight yeah Ben Jackson he's he is our executive director of katchafire world as well as here in Toronto him and Shalom are also worship leaders here in this local church and so these are two albums everything comes alive and closer that have come out of here catch the fire and Ben Jackson is on on these albums so you can grab them in the bookstore the book store is open we have a lot of good stuff in there so you can check that out and then for Joe are you guys excited for tonight John Bevere I I was instructed by the director of events that I am only allowed to invite him to the stage if I don't sound like a fangirl so I'm just playing it very cool right now so one of his latest books is called killing kryptonite I've read this book it is an incredible book I didn't know this but you can get it in DVD CDs and a workbook which I would I wish I did and so these are in our bookstore John and Lisa they run their ministry together messenger international they have a lot of teaching resources a lot of books a lot of material it's to build us to build a church it is so good John and Lisa loved the word they love truth and I just want to sing I'm being a fangirl they love truth and they do in a way words in a world where everything is you know relative and there's no absolutes they talk about the word they talk about truth it's sometimes it's hard to hear but they do it with such kindness you're inspired you're convicted all at the same time it's so good so this is just one of his books killing kryptonite it's really really good but without further ado feel free to stand on up we're gonna invite John up to the stage first time here in this house and catch the fire it is an absolute honor bless you thank you wait wait wait right right can I have this and can I have this and Mel don't you think Mel should have this I do there you go now that's a gift from me to you enjoy hey everybody good evening could he ever ebuddy stay standing because I always love praying before bringing the Word of God it's an honor to be here and I I want to say that it was so wonderful to come right into a sanctuary and instantly since the presence of God which happened to me tonight and I was so delighted about that I love being in an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit has actually welcomed and revered and so thank you for that and I'm refreshed so I'll probably preach better tonight right and I just want to say thank you to Pastor John and Pastor Carol you have done so much for the body of Christ you have labored faithfully for years and years and years I'm so grateful and I'm so delighted to meet new friends tonight to you Duncan into your white cake your wife Kate and thank you for leading this movement the passion the enthusiasm that I sense in you is just amazing and then Mike the Baptist pastor of this church I love that right Steve Steve you're the Baptist pastor right you and Sondra right I love that isn't that like the Holy Spirit one of the most renowned moves of the Spirit of God in the world he puts a Baptist guy to now be the pastor I love that that's that's just like God right I just I just love that but listen I flew all the way here today because I just I just love what this house has done for the body of Christ for the nations of the world and you're passionate and I'm just you know in my hotel room praying this afternoon I really believe the Holy Spirit has a word for me to speak to you and it's interesting this is not my latest book but it is the message that God put in my heart for tonight so interesting that Mel introduced me now I mean I have 21 books so for those of you who do not know Lisa and I Lisa is my best friend she's my girlfriend she's my wife she's my lover we've been married 37 years next month and she just got back from South Africa and Indonesia she literally circled the globe in the last two weeks speaking at national women's conferences I'm going to show you a picture of my family's just so you can see a picture of my family I think we've got one I hope we have one maybe we have one maybe we don't if we don't then you're not going to get to meet my family Arden help there we go there we are so this is our family and Lisa and I have four sons and all four sons work with Lisa and ayat messenger international and you can see on the far left is Addison our oldest son he is the CEO of messenger international he's worked for us for 15 years now that's his beautiful wife Juliana and my 4G babies you say what in the world is a G baby I am way too young to be grandpa so it is G daddy ng for short and and then we've got Arden and Christian this is their actual their wedding it was last November and they're both here with me today Christian's working and helping me with my social media she works and does a lot of editing for us Arden is over our sons and daughters ministry and my road manager and he's our baby and then at the very end we have our second born son that's Austin he and just got married in September so our family's really grown in the last year and just was a board members daughter and they're celebrating their one-year anniversary right now and then our only single son left is Alec and we got social media come on girls we need we need another daughter-in-law okay but I will I will just tell you he is not an import you must be an export so that's the only way this thing works my mom snuck in there I don't know how that happened but anyway she's 92 sharpest attacks she just called me and went okay John they just renewed my license until 2023 I said mom you're amazing so anyway and I think I covered everybody now messenger international for those of you who don't know Lisa and I we we have written some books my worst subject in high school was English and creative writing and now 21 books in there in the tens of millions and 111 languages all over the world but a real fun has happened in the last nine years nine years ago God spoke to me I made the 31st 2010 and said son I want you to get your hands your resources into the hands of every pastor in the world and I'm like every pastor in the world well by the grace of God in the last nine years we've been able to give away twenty one point six million resources to pastors and leaders in a hundred or ninety eight nations and a hundred and eleven languages written about Iran Iraq Syria Jordan Lebanon Afghanistan we're doing about Cambodia Laos I could go on and on and on and so it is quite amazing to see what the Lord has done you know Jesus said to go and make disciples of all nations a disciple is a learner and so you know it's really interesting in administering for 35 years I've I've been to churches that are just there they're into the word but they don't know the Holy Spirit and they are so dry and then I've been to churches that you know they emphasize the Holy Spirit but they don't have an appetite for the word and that is dangerous and so please always remember that God wants a complete full relationship with us it is the Word of God and the Spirit of God amen amen and I am a little surprised by what God put in my heart for tonight because I have been speaking a lot on my newest book called God where are you maybe I'll touch on that tomorrow I don't know I've been feeling also the fear of the Lord we'll see where we're gonna go but I really felt like the Holy Spirit wanted me to speak to you on this tonight and I don't want to travel all the way from Colorado Springs just to bring you a message I really really believe that God can change your life tonight okay I believe that otherwise I would not have flown here to do to speak to you all right I want to know if you really believe that I'm asking I'm really I'm asking an honest question do you believe that your life can be forever changed tonight let me see you show him okay put up the other hand because we're gonna ask him to do it and I believe he's gonna do it because I believe he's already prepped me it's gonna be a wild ride tonight is gonna be good tonight I'm N so Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus we come before you as a people first of all we're so grateful we're so grateful to be your children you could have made us slaves and that would have been amazing but you called us sons and daughters tonight Holy Spirit of God I'm asking you to do what you love to do the most that is glorify and magnify Jesus in such a way that we've never liked a way in a way we've never known him before I'm asking you to do that I'm asking it would be a life changing Church changing nation changing night you can do this so we believe you for this we believe you to go from glory to glory and faith to faith and we ask this in the mighty and the wonderful and the majestic and the holy awesome name of Jesus Christ and we give you all the glory and the praise and the honor and the Thanksgiving in Jesus name and everybody that agrees shouts come on thank him for what he's gonna do tonight amen you can be seated watch this please faster than a speeding bullet baby steel with his bare hands [Music] what if we are more like him that we realized think about it Superman draws its strength from the Sun we draw our strengths in Jesus Christ the Sun man is not from this world as a child of God we are not of this world supernatural powers we are supernaturally empowering but hold up one thing has the power to stop Superman bring in the previously invincible down to his knees kryptonite is it true like Superman our strength is being dropped neutralizing our power we're making us Crypton that has invaded our lives [Music] so let me just let me just open up tonight and say this I didn't set out to write a book about kryptonite or Superman all right so actually I was I was getting ready to turn 60 and I just turned 60 by the way and don't say it I don't look a day over 80 but anyway I'm sitting there and I'm going I start asking questions questions that a lot of us are afraid to ask why are we afraid to ask those questions because we're afraid of the answer some of us because I'll just be really honest with you and I was 20 in my 20s I really believed that we would be a whole lot further and reaping the harvest and making disciples of nations than where we're at and so I I started asking questions I'm like God III I don't get it I look at the early church and when I say the early church I'm talking about the Church of Acts chapter 1 through 12 and they seemed invincible I mean do you know the Bible can't exaggerate do you know the Bible says that three entire cities were completely won every single inhabitant to the Lord lit a share in Joppa now I speak in conferences there may be 5,000 people there maybe 10,000 there maybe 15,000 people but you know where my mind goes where's the other million that have people in this city and I and I just started saying come on I mean I've stood on the major platforms in the world why aren't we change in cities the early church did and then I started I started looking at the Corinthian church now when you think of the early church of course you're gonna think of the Corinthian church but let me make an observation here the early church and acts 1 through 12 occurs between 30 and 34 AD Paul's first letter the Corinthian church is 56 AD history shows the Corinth the city of Corinth was not impacted by the Church of Corinth it's a lot like what we have today in our American and Canadian cities they had the moving of the Spirit they had people getting saved don't get me wrong but they didn't impact the city not the impact that the early church was making was not happening in the corn and I started seeing things in the Corinthian church it's like the Holy Spirit start opening my eyes that they had some issues right there they're actually in strife with one another they're arguing they're quarreling they actually have favorite preachers can you believe it they're suing one another committing sexual immorality like not even the world was doing they have feasts they have meals and the rich come early and eat all the best food leave the scraps for the poorer people because they saw themselves in a class system so Paul who birthed this church finally rights to this church makes the statement he said that now look at the statement that is why many everybody say many many of you are weak now what what did kryptonite do to Superman it weakened his otherworldly powers is it weak and his ability to bring change to society now remember this church is operating fully in the in the spirit but Paul says many of your week now I am NOT a preacher of doom I'm a preacher of Hope and I want two answers and I Got News for you there's another prophet that spoke in the Bible that saw the church in the last days and you know said about us said the people who know their God shall be strong shout strong come on shout it like you mean it what's the opposite of weak strong so obviously this Army's not under kryptonite the people that know their God should be strong and caring not just exploits but great exploits listen this is the will of God this is where you get equip but the will of God is for you I don't care if you're in health care if you're in in in government and professional athletics I don't care if you're in education I don't care if your ministry God has called you not just to carry out exploits in your world of influence it's called you to carry out great exploits we should have the best teachers we should have the greatest spittle political leaders we should have the wisest scientists I mean I could go on and on the most innovative doctors which I was so happy to meet a couple tonight like that what's the key now listen to me what's the key to this army strength the people who know their God now that word know is amazing it is the Hebrew word yada and this word is found all throughout the Old Testament and it's raw definition as this to know someone to listen to me deeply and intimately okay it's used in the Old Testament regard to God knowing our hearts how many of you know God knows your heart better and you know your heart it's used actually in Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 where it says Adam knew his wife Eve and she conceived so the most intimate that two human beings can be on the planet the Holy Spirit uses the word yada to illustrate that now I don't think that's an accident you want to know why because how many do you know God uses marriage imagery all throughout the Bible to illustrate his relationship with us come on talk to me I mean all through the Old Testament you see statements like your creator is your husband the whole book of Isaiah is God illustrating how he's the husband where the bride right are you with me if you look at the new Testament Paul says for this reason a man shall leave his father mother than the two should be joined together and they should become one but then you know what he said he said this is actually an illustration ami someone - McPherson Tommy Barnett were not the ones that came up with Illustrated sermons actually God did God said a marriage is an illustration of the way the church and Jesus are one now with that illustration in mind I want you to watch this short video so they tell you how to fold the napkins yes I actually have you dinah close before yes actually this is our favorite restaurant welcome back no babe I'm pretty sure we've never been here before that's weird just once I guess what you like to order the fire yes sir so you know what I think I would like to have that salmon that that sounds absolutely wonderful in there that's one of my favorites oh great and for you man oh I will have the filet mignon and the New York Strip and the 8-ounce sirloin all medium-rare please yes that is a great choice thank you I will get those right out to you that's it's got a lot of food I'm not just ordering for one you know why are you telling that work I'll be expecting yeah he'll be here soon it's a boy yeah oh my gosh okay sorry I'm late thank you him so well I'm sorry dude yeah he is my boyfriend from high school yeah your boyfriend from high school no I really don't see the problem you're Dustin yeah I really don't see the problem here okay who are you honey stop you're embarrassing me I just wanted us to have one nice night at our favorite restaurant okay first of all I've never been in this restaurant and and second what is going okay babe sorry I'm late did I miss anything okay seriously you you you take your hand off her at you what is going on Angeles is this some kind of joke are you are you actually saying these guys Justin I have known these guys longer than I've known you wait what are you seriously jealous right now jealous Angela in case you forgot we're married okay and we spend the majority of our time together and I love you more than any of my other boyfriends that's why you'll always be my favorite you're your favorite is desertin where else I need to know about babe is there a problem over here okay really the waiter no Dennis seriously no good food will be right now okay all right these guys need to go We Need to Talk we're done I cannot believe this you are being so selfish why do you always have to make everything about you you ruined our favorite restaurant excuse me yeah I've still never been in this restaurant okay now after watching that let me ask a question I really want you to think about it before you answer me how many of you would want to be married to somebody like that let me see a show hands come on nobody she's gorgeous it's got a great personality - all right why didn't you raise your hand let's let's let's vocalize it let's let's let's put words to this even though he is her favorite even though she loves him more than any of the other guys even though they spend the majority of their time together she still got those other guys in her heart now you'd never want to be married to someone like that what makes you think Jesus is coming back for a bride like that Jesus isn't coming back for a bride like this he's coming back for a bride that has given herself to him the way he gave himself to her see when a girl gets married when she puts on a white dress and she walks down an aisle of a church she's actually communicating something pretty loud you know what she's saying she's saying goodbye to every guy on the planet 3.5 billion guys she says goodbye - she said I am giving myself completely to this man well Paul finally has to write this church after all of this addressing all these things and this is what Paul finally says these guys many everybody say many remember for this reason many of your week many of you have not given up your old sins your old boyfriends he said you have not repented there by say repented of your impurity your sexual immorality your eagerness for lustful pleasures so the whole whole problem here with this Corinthian church the reason they're not affecting their city is they hadn't broken up with their old boyfriends now we got a problem and I mean a big problem because when you say the word repent today in the Western Church people recoil they shut down the clothes their ears and there's actually a good reason for it why why do people do this because in the past mean-spirited legalistic preachers have beat us up unmercifully with this word repentance but after 40 years of studying the Bible I've come to learn that repentance is actually one of the most empowering life-giving beautiful words in the New Testament other than Jesus so can I kind of can I kind of open up this can of worms can we talk about the elephant in the room tonight okay first of all God calls repentance a gift how many of you know God does not give his kids binding and constricting gifts he doesn't give us evil gifts he gives us good gifts repentance is the Greek word Metanoia a it's found over 50 times than the New Testament it's raw definition is simply this a change of mind that's the definition of repentance however how many of you know I can change my mind but not be fully persuaded on something come on talk to me right so it's got to be a little more to it so bakers encyclopedia I love what they do they bring this definite definition of this word out really well they say that mitsuno ia is a change in the whole personality so it is a change of mine but it goes deeper it penetrates down to the will to the emotions it even goes down into the heart of a person are you following me so when a person repents they are fully convinced from the core of their being this is why Jesus from the heart everybody say from the heart come all evil thoughts murder adultery all sexual immorality theft and lying if repentance is just the mind you know what geez just a change of mind you know Jesus gonna say from the mind come all these things are you following me now what I've learned in walking with the Lord for 40 years is the Holy Spirit always makes truth simple so one day I'm looking at this and I'm like okay God make it simple show me the difference between the person who's repenting the person who's not repented and this is the difference the person who is not repentant says this I choose what is good best and right for my life the person that is repented says I choose what God says is good best and right for my life no matter what is accepted in our society no matter what's embraced in our culture I choose what God says why is that because God is my maker and he knows what breaks me and he knows what fixes me see when you've got four boys and they're young toddlers how many of you know our Christmases our work days for dads come on anybody with any boys in here you know what I'm talking about right because you give them these games and it takes you know are these things that it takes an hour or two to build and all four boys want theirs built on Christmas Day so I'm the typical dad what do I do I open up the box I look at the instructions I throw it over the side I put the whole thing together spend about an hour and a half putting it together there's still 10 pieces on the floor I go to turn it on it doesn't work so what do I do I go get the instruction manual the guy that created the thing and I deconstruct the whole thing put it together the way he says to do it and it works the truly repentant person understands God's my maker he knows what breaks me he knows what fixes me now did you notice in this video and I had our team make this video this way on purpose did you notice in the video that she was just as shocked by his behavior is he was by her behavior come on talk to me I mean she's the one that accused Sam selfish jealous making everything about him right how could this ever happen in real life come on think with me how could this ever happen in real life the only way this could ever happen in real life is if the people in Angela's life and when I say the people in her life I'm talking about her family her friends or teachers if they never once told her growing up that in order to enter a marriage covenant you have to break up with your old boyfriends they never told you that she's gonna be shocked that her new husband isn't celebrating her life well when I look at the Western gospel that we preach that we preach for the last 20 30 years we get up and sell Jesus almost like a used car salesman now if you're a saved used car salesman I'm not talking about you tonight okay I'm talking about an unsaved used car salesman okay you know that you the greatest guy that's hit the face of the earth you deserve the best deal what's he doing he's flattering you to get you to do something right but we preach the goodness of God now listen to me listen listen you have to preach the goodness of God because it's the goodness of God that leads people to repentance but we do it in a salesy way right to get a decision so we get the end of our 35 minute 40-minute sales pitch and then we look at people and say are you way from God do you want a relationship with your Creator do you want to have that fellowship with him pray this prayer Jesus come into my heart I receive you as my savior forgive me of all my sins if we let him say now you're saved you're a child of God right we never said one word about repentance so you know we just did we just created a bunch of Angelus I'm gonna say it again we just created a bunch of Angela's people that entered into a marriage covenant with God without breaking up with their old boyfriends when you look at Jesus he didn't minister like this you knows the very first words out of Jesus mouth were in public ministry very first words let's look at it okay Jesus look at this Jesus began to preach now look at this I want you to notice a pattern you repent of your sins and turn to God you know what Jesus is saying the only way you can turn to God is to repent of your sins now notice he began did he continue yeah let me just show you a couple Matthew 11 then Jesus began to denounce the towns where he done so many of his miracles because they hadn't watched this repented of their sins and turned to God are you seeing this how about Luke 13 Jesus says you will perish - unless you repent of your sins and turn to God okay he pours his life into these twelve guys and after about a year and a half he entrusts them with going and representing him correct the disciples what's the first words out of their mouth when they go out to represent Jesus mark 6 so the disciples went out telling everyone everyone they met to repent of their sins and turn to God how about the rich guy in hell how many of you know people in hell don't have to put on a facade think about it okay the rich man in hell look what he says to Abraham he says no father Abraham but if someone is sent to my five brothers from the dead then they will repent of their sins and they'll turn to God this guy knows more than a lot of pastors a lot of ministers a lot of traveling teachers sure is quiet in his Methodist Church right now you still with me you just listen real good right did it change did it change on the day of Pentecost after Jesus was racing digital change look at Peter Dave Pentecost three thousand people this is thousands of people they bought the ticket to the conference they want to be there they want to get saved look what Peter says each of you must notice the word must it's not strongly recommended he said each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God are you seeing a pattern here how about the Apostle Paul he got the revelation of grace did all change the Paul Paul said I preached first to those in Damascus then in Jerusalem and throughout all of Judea and also to the Gentiles that's us that all must again look at the word must repent of their sins and turn to God how about God the Father himself let's go straight to his mouth 17 God overlooked people's ignorance about these things in earlier times but now he commands he doesn't highly recommend he commands everyone everywhere that includes Toronto to repent of their sins and turn to him what's the biblical truth we're seeing here okay what is the foundational biblical truth there are a lot more I could show you I'm not gonna do it I think I've showed you enough what's the what's the biblical foundational truth here there is no true faith in Jesus Christ without repentance it's not it's not true faith it's counterfeit faith now you ever try to spend counterfeit money if you did you probably went to jail it's not real I mean look at the writer of Hebrews the writer of Hebrews tells us listen the whole foundation of the church is built on there's six foundations what's the number one foundation repentance from dead works what's the next foundation that's built on that one faith in God in other words there's no true faith in God unless there's repentance but we don't talk about it Simon had the power of the spirit wanted it went after it the Peter said you haven't repented cuz Peter loved him enough to tell him the truth the rich young ruler came running to Jesus wanting he is safe jesus said you haven't broken up with a boyfriend for him it was his money for other people it could be their sexual preference it could be living with their girlfriend it could be stealing from the government sure it's quiet so what's the hard posture of the repentant person what's there do you know I mean by heart posture you're set this is the heart posture I will no longer live as the judge of what is best for me from this moment forward I will embrace what God says is best for me even if I don't understand so let me let me make this really clear day of Pentecost right you got Joe and Sally they living together right they get saved and I mean they get saved they repent they give their life to Jesus Christ as their Lord not just save your saviors found seven over seven thousand times in the Bible Lord's found 36 the Bible never said thou shalt confess the Savior Jesus you'll be safe baba says that thou shalt confess the Lord Jesus and Jesus said why do you even call me Lord when you don't even do what I said but anyway it's another whole message here's Joe and Sally they're living together they repent they could say now they live together but two months later pastor Peter stands up and says hey he preaches Hebrews 12 verse 3 of course it wasn't around yet but let's just say he preaches Hebrews 12 verse 3 what's Hebrews 12 verse 3 say the marriage bed is undefiled right but God will judge those that have sex together before marriage and adulterers so they sit in the congregation right and Joe and Sally go oh we made up our mind two months ago whatever God says is the best for us either we're married today or I'm moving out see it's not that they were perfect on the day of Pentecost they made the decision I don't care what God I don't care what society says whatever God says I'm embracing it so Paul finally has the right to this Corinthian church and he says this he says don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God don't fool yourself you know can I say something it is one thing to fool the person sitting next to you it's a totally different animal to fool yourself you know when they said to Jesus what's gonna be like right before you return you know the first word out of his mouth was be careful very careful teacher not to seed he said the deception week comes so powerful that even if possible the elect would be deceived now there's only one problem with deception you know what it is it's deceiving person who's deceived believes with all their heart - right when in reality they're wrong that's scary they fooled themselves Paul said don't fool yourself now look at this what is he going to say those who indulge in sexual sin stop right there I'm first on this list so ain't nobody throwing stones in here tonight um first on the list when I'm 12 years old one of my friends introduces me to pornography you know what happens when a young man gets there do some pornography within a couple months I'm addicted by the time I got to high school I'm so eaten up with lust I'm undressing girls and my high school class is having a wildest sexual fantasies by the time I get to college I played varsity tennis at Purdue University I joined a fraternity you talk about adding fuel to the fire oh my gosh but my sophomore year one of the best athletes in the state of Indiana came up to my room and share with me Campus Crusade for spiritual laws and that night I gave my life to Jesus Christ my Lord master and Savior thank God that night that night listen to me cussing left my life because I couldn't construct a sentence without a foul word that night alcoholism left my night life but pornography didn't so let's fast forward a few years four or five years later I get married who I consider to whom I consider the most gorgeous girl that walks this planet still do Lisa and I think okay I am marrying a supermodel everything's gonna be fine I get married and it's not fine I'm still hooked to pornography it's affecting our marriage not only in the bedroom outside the bedroom 1984 now by this time I have left my engineering degree degree and I'm working for one of the best-known churches in America we had 450 paid staff members and my job was I picked up all the guest speakers and dr. Lester Sumrall had come in a couple times I don't know if you ever remember him and I would have to say dr. Summerall and Derek Prince probably had the two most powerful deliverance ministries in the body of Christ in the whole 20th century in the world well doc Summerall I'd come into our church several times so it's September of 1984 and I remember I'm alone in the van with dr. Sommer Oh we'd become close because I've taken care of him a few times and I opened up with him it's a doc I'm bound I'm bound to lust and I open up with him boy did he let me have it oh my goodness but you know I sensed in his gruffness deep care for me and I listened to every word he said and I remember when he was through speaking to me in that van I said dr. Sommer I want this out of my life forever so he pre Please Please pray deliverance over my life he said son absolutely come close he he put his hand on my head he he grabbed me behind put his him have boy - he pray a prayer wolf and you know what happened nothing let me be more specific absolutely nothing well find somebody else another minister no you're not gonna find anybody stronger in deliverance than Doc Summerall in those days this is September of 1985 excuse me September 1984 nine months later I'm on a four-day fast and I made this 6 1985 nine months after this I got completely totally set free from that spirit of lust and I'm still free today thank God now I'm walking in my freedom for a couple years and this nagging question won't lead me and it's a good question and so finally I brought to the Lord after a couple years I said God I don't get it I really humbled myself when I opened up with dr. Summerall and in the September of 1984 I mean I I bore my soul to him why didn't you deliver me in September 1984 well I wasn't until nine months later May 6 1985 and the Holy Spirit starts showing me my prayer life now stay with me okay back in 1982 so I'm going back a couple years I read this book by Ian bounds called the power of prayer well it it riveted me and I started setting my alarm every single morning for 4:45 a.m. I would be up and outside at a deserted place by 5:00 a.m. and I would pray from 5:00 a.m. till at least 6:30 sometimes 7:00 and I'd be the office by 8:00 every single morning okay now when you pray 90 minutes every single morning how many of you know you've run out of things to pray right so what happens when you run out of something to print you go back to your default prayer what's your default prayer that's the thing you want more than anything else so what was my default prayer God used me to win souls to Jesus God used me to win multitudes of G's Lord used me to get sick people healed Lords used me and a powerful way to get people delivered I even pray there were times I was out and I'd scream God give me nations or I'm gonna die so I don't know the exact timing of this but it was around August September August September or October of 1984 I'm out it's early in the morning I'm by this big tree on the 16th hole under 12th hole of a golf course right because the best place to pray nobody's out there in the dark and I'm praying my default prayer and the Holy Spirit speaks to me he said son your prayers are off-target I'm like what okay this has got to be the devil I'm praying the souls we get say people get healed people get delivered that can't be God and then he said this to me now you gotta understand I never heard this in my life my church preached on faith on miracles I'm receiving from God we didn't talk about stuff like this so I never read this never heard this in my life this is how new was Holy Spirit he said son he said you can win souls to Jesus get people healed get people delivered and end up in hell forever now I really think it's the devil but then he says it to me and it wasn't in a firm voice it was in a pleading voice he said son Judas left everything he had to come follow me for three and a half years Judas healed the sick in my name Judas got people delivered in my name Judas preached repentance in my name Judas is in hell forever okay I'm the Catholic boy I'm trembling I'm literally I I get where quakers comes from I'm quaking okay and I and you know when you when you quake like that in the presence of the Holy Spirit you're like you you can barely talk and I said what should be my number one prayer and the Holy Spirit said son to know me intimately and that day I started thinking about that was Moses's number one prayer and he finished well that was King David's number one prayer he finished well that was the Apostle Paul's number one prayer to know him in the power of his resurrection he finished well right so my prayers started changing my default prayer became this God I want to know you the best a man can know you Lord I want to please you the best a man can please you I want to walk with you I want to know your heart I want to love what you love I want to hate what you hate what is important to you I want it to become important to me I want to know you and I start praying this every day you say John what does this have to do with you getting delivered from pornography has everything to do because Paul says to the same church watch this he says for godly sorrow ever I say godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation that Greek word for salvation is so Terry which means healing preservation soundness of mind and deliverance we're telling the deliverance here I'm gonna use it in the light of deliverance okay for godly sorrow produces repentance leading to deliverance and not to be regret but look at this sorrow of the world produces death you got two Sorrows now listen listen I want everybody to look up at me they're both genuine sorrows it's not that one sorrow is real and one's counterfeit no they're both genuine sorrows one produces repentance the other produces death what's the difference because let me tell you both sorrows listen to me both sorrows confess a sin Judas said I've sinned - the priest King Saul said to the prophet Samuel I've sinned yet same as the next words where you just lost your kingdom Balaam said to the angel of the Lord I've sinned yet he was executed with the sword he was judged both sorrows listen have remorse Judas said have sinned with Freesat wouldn't take the money he threw it back in the temple he was so remorseful over what he had done both sorrows can have tears in fact I've seen godly sorrow with no tears and worldly sorrow with tons of tears what's the difference you can see the difference in the life of two kings King Saul he disobeys God this is the root of all sin Adam didn't jump in bed with a prostitute in the garden he just disobeyed what God told him to do Adam just King Saul disobeyed God the prophet Samuel comes he does what prophets do backs backs him into the corner finally Saul goes I've sinned right you know it into Saul's next words were out of his mouth go read it yet now Samuel honor me in front of my leaders and my people I know heard you publicly embarrass me focus of his sorrow was him King David commits adultery to cover up his adultery he murders the woman's husband unthinkable the prophet Nathan comes to him David cries out I've sinned against the Lord falls on his face couldn't care less with his leaders and the people thought because it was done in public he stays on his face for seven days and his cry is God against you against you only have I done this wickedness the focus of sorrow was him worldly sorrow focuses on you what are the consequences am I going to lose my marriage am I going to lose my position in ministry am I going to lose the anointing am I going to be judged will I burn in hell forever godly sorrow focuses on him I've hurt the heart is the one I loved so deeply now watch God spoke to me and he said son when you open up with Lester Sumrall in September 1984 you were scared that sin was going to keep you from the call of God in your life to preach the gospel to the nation's focus of your sorrow was you he said but after nine months of crying out to know me intimately when you went on that fast in May 1985 your heart was breaking because you were hurting my heart he said that was the godly sorrow and produced the repentance that led to your deliverance Paul says don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God don't fool yourselves those who indulge in sexual sin or commit adultery or male prostitutes or practice homosexuality or are thieves or greedy people or drunkards or abusive or cheap people none of these don't fool yourselves well inherit the kingdom of God these are people who didn't break up of their old boyfriends Jesus makes the most amazing statement look at this statement this I think this is one of those riveting statements in the gospel he said you can identify people by their actions there's a lot of people don't want to be identified by their actions they want to be identified by their intentions I'm dealing with this girl she works for an international ministry she's in her early 30s she's a single mom she sleep on their boyfriend so I have my Bible open and I'm reading her scriptures from the New Testament and she goes but but John and then I read another scripture she's good but but but John and then I read another church she goes but-but-but John and finally I mean another scripture and she does this she puts her hands on her legs like that real light and she goes but John God knows my heart I said whoa whoa whoa I said you'd have to take a drill and bore a hole into the center of a tree to figure out it's a good tree not just look at the fruit you know I'm in prayer one day and the Holy Spirit asked me to us he said did you notice that Jesus never said to one of the seven churches I know your intentions he said every one of them a five of them excuse me out of the seven I know your actions why because my actions a person is identified see this was so tough I sent two of my sons to a war zone the hardest places I've ever preached on the planet our public excuse me Christian high schools I preached in prisons military bases everything you can think of hardest places I've ever preached I preached in corporate settings this public is Christian high schools so I'd say to my two oldest sons I said guys look at me how do you know they're Christian their dad's a pastor of a big church no sir how do you know they're Christian because the family's been five generations of Christians no sir how do you know that Christian because they speak in tongues no sir how do you know they're Christian by their actions dad I said you got it because look what Jesus says not everyone who calls out to me me these words are read he's not talking about Buddha me cannot be Buddha or Mohammed here it's Jesus Christ not everyone calls out to me now knows he says Lord Lord the Lord has emphasized that's how Hebrew writers emphasize they didn't bold or italicized they wrote it twice if you would have been in the sermon amount Jesus would have said it like this not everyone who calls me Lord you know how that we are in church Lord this the Lord that the Lord does the Lord that the Lord this jesus said now everybody calls out to me Lord is gonna enter the kingdom of heaven you know what he did right there he just blasted our traditional sinners prayer all you gotta do is get him to pray the prayer not everybody who prays the prayer it looks like to me will enter then my question is this who's entering oh he gives the answer which next thing he said only those who actually do the will of my father in heaven will enter Oh John that's law no it's not it's evidence let me explain for those you didn't get it if I take a knife and put it into electrical outlet and you're not doing my funeral three days later that is evidence that there was no power in that outlet what have you doing my funeral the evidence was there was pop the evidence that somebody really belongs to God is there gonna actually do the will of the Father that's evidence that's the outflow of the relationship good preaching amen thank you on Judgment Day now watch this on Judgment Day many again look at the word many it means literally over 50% many will say to me Lord Lord we proclaimed the gospel in your name we cast out demons in your name and we perform many miracles in your name then I will declare to them I never knew you now the greek word their new isgan Isco which is the exact word yada she let me give you an example my name is John and English is one in Spanish it's Giovanni in Italian right this is the exact same word I never intimately knew you depart from me you who practice everybody say practice lawlessness now the Greek word for lawlessness is and Gnomeo which simply means this you're not submitted to the authority of God's Word now the key here is the word practice everybody say practice so Jesus is not talking about the person that's crying out to be delivered from bondage listen I'm convinced if I would have been tragically killed in 1983 I believe I would went to heaven why because every time I fell into that sin I cried out to God I was so repented to the best that I knew okay Jesus said if your brother sins against you seven times and seven times in a day he comes back and says I repent you shall forgive him why cuz that's the way God forgives us thank God right who's the person that practiced as long as well here's the person my wife's been a little grumpy like five years she's been really grumpy and this young girl she speaks strength into my life she makes me feel like a man I mean she's so good in bed I'm so thankful for the grace of God can't wait for conference next week that's the person that's practicing lawlessness watch this video and I'll close [Music] yo wake up boy what's happening are you Kevin heads yeah who are you Kevin go we don't have a lot of time I've been sent here for you your doors are about to close I need to get you out of you you want to get out of here oh yeah absolutely all right come with me let's go all right so Kevin what we're gonna do is we're just gonna head down here I hope you're gonna be able to climb because we're just cool Kevin what are you doing does anything I've learned in prison is that orange is definitely my color oh no no no you want to leave everything behind if you bring that with you the dogs would be able to find you you'll be right back here right right okay bye team I have the package we're headed to the extraction zone right now Kevin what I need you to do is what are you doing this bed is perfect for me okay you think that we're gonna be able to get that through that contours to my every shape okay I can't sleep without it give it let's go today's Tuesday tomorrow's Wednesday they serve hot dogs on Wednesday are you serious are you yeah I can't miss that Kevin you can buy whatever food you want whatever we're out there we just go what about Chester okay ways that okay hon oh my gosh what is it Oh Kevin what is it now look I haven't seen these up for a long time okay hey Darryl you still want to straight cigarettes yeah look I got a choice with Darryl okay me and Kyle got this like cigarette business I can't just leave him now okay I don't think you understand this your doors gonna close man Kevin come out we need to go right now please leave everything Kevin you need to come with me right now we need to go better than all this I mean you don't understand they'll find the way I got it I won't be able to come back for you just no more trying okay like this is my home get out I know I can yes I do to think about this whistle this is my home Oh Kevin Jimmy night Jimmy Sakura barbar therapy wait wait wait please don't leave me here please I can let it go I can let it go please wait please I promise I gotta go please please don't leave me here [Music] [Music] what Kevin refused to let go kept him in that prison till it was too late let me tell you let me tell you why I'll lose my battery no I got it let me tell you why I'm so passionate even at sixty years of age all these years because back in the late 1980s God gave me a really vivid vision it was a spiritual vision in this vision I saw an ocean of humanity and what I mean by an ocean is I couldn't see the end behind me were the gates Jesus the city I never saw them I only saw the people but I knew they were there every one of these people called Jesus Lord every one of them were fully expecting him to say enter and I heard the words from behind me I don't know who you are depart from me I don't know you and what God let me see was the excruciating pain the utter shock the horror on their faces and God put a passion in my heart not just for the lost on the street but even more so the lost in the church how we can live with ourselves and not preach repentance when it's the number one foundation in the church how you we can even live with ourselves Paul said I'm innocent of the blood of all men in other words he was saying anybody goes to hell it's not my fault because I didn't hold back from declaring all that God wants you to know it's not what we're saying today that's going to get us in trouble it's what we're not saying I don't know about you but I've gone 40 years expecting to see a whole lot more than what I've seen maybe maybe you can say I'm critical I'm not I've got a much bigger vision than what I've seen in today's church I believe entire cities can be won but it's not going to happen until we start preaching the foundation and we quit lying to people and telling them they're saved and we start preaching like Peter who looks at that man and says may you and your money perish unless you repent we just got to care enough about people to tell them the truth I want every head bowed and one every eye closed with your heads bowed your eyes closed I'm gonna read Paul's final words to this church first Corinthians 15 he said stop sinning 1st Corinthians 15:34 stop sinning for your shame I say that some of you don't know God at all I keep thinking about his words don't fool yourselves so I want you to be honest I want you to take a good hard look 37 years ago when Lisa walked down the aisle of that church and she gave her life to me as my wife she made mistakes the first week the first two weeks the first month the first year the first 37 years I made a whole lot more mistakes than she did but we're talking about a bride not a groom but can I tell you something that's never changed she gave me her entire heart and life and that's never wavered not even a little that's what I'm talking about tonight some of you are sitting in here tonight and you you realize you know what I love about the Holy Spirit I can preach one message and it was heard 800 different ways because what happened he shined the light on some things hey you ought to be glad because Jesus said their eyes they have shut their ears they have closed their hearts they have pardon lest I should come and heal them do you understand the very fact that the Holy Spirit shined the light on these areas of your heart of your life means that he wants you healed he's not trying to embarrass you he's not trying to make you feel guilty he's trying to get you to make a decision cuz he won't violate your free will he will never force you to break up with a girlfriend or a boyfriend but you have to choose tonight and I don't need to I don't need a labor of this I don't need it I don't need to push this I don't need to persuade because while I was preaching he was shining the light and you realized man there's some old boyfriend's I haven't broken up with I want to give you a chance tonight to break up with those boyfriends and really give your life completely to the lordship of Jesus you say John that's me I came in here and I'm like that girl in that video I still got those high school boyfriend's running around and I realize I'm breaking up with them tonight is that you I want you to stand to your feet right now with every head bowed every eye closed just stand up Wow look at all the people I'm gonna give you just another moment probably looking at about 30% of the building standing I want to make sure nobody's missed yes yes sir thank you yes ma'am thank you yes sir yes ma'am yes sir yes yes ma'am yes sir I don't want anyone miss out I just want to say this if you're sitting and you want to be standing can you ask yourself why you're not standing can you be honest and have that honest conversation in your own heart right now why aren't you standing yes sir you were worth the wait yes sir thank you yes ma'am thank you you're worth the wait yes sir thank you yes yes sir anyone else I want to make sure nobody's missed yes ma'am thank you anyone else yes sir anyone else I don't want anyone missed yes thank you man see now is not the time to be thinking about what the person next to you is doing now is the time to be honest examine yourself is there anyone else I don't want anybody missed okay I want you to look at me I want every one of you to look at me I don't know what the Holy Spirit dealt with you about it could be anything but remember remember the penance is just a breaking up it's a change of mine this has been the wisdom I've been walking in the way I'll walk it in my wisdoms been stupid I'm gonna embrace the wisdom of God so this is what I want you to do whatever the Holy Spirit dealt with you about it your seat whatever bury it bury it right now bury it and when you do I want you to take step out and I want you to come forward because I want to pray with you and you can experience the presence of Jesus like you've never experienced before can you give him the hand as they come come on come on come on come on down all the way down as far as you can come on down this all the way all the way down as far as you can come on down come on down give him a hand come on give him the hand okay I want you to look I want you to look up at me as you're coming down come on down come on down there's a lot of room in the front come on come on there's a light just keep coming down here come on get come on let's get excited about this all right would you would you look at me something you get it some of you don't why why do you have these sad looks on your face you don't I'm glad why do you have these sad looks on your face this is the greatest decision you've ever made in your life look Brides don't walk down the aisle good they don't do that do you realize this listen the prodigal son made the decision because the father's not going there to get him he waits until he realizes and then as soon as he makes the decision the dad comes running with gifts you understand as you could see the face of Jesus right now seriously if you could see his face close your eyes I'm gonna ask the Holy Spirit to do this just close your eyes close your eyes and lift up your hands come on lift him up Holy Spirit I'm asking you sir give them a glimpse give them a glimpse give us a glimpse Shh right now we're gonna be we're gonna be silent do you see him my goodness there's the presence of God right there yeah it's okay you can cry all you want do you see him see his eyes you see his eyes they're fully joy her dancing with joy those eyes are dancing do you see his eyes now now I want you to see do you see that smile okay see his arms outstretched he's so delighted you seen that now touching Holy Spirit touch them there's a presence right there we haven't even prayed yet right there you know the rest of you should stand in reverence because this is a very sacred presence that's here a very loving and sacred presence slipped your hands everyone there he is right there right there Oh and lift your hands one more time I want you to speak to the one you're beholding say this to me Father in heaven thank you for speaking to me tonight forgive me for tolerating in my life ignoring in my life what Jesus died for set me free forgive me for my disobedience but tonight everything changes this very moment I give my spirit soul and body everything I am everything I have to you Jesus Jesus with a greater understanding than I've ever had I call you my Lord my master my life is yours I repent of anything that offends you specifically of what I buried in my seat I am completely yours now fill me fresh with your spirit Jesus lift your hands there's his presence there's his presence again right there now father in the name of Jesus I'm gonna pray for you father in the name of Jesus I speak freedom I speak a Liberty into their lives I command the chains of darkness that have wrapped themselves around these brothers and sisters I command those chains to be severed severed what goes back from generation to generation to generation no longer has control over you those tentacles are now broken and I command freedom I command you to be free in Jesus name there's his presence right there right there now lift your hands up one more time one more time one more time be filled there he is there he is right there see it's a different manifestation in it this one's them this one this one's a loving aw is the way I would describe this those of you they're really getting hit right now there's oh no aww involved there's a reverence involved but there's a deep deep love that's driving this there he is right there right there cuz the king the king he's daddy right now he's here as king your king is your father your king is your God your king is your savior but the king is here there he is right there right there Jesus thank you father I break the words that have been spoken over them words of control I break those words even by family members I break the power of those words no you can't control them anymore they're free there he is there he is there's the spirit of God holy spirits here there he is and I want you to thank him from the depths of your heart just thank him come on thank him that's it you're doing it you're doing it you're thanking them now let's give them praise how many you know you're free let me see your hands now go walk in go walk in it right you got it cuz let me tell you something you're gonna walk out and the devil is gonna say yeah nothing really happened tell them to shut up and that tone of voice you got it just say you just confirm to me you're a liar shut up and watch me bear fruit now and watch me change people in my world of influence appear the fear of the Lord to fear the Lord it's beginning it's the start in place of wisdom and understanding that's what this world is looking for real wisdom real understanding that's what you're gonna walk in and if that's in the educational system your wisdom is gonna sound fellow teachers and principals if it's in the medical field your discovery your medical discoveries are going to blow people's minds because you have to create or now walking with you okay that's how you gonna get people's attention Daniel distinguished himself among the other governors and leaders because he had an extraordinary spirit it was beyond the ordinary that's what you're gonna do you know I just really feel it I'm supposed to preach on the fear of the Lord tomorrow I just really feel it so that's what I'm gonna preach it's all yours now thank you John awesome I told you guys I told you so I told you so I told you so all right so guys the nights over have an incredible night but just wait just wait the Lord is spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is a new freedom liberty yes and who the Sun sets free is free amen okay guys I fully I am fully a hundred percent convinced that those of you who responded are standing right now you are set free you are set free indeed with that being said we have our encounter room open if you feel like you still need to get with God I want to be filled with the presence I want to receive more don't leave don't leave don't leave stay here tonight and go to the encounter room but other than that we'll see you tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. John is back here on the stage have an amazing night we love you peace
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 17,134
Rating: 4.8321676 out of 5
Keywords: Live, Worship, Teaching, Speaking, Holy Spirit, God, Church, Conference, Catch The Fire, John Bevere, Toronto, Messenger International
Id: D21GNLJzHu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 50sec (10370 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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