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hey everyone today we're going to be talking about all of my beach fishing gear i've been getting a lot of questions about my gear in the past few videos so we decided let's make a dedicated video to show you exactly what i like to bring what are some of my essential things the brands that i like to use and the different kinds of tools that i like to bring with me and the other [Music] i just got to the beach we're at our spot i'm gonna unload my gear and then we can get into it so the first thing i reach for is my sand spikes so that i can put my rods down sand spikes and my rubber mallet i always bring these and these sand spikes are awesome they're called the sea striker ones there's plenty of good ones out there but what i look for is a strong stainless steel good material sturdy material tall enough that it won't my rods won't sit so low in the ground it's really important to have a good strong sand spike and believe me i have tried a lot of different sand spikes a lot of them have failed me but this has been good [Applause] next i bring my rods down and uh i'll take them all down and put them into our sand spikes okay let's talk about my rods i bring three rods usually varying lengths the first one is a 10-footer this is my 10-foot phoenix black diamond surf rod this is my go-to rod i love this one but this one doesn't necessarily cast into the second trough this is my my close shot rod it's a it's a great little rod that can throw six up to six ounces um medium heavy i have it with my shimano stella and this is the 5000 sized and like i said i'm not casting too far out with this so i don't need such a huge reel 5000 works great for the first drop a lot of people have been saying i have an eight foot rod i have a nine foot rod is that bad for surf fishing no it's perfectly fine if you can cast it to the first trough you're good there's no need to have anything super special it's just nice to have something that that is built for the job next thing i want to show you is the wheel cover this is a shimano reel cover on here that i really like it helps protect against like sand and salt spray and just when i'm having them when i have it just sitting around and i'm not fishing instead of having to break everything down and and put everything away i can just slap this on and with this on this is a neoprene cover it's less damaging to the reel i've got 30 pound braid on here the braid that i like to use is called power pro the shock leader that i have on here is 40 pounds a shock leader is what you tie on so that you don't cut your finger when you cast you don't snap a heavy weight when you cast it provides stretch so when you catch big fish it'll give it a little bit of a little more stretch so it doesn't snap your braid it's also i think more abrasive resistant than braid braid will just snap rod number two i like to bring and i've got another case on here my 12 foot black diamond rod this can throw three to ten ounces um this is my my big fish rod i use this to throw big weights and big baits this is meant to cast really far uh this is called a phoenix black diamond as well all three of my rods are phoenix black diamonds because i like the price point they're great for what they are and they they're very sensitive and they're very strong so i've got this on a ceragosa 8000 sized and since i'm casting this further out to the second trough i up i upgraded the size so that smaller one is a smaller reel because i'm not casting as far this i've got 20 pound monofilament on the whole thing um and i have 20-pound monofilament on here instead of braid because i'm fishing in a i'm fishing in uh north carolina and some of these spots that i like to fish there's a lot of other fishermen there um when braid and monofilament cross each other braid will cut the monofilament so people put on monofilament instead of braids so if they get tangled they don't get snapped but i also i've been enjoying using mono on the beach because i feel like it gives a more stretch when you're fighting a fish and it gives it a a better feeling of security when i'm using this so that's rod number two rod number three is a 13 foot rod um but i typically have a big reel on here i've been here for a little bit and actually one of my reels broke i was using my pen and that broke on me so i'm using my backup rod my backup reel now which is the seragosa sw5000 if i had a choice i would probably upgrade the size to this to maybe an 8 000 and have the same setup as that other one but again i'm using the shock leader monofilament it doesn't matter what brand just pick one and use it but a shock leader is a must now before i go fishing i get into my waders and um that's just so i can step out a little bit further into the surf and cast a little bit farther let's get them on it's actually getting pretty hot i'm going to take my wind jacket off but i'm i always have layers when i'm fishing on the beach because if weather can change in a second and bringing a wind jacket or a rain jacket is really a big help okay here are my waiters well here are aaron's waiters waiters we have the same waiters and we got them from academy they're called the magellan magellan um what are they called magproof here's what they are what do you like about these i like these because it has a pocket on the inside i can put my cell phone here i'm gonna put it on right now aaron you wanna get your waders on yeah good you're really comfortable it's it's good to wear not only uh because it's waterproof but it's also wind through yeah so when it's really high winds or it's really cold this really helps block out the coldness okay so now i don't have feet on here these are just the neoprene socks i actually have these hodgman neoprene shoes that i got from amazon they're okay i'm sure there's better ones out there but i got them for cheap my main issue is the zipper here no this is your shoe aaron you're trying to put on my shoe pretty tiny the zipper gets stuck we just ordered these shoes a couple sizes up from our regular shoe size yep but yeah the zipper is kind of it gets jammed look yeah cause the sand just gotta rinse it out with water and it's okay now i'm all waited up so it's actually kind of hot right now but typically i would wear something like this on a cold windy on a cold slash fall spring morning i would definitely be in my waiters it just happens to be the middle of the day on a sunny day so i'm actually gonna just go i can just go in shorts shorts and bare feet works just fine yeah you wanna do that yeah let's do that instead it's hot i didn't think it would be so hot today all right shorts it is and that's way better yeah i'm a lot less hot now let's get fishing i've got this really cool uh beach wagon here that can be detached from our hitch so that i have access to my bed and i really like that about it now let's get into uh what kind of sinkers i like to use what kind of bait i like to use here's my fishing box right here so i keep all my sinkers in a in a tub like this so i don't get sand everywhere and i use these sputnik sinkers that i really like sputnik sinkers are great and you can find them at any tackle shop get my bait box out i also really like to bring um these box these bait boxes because i can put all my bait inside these hard boxes without getting uh waterlogged or without getting like like all crushed up from your cooler and stuff like that between the shrimpy bit starter kit and that bait box that i have over there these work really well to hold my baits this is my leader line bag where i keep all my leader lines my crimping tools in my leader bag i've got an assortment of different weights this one is 50 pound 30 pound 100 pound for bigger fish it's just nice to have leader line because that's what i tie all my own rigs with and i don't buy any store store tied rigs i've got our special salt mixture here so any time anytime i catch anything fresh i want to salt it down for bait salted down this is this is great to use i keep it in this reusable zip lock here okay what else is in my bag here's my rig tying bag my box that i've got all these beads in here you can order these on amazon but there's a lot of different sources you can get beads from i have these snap swivels right here that are really helpful those are the bottoms of my rigs the tournament mootoo light in-line circles these are great owners i mean you can keep things pretty simple by just getting hooks and leader line and sinkers and you know this is a completely different kind of fishing uh as compared to like if you were to bring a bunch of lures like this you know these will all work too but i love using bait okay so now let's let's talk about setting up our lines now okay so i'm gonna need my sinker box for this and then i usually get a bucket of water so i can wash my hands that water is oh now i got a cutting board right here it's just a block of our wood fresh mullet now let's set up our rods now i'll typically just throw one rod at first just to see if anything's biting if things are biting then i'll start getting more out but i want to conserve on bait and energy so i've got a high low rig tight on here and the difference between a high low rig and a fish finder rig is where that sinker sits the sinker on a high low rig is at the bottom a fish finder rig the sinker is before the swivel meaning you've got hooks at the bottom okay so this is a high-low rig i tied with the mortician rig and if you don't know how to tie this i teach how to tie this in a lot of videos and also on our website but i like to use just monofilament honestly it works just fine for me i can't really tell the difference between monofilament and fluorocarbon um and then i use two to three odd sized owner circle hooks i love to use owner gamakatsu is a second but i love owner this is a 150 pound swivel down here 150 pound swivel up here and now for this 10 foot rod i'm gonna put a three ouncer on it a three ounce sputnik because the waves aren't too crazy i don't really need that big of a heavy weight three ounce works just fine okay for this bait i'm gonna put on some of our clams right here these are our salted clams and they're very clean to use i like them because they're really mess-free as compared to the mullet but i cut the clams in half and then i put a piece of mullet on there actually the bottom one i'm just going to do just straight up clam this is not for sale yet but it will be soon i'm working on perfecting the recipe so now i'm going to cut up this mullet and now i can put it on so this is an it's called an owner mutu light circle hook tournament circle hook that's the particular brand i'm using i've been using it a lot and i love it and then i'll put a piece of clam on like that give my hands a quick rinse so i don't get slime all over my reel this one's going in the first draw okay let's see if there's any activity with this one if i catch anything then uh then i'll start i'll tie up another one just missed one i'm already tempted to throw out another rod this one got a bite just now while aaron was filming so i'm gonna do the same thing on another rod well you know what i'll throw out that big rod this one gets a big bait and a big sinker that big hook rock that big fish rod i just threw out is a six ounce sized hook this is a smaller sized big hook sometimes i use up to size 10. strong whoa that's a big one too oh it's kicked into my face wow look at that that was really close in that was my first ride really close in i basically just lofted it out there we've got enough blue fish so we don't need to eat this we're gonna let them go so we've been camping for many days at this point and i've been catching a lot of fish so i really don't need to keep keeping all these fish some people wonder what do you do with all the fish that you catch why do you keep keeping them i literally eat them all i don't bring steaks and fancy meats i just rely on catching these fish and eating them so that's what i do with my fish they don't go to waste if i don't eat them i bring them to my grandma trust me nothing goes to waste since i got a big blue i don't want to snap my line so i actually have a a high-low rig tied with the t-nut here and it's attached to a long shanked hook and this is meant for bluefish this is what i use instead of steel leaders to catch my bluefish now if you want to learn how to tie this rig i teach exactly how to tie this t-nut right here in one of our e-books on our website is pretty advanced knot but i have really great illustrations and pictures to show you how to tie it are you one oh oh my gosh nice one erin nice one two at a time let me see two at a time okay i'm gonna let mine go oh it jumped out right oh oh i see a lot of bait fish in here oh another blue fish these are nice chunkers too and that's why we use a circle look at this this is so you don't kill everything that you catch this is very minimal damage for bait for this big rod i'm gonna put a piece of mullet like this and also a big old chunk of clam like this fold it in half there we go that's a nice presentation right there hey okay are you on something okay [Music] look at that thing emma this one feels different look feel this one this one it feels different this one feels different are you are you just tricking me no i'm not i'm not why does he feel different be careful this is a little bit prickly here this one's the ultimate defense mode right now ultimate ultimate defense mode bring it a little closer so this is like as puffed up as can possibly get right now and this is so that fish can't just engulf it it's gonna try and have to eat it's gonna have to eat a balloon pretty much not a good snack what does it feel like emma it feels like um like a hairbrush but uh spiky a spiky spiky hair brush like one of those boar bristles that's kind of like velcro oh yeah it's like velcro oh he's using something all right let it go yeah do i let it go let's give it a little light toss a balloon floating on the water i feel it that's a big one aaron outta girl that was easy right it's so easy just stand here and watch it look at that perfect hook set too good job right here on the bottom lip [Music] oh you still have faith good job erin give it a kiss no it's too sharp see me jump like a cat oh yeah that's the whiting that's a good one too very good one a nice big one one that makes me want to keep it whoa look at the markings on it i put some shrimp on it i want to see the markings whoa look at that fin up top leave this guy towards me [Music] oh nice oh let it go [Music] there we have it another amazing fishing day at the beach i really love the beach because you're always surprised you don't know what you're going to catch and um there's always at least one big surprise for me every time i go to the beach um today ended up being a bunch of nice-sized blues that's awesome i love catching bluefish and i'm lucky that i have all my gear situated and i've got everything that i need hopefully this gear guide can help you prepare and get ready for your next trip to the beach maybe it'll save you some hassle in the future here at haystipper we want to help you guys get on fishing we want to make it easy for you to learn how to do any kind of fishing we do videos like this but we also write a lot of ebooks and online books that you can read on our website if you want to learn more about fishing check out our website i'll also include links to all the products that i like to use in the description below but let me know how you like this kind of video because in the future i might do more debate today was mullet and the the salted clams those two worked really well together in in combination but i was catching fish just on the clams too some days all they want is shrimp some days all they want is clam some days all they want is mullet you got to have multiple different kinds of baits that's how you have a good successful day of fishing we have we have two different kinds of salted baits right now a third to come very soon and it's just really nice to bring a variety of these salted baits because you never know what they want to hit thank you all for watching i'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 299,022
Rating: 4.8775601 out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, fishing how to, fishing, tutorial, fishing help, how to fishing, beach fishing, beach fishing help, fishing rig, fishing rigs, bait, scavenged fishing bait, saltwater fishing, fishing gear, fishing setup, fishing bait, bait fishing, fishing with bait, fishing rig tutorial, red drum, trout, trout fishing, bluefish, blue fish, mullet, flounder, flounder fishing, fishing knots, north carolina fishing, hey skipper, hey skipper fishing, senko skipper, senko skipper fishing
Id: V7TMKz0M7Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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