I Got The PIER Fish I’ve been After! (Catch, Clean, & Cook)

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what's going on y'all today's adventure takes us to beautiful panama city beach florida we're going to do some pier fishing all right y'all voted for it uh on the pole on my channel and so today that's what we're going to do we're going to do a super fishing catch and cook cameraman ron's behind the camera and we're going to go out here and see what's happening such a cool area the water looks beautiful today looks clear yesterday they crushed the pompano at the pier all right so we're going to try to catch pompano and mackerel in different stuff like this but this is a beautiful beach if you're coming down to vacation the coast of florida take a stop through panama city beach because this is just such a cool place i grew up doing a lot of fishing here as a kid hey what's up man how you doing good these are actually super smooth waves for the gulf coast probably uh i mean they look to be like eight seconds apart or better look at that one right there dude that's definitely a surfing wave right there all right folks we're going to start fishing and i'm going to use this little wiggler jig right here this is a pompano jig we're going to do some blind casting first and just kind of see what happens yesterday they didn't start catching fish out here until about 10 o'clock so we're a little early and so we're just going to look and see if we can come up with something dude you are not going to believe this my very first cast dude i literally on my very first cast i caught a squid look at that look at that on my pompano jig is that not hilarious we did a whole squid catch and cook video out here a few weeks back it'll be linked to my description below if you haven't seen it but look at that little guy right there i cannot believe that my very first cast on the pier i caught a squid i thought my jig was fouled up and i was just reeling it in because i thought i had a messed up jig and it was a squid should we should we make cameraman ron eat some raw calamari that's not happening not this trip [Laughter] we did confirm that you can buy fish bites at the pier all right we forgot our fish bites and so we just bought them i'm also gonna put out a set rig right here and just see if it gets hit that way we've got a set rig out plus we've got dude i guess i can just stick it right here we've got our homemade sand spike right here look at that we've got our rod right here so if it goes over we're gonna be good folks we're gonna run down to the end real quick and see if we can catch some fish the pompano ain't happening right now we just ain't doing it so we're gonna run down there see if we can catch some spanish or blues or something like that all right let's see if we can get one here oh yeah dude i haven't caught a fish off the pier in so long oh he's on it there he is oh my gosh dang it he ate it missed it it's been so long man there he is got him there he is oh dad coming they get that's all right now we're going to get them right here there he is got another one i'm trying i gotta catch something first that gum flippers gonna scare them off dude there's been a bunch of them i've hooked up twice and just haven't been able to put one on the deck yet so there he is nice one oh that's a nice one oh he's running around that's a spanish mackerel yeah that is my first pier fish that i've caught in a very very long time i've caught squid on the pier but have not caught a fish fish that's a nice one somebody lost their straw cap right there see it in the water and we'll see if i could catch it for him a little short be a little short i think that might be it that might be a winner got him i got a straw cap that's a fighter dude he's pulling drag he's pulling drag i don't know who's whose hat it is but whoever's it is we got it now we gotta walk down through and see i don't know who's who it is i have no clue oh he's on my watch oh he's on there he is oh he's off back up there he is oh man tag out there he is nice one all right this flip him up nice little spanish oh and you kept him from hitting the deck good job brian i did they're getting fired up right here too man they're getting fired up this is called a frayed leader right here this is what happens when you hang spanish mackerel they freight this 50-pound test motto you can use steel i like 50-pound test motto dude is that guy caught in the rip current ron oh my gosh guys this person right here he's caught in the rip current look at that hey you need to swim out go that way and you'll get out of it hey swim that way swim do you know how to swim can you swim oh he can't guys this guy cannot swim he just said he can't swim he's getting taken further and further out so we might as well call the coast guard because we're gonna they're gonna have to we're gonna have to call the coast guard he ain't getting back in that dude i don't know like he's not getting back in look the lifeguard lifeguards coming to get him folks right before ron called the coast guard this actually that actually could have been gotten real bad that's good we got a north wind that guy would have been pushed out as far as i mean he wouldn't there's no getting back the lifeguards like let go of the stupid tube yeah your tube's done oh gosh did he just oh oh gosh oh god oh god this is not the best scenario because the lifeguard like when you get into a situation it's almost like that guy's panicked he's panicked oh there he goes he's getting back on absolutely oh look he's now swimming him in but the problem is there is going to be a fair amount of current he's just pulling dead weight right now he's telling the guy to kick and the guy's just not oh he was by the time the lifeguard got to him he was in panic mode he was he was done yeah you're right that's crazy man i'm glad they got him oh you got a you got a pompano i think it looked like a pompano when it hit it yeah oh there he is i got one too i got one too oh there but mine's a blue or no mine's a spanish okay just kidding mine's a foul hook spanish he's a keeper pretty spanish that uh the one uh guy right beside me hooked a bigon if he'd just got out of the float right here but he said he couldn't swim because i asked him i'm like can you swim he's like no so he couldn't get out of the float ron just said he saw a pompano flash we had seen pompano all day long all right so i broke the wiggler jig back out just to see if we can get on one yeah that's where we've been catching them right there oh i just got popped dang he just hammered it that was it he was gonna bite too man and he uh there he is oh we got him we got him baby we got a pump we got a pump yes sir nice i know that's what it is nice popping up come on baby that's a good pump right there that's a good one here let's get down here that's what we're after that's kind of teamwork because ron goes hey i think i saw something silver over there that looked like a pompano and i'm like ah so i picked up pompano rod through sure enough dude cameraman ron for the win buddy it's all good that was right here but it's we can switch sides hey the spanish the spanish are right there anyway do we need to put our set line back out i think so so guys i think the pompano they're starting i just got hit again all day i i've seen one pompano caught and that was the one that i just caught gotcha oh oh that felt like a bite right there that felt like a bite oh yep there he is he's coming to me another good one oh we're good oh yeah we got one on the set rod we got one on my set rod ron grab the set rod grab the set rod guys we just caught this pompano and our set rod goes off and ron's got a nice one look at there oh there's more with him look at how many he's with him look at how many is with him yeah get him dude fish right awesome walk down with him ron that's the one he has on yeah that's the one he has on here you got a line on the end of your rod see what i'm saying oh i do yeah keep all right here here here let me say it what if i just roll straight up like this tighten the drag all right now reel him up and flip him over kind of leverage him over let's go ron you got you ron you did your first pier flip dude that's right nice look at that guys what you think man you got you a pop dude y'all take it that was very very unexpected at the end of the day for sure what a day look at this man just such a beautiful beach day here in panama city florida super clear water white sand lots of people on the beaches that's what you want to see man let's go eat some food are we gonna get to eat real food tonight let's go eat some food yes i don't know if they heard that oh there he is oh hey ron what's up what are you all doing here hey mommy hey well i'm i'm going to be honest i felt bad about the prank are you serious in the other day's video so we come we're coming over to cookie dinner that was one come on in obviously not necessary but come on in well you know we've been making you eat a ton of bad fish this part's true okay and so we've got the bacon grease goddess herself over here melanie that's her new channel name and me we're going to come over here and cook some fish some grilled cheese let me cook because that's what i mean what are they doing here i also i invited jack and samantha salad we're having a party ron welcome guys i got leah at a party that i didn't know anything about at our studio that's great so while the uh melanie's in there frying the fish i'm gonna clean some of these pompano now and i'm actually we're not going to cook them whole this time you saw the last video that we the pompano video that we made we did cook them whole but this time i want to i want to fillet them up and cook them with the skin on no one has you already said we're not eating anything bad tonight so this one has rose oh man yeah so what we're going to do right here we're going to cook these on the skillet with the skin on i'm going to cut out the rib cage right there with a nice fillet like that and i like to keep the skin on a lot of times with pompano it gives it a lot of flavor so that's what we're going to do to the rest of these and we're going to take them in here to wash them off and that's good just a lot of seasonings that looks like it we're gonna coat it and fry it up so that right there is vermilion snapper that we caught offshore the other day if you didn't see that video go check it out linked in the description we caught a world record so that would have been two world records but not still one but did you get dethroned i did man i'm no longer the all tackle pinfish world record holder that's my uh vermillion sniper yep that's gonna be good right there we got some shrimp coming over here you know the turkey i'm excited about those right there that's the pompano it's not a party unless we have some shrimp to go with it man and i just found out ron cannot eat shrimp can you i cannot i am allergic to shellfish so and we're not putting the theory to the test tonight i already know we're not going to try to call ryan yeah so is that are you sure is that from joe paddy's i know a place we can go catch our own shrimp well you don't want to do that rob told me that the crabs are stacking up too i think at a big lagoon so we went up to crestview and we like he was able to negotiate the price like the lady was like and she's almost shocked like he offered like something lower but pompano is done all right dinner is served here's the last little bit of it right here and look at the spread we've got our fresh snapper from our offshore trip the other day we got our homemade tartar sauce we've got our fried shrimp and melanie's famous potato salad tater salad can't go wrong with that that's awesome this looks good guys let's dig in hey appreciate y'all cooking man that is so fresh you guys we thought that pompano this morning the only thing that's not overly fresh is the shrimp we did buy those but then the snapper looks good how's the pompano ron excellent we take it out in the surf and we get you to look a shark in it i've never caught a shark so that could be cool and then pull you all up and down the beach what if it takes me out like where i can't like get out well we'll put up we'll put a line attached to you and then when it pulls you out we'll reel you back in i don't know what kind of line you think is going to pull this back in hey none of us got no poles that big buddy well you can tell we didn't like it at all that look was amazing i didn't like the stuff you fixed but everything melanie made was amazing the pompano even though i got a bone you know pompano was great it really was all of it was amazing the snapper was good i didn't eat the shrimp because i wasn't trying to die tonight well it was amazing you don't want to just try one shrimp no bran i want to just try one trip why would i want to try one trip in the hospital we have to film tomorrow and you're trying to put me in the hospital tonight i'm sure you have an epipen laying around i'll i don't know i always need we did just take maybe that's what's happening right now i always try to sneak spinach and jack salads he's allergic i'm gonna have to grab me one more piece of this pompano right slowly because that pompano is money everything i think the uh i think the pompano was my favorite yeah me too so good it's funny because we always get comments in every video and they're like you shoulda like i'll get a comment about you gotta cook them whole you can't get them [Music] today's comments are from the offshore video that you put out why does ron never catch fish i'm like i literally just put an entire video out of me catching fish grant lets me fish we just don't always put it in his video because i have my own videos right now you actually caught a lot of fish on that offshore probably a ton and i saw that comment today they're like do you need to give ron a break and let him fish i'm like are you literally yeah you're such a slave driver man like brings such a slave driver here he's calling me again right jack what are some of the common subscriber questions um let's see what happened to your product god the boat has been gone for a year guys i got a boat comment today i know i know i saw it like i see them all the boat has been gone for it's gone forever the blazer listen to me right now listen to what i say to you the blazer bay is not coming back ever it's gone it's gone it's not coming back like yesterday i mean somebody even trying to steal it what happened that boat was it was a great part of the channel for a long time but who knows there may be a new another boat in the future like you know right now i'm enjoying what we're doing getting to go out catch awesome fresh fish like this enjoy it with good friends good company so guys i want to thank you all so much for tuning in with us having dinner with us here tonight if you want to see more videos like this with all of us here shoot me a thumbs up if you have not subscribed to the channel yet go hit that subscribe button anybody want to say anything next time there better be some bush light okay and jack is like sponsored by all the beer companies but here's fun fact we're not we're like we're not we're not even really beer drinkers jack just wanted a cold one i guess yeah the only thing i have to say is just remember it might not be this week might not be next month but you got one coming and i will get you back ron's gonna got a prank coming so thank you so much for watching this video if you haven't already shoot us a thumbs up please subscribe to the channel your support means so much to us we'd love to hear what you thought about the video in the comment section below so please feel free to leave a comment we appreciate each and every one of you for being a part of the angler up nation
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 276,409
Rating: 4.909514 out of 5
Id: KIPbobUfYaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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