Bear Safe Hammocking 20 feet High Up A Tree Solo Overnight Camping (87 Days Ep. 32)

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If you think 20 feet will keep you safe from a bear, think again. A bear can scale 20 feet in about a second.

How fast a bear can climb a tree

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Johnny_Vonny πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

20.0 feet β‰ˆ 6.1 metres 1 foot β‰ˆ 0.3m

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bot_Metric πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fact: bears love beets. Bears, beets, battlestar galatica.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dwintaylor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

After Watching the first season of Alone and before i went out on alone seaon 3 i thought if i were to go to apace with bears i would find a way to live up a tree. The hammock makes going up a tree to sleep a bit easier . So after geting a Warbonnet hammock i had the idea of changing out one of my 10 items for the hammock so i could more comfertably live up in the trees to be safe from Bears and Wolfs and other things that might want to eat me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ffoowwlleerr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
(country music) - I'm Zachary Fowler and you're watching 87 Days, the complete reenactment of all I did out on History Channel's Alone show season three, but as if I did it here in Maine with the resources we have here. Today, we're doing something a little different. One of the things I thought of as a switching out one of my ten items, I'm not sure which item I would switch out, but was a hammock if you're in bear territory. So we're going to make a bear safe hammock 20 feet up in the tree and set up a little bridge pole, that's what that big pole is and maybe even build a fire up there today. Yee-haw. Less talking, more working. (country music) I picked out a couple trees here. I got this maple here and a maple there so I'll be able to put a couple rungs for a ladder across there. Then over here, I have a couple more maples. Or is that a beat, no that's a maple and another maple there, a smaller maple and I'll be able to put a couple rungs across there so I can get up to that side. This'll be my, for lack of a better woods word today, a ridge pole, I guess where I'll be able to walk across between the two trees. So I'm going to build my ladder, hopefully, about four rungs, less lashing, the quicker I can get up there and start building the upper structure. Four rungs and then on the top rung, I will lash this on and then the rungs can also act as a staging point to put more bracing coming across and build a little bit of a platform. And I'll be able to walk out on this, going from side to side and set the hammock up. Now, I get some more materials being as my favorite thing being useful, useful, useful, clearing some of this stuff that always falls over into the driveway during the wintertime up here at my land and using it to build something. (upbeat music) What a pain in the neck nylon line is. But the best thing you can do for it is make yourself a winding stick. It's just a notch on either end so you can lash it in there. If you try to use it while it's on the spool, I don't know if you noticed, but when I was doing those lower ones, it was all snafued up. I had to stop, go and fix it and make it work. It's ridiculous. So lashing stick, way to win all the time. (upbeat music) Alright, I misjudged how much time I had. My friend, Noah, came. We're going to drill some stuff, so I'm just setting up down low on the ground today. So if there were bears here in this area, I'd be bear snack tonight. I got my new goodies because in a hammock, when you're sleeping in a hammock, your butt gets really cold because your sleeping bag gets squooshed so it doesn't have the insulation value so you get really cold, but I got a new. Check this out. (whistles) From Outdoor Vitals, this is a great underquilt. I'm excited about this, I just got this in the mail from them and it makes hammocking so much for fun and warm. I just gotta figure out how to open it. Oh, there we go. Alright, you might be asking yourself if you just got it, how does he know that this thing is awesome? I'm going off the fact that I've had my zero degree summit bag from Outdoor Vitals for over a year and the thing is awesome and I expect this to be as well. And it turned out, it was. It's universal. It took me a minute to look at the instructions, but it universally attached to my Warbonnet hammock without any difficulty. It's like Jim Carey coming out the rear end of. (soothing music) That was fairly easy. Safety test number one, first night, eight feet up in the trees. Tomorrow night, 20 feet. (upbeat music) This is frustrating. Bought this rope at an old garage sale and it's got a randy know in it here. It doesn't appear, I can't see in any which way that this knot is appropriate and it's just a mess. Every good knot has a break in it that you can (crunching sound) and it will loosen the knot. In the instance of a boleyn, which is a twist, come up through, around, and back through the hole. Now, if this is yanked on by hooking one end to your truck and this is cinched up tight, there's a breaker right here. Well, it's cinched up and no matter how tight it gets, with minimal pressure, as long as it's a good rope with a good, thick core that doesn't collapse in on itself that is, you can take this breaker right here (crunching sound) and bow like this. It puts slack in the line and the whole thing can come undone very easily. But somebody used this rope for something and didn't know what they were doing and tied Lord knows what this is. Maybe it was a proper knot, I can't see how so and it pulled inside out, but I find this one. I try to break it here, nothing. I see this one here, if it could get over top of that, it might break, but it's pinched by this other loop that's coming through and twisted inside of there. There's no breaker here. The only thing for it is to get some slack in it, to pick the right spot to get some slack in it is going to be the key. This one seems to be the key since it won't, it's not going to break under tension. I need to push some of this through here. And I found the best way to undo bad boss's knots, I always say bad boss's because my old boss couldn't tie a knot to save his life, probably can nowadays because I harassed him so much about it, I take the corkscrew of my multi-tool, and I find the piece that if I pull this tail through I'll be able to break this and bring the slack around and bring this whole thing undone. And I screw it into the knot right here, screwing it in right there, make sure it's only through one piece. That's the tail end that's coming out. I need to pull some slack into this so I can work the whole thing . Get my fingers on it. I got an eighth of an inch out of it. Screw what appears to be a breaking spot. There we go. There we go, I pulled it over that. That might have given me the slack I need to work some slack into this knot. Got it. Let's see, as I'm taking this apart. What I think happened here, it was just a simple square knot with two ends or something that pulled through and because of where they yanked on them and pulled them apart, it broke the knot in the wrong direction and caused it to lock it all up. Now, we can get back to work. (upbeat music) Yee-haw, this is turning out awesome. I think I'm not actually 20 feet up in the air. I'm running out of line, so I decided not to go one more rung higher. Maybe the top of my hammock where it's tied off will be a full 20 feet, but it's going to be pretty cool. Going up. Yee-haw. Now I can finally bring you up here with me. Not that far, I really wanted to be way up there, but I want to build a platform with a fire and if I'm going to get it done, I'm running out of line and everything like that, it's going to be what it is. Maybe next year, I'll go higher. Every year go higher, go bigger, everything bigger, higher, faster, farther. Further up and further in. On to Aslan's country. (upbeat music) I can't wait to get some more pieces up here. My heart's just racing climbing around up here. I probably should, meh I'm just going to keep going with it. It'll be more secure as I go. Lord, protect me from my own stupidity. (upbeat music) One more thing to make and I can start making dinner and move my hammock up here. Right out here, I'm going to make it my feet will hang through here and I'm going to add a little platform piece here and that's where I'll have my fire. I'll be able to sit right here. Exciting, exciting. This took a lot longer than I thought. I'm kind of, not afraid of heights, but I don't know, it's a lot just being up here and monkeying around, thinking like, "What if the lashing broke?" Just making sure everything is really well secured and really well lashed. And as it is, it's with multiple types of different materials because I got several spools of line that were all on there like last 10, 20 yards. Alright, climbing down. Alright. That's the only thing about building something down on the ground, I left all my tools up there. So I got to change my battery in my camera. I thought I'd show you something. One of the biggest questions I get is "How will you charge your batteries when you're out on Alone?" They gave us hundreds of batteries so we didn't have that problem. But now I can't afford hundreds of batteries, but I've come in contact with a company who's set me up royally awesome with some sweet gear. The solar panel and now I have this power pack that is the ultimate power pack. It's got one, two, three, four outlets. DC outlets, US whatever it is, USB and the new USBC, and it all is connected right there to the solar panel as well as having a regular 12 volt car outlet and you could charge it before you leave so it's full anyways. Woops. That battery was the charged one I'm coming for and it is amazing. As well as some new cool gear that I'll bet you'll see me wearing later tonight. The Olight flashlight, this is the best head lamp I have ever owned right here. It comes out, clips on to you. It's really nice. I've had it for a little while. The charger part is simply magnetic. You just have that laying around and then, boom, snaps right to it. It's amazing. I love it. It's the coolest head lamp and the way it, I can't even explain it. Me living out in the woods for years, I've got through a head lamp a year if not more with head lamps and this is not a paid advertisement, I just I really like this head lamp. I lately, people send me stuff all the time and they want me to show it off. And I've been trying to be really meticulous about not wasting your time with things, so I don't show it off until I've played with it more and that's why I haven't been doing any unboxings of things. I want to play with it, see if it's actually legit, and this stuff that I've received here is awesome as well as one more thing, this bar light, which goes like that and has this great. This is great for around the fire. It's not, gives you some light for you to do stuff and it's like the orange light is not all white and it's even got a police blinking one. The white light doesn't feel very woodsy or outdoors and stuff, but you put it to this orange one. It just kind of adds to the fire ambiance. Or hang this inside of my hammock. The rest of them that I've received, you're not seeing them because they weren't good and I'm not going to waste your time with them. But this stuff, I will link in the description. The Olight and this utility slash magnetic slash phone charger even light here. I used that all last night and I charged my phone while I was sleeping with it. And, man, this power pack, this is going to mean the world. It's got so many features, tells how full it is, the solar panel hooks right to it. It is amazing. This is going to extend my adventures. It's almost overkill for this two night adventure I'm having building this up in the tree, but I didn't have enough batteries charged before I left the house because I made a mistake. So it's already saved the day because I didn't realize how much time it was going to take to do this. And it's like keeping it in my truck or on a canoe trip or going out for a five day adventure so I can film it and bring it to you without having to just film just the most minimal here and there. It's worth every penny having that. And there's one more thing that you'll see in this video. You've seen the Warbonnet hammock before, which I am loving, underquilt. That thing is awesome. It comes from Outdoor Vitals. And the Outdoor Vitals sleeping bag. I'm so cozy in that thing. I am really liking the hammocking. It just, I don't know, I don't think I ever want to sleep on the ground again. I was up there. I heard deer coming through the woods going around under me and stuff. This is going to be like my tree stand. I'm going to sleep up there, hop out in the morning, make coffee on my tree stand. That might scare the deer away. And then sit there and take a deer this year from my hammock in the trees. I'll just roll over and (snaps). (upbeat music) This lashing method allows you to work a table top surface or a deck surface with one piece of line continually. Basically, work a loop into it, bring it around your piece of material, up underneath, straighten the loop out, and around the end of the wood, and then work until it's tight by working your piece back and forth leaving very minimal gaps in between each of your materials which you wouldn't be able to do with a traditional lashing method because your spool would have to go in between each piece. (upbeat music) Clay. (grunting) There we go. (upbeat music) - Alright, I managed to set it up. She's secure. Made the sure the webbing is tight or strapped properly so there's no twists in it so like any stresses. It's brand new, so something like that probably wouldn't matter. I got one of the wings pulled out where you can put your stuff in. The other one is attached to the stick, just stuck out from the platform so it doesn't really pull it out all that far. But once I get into it, I'll spread it out. So it's not spread out all nice like it is when you stake it out on the ground so much. But I am hungry. Going to go up to my shelter, up over the hill. Chris is up there making some chicken or getting cook stuff ready. Have a late dinner and then I come up and go to bed. I'll do some cooking. I'll cook my breakfast on that in the morning right there. We'll cook some breakfast, do some bacon and eggs over the fire up on the, up here. That's a lot of work. It's like if you're just lashing the stuff on the ground that'd be one thing, but up here lashing things, legs quivering because it's a little bit nervous. You're always making sure that you don't just lose track of what you're doing and be like, "Okay, I'm just gonna step over here "and pee in the bushes and." (whistles) (makes crashing sound) Get some food. - Hello. - Nice, fire's looking good. I am so hungry. I saw some mushrooms, let's go grab some mushrooms. I'll make it with our chicken. Dude, I just found a drone. How in the world? That's crazy. That's like a cheap drone of some sort. It's got a face of like a cylon. No way. Alright, now what we. How did it even get down through the trees to land in here or fall down through the trees in here? That's crazy. Now I got distracted, I'm not sure where we are. I found them. Found a drone and horn of plenty. These are really easy to tell. They're very thin. And like a horn, basically. Couple more. Here we go, that should bring some nice flavor to our chicken and mushrooms and onions. (piano music) The shovel, the dutch oven's best friend right there, the shovel. (piano music) So here's something for you, a little riddle. By law, if you have a burn permit and you are out burning with your burn permit, you're supposed to have a shovel with you, but I think so far, I'm the only person who's gone out alone and brought a shovel, yet all of them have fire. Huh. How is it? Good huh? Unfortunately, the camera started timing out for some reason at this point so I wasn't able to show you the beautiful finished result of the crispy bacon, lattice work on top of my meal, but you were saved the indignity of having to hear me moan and sigh as I consumed the two pieces of chicken and bacon and mushrooms. - I will say bacon and chicken goes well together. - Mmm hmmm. Bacon goes good with everything. Bacon and marshmallows, bacon and peanut butter. - Not on bacon and marshmallows. - I don't know, I still think that might be a thing. - It's just going to be a sugary bacon at that point. - True. I may never know. If I stay Keto, I'll never know. Alright, time to get in my hammock. Dinner was awesome. Now, I gotta go all the way up there and climb in to that bad boy. Alright, I made it up here safely. Let's see. Alright, that's good, clean, got clean connection. That's got a clean connection there, not that I messed with it. Just paranoid now that I'm up this high. Think I'm going to go down to that end and check that one one more time before I got to bed. I'll sleep better. My stuff's emptied into the little cash spot. Out of my pockets, now I gotta get in there which means I've got to walk out just a little bit past my platform right here and climb in through the flap there. I'm going to have to put the camera in here which means it probably won't get much. Alright, I'm in, I'm in, I'm secure. I still haven't let go. I'm like, the rocking feeling. All of the zippers are zipped. I am roasting in here right now, the stress of this whole thing, that underquilt and I'm not even in my sleeping bag just yet. I'm sorry, I hope you don't feel too cheated. I know, I do. There was this perfect moment right after I got into the hammock and I think I screamed like a little girl as it started swinging away when I let go of the safety line and that camera just kept timing out for some reason saying something about record speed being too slow. Hopefully, I don't have to pee in the night. That would just stink. Four in the morning, I gotta pee. I'm going to attempt to open the zipper and roll my hips to the side and do the guy thing. This seems to be working, here we go. Success. (yawning) Go back to bed for a little bit. (lullaby music) (yawning) Six AM. Slept in. Let's see if I can get out of this thing now. Here we go. You'll be able to hear it if I don't get out, right? I don't know if you'll see, it's hard to film this and do this safely. Success. Alright, I did it. I'm out. Safe and sound. I'm going to get myself a fire going. And put some coffee on, yee-haw. (country music) My hands are a little sore from all the lashing yesterday. Managed to do it in eight, maybe nine hours of work in total to do this. Showing up at a location and doing even a minimal version of this, for the one pole and getting up there and getting it rigged and doing it. I think it would be awesome to build an entire village up here like this though. You know, just keep going because if you were staying here and if I had 87 days again. (country music) (cracking sounds) This whole little thing has been so hard to film. I hope it comes out okay in the edit. It's such a, oh coffee's starting to perc! Oh, I'm excited! For those of you that are going to complain and say, "Oh show us more of what you did and more detail, "like how'd you do that lashing and things?" I learned everything from books I bought at garage sales. I said it before and I'll say it again, you gotta, there's just nothing like a book. You can go on Youtube all you want and watch people do things the wrong way and the right way and question everything you're doing, but unless you read books, you're never going to know. So I think it's a good thing. I think I would feel comfortable in a bear place, bear territory, wolves, cougars. I know bears and mountain lions and stuff, they could hop right up this tree no problem, this is just day one, that way, once it was all said and done, this would be all deck and there would be no way except to come up through a hatch. I think you'd be fairly safe from bears and all that, because they'd have to come up and claw the bottom of it. I think they'd just be curious and they'd turn away. I don't think mountain lions would climb up and go upside down underneath of your decking to try and get up over the edge or they'd have any reason to. And then at least while you're sleeping at night, you're secure, you have nothing to worry about. I probably won't do more to this than than what I did because I owe the kids a tree house like this, so I think the next thing I should do is go back the house in Union and build one for the kids so they have something fun like this. Maybe, not this high up obviously. But I've been saying I'm going to build them and Ewok forest little village with two or three little bungalows, one for Sparrow, one for Abby, a little place for them in the middle where Dad can actually fit in and some little swinging bridges that go out to them. Alright. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, breakfast of champions right there. Ow, that's hot. That's really hot. Ooh ow ooh ah. I'm gonna set down my basket for a little bit, let that cool, put the bacon on. This could be dangerous, sometimes these things blow up. It's easy to sit away from a fire when you've got an ash egg in there, but right up here. Am I risking my life just to cook an egg for breakfast? I don't know. (country music) Bacon wrapped bacon. Big old bacon meat wad on a stick. This is great. (country music) There we go. Does it get any better than this? My little fire platform thing looks like it's working out pretty good. It would be nice if it was bigger and I was able to go around all sides of it. We'll save that for next year's mark two version. Where it's 20 feet higher and 20 feet wider. Like a typical Youtuber, go bigger every time. Look at that. Nailed that bacon. That is one nice bacon stick right there. Bacon wrapped bacon. I feel like I dropped the ball. I should have put cheese inside of that and wrapped it, oh man, next time. I'm going to eat my bacon, yee-haw. Pull my little toothpick out before I eat that. Aww. What do you think? 30 day diet, 30 days bacon, 30 day bacon diet. What would happen? People think bacon's bad for you, but there's proven, I googled it last night and other people have done it, most of them have only done it for a couple days and they've lost weight. One guy did it for longer and lost like a bunch of weight. I think there might be a problem with the salt, too much salt. You'd have to do pork belly or raw keyword bacon. Oh, forgot to pray. Lord, thank you God for this fort up a tree and hammocking and keeping me safe despite my own boneheadness and this wonderful bacon. Thank you, God, for bacon. In Jesus name, Amen. And coffee. Up a tree. Alright, I thought the bacon that I did last night on top of the chicken with the mushrooms from the woods, the horn of plenty was good, but oh man, this is better. I think I think that about everything I do. Every new thing I do is like the best thing I've ever done. I think that's a good mindset. Mmm. That is so good. Well, thank you guys for watching. I hope you've enjoyed this adventure. If you've got any crazy ideas of other things that I should be, I might have missed, and that you'd like to see, feel free to leave it in the comments below. Mmm, oh this is so good. And as always, make sure you bug everybody forcing them to watch this. Make your family miserable making them sit down and watch all of my videos in a row and I'll see you guys next time. Fowler out. Mmm mmm, it's just right, crispy on the outside and raw and wriggling on the inside. Eggs didn't quite make it all that well, there's a good smokey yolk in the center. That's dry, should have eaten that with the bacon. - Raw and wriggling, you keep nasty chips. - You're hopeless.
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 2,006,626
Rating: 4.7948599 out of 5
Keywords: Bear Safe, Hammocking 20 feet Up A Tree, Bear Safe Hammocking, hammock camping, hammocking high up, fowler's makery, fowlers 87 days, zachary fowler, 87 days, hammock tent, hammock camping up high, hammock in a tree, hammocking tips, hammocking in bear country, hammmocking, solo bushcraft hammock, safe hammock, high up in a tree, overnight hammock, safe camping, bear safety, bear safe camp, bear safe shelter, bear, bear up a tree, bear in a tree, fowler hammock
Id: pUx_qqRfW-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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