Castle STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting Tutorial (ColorByFeliks)

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hello everyone welcome back thank you for tuning in and being here today if you're new welcome to my channel I am glad you're here today and I hope these tutorials are going to be helpful for you today we're going to learn how to paint a castle thank you to my patrons who helped me vote on the topic if you'd like to give a vote on what I should teach next and see these videos commercial-free please check out the patreon page down below in the description all right let's go over the materials needed for today for brushes we need these blending brushes one will work but it's faster and saves a lot of time to use too so I recommend having two we need some of these artists law brushes this is a number eight and this is a number four they're both kind of like filbert style any half an inch flat brush and any detail brush for the details and we need an artist sponge they come in two pack it works great for bushes and trees and grass things like that you pick and choose which one you like to use best and I'll show you how to use that and that's it for brushes let's go over the paint I like to use acrylics and we need titanium white cadmium medium yellow naphtha medium red ultramarine blue and carbon black we need a palette of some sort and a palette knife I'm using a palette paper over my palette to save time I just bunch it up and throw it away we need a jar of water right here to put your brushes and use some of the water while we paint I'll show you I'm using a 16 by 20 inch canvas here I bought it straight as it is and you can prepare your canvas any way you'd like I'm just gonna paint straight on it right here and if you have this you can use it a hair blow dryer to dry out your first couple coats and we need some paper towels and I think that's it for the materials I like to describe what we're gonna do here first before we start mixing our paint in our Hallet so we're gonna start from the furthest distance and work our way whatever is closest right and so we're gonna add the sky here and then some clouds after that and then we will add the faraway trees and then the sky will be about you know about like almost halfway and covering this canvas and then the rest will be some trees far away in the back castle will be offside about right here it'll be right here and then there will be like a little road going to the castle okay and then it'll be like a grassy path here and things like that let's have fun and see what happens and begin to mix our paint okay let's pick up our titanium white and our pallet and we're gonna create a couple colors here and so start off with about you know about this much a little more than a thumb okay and then right next to it about the same amount and then the third one a little less and the fourth one a little less we always start like with our white I like to start with my white first right here and now we're gonna pick up our yellow we're gonna kind of make the sky like pinkish orange II going into like this reddish blue almost purplish color we'll see what happens I have a plan sometimes it turns out completely different which is pretty cool I like it I like to see what happens so we're gonna pick up our yellow now and add it right in here just a small amount barely any you know barely any right there and a little more here okay and then a little more here like this and let's add one just a small amount so it's like almost the same and it gets you know bigger right here goes back to small okay hopefully you could see that next we're gonna pick up our red and let's add the red right in here a very small amount barely touching anything just a small amount you could see a little touch right there of red and a little more here okay and then a lot more here like this alright next and actually I'm going to add another red right in here just a little bit like this okay now let's take our blue ultramarine blue and we're gonna put it right in here okay mix it in like this alright and let's add the blue a little bit in here like this alright now I'm just adding a small amount I'm not adding too much yet because I want to see what colors it gives me and then we'll you know add more colors if we need to okay so this is what I have and actually I'm gonna add a little bit of white on both of these alright let's do that real quick so I have my white you know lied just a little bit on both of them not too much like this maybe a little less here alright and I'm gonna add some black just a touch in here I want that to be our darkest color so here we have it and let's add a small amount of black with our blue like this let's quickly mix these colors and see what it gives us and if we need to add more we will all right our palette knife and our first color here should be pretty bright with a hint of yellow in there but it's gonna be very bright bright as you can see all right that's good enough right there I like it I'm happy with my first color my second color right here okay I like my second color right there and then our third should be leaning towards a darker orange like a peachy color since we added some white in there too okay right there all right now this color so I think I'm gonna add some white actually to this red so let's go ahead and do that so it won't be too dark so let's just add white about like this much okay so let's mix that in that's good enough right there okay our next color and obviously you can see I need to I definitely need to add some white in here because that's a dramatic change between those two so I'm gonna go ahead and add some white so it won't be so crazy okay you know about this much you can see it's a like a light purple color that's more like it a change here between those two is you know softer it's not as dramatic it'll be easier to blend that way so basically in the sky you could choose any you know colors you want you know as a sunset or more leaning towards blue as long as they have a nice like you know a little bit of a you know darker shade each time you you mix your paint you know so here you have it and our final color here I think I'm gonna definitely add some red in here because I want it I want it to be actually like a cherry color more of a you know like a more of a red sky so let's add a little bit of red right there and let's see what that gives us okay and I think I'm gonna add a little bit of white to this because it is pretty dark right there okay this much that's more like it just like a darker purple you can see right there that's good I like it and I'm ready to you know put my first layer of the sky colors down okay now let's pick up our water jar right here and one of our blending brushes and we're gonna dab it in halfway about like this okay squeeze it out a little bit not too much but squeeze it out they're still Auto bit of water maybe squeeze it out a little more so we won't the water won't drop like this okay and now we're gonna start with the lightest color right about here and just blend everything in so let's pick that color all of it out like this so let's start adding right a little bit under you know smaller you know under halfway so I just go from here just pick everything up like this and just put it in everywhere okay just like that nice and easy okay now I'm gonna DAP just the tip of my brush in the water and I always do this before I pick up my next color like this and so it can run smoothly on my canvas and then pick up my second color okay and just put it on the bottom you can even bring it down lower here like this it's okay if you blend it in even lower just a little bit it's totally fine okay next I'm going to dab just the tip in the water not too much and pick up my third color okay third color here and then dab just the tip in the water again pick up my fourth color okay now I'm going to pick up my dab the tip in the water my fifth color you see what I'm doing I'm kind of blending it but I'm not focused on blending it yet I'm just adding the colors and quickly first so like that and then my final color I'm going to do that real quick right here just add it right on top they have to brush in the water just a little bit and add the rest all of it in like this okay there you have it now I'm gonna either use this brush to clean my brush out and use a paper towel to quickly dry it out or to save time I have my other blending brush here and I'm gonna use that and start blending everything in nicely so first things first I'm you you know it's dry and I just lightly swirl it and pull the paint upwards okay and work fast because the paint acrylic dries a little bit quicker but you see I'm kind of dabbing it lightly and pulling the paint upwards and that's how you get a nice blend and no focus don't try to bring the colors down just focus on blending and pulling upwards and then you can come back clean the brush and do the same process a few times but you could see I'm working on one spot very gently lightly not too fast you can see a nice smooth going and then after this we will add clouds so don't try to you know try to make it too perfect because we're going to go over and add some clouds in our sky just some of this is going to be covered there you have it okay so now we have a clean water and our brushes are clean so now this is almost dry but so I can have it fully dry I'm gonna quickly try it out with this hair blow-dryer okay so we did a quick blend here you could still see some transition going on and maybe a little bit of the brush strokes but that's okay because we're gonna be adding some clouds so some of that is gonna be covered but if you were to you know have the sky mainly open then we would spend a little more time you know blending and making it a nice smooth transition totally up to you but for this scene we're gonna be adding some more clouds so let's go ahead and mix a few more colors for that okay so I'm going to pick up my pallet and clean out some of the paint here with a paper towel and right here we have a little bit of red and a little bit of yellow I'm gonna mix that in it's gonna be a darker like a darker orange color right here and I think I'm gonna just mix it and remember this pink just take part of this pink it's okay I just want it to be you know a darker color right here that's good enough like a darker pink I guess like that and I'm gonna quickly mix this in with my orange and I'm gonna add some yellow in here because I want this to stand out a little more so let's do that I added a little bit of yellow here okay I want it to be more vibrant there you go that's much better and I also added a little bit of yellow there and I'm just going to you know mix it in with whatever color I have left here it doesn't really matter I just I just want this to be like a yellow leaning towards orange color just a little bit like this okay so it's still pretty yellow but that's what we want okay so now I'm going to clean my palate knife real quick and I decided to add one more color red right here and then maybe take some of this color right here mix it in with the red that'll be our darkest right here that's nice okay perfect now we're gonna pick up our number four and dab that in the water fully in the water like this so it could be nice and damp squeeze it out a little bit and it makes it nice and flexible and let's start out with this yellow right here this leaning towards orange this bright yellow right here our brightest color okay and we're gonna start adding the clouds that from far away let's just add some in here very very totally up to you but they're very far away small clouds and I'm gonna clean my palate barmy my brush real quick so I won't have too much paint in there and I'm going to blend some of that in so won't be too sharp just blend it in like that there you go continue and we're going to go up in here and let's just carry that all the way up in here and then randomly adding this yellow wherever I think will look cool maybe add a few more here I'm going to dab my brush in the water just a little bit and and then dab it onto your paper towel so you won't have too much water on your brush and just add some faraway clouds just blend that in randomly like this there you go let's add a little bit going up in here okay so our castle is going to be here so this part is going to be covered but let's just continue adding anyway so don't spend too much time in this area so now we're going to take this orange right here and add part of it in here you could see it's a little bit still on the darker side so I dab my brush in the water and I'm going to add some clouds in here that's good right there and I'm gonna dab my brush in the waters just the tip and then pick up some of this yellow right here and right underneath this color where we added I want to blend that in so it won't be such a you know crazy change from this light to I want to make it smoother so I'm gonna blend that in real quick maybe not everywhere but just just a little bit on some of them and that yellow maybe in here too okay so I'm gonna down my brush just a little bit in the water again pick up more of this yellow and try to dim this down a bit and I'm pressing onto my canvas and swirling it trying to carry that paint upwards and then you know the clouds naturally create themselves you could see I don't have a plan there's no right or wrong just have fun with it see what you could come up with maybe add a little bit in here of this yellow all right moving on let's grab our brush in the water again and submit some of this area out a little bit now I'm going to change my brush to a number eight do the same thing dab it in the water so it could be nice and soft your brush and then squeeze it out and then let's use this red right here that we mixed and add it right in here and do the same thing like we did with this one you could see the color when I grabbed a little too much water so I'm gonna just dab it in my paper towel and pick up this color it's okay though and then just kind of quickly sketch it out let's get your shape of the cloud out okay so maybe there's some clouds that are set separating here alright had a few more of these in here just randomly look at that and now maybe add a little more in here and now I'm gonna Sheila continue covering this side of the sky I know it might look a little bit messy but just bear with me and I'm going to clean my brush out in the water and just dry it out with a paper towel and pick up this color remember this orange color and then the same thing have it with the yellow we're gonna do the same thing here right underneath this red just blend that orange color in so it won't be such a you know crazy transition and even go up a little bit with that orange Stav mine brush just the tip in the water right underneath this darker one and then just blend it in as best as you can you know don't worry about making it perfect or trying to just spend so much time I mean it's totally up to you you create it the way you want to your clouds to look okay and carry that paint out words like this you know I'm gonna use a little bit of this yellow and I just want to add some in here you mixing it with the orange okay now remember this color right here we mixed the darkest one we're going to do the same thing and add some red in here I want to make this these codes a little bit darker okay a little bit more so I'm gonna dab my brush in the water just a little bit just a tip in water you can see not too much if you got too much water just dab it in your paper towel and I usually keep the paper towel on my table I just dab it on my table here real quick so I can continue you just blend it all in maybe add some in here some of these darker ones okay and now switch quickly to number four and cleaning it out and then let's use some of this orange right some of this orange maybe mix it in a little bit with this yellow here and let's just add some you know some of the highlights from these clouds right underneath and you know separate them and create like highlights in your clouds okay you could see we're starting to see shapes of clouds come to life that's what we want the light is hitting those clouds underneath and that's creating a nice glow so just go over and your clouds could be a little bit different you know this naturally happened for me so I'm just kind of going with the shape of my clouds so I'm using this yellow here and just outlining some of these with water maybe underneath here as well have fun and create them the way you want it to look and you know you don't have to overdo it just do it on some of the areas right here you know just some of these clouds and if your breath starts to dry out a little bit just to have it in the water again and the paper towel and continue doing the same thing maybe let's add one right in here underneath so I'm going to clean my dad my brush on my paper towel because it's a little bit too wet I don't want it too wet with just the damp brush okay add that nice yellow to your clouds and maybe a little bit underneath here okay now let's pick up this orange a little bit of water let's continue adding just a little bit in here so the castle is going to be here but I'm going to continue adding my clouds just a little bit to fade in there let's take some yellow okay back to our orange here and I'm going to create so I'm going to get my brush lightly in the water and then I'm going to create a nice cloud that's going up this way like I said this part is going to be covered with a castle so I'm just taking it in a little bit so I dab my brush in the water again and continue adding this orange maybe add a little bit of the yellow just like that okay so we'll continue adding this very lightly and then here we're going to transition into adding red right here or pink dark pink moving on let's take part of this warrant maybe mix it in a little bit with this red or just take this red it's totally fine and I want to add remember this cloud right here let's pretend it connected there and it's just going up like this and it goes up like that okay just this red just draw some little clouds there alone dab my brush in the water try to blend some of these in so look to rough use some of this orange here because I like it and let's create a blend of orange maybe connecting here alright that's good enough now we're gonna pick up our final read this dark one tap our brush in the water and then we're gonna just add a few darker ones right in here clean my brush out you can see it's a little too wet we don't want that and then to smoothen that out use this red here and just blend those in with the darker color and let your clouds naturally develop a shape and now we're going to do the same thing how we did with this one and let's add some of the yellow highlights I just clean my brush real quick and pick up this yellow here and then just on some of these add that yellow maybe this orange okay you can mess around with the clouds as long as you want this first part is done you can take a break totally up to you but we're gonna continue and let's add some faraway trees here and you know grass maybe here let's just add all that in there and create some shades for that so let's pick up our black first and we will create couple colors so let's just add it right here about this much and maybe right there maybe let's start with two okay let's pick up our red and red next to this black same thing here like this and now we're gonna pick up our yellow and add some in here just a little bit in here and a little bit more in here like this okay maybe a little more like that and now I'm going to add some white some white right here just a little bit like this okay and then a little bit here not too much maybe a little more here like this okay let's quickly mix those colors in and see what it gives us let's start with the lighter one right here and quickly mix that in and see what color gives us I like it it should be leaning towards like a green brownish color that's what we want okay so that will be our first color okay our next one should be darker and we're gonna create one more and then we're gonna start adding your trees okay that's good right there let's add white and I'm going to clean out my you know pallet knife so I won't carry the darks just quickly with a paper towel and just a little bit of the white here and take part of this color just part of it and mix that in and that will be one of our other colors let's just start with these and let's create our trees let's take our artists sponge and dab it in the water fully all the way in and then just squeeze it out so it could be nice and soft right here and then we're gonna start out with this darkest color right here that we have mixed and choose a corner that you like best so choose just one corner you can test it out like this right here and just choose a corner like this don't grab too much just grab a little bit first and then we're going to create our trees faraway trees let's start from this corner and create some faraway trees and just dab it you know debit in nicely so let's take some more very gently we're going to bring it down like this okay and continue on here adding your trees go up a little bit and remember the castle is going to be right in here and it'll end right here and then part of this is going to be where the road will be like that something like that so we're going to cover this side and this side so now just quickly go up a little higher here and just covered all of that and you just covered all this in and I'm just gonna quickly randomly blend that all in that's our base color right here okay I'm base color do the same thing on this side just going to cover it all in so I'm gonna dab just a little bit in the water so you can run smoothly and continue covering the white part of my canvas okay the same color okay now that you have your base coat laid down and it's covered there you go that's where our trees will be I'm happy with it and once you're once you did that we're going to come back to this color now and and just take part of it here and create some highlights and things in our trees so let's just just a bit gently on some of these and I'm kind of making like a circular you know all right continue I'm gonna go in here make it a little wider for this side okay let's do the same thing on this side a little bit just a little bit here and fade it out there that's good right there and now remember the slightest shade I'm going to do the same thing and just make some of these stand out a little more so I'm gonna use this area to stand make sure it stands out a little more over here okay for now that's good enough okay and now we're gonna just this yellow and a little bit of red maybe take part of this and mix it in here I want to oranjee color okay maybe take a little more mix it in there I'm just gonna mix all of it in there like this okay and now I have this one leading towards orange more and with my number eight spot brush I'm gonna just dab it and and create a few highlights on top of some of these trees go over some of them okay using this color okay now with a detail brush dab it in the water and use this dark color and swirl it like this with water and this dark color and we're gonna create some branches for example right here let's just create a very skinny one attaching to some of these trees right here and then here do the same thing and attach some of these here maybe some in here and then someone over there on top and then the same thing with clean your detail brush the same thing with this lighter color here yeah we that we have mixed we're going to just go over some of these and the light is hitting right here some I'm drying the highlights on my right side of the branches that or the tree trees that I added okay you stay consistent with it once you have your bread you know Kree branches added there now use a little bit of white and part of this just a little bit of this not too much mix it in there and this is our final detail for the trees and then we're gonna paint our castle so there you have it that will be our shade let's pick up the number 4 brush here dry it out with a paper towel and we're going to use the same effect the dabbing effect and we're going to go over some of these branches and kind of follow our patterns of the trees so right here on top maybe bring you down here a little bit and just lightly you know dab it in there okay moving on let's add some in here okay so now once you're done playing around and adding your trees and details on the background of those trees let's continue and draw our castle really quickly and add details to it and we should be done pretty soon so what I've got here is titanium white okay Carbon black and then red and then a little bit of less carbon black right here and white and then I've got red yellow blue and white so just a little bit of blue more red about the same mountain of yellow and white so let's quickly mix this first should give us a nice like a brownish color right there that's good that will be our caster color right here and then we'll add more details to it but our base castle okay color right here and now let's quickly I'm going to clean my palate knife real quick and let's mix this color next should be gray I'm gonna add a little bit of blue on to my gray actually and a little more white right in here so blue and white and take part of this okay part of it and mix it in that's good enough right there all right and in a final color here I'm going to mix this one because the reason why I added red to my black because of the sky everything's like very warm colors and I want I want to be able to have my you know shadows and bricks to kind of have that nice red glow because of the warmth okay now let's sketch out our castle so our half an inch flat brush right here dab it in the water and squeeze it out and let's just start with this dark color right here we're gonna just catch it out real quick the shape of our castle so I just added a little bit of water so it can run smoothly on my canvas okay so the shape of my castle will be so I'm going to start from here like I said some of this is going to be covered we're gonna start from right in here go down like this okay and then it's gonna go a little bit at an angle and an inside like this there's one in here too like that okay I'm just quickly sketching it out and seeing how it would look so we're going to have our first little cone up here okay and moving on the next one will be right in here and there will be another cone okay going on our chimney will be up here going to detail it later and then there will be another cone like that and there's some little ones behind it's going to feed out about writing here it's going to go down and then curve here a little bit and then just fade it out okay damn I brush in water so you can run smooth and continue outlining the chimney here let's make this a little bigger it said another cone right in here and I'll add one more in here like this and I'm roughly drawing it out to see how I want my castle to look and then I will go back and add the details and all those beautiful things and real quick but let's just continue adding the details of our castle so I'm going to add another one actually right in here very skinny one okay continuing and then here we're gonna have that's where the gate will be so I'm gonna draw know about like this big don't mind this that was a little mistake there and then this is going to be where our entrance will be to our castle okay that's where it will be we're gonna make it better but let's continue I'm going to add another cone right in here so now this is where our gate will be okay and then this will go down like this and then this is where little pathway to entrance and I'm roughly sketching it out and then there's gonna be some rocks here and it'll be like a little green pass pasture pathway going down here rocks will be here okay so we have a quick sketch of the castle and the shape of it now let's go back and fill in our base coat of well first of all let's pick up our artists brush right here number four and remember this color right here let's just cover some of this on the bottom here with water in that color okay alright that's good enough alright let's continue I'm going to clean my flat brush and then remember this color we've mixed this color is going to be for our castle and let's just color everything in with that color roughly color everything in as the base okay let's take part of our black right here that we mixed and mix it in a little bit with this color because I want this color to go on to as a shadows to some of these areas for example here I want it to be a little darker so when I just use this color right here okay and I'm gonna mix it in a little bit with this [Music] make it as straight as possible we can we'll go over our entrance make it look nicer but for now let's just add our base like this okay let's use this darker color and put it in red in here maybe we even use this dark black color right here I'm going to switch to white number four brush and just with water I'm going to try to blend that out okay clean my brush shot just with a clean brush fade that out and now I'm gonna fill in these areas I forgot one spot real quick let's use this one alright now I'm going to clean my brush and remember this color that we have mixed here the lighter one let's add the lighter one right in here just on one side okay the left side go about halfway and stop and now with this gray-colored a little bit darker on the other side on the right side add that darker one okay use this light one and some of these right here okay I'm going to clean my flat brush and then just with the white here remember this white just white let's add in some details really quick and I forgot this use this gray I forgot to cover this area there you go okay let's add a little bit of the white and this blue let's add it right on top right here so I'm going to dab it in the water so it could run smoothly and just quickly add it like this in the very rough way same thing here and a little bit of the white like that and I'm going to do the same thing on some of these cones once you have your sketch down we will go back and detail our you know make it as straight as possible just with a detail brush and this dark color we have mixed dab it in the water and with the water this part will take a little bit of a while to kind of outline so just outline your shapes and create windows and bricks and things like that so first thing let's just start from this one and let's just make it as straight as we can no one going up inside clean you to clean Yin it out a little bit same thing here you know make it as straight as possible and then bring it down and here we're going to add a little line here and you can you know has a little loop here like this so all these little details we my brush out again using the black and correcting it all right Debbie my brush in the water using the black again and we will continue adding a straight line down like this maybe there's like a little shed here or something little faraway windows you can use your finger to kind of you know roughly blend those in like that okay we'll come back to that but that's good right there let's move on to the next detail well actually let's finish adding some of these let me add something in here to have my brush in the water so I'm going to use clean my brush and use a little bit of this white it's okay if it's a different color if it turns into like light grey it's totally fine and I'm going to just add it right in here damn my brush and water and mix it in maybe with this color so I can get a lighter color right here and we will add just roughly like that that's good enough let's pretend there's something going on over here and some of these bricks are glowing okay let's add a little flag somewhere we here so makes some black you will barely see it but it will be there connected cream my brush use a little bit of the white and I'm going to Breton some of these areas right here all right moving on moving young clean my brush using this black and let's draw this area let's just loop it like this bend it okay and then we're gonna draw straight from here I'll cross like this dab your brush in the water so it can run nice and smooth okay now let's connect this area bend it like this okay now underneath here let's just bring you down straight down like that and just roughly put the black and then use your finger to kind of bring it down the darks down okay just a little bit there you go and now dip your brush in the water again woopsie so easy to clean that dab your brush with a paper towel and just if it's not dry if it's already dried that's okay we will come back to that with something else there you go all right moving on with the black and water let's just add like a little bricks like this to have my brush in the water continue adding alright that's good enough now let's go over our door remember our door is going to be a red in here it's making about that big and just fill it in with the black and it's okay if some of its showing through like that that's totally fine like this don't cover everything with black just like this all right you have your brush in the water with black continue drawing your and just carry it down all the way just gonna add some black in here use my finger okay that's good enough right there now I'm going to clean my brush and use some white and a little bit of this color we have just mix it around dab your brush in the water and we're going to add some bricks kind of the same thing what we did with the black just on some of these so much there that's okay I'm gonna clean it and use black too correct that a little bit okay now here we're going to add white and on top just with water and a little bit of white randomly and that and then maybe use a little bit of the black and do the same thing alright that's good enough there let's move on with the black let's add a little something here in a window or something there okay just with the black let's continue outlining our castle and then here we're going to add like a little loop and it's just going to go in like this and then go inside like that in here and then we're going to continue in and another loop right in here this one's gonna be a little bigger here it's gonna loop around and fade out like that okay now just with the black and I covered that this all righty then moving on let's add a little window there another window right in here you and now we're going to take part of this and a little bit of white and just mix that end real quick and use your number four artist sponge and take that and let's add some highlights so just on some areas right in here just go X motion you know back and forth same thing here and here just lightly dab it and pull the paint play with it you know okay and then clean your brush out and use this color mix it in with the dark and I just want to dim down this side a little bit just the send water let's see there's some bushes up here some rocks and things like that and then use this color to kind of maybe it's like little you know Hill little Hills here okay and this will be where the green area will be grass okay we're almost there let's add a little bit of green in here I have a touch of yellow and blue maybe take part of the white and just mix that in it doesn't have to be perfect but that's good enough right there let's pick up our number eight brush right out and let's play with this color here and draw a pathway from here going down and ending right in here okay there you go that's our little path maybe you can see some of the green areas right in here some of the trees things in the back okay all right and I'm gonna use a detail brush to use this dark color and outline a little path dab it in the water and use this black and use a little bit of this blueish green you know let's just add it right in here maybe mix it in with the black a little bit want to make it a little bit faded okay there you go that's much better and last but not least let's finish up here so remember this color here let's just put it all over everywhere cover it with your number eight or flat brush whatever is easier just cover it like that maybe take a little bit of the darker one okay we have here Road and then this let's just add it right in here randomly just cover the white same thing here damn I brush in the water and I'm going to add it right on top like this and maybe add the dark area right in here want that as a base okay all right and now take part of this and maybe a little bit of the black and just add it right in here and let it fade in to the lighter color just like that okay and now I have yellow a little bit of red and white I'm gonna mix those in real quick okay and then I'm gonna add a touch of blue here mix that in and then take part of the red here from this guy I wanna make it brown because I ran running out of this color so I'm gonna try to make it like this cop perfect that's great right there and then added white just in case on the side here I'm gonna clean my palette knife and mix this black here it's the same colors pretty much as this just because we running out so there you have it we're almost home and let's now quickly draw out our with a flat brush the shape of our road okay so let's start out right in here so let's just draw it from this corner all the way in here okay dab it in the water so can we run nice and smooth and just make it as straight as possible okay there you go and now I'm going to draw one in here there you go and just cover this with the dark just with the dark FET and then same thing here and my brush into water and I'm going to draw one in here so okay and then one more line with this black let's draw out our final details so this is going to be and just feed it in like this and this one like that there you go I'm going to clean my brush real quick and now I'm going to use this brown one that we have mixed here and let's add it right on top of here and in here okay so continue maybe mix it in with a white a little bit and let's try to draw as straight as possible from here and getting smaller like that okay and then same thing here mix it in when clean my brush and just with the white maybe a little bit of this it's okay I'm gonna correct this just a little bit right here why I use some white if you want to and just add some highlights just randomly like that just a little bit okay and I'm going to pick up my detail brush and with a detail brush I want to draw out and make it a little nicer here so this corner just kind of end it like that doing the same thing how we did the bridge we're just going to go over and add the details go over make it more straight and then add your bricks okay I'll be done for today you can go ahead and detail the road the castle the clouds you can come back to it later the next day totally up to you have fun with this and see what you can create thank you for being here and tuning in I hope you enjoyed this tutorial take care and God bless you
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 582,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: castle painting, acrylic painting tutorial, how to paint a castle, acrylic painting techniques, learn to paint, how to paint, step by step, german castle, castle landscape, sunset painting, painting tutorial, painting videos, painting for beginners, diy home decor, easy painting tutorial, painting at home, bob ross, colorbyfeliks, painting lesson, how to paint with acrylics
Id: IWo-ab9gNpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 7sec (9847 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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