#168. Painting as a beginner ACRYLIC

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[Music] [Music] get a a gown and hapless here your curly guru time to paint tonight we're going to go back in time well I'm going to go back in time because I'm going to paint like a beginner today and there's a lot of beginners we all started off as a beginner when we painted when we started our painting journey so I'm gonna paint a painting just a basic beach or ocean scene with the foreground sky but I'm only going to use the basics now at the moment I'm I'm not a beginner anymore so all the hardware I got down here I've got paint everywhere you know not every beginner has all this alright so let's come back up to me pallet Ian and I'm going to grab the basic paints a beginner with me to start with okay which is your blue yellow and red your primary colors alright so the canvas I'm using there is a 30 centimeter by 42 centimeters in Australia we use centimeters and millimeters and we'll get the colors going up the screen there now for those who want to know what colors that I'm using in this one okay and you obviously seen the finished process of this painting in the opening credits there alright so like I said we're beginner so I'm going to use the basic colors the prime colors in a black and white just so I want to show a beginner what you can do with the basics without all the retarders and glazings and glosses and all that sort of stuff okay alright let's get into this [Music] on me palette here I've got a flowing white paint this is all acrylic cranek red own magenta which is red cadmium yellow medium and I've got a blue you can have a phthalo blue primary blue a blue so we've got our prime colors and we've got some white there if we want to lighten it up okay these are the basic colors a beginner needs to start off with okay when I started I'm going into the art shop and I'm buying half a million tubes of paint what I need I need this and I need that and I need this well when you start you there that main colors you need and they'll help you make every color in the rainbow okay now what I said we're going to do a basic beach ocean scene here okay using these colors on the palette there alright and we'll just use some simple brushes now brushes don't have to be big and expensive and scientific as well I've got this from a local hardware store it's just a two inch brush that's flat and that's good for applying the bulk of the paint on the beginning of the painting and you can get a pack of these flat brushes alright but I'm not going to use this one because I'll be there all day trying to color in the sky with that sometimes you want to get into business so like I said I'm not using any retarders or nothing so alright what can I beginner do to get a reasonable good sky also not only a good sky but it would painting have yourself a miss bottle a spray bottle of water so you can get water and this will help you move your paints off the brush as well so I'm going to start off with some white my habits and my habits but I'm going to start off with some whites and I'll start at let's say the top of the painting first now I'm going to paint like a beginner so a beginner has a flow white paint surely there's no retarder in this I've just put a bit of water with it it's up to you how brainy you want to get with your painting and think what water with it it will flow and if you don't think to put water with it that doesn't fly well that's because it didn't put water with it but anyway we've just got our white flowing paint there okay now obviously clean your brush I've cleaned my brush you'll find favorite brushes you use for a lot of things I'm finding this my favorite to apply my paints to the canvas alright now I've sprayed water here because to me I think well it'll help it flow off the brush okay now I'm using phthalo blue now there's me sky so we normally have it the sky color and paling down to analyse and line so let me show you as a beginner how you can achieve that down here there's no white on the canvas okay so look at that look at that paint what it's doing it's very blue and brushstroke II but at the top we'll start at the top see this White's going to mix with the blue start at the top and then I'm going to bring it down okay and it's going to slowly become lighter at the horizon line because like I said this is going to be a beach ocean scene now as a beginner you got a lot of brushstrokes in there see at the end and lines of heavy and dark you can get all that in there if you want brush stroke it out because it's acrylic now I'm going to give it a mist of water watch what this does okay I've just missed it that with water and now I can already feel and I hope you can see the difference what's happening on the canvas here this is just a cheap canvas I'm not a cheap but it's just a canvas panel it's not an over expensive stretch canvas okay and the sky you don't want really dark blue okay there's our one tone sky there's no retarder in that there's just a decent quality paint and the flow white underneath now I'm just going to get a rag and wipe that brush okay don't have to go wash it now I'm going to pick up some of this flowing white on both sides of the brush which I'll I'm leaving it here because I don't want to contaminate the whole lot with the blue and from the horizon line I'm going to get that white no retarder in this there's no easy blends or whatever now I'll put some more on there because with a sky you really want it pale at the bottom and a bit darker at the top but not dark blue I've done some of my early stuff dark blue in it it really changes the aspect of the painting alright and you can just stroke that and Stroke that to the cows come on that's the sky do yourself a favor out there you beginners to have two whites you want to flowing white and you want your white stuff out of the tube which is a good quality it's got some body and structure to it it's not overly heavy but it's not a flow either because this works differently on a canvas to this or this is a canvas paper I'm using actually so that's why I did not spray it the canvas paper first because it'll just be like trying to paint on wet plastic so you can see the difference to this blue to that blue that's just painting raw under the canvas you don't want to sky that color the sky is are not that color you learned that as your paint along alright now we've got our simple sky there and the horizon line with your horizon line the higher or lower you make it depends on the size of the sky you want or the the water say on a beach scene the water and the beachfront okay so the higher the horizon line the smaller the sky and the more larger you're going to have your foreground so that's roughly my horizon line there it's probably a tad over halfway now I want to mix up let's not just have a blue sky and white clouds you've seen that purpley polluted color in the sky let's just put that there okay but I'm going to show you with the basics so down here I will grab a flat head brush and we'll use that to do our mixing so I'll grab a bit of meat blue okay where are we over here and a bit of the magenta and let's get a purple girl bit more magenta now you can't see that it looks very dark so we got this flow white that's gonna enhance it now if that's too strong just here we go that's what I'm after right there see that color there it may be a bit strong so I'll put a bit more white with it lighter is better with acrylics because they dried darker that's our polluted colour in the horizon line so I've just got basic paints here just a flat head brush I'm just showing you some simple science now being a big you know you have this ability but you're probably not aware of it so that's why I want to show you in this video so I'm just going to pick up let's say a smaller fan brush here and lo and behold this is where you I get to tell you what also you're going to need a blending brush ready as you go so me horizon lines here so there's my horizon line there I want to put this either side of it okay so let's get this on there you can sort of move it around that paints probably still a bit wet okay do a bit at a time and grab a blending brush and on the corner of your blending brush stamp that and try and try and blend it into that blue why I say do a little bit at a time because if you go too far you'll have a hard line there and it won't blend so now this is blending without retarder without any other medium just the paints himself now the brush isn't that contaminated so I've just dipped it again there's me Horizon oil in there and I want to come across a game about that far I'm grabbing the corner of this brush tacking it I'm virtually stamping it not grinding the living hell out of it and we're getting this polluted color into that sky there now this worked because I didn't have it like that and then try and blend that on that it's just not going to work see what's happening there it just looks like mud so we'll get this all the way across lending brushes like go there's our polluted horizon line see when I was a beginner I didn't even think to put that there so now I'm painting as a beginner but as a I want to be able to show you well that's something you can put there it's very easy see how I've done that I've used nothing else slow drying or Nothing putting it the white on first under that blue sky helped down here if I just went blue that would have goes all like nonsense next I want to put some simple clouds on me now clouds do them a bit at a time this is not going to blend the way my normal tutorials go because I'm not using ratata but I've got some different size blending brushes here for small medium or large clouds to blend okay so we've got our blending brush okay now we want to put a cloud on there so let's start off with some simple ones the the smaller ones are smaller in the background and they get bigger as they come over your head okay so let's just put some on there and this is where we're going to use the titanium white out of the tube the structured stuff okay so let's just find any old brush that we want to put a clay out on with I'm just coming yeah I just pulled this one out this is a this is a round pointed one I'm not that clearly what brushes are called but anyway I roll that into the paint just like that as a beginner can shored up wood all right now come down here and watch how I put it on the board so let's just put this cloud on give it if anything a bit of a line not too thick and some body a bit of a line and some body that's all you need to do for a cloud now obviously I'm going to use my small brush to blend that so I've done a bit at a time and we want to just blend that down leaving the top of the cloud okay see that now you got a wife it as you go wipe the build up that'll come under your brush as you go blend that down blend it down give it a bit of a bottom and there's a simple cloud now little did I know when I was beginning I didn't know you I I just assumed well paint a cloud up Klaus it's got to be white but now I'm here to teach you as a beginner put some shadow and depth so that colour we mixed up out of the magenta and the blue we're going to use on our cloud so it doesn't just look like a flat white cloud it's got some let's get some more on there it's a bit darker than what that because this will make up the base of that cloud so you can just see what I've done there I've just danced it on and I'm going to grab that same little blending brush and I'm going to quickly merge them together before it dries because this paint can dry out and we want to put a bottom on that cloud so create the dark bottom like that well put another one so I'm picking up that white again and we'll probably put one about here a bit of a body give that bit of a body okay I'm using this same brush and I want to you know but it there's a lot of paint that I've just pulled it off the brush of the canvas with the brush now I'm wiping it off and I want to blend I don't want to blend this down into the atmosphere I want it to have a bottom on it okay so I'm using the good quality paint out of the tube the titanium white now I'm picking up that mixed color again and I want to put that under there for the bottom of this clouds so let it come up a bit like that using the same brush because it's a little cloud and we want to blend at the bottom on I'm going to do a series on clouds and if you have problems with a cloud it's something you must watch there's another distant cloud see a beginner she'll be able to pull this off now this cloud is going to be a bit bigger so I'm just gonna get him on there and make him a bit bigger now that'll do clouds have that shape find that shape if you want your cloud to have I'm going to use the medium blending brush now because they're coming a bit bigger then I got a quickly blend this give him a bottom just blend halfway down from the top try and tickle the top a bit okay see how I've got here at sort of washed with the blue that's what I wanted so when we put our shadow color in there we've got to quickly get that up a bit just like that now quickly stamp that into the white and give you cloud a base how's that looking there's another simple cloud now we'll put something here so I'm quickly putting the paint on so I'm just using any brush I've never used this sort of brush to apply cloud on before don't go too much because this is very dry so I'm here to teach you beginner alright I didn't know it would joy out on me and I had trouble doing clouds so now I'm here to say you can do it this way and it'll work so you put that one in front of there blend the middle okay you can see the difference between just a white cloud and the one without the shadow in there and the ones with the shadow in there I mean so that's why I'm here to teach you as a beginner put your shadows in there and they virtually from the bottom follow my cloud series when I get into that you will know and then we quickly blend that into that cloud because if we don't act on it quickly it'll draw and go chalky which is a problem I had many years ago and I'm wondering why I couldn't do a cloud play around with your colors don't be scared to play around it doesn't have to be all done in one or two strokes and that's it and if it didn't work too bad you you're the artist play around with your work okay we've got some decent looking clouds a beginner can do now let's just put something weird and big here just because we can so because we're going weird and bigger we're going to need a bigger brush to apply it but we don't want the paint up there getting all chalky and drawn us so this is where you can just get a bit of water and help that paint stay a bit wet to work so we've mixed that into some water I'm using my fan brush alright and we're just kind of put something weed and big in the corner so before you touch the canvas grab your blending brush ready and a rag and let's put some weird and being and don't try not to ever come off your painting like that and do them in little toilet to do them in lines like that that's not a cloud a cloud has body into it some thickness okay that's the shape you want not lines like this I've got my blending brush so I want to come let's just say off the painting I'm mainly concentrating on this top edge but see how this has got body to it okay now I'm going to quickly blend that I want to blend some of the heavy white right out wipe me brushes I go now see it's dry here it's dry here it's breaking when I do them with the retarder that doesn't happen so this is what I did this cloud a little bit at a time okay if I did the whole lot the size I wanted I would have had trouble so we've done that so far now we're going to keep going and finishing more so I got to there and he's coming about there we'll stop and blend some more bring the body of that cloud down wipe your brush okay now there's a simple cloud a beginner can do put a bit more here this is the body you've given it some body you got dark and light whites in there and the blue sky okay now we want to I'm going to bring that down to a flat there because we want to give it our base now so we're picking up our shadow color and we're just going to come along here dribble it in somewhere to create the base blend the bottom get this brush I'm going to show you in the cloud special when I do that and you want to quickly break that up into the war bit at a time a bit at a time otherwise it'll dry on you when I was beginning I didn't realize I had to do a bit at a time so that's why we needed a painting as a beginner to show you do it a bit at a time okay a bit at a time and blend it in see I've got to work quick that's what you got to do that's why I tell people to practice as well see how these clouds getting some values and let's get a bit more in there quickly quickly quickly start at the bottom there and I'm blending that into the sky the white into the clay out there and that cloud has our shadow colors in there now as a beginner nine times out of ten you've done that cloud just white or now you've learnt you can put a shadow color in there but now I'm here to tell you again all right let's give it some dimensions some depth so you've done that cloud we've got the whiter game with a bit of water through it so it's gonna and then we just put something come up just a bit in front of it there not too much because we've got a blender this boards of drawing up leaving the top hard white oK we've gave in there now we'll quickly put some of the shadow color just in this one just in this one quickly learn how much time you have to start blending okay we're just sort of gave it a bit more thickness just put some white here and dry that because of the demonstration I was showing you earlier because I want the bottom part ready now so we've just done a basic sky like a beginner but I was able to stand here and show you okay as a beginner you can also do this to enhance it hence the pollution in the horizon line and the shadow in the clouds because I know when almost started painting clouds I never put the shadow color in there whether it was grey or this purpley you know that purpley color you see in there I see it a lot over here in Australia anyway so now we're going to tape up our risin line now with tapes beginner get the stuff that is not so tacky so it's a less tack paper I've got some other yeah and I'm just gonna solid mark my horizon line here now also it's important where you put your horizon line come over here and I'll show you what I mean now as a beginning you might think ah well I want it down here but just let me show you now as some advice that I never got when I was beginning see these little clouds you can even put some more little ones here if you want but there are little ones there are distant ones here's our pollution horizon line now you want that up closer to them there's a difference see how it looks like that right there if that's down like that it sort of looks a bit odd too much pollution in the sky alright so it's important to know so that's where I want it so I've got my lines there and I'm putting the masking tape on there that's not very tacky it'll peel off quite easily now we're going to do our so once again down here we've discussed the basic colors they are red blue and yellow and our white and a bit of flow to help it flow and we can use it to lighten things up so now I want to paint the bottom so this is just the flowing white paint out of the big bottle the big tube okay get yourself some flowing white and some good-quality white in a tube that's actual the color you actually put in your paintings this is I just use this for Hardware underneath the painting all right so from underneath here is going to be our water so let's not do it water all the way to the bottom don't forget we want to have some sort of sure coming up okay this is like I said it's just going to be a basic so here picture it in your head is my next that's where it's going to be but I still want to prime all this up so I'm using the flow white that I've got on my brush earlier and now I want to just there's no water on here there's nothing now as a beginner don't start your loaded brush against your tape because you can push under there and it'll bleed on the other side so it's always good to come up to that now if you feel which I feel I want to put a bit of water with that just a little squirt just so it's going to flow off me brush a bit better there we go then I want to get nice and tight up that horizon line there okay and we're gonna bring I just got a bit of blue in there so I'm bring it all the way down to the bottom of their canvas if I'm doing my cup of coffee out of the way okay that's primed up so you normally when I began to paint I'll just paint the water color on there now we want to make some turquoise II blue so as a beginner we're going to imagine okay you didn't go on buy turquoise because you didn't know you need it so let's make some turquoise so we'll grab some blue okay and we'll grab some of the yellow and then we'll slowly push it into the white now that's a bit yellow so we'll put some more blue in there just cuz you don't blue water get a bit more blue I think I put too much yellow in there I'll go into this one now there we go that's the color I want now you add some white and you'll see it lighten up there we go so there's pretty much a bit of a turquoise e color that we're going to get because the ocean isn't blue it's green now we're going to start at the horizon line paint it onto that white come down to this mark you put before where you say it's gonna be now all right it's a bit Scratchy this is where you can spray it just lightly and what's the difference now it's moving it's moving across your canvas see I didn't know that when I was beginning that's why I'm making this video now I want to get a bit of this darker color I've added a bit more blue just to get some dark birds in there and we'll just put them on and scratch them through let's get a bit more blue onto our paint yeah I'm just mixing up some more blue into that color we made there we go we've got some darker aspects out in the distance now we're just going to pull that through now it's all you got to do pull it through pull it through pull it through and any beginner can do that once you know how now as I'm stroking this brush I'm sort of laying it down as I do it it doesn't more kind of push of the paints and look how easy it is if you want to just grab some let's say white the good quality white not that they're not the flow right watch this let's just say you wanted something stamp it on the head I'll do this is just to show you okay and then keep see what that does it's so easy to do water now we want to put our sand in the front here alright now we'll make our sand color so we'll grab a some of the yellow and some of the magenta mix up an orange get an orange go on somewhere on your pallet where you're comfortable it's not too messy I'm just sort of going for the best shot I've got here now I've got me orange there get a bit more in there now learn a color will we've got to get you beginners on to understand a color wheel and then I get the bit of black because we all got white and black as well you need that in your arsenal okay a bit more black I think that's just carbon black I've got there I'm just trying to create a basic sand color here so we're getting it and then I can use white to make it see how that's getting a bit gray yellow I can use some of the good white mix it up now there's my sink I'll I'm going to use that for the sand color okay I'm happy with that so I'm going to start at the bottom of the painting here yeah that's that's what they're good at sort of made an ochre yellow so see how that's breaking it's not blending I'm going to virtually get this to show you where I want it like blocking in type of thing so come down at the bottom of the painting just so you've got an idea in your head you know what's happening so this is a basic something any beginner can do once you know how you think I didn't know I can do that you can do anything in art there's no restrictions in art it's all up to your personality and your behaviour okay now we just add white into that that'll lighten it up here and there so there's me now I don't want it just like that on the beach sometimes this is all scattered out into the water a bit as well now that's mapped in where I'll roughly wanted I want to grab my two-inch I'm just going to get some water on here just to make it wet and there's that paint that I've mixed up so now we know where we're going to put it onto the canvas get that in there and I'm going to get the brush on its edge and I want to just get that in there and merge it into that watercolor pick some more up don't muck around with it just get right into it flick the edges in like that and there's our basic now what I will do is not even clean that brush I'm going to get some of my titanium white I unfortunately have this big blobby where I was demonstrating and this is going to lighten it a bit more just so it's not so hard here we go all right now see here that's breaking it's sort of blending it's autumn isn't while it's still wet give it a bit of a mist and work those two together get your water bottle or your mist bottle as your friend there's our foreground sand okay we're beginners and we've done it on water and our foreground let's put a simple wave in there so I'm grabbing that round brush that I had because it can give me a long applying behavior onto the canvas so we've got our water color here that we've mixed everything's still on the palette there so let's we want it darker dark and lights work so let's get a dark a bit of this going just adding the blue okay and get your blending brush ready now a simple wave let's let's say we'll get this here so I'm gonna come along I'm twisting this as I go that's why I've used this one keep it straight onto the canvas there and now let's see what we've got to do here do we got a blend hard or soft or very soft test your waters before you your blend all right that's very wet steel that's because I sprayed it and I showed you how to spray it and I brushed it across so I don't really need to blend that so what I'm going to do is pick that paint up again and get him there and that's it that's a wave okay and you could probably do another one I don't know way back it out here bit of thickness in the middle come off the painting that that's a wave believe it or not now we'll get a bit of white now I'm going to use that same brush I've got titanium or it out of the tube it's not the flowing white it's titanium white the brush is damp and because I'll be I'll be able to script line this onto the canvas as well I didn't know this as I was a beginner well put the war coming on to the the beach there okay simple way so I'm gonna use this we'll do a bit at a time and I'm rolling it making it getting it we're faded out there we've lost it well I want a tight white edge here okay and then get yourself a small blending brush and a rag and that if you've seen other videos and you want to quickly wipe that brush and break this inside top edge into the water there like that leaving the underside type white edge there see I've sprayed this with water so it's very wet still but that's all you want to do to get the four shal brushing onto the sand now you wipe your brush as you go and wash it loader up again and you can probably start there you're stamping it on working out how wet your canvases mine's wet cuz I'm explaining and showing you with the spray body and you drabble on it back there into the water see how easy that is it's subtle but it's doesn't have to stand out like dog's ears if you want to you can go back into the painting now where are we hollow this brush put some more there there there but only do that one's a bit thick there leave the bottom and break the top in okay leave the bottom of it and break the top back into the distance here see what it's doing better join this one went on a bit thick on what my brushes I go it's working though and don't worry if you're a beginner all beginners are learning we watch and learn from everybody alright let's do something with those waves that I showed you anyway see so that's looking like water just coming up onto the scene okay let's find ourself a flat brush you can it'll pay to buy different sets of brushes an art store when you're a beginner flathead brushes rounds and all types so we've got that chiseled onto a flat head and I just want to come and I want to stamp on the top of this wave some white see what that done but tell you what my my board is very wet I've got to stamp it on see stamp it on wipe your brush loaded up with more white paint and stamp it on we're just putting a bit of a top on there and we're going to bring it off like that okay and then we can put some of this other wash here put that there and grab your little brush you're using to blend slowly blend that back into that dark there and blend the dark into there as well I'll get this dribbled out here because that's looking a bit nonsan see there so I'm just pulling that back that's all I did there now the top of the wave is going to stay sharp and white and this is going to just slowly be kissed into the darker color okay so I'm slowly kissing that into the darker color of the wave leaving the actual white top sharp there we go and that's just a simple wave in the distance I just want to finish this water spilling onto the beach here keep everything in perspective if you go too much up and down it's going to start looking at a bit weird see I'm bringing the top of this on blurring the top of that line I virtually just put a line there and on blurring it back into the water a beginner can do this and now if you find that yours is very dry and breaking it's because you didn't put water on it like I did to get this surface pulled across as you are blending and we'll just finish that wave off in the distance as well we'll just virtually you've done your dark bit you come along crisp up the top this is just a basic way for a basic beginner you can learn more detailed waves as you go and now the underside of that white like I did over there you're just peeling that back into your darker color mode you mount there that'll do it and you can even merge that darker color that's just a simple wave in the distance all right let's pull our tape off the horizon line there so we can see how our paintings looking and we've got a decent ocean color and we've got our foreground now when you're buying brushes get yourself a cup of scrip liners or a script lighter a script liner is a little thin one like this and we're going to grab the darkest color on our board which was we've mixed some of the sandy color with some of the black there but with a script liner you want it not runny running wet but you want it quite wet and then you roll it out and off your paint see how wet that is you come up to the canvas and watch what you need to do next just twist the skinniest line you can make at this dance that shake your hand like you're nervous there you go just the it's just going to sit it down you don't want this black jet black and you just want to find that right color and then you find the right thicknesses you can do these that and you'll start thinking my goodness I'm like and what I'm doing okay rolling it off the brush and we're just sitting all this less is best you do not have to do a big thick line of this and play with it and play with it you just want to get it on there and no mucking around that that's done I probably do the little the lay down a bits like this just a little bit not too much it's so easy to get carried away and just picking up some of the white with some water that we've got on our pallet down here and if you want to get more detail early some artists are more detailed than others and if you're one of those get your script liner and just back here you might want to put the most delicate like leopard spots sort of things in your way these are just indicating the froth that's in there ends up looking in the monitor it's not too bad see if I tried to do those branches looking froth marks on a Clare honor on a wave that small it would look silly so we're getting all the froth there that's all that froth that's a big long wanted honor that long there we go just from that Flav smoking around there oh there's another stupid big thick one all right now we've done a simple Veatch scene with just the three primary colors and black and white and little does a beginner know you could get all these colors with those they might think well I've got to get green I'm going to get purple I've got to get brown I've got to get sandy color this is what I want to show you you can do everything with the primary colors and the black and white and a bit of knowledge so I want to be here to show you this is what you can do as a beginner with no tricks just a bit of knowledge all right so let's put a frame on that and see what a simple seascape looks like I didn't sign it but I can do that later there we go that's not too shabby eh it's a simple exercise for you beginners to learn what you can do with just the basic colors your basic brushes and just using the paint's what you've got no other extra mediums that you don't know about like retarders and stay wet longer sort of products okay and learn you can put shadows in subjects and you can do different dragging with water in subjects and less is best alright so don't be sure to subscribe all of my tutorial paintings are for sale message me in facebook the links in the description below to get the ball rolling if you want to buy a painting or some of the blending brushes that I use alright and if you like rob do and you tell your friends tell your buddies Tilly relations but if you don't like what I'm doing you tell everybody alright all the best goodbye good luck and good on ya [Music]
Channel: Ianapolis
Views: 791,550
Rating: 4.8834586 out of 5
Keywords: beginner, how to, paint, acrylic, clouds, blend, water, waves, sky, ian harris, ianapolis, guru, australia, perth
Id: XgHPzNu32U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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