Carrie Fisher Funny Moments During Star Wars Interviews

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Star Wars is um it's a movie a series of movies that carry come on here sure right next to you before and after I didn't introduce your friends and he's upset look at him this is Gary and Gary Fisher this is Gary very very nice to see you ever of course good didn't know I understand that George Lucas personally asked you to come back did it take some convincing no I'm a female in Hollywood over the age of let's say 40 and then we could also say 50 so we could say it not with real conviction or excitement you don't have to ask you if you want to work at that age you'll see someday I'm over the age of 40 I hear ya now now what was your reaction I looked like that I had big baby fat face and they had a really good idea then what kind of hairstyle would you put on summer wear the round don't really it'd be a good idea to put on more and make it so they can contain the fat that was the prison the hair prison for the fat oh my god your stories are hilarious and of course we had to begin with Princess Leia's famous double buns it is the most iconic hairstyle Princess Leia in movie history I mean that's because they're trying to be nice to me cause it's embarrassing you have you know if I would say probably the Halloween costume that'll never go away every year you see Princess Leia out I see her cuz I dress up to bring back this role did you prepare your scoffing I got in character and I've never gotten out again and really I've tried everything you're always gonna look like Princess Leia I well that would be really weird and when people say you this I get Princess Leia like I'm supposed to go yes do you think that Princess Leia has a good sense of humor she would have to wearing those hair pieces Princess Leia obviously was yet a strong oh yeah oh I get it I get it were you asked were you asked to physically transform at all as Princess Leia I heard they asked you to lose weight they did they always do they want a higher part of me not all of me so they want to hire about three-fourths uh-huh and so I have to get rid of the fourth somehow so was this before the first movie or before the bronze joke the fourth can't be with me well the fourth can't be with you [Applause] I was ready like that show up ready to go for the 20 I'm older and I do it faster no really 20 minutes so I have a kind of classy gas station attendant look funny look at it say I was an airplane repair McKesson with a nice vest over that and different hair than most airplanes guys where did uncle Owen tell Luke to take the droids into to have their memory erased you have ten seconds to figure this out so what happened L Street Studios your answer is for blood Studios didn't I'm sorry I carry the secrecy thing how have you managed to keep I mean did they give you a script do they give you a script they gave me a script for about three hours and waited on you know out yeah by the gate and so it was a lot of pressure to I just looked for my bits no idea what context it was there's nothing I still don't know so you know I don't know it was awful Brian told him no no I know I kept the secret so she was so rubbish she told me yes but before that a year ago she told me yeah everything [Laughter] you reveal in your book after 40 years is that right 40 years I thought I'd wait okay so you revealed that you were having an affair with with Harrison Ford I was you well you say it but yes I did all right so how did that stay a secret for 40 years I was good at that wasn't right you sure well I told other stuff to distract people uh-huh so they would never figure it out know it and no one thought it was happening at the time I don't even know if he did but I hope that didn't spoil it for anybody times accents boil it harden yes let's give our din the chance the question was did uncle Owen tell Luke to take the droids into to have their memory erased Taji station that is not correct oh my god that was terrifying speaking of wet kisses let's take a look at the screen one more time check this one out my god I never realize but they look pretty good yeah oh no I don't look at this one though this really you could have really bad screen kissing and stuff that doesn't look good that looks like he wanted contest and I had to kiss him I love you now mark hamill see you later [Applause] did he kiss you first that he makes the first move no you were watching both a little tipsy it was you then you read oh my god ready to make the first move no she's asking you I did no it's in there I I have filmed no I don't and no I can literally remember three times that we I of course made some oblique reference to it and he was now he's gonna have to talk about it for the rest of his life that's what you I never thought of that and leave it to Bram to now and now I feel you guys a quote on the front I'm quite sure by now you really doesn't like it yeah I'm liking it it's just way too much it just let you do much and then I don't know it's too much alright we didn't write it no I I think if I'd known it was gonna be I don't know have a Pandora's box you have opened up Missy yes yes the next book I suppose cuz I hear it's quite the list anyway love you Carrie and they especially love Gary in his little backpack [Applause] all right in what detention block was one Princess Leia being held I was unconscious for that part what detention block 51 wait I entered what yeah it was a oh yeah it's a 23 but it was very correct I'm not much hi I was about to say I was that high huge and I was a kid I was high too but not that and now Disney owned that thing of course Disney are known for being the kind of family film franchise even though they said and I wonder whether you are on a kind of they've tried to put you on a tidal wave whether they say do you please done how would they do that but yes I mean I would be more aware of it one would not what would assume I wouldn't be stupid enough to put them in the position to say Carrie we're hoping that you won't take LSD no I did I got to be the only girl on the all-boys set which was really fun you know to put things in their drinks and stuff like that we drank through the whole trilogy in the beginning this was a sober set so that's what JJ brought to this was sobriety we stayed up pretty late yeah little late Indian Charlie that one he doesn't have a lot of facial expressions now he's like the Darth Vader of the stones and I don't know he stayed up really late and then we got to the set about two hours later which so we were hungover no we were still still happy and our cup was just say happy yeah so if you watch the movie you can see that it's one of the few times Harrison and I are smiling as we arrive in Cloud City doesn't that sound like a euphemism hey the next morning we arrived in Cloud City where they forced us to go by the stone stones so that was it that you guys see it so when we arrived on Cloud City you can still see the effects of the Tunisian death drink and we hadn't slept at all we found telling me that you can tell in this scene that you're hungover can you not hungover I'm he drank more than I did so I'm mad at him managed to get more Tunisian death sauce into his four years as per usual Harrison Ford is already an insurmountable lead the next question goes to the cast first JJ how many skiffs accompany Jabba the Hutt's Sail Barge how many skips accompany Sail Barge is that your final answer yes it is wrong Hardin how many skips do you actually physically transformed for this role yes I did I did lose weight and I think it's a stupid conversation I mean it's good with you but normally I wouldn't talk about it with someone else but you're so thin let's talk about it how do you keep that going on you exercise account is it boring yes but you love it I try to put some music on to what makes this worthwhile no I want to hear what the song is maybe I can go for the two I Carrie told me she was the one who insisted she slimmed down oh they're saying they're forcing me no one forces me to lose weight I forced them to force me you did not go make me lose weight cuz I'll look stupid if I am this weight now cuz my new outfit I'll either look like a fashionable gas station attendant I have a long big a big dress and I have a hairstyle where I look it looks like a baboon's ass very good yes I have a wonderful hairdo in that picture I know I saw if you may not remember this but I did I had a bum at the back of my head I had a big bun an ugly bum at the back way so I warned my daughter Carrie who had just gotten a pardon to picture you know Princess Leia in Star Wars I said well they carry be careful of any weird hair dudes so luckily George gave her two buns thanks mom that was she gave me that advice instead of telling me about the birds and the bees in our house it was the buns and the bees you might not know this I'm not gonna say could you talk about your relationship with Yoda and is it convivial tell her a little bit about the chairs in the book you reveal that during your when you're shooting Star Wars you and Harrison Ford had an affair that's no I'm just as shocked as you are the love affair between yourself and Harrison now given that it did happen 48 years ago I was just remembering and I was it playing with Harrison Ford again playing with him well they had a sandbox for us each other no it was it was fun animal I one time he had our trailers adjacent hmm and so I heard his step and I recognized it from 12,000 years ago prehistoric Star Wars he's a particular step huh he just because they were those boots right was not the step it's the boots he's got a weird step no he it was the boots and then I heard this sort of grumpy voice say courier that's the end do you have to comfort Luke when one guy dies Ben Kenobi but your whole planet has explodes not just my planet my mother my stepfather's I found out later my record collection my clothes so I have to wear that white dress all the time Gary exactly well I had yes so it was very sad for me how has ladies relationship with her brother changed in this film probably sick of each other probably competitive you have a work force than I do what's with that we're sibling rivalry yes sure you had a better relationship with dad which means you're an idiot and Christmas must be weird around our house well for the cast many of us has been thinking about what happened after Return of the Jedi for the past 32 years did all of you have those questions and when you got to finally answer them did it live up to or surprise your expectations I didn't understand the question cover your ears if you didn't see the last of the new batch but Harrison hang solo spoiler alert yes that's probably all we need to say that moment how why why would they do that to us why would they do that to the general your son not gonna say anything but water you have to ask yourself questions there you may be arresting me yeah because I have and we had a child who turned out to be Hitler and naughty Hitler well you'd feel bad too if your son did all that would you yeah my back's are you sorry but I did spank Adam when I first met him so that felt good so he was delighted well he's very tall so you know I don't think he was scared particularly researched or it's fired nothing yes I was inspired and researched what your process that wasn't a sentence wait wait wait that was inspired poem what was my process I did some math work I did some a score if I were a dance belt every technique to get me situated yeah pilots pilots I've read about pilots and piloting I read about what it felt like to be in a in a fighter jet yeah I read about what if yeah what about you what research did you do I asked the early young Carrie Fisher what it would be like 48 years later oh wait it's 40 what did that what did that young woman says she was very busy and partying it makes sure that I would look like [ __ ] later or no so I don't mean [ __ ] why should I mean by [ __ ] you mean see see this is the first time you all got together yep did and you went through the script by the way did you give the script to the actors no he did it he not to carry but then you call how do we describe these veterans scenes they say what are they saying legacy legacy players you know like the legacy players look a bit like we we still look like ourselves like we've melted and then there was another time that they put her an old age makeup oh yeah that looked bad oh you see they've done that to me here no so ah someone actually came up to me the other day this little boy he looked up he said why are you so old I explained to him it took a long time but now he's depressed and somewhere else I asked him why he was so young and you know we've had a very kind of I did he have yeah did he have an answer to that yeah he's very upset okay good you said you don't like watching yourself you got no that's all watching I'm 19 why wouldn't I like that you would like it less as you roll along I can't say that to you but people that are normal that have other genes other than they don't like it as much not that you have an advantage with the DNA jackpot or anything because I'm sure this is all like what a victory of plastic surgery no your parents made it well please congratulate them I will pass that along Thank You Natalie in the movies what would you say to her I wished I look more like you I [Applause] think you're doing quite well on your own mighty I'm okay yeah she's the babe well I appreciate that and you brought along a friend I did because his tongue matches the sweater it's a good luck so yeah he was Gary this is Gary and he's very very famous on Twitter himself he really likes looking at himself well who wouldn't you if you look like that yeah he wears that tongue well I have Joshua from Boston we become very casual we're just on the floor now this is it hey Carrie what's up so I did a play and I was asked to come up on Broadway it's a play called the wishful drinking a couple years back and I was promised a picture which I never got where I was wondering if I may still have a picture with you to try to make up for that a couple years back yeah cool thank you what are you gonna say right now at this point anyways right let's do it okay be a very forceful shot oh my goodness all right okay okay we're just we're putting it making you do all this stuff come on oh here he comes yeah [Applause] Oh okay yes I agree Gary I agree yeah well yeah I got nothing else to do smiles everybody here we go get Carrie in it - ladies and gentlemen Carrie Fisher so you've got the legacy players you've got the legacy players you've got Kerry Harrison Ford Mark Hamill so was that helpful in any way Daisy - good advice Carrie go on what did you tell me I said not to go through the crew like wildfire [Laughter] [Applause] I also told her not to take any advice from me I went through the PRU like wildfire I still good get in them when you say you went through the pool well just you get him in the movie well so not all the stormtroopers not everyone you're funny [Applause] I felt like one of the cast members since Star Wars debuted in 1977 Carrie Fisher has been living in Princess Leia's iconic shadow and hair that has been characterized as cinnamon rolls on the side of her head but in 1983's Return of the Jedi George Lucas may delay as look dramatically sexier what was it like when you got to Return of the Jedi and they're like we want you to wear this girl 15 I thought he was joking he showed me this sketch actually no because I don't think of myself like that but people object to that outfit it's so dumb job will made me wear that thing exactly and I did not make him look like that which is probably where the bitterness you never lost your feistiness share him because he made me wear that and that's why I think they should allow the costume to live I didn't know thankfully till later that I was sort of a it's hard to say a sex symbol or something whatever that means so I wouldn't you a store one day and this boy said you know are you you know Princess Leia yes he said I thought of you about you every day from when I was 12 which one I was 22 and I said every day and he said well four times a day [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] this question is for Carrie and Daisy can you talk a little bit about bringing out the girl power in the original trilogy and also the force awakens would have been on the set for Carrie back in the day we Dave Pelz and Gary's getting involved look at that Gary so bringing the tiny track sorry I I do um okay here we go just like I'm wider sure okay smart aleck sorry all right Darth Vader yeah only you could be so bold the Imperial Senate will not sit still for this when they hear you've attacked a diplomatic don't act so surprised your highness we all know you weren't on any mercy mission this time several transmissions were being to this ship by rebel spies I don't want to know what happens in the planes they sent you [Applause] I suppose I have to ask you David because I we're in the mid-to all the Star Wars some Star Wars big fan of course I mean when I was 10 years old I mean Princess Leia was always for me [Applause] [Laughter] ten years there were three folds there were three films girl power she's more powerful in the girl path yes I'm louder than you so she takes on the physical power and then I scream with them until they pass out not scream I make fun of them you know that was what was really fun about doing anything that good old power esque is bossing men around I know a lot of you women out there haven't done that yet and I encourage you to do so haider this afternoon are you collecting yourself as merchandising yeah you can drink yogurt out of my head you can figure out the technology I don't really know what's happening all right I'm gonna go what telling his ex-wife by the way will you send Al Pacino who apparently you know the PO to Cameron emoji Kirk Cameron losers do you ever talk to Al Pacino about Kirk Cameron all the time okay great all the time no spoilers okay he's a big star that was a whirlwind I love you Carrie Fisher Gary we're sad he couldn't make it [Music] because you can't get them anymore they're like you know they're no these are star like gold they are like gold like more power than gold Trump's how much money do you have I have like $150 yeah but like this it pays to be a word or blouse it's for opening night isn't yeah opening night 7:40 no it's real it's really but it's it's everything it's promised to be and more Gary you saw it Gary did see it Gary what did you think he panted all the way through it I think it was too loud a little too loud it was his first real screening what so he looked like that still the tongue wasn't out of his mouth before he saw the movie and that happened after watching you it'll happen to everyone Wow okay you didn't fit though that's how good it is you won't care that your tongue is out of your mouth like that well I told about Gary B gb8 stunt double that's how he heard his tongue he stepped on it is when we were jumping to Lightspeed not that we do that I can't believe all the people to trust with the secret I'm not the one yeah I know he was a person no but here's the thing happy to say they're exposed if he's tired okay so he'll be forced to be ignored absolutely [Laughter] all right stop that hi Gary how are you all right he's a little nervous is his first late night now you got a new book [Applause] hey Gary I know the feeling so I wanted to ask being expect to see Gary as some kind of long tongued alien in the film I wished I begged JJ hey Gary was willing to sleep with JJ and I mean nap still yeah that was the enticement Oh both hey Carrie okay thank you thank you so much you topped it it was a phony photo memory we Tom this star wars Gary isn't this exciting excited yeah selling tickets for charity to start can you take my card no I think long and hard about it what's character to your life Skywalker that's my brother you have my $10 you're a nurse right I like nurses you could be multi nurse all right we're gonna give you two tickets to opening night star wars get out of here what you pull you wear your nurse's outfit to yoga ladies thank you very much this was really fun I love you very much and I'm sorry I'm sorry that I have to live like this you have to do this job and I mean this is so no I'm happy for you but I thought you meant you know how I took that that you're sorry that I have to be me absolutely I have to save through the audition process we didn't get to take the script home so we had to go to Pinewood and learn our lines and then go home I felt like I was living a double life like Batman situation so to have the script on the read-through is you got to learn your lines and and John came in like Jody have gotten a signature from han Solo but check out what I got from Princess Leia let's go no chunks a kiss from the princess it was just like the movie I love you I know but I should point out seconds before she was kissing her dog Gary these interviews got a little out of hand but for now let's do another one do you want to do another question and think about it I think probably one of the scenes where I said something awful to Harrison that would be good and I think other people like that there's scruffy-looking nerf herders and yes you know now do you think anybody else knew about it nobody did that's what shocks me I think maybe because it was improbable I don't know but certainly it wasn't like we were holding hands on the set or anything you don't think anyone sensed it because those kind of things you pick don't know I've ever now people are shocked mark didn't know everything and he didn't know so you were young it's your life to you I say 40 years ago okay I waited 50 I would have looked worse you look fantastic so that's what you do now is the right time okay so what are we talking here we're talking about serious stuff that's a fair there's a lot of section of the tale yeah with any of this it is like any of this action like they're like the serious stuff like that dick visit is it any of this since the original trilogy we've sent probes to lots of the planets in our solar system and we've discovered hundreds of new extrasolar planets that any thing we've learned from science make its way into the design of planets in this movie [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] good two tickets to go see Star Wars opening night how cool is that [Applause] should we get in the middle no what can you tell us about shooting that reunion scene with Harrison Ford because when you stepped off of that stage that was a pretty big moment in the force awakens and for a lot of us here is it when I first saw it when we were started that film was doing the scene which I didn't real originally we just said hi to each other which I thought was a bit you know under plank things say that after about chat ears where have you been look at you you're a wreck but it was it was good to me it was you know we filled it out of order I think I feel out of order anyway I know it was good you know Harrison gave me a little critique on my acting at what point don't keep your face like that you won't like it was his acting - okay so kind Harrison claims that for the first Star Wars he was only paid $1,000 a week Kari begs to differ he's a liar no we got scale and here's the other one we were flown over economy dichotomy isn't it true that your mother actually called George Lucas and you were flying economy and she said I want her upgraded to first my mother does do things like that I usually stop her before she does that anything for you my dear right okay well around here the F word is for force okay so maybe we should yeah we can replace it any time now so any time you feel the need just say force okay okay I want to force you you can't force me you can't force her to do anything that's not right stop it well it would be yeah the force is not consent that for sure said the f-word to be yeah I say movie yeah if you're just vacationing you can't have an affair if you're feeling good movie people can sleep together they can sleep together if their family's not around I say that's that's the rule well my mother wasn't there I don't think god I hope not there was uncomfortable stuff no on the 3rd when people broke their legs and it was always different but fun and then Billy Dee into the mix in the second one - was that fun working with Billy Dee he'll be here Sunday you'll be here on this yes he was he was funny and he used to write before he would kiss point you know something he'd say something incredibly filthy rich so that I would you know laugh something about the force and it being with me or whatever so everyone is trying to make everybody laugh that's the easiest way to go kids your parents will tell you about that later okay there's a lot of fun to work you know we just go around and talk about how the moment you found out that you were going to be in the movie and the security surrounding I was 19 I'll be you Daisy were also like 19 yeah not remembering my lines that was scary no and I also I'm the custodian of Princess Leia so I never got out of character and I wondered if that would be noticed no but I was very nervous just it's been you know 40 years for other people in the know it's been a long time and and I don't like looking at myself at this age in a large way so that was scary and remain so my journeys for mental illness for animals when you're on set your first day on set you had a similar thing with an accent what mine was an accident accent I it's viral I've been going to school here it's the Central School of Speech and Drama oh yes and we've been taught to sort of say what did you do to tire to change I mean it's a truth to chew or thing distinctly hard to say but the harder thing to do and so you can see it in all my work so I wouldn't it was like government talking I thought I recognized your foul stench when I arrived on board now I did it conversationally and George came to me the only time I really got direction from George was the first day he said you are really upset you're just about to have your planet blown up and you know such like I become British you do better at conflict than we are and so I'm just dead so try to stop governor talking I thought I recognized your foul stench where I ride on bought the original Star Wars films when you're making it darth vader of course is played by Dave Prowse and they then changed his voice for the film of course well they always knew they were not going to use that voice yeah because he has a West Country we called him Darth farmer princess really talked about the location of the rebel bases I can't do it how long did it take you to get used to being around droids and stormtroopers and Darth Vader oh my it depends on one hour of the day it was early in the morning it's too early for anybody to look at anyone but if they are made of iron and they beep and they blow up and stuff thank God I did not drink did not agree with me I substituted but still it feels like you feel hungover when you look at that type of creature in the morning seems misplaced yeah but I'm listening to Carrie you should just boss him around and tell him you'll do it I'll try that but that's wanted to know from the cast members do you have family members or friends for probably Europe I've heard from other people similar stories that they're forbidden to see the movie without them so I think it's really funny that people are putting these pressures on people or this particular movie is that your question and I wanted to ask you of all the scenes for the original tweet which one is your favorite of all the seeds screwed by the father all the scenes all the scenes from the original movie for the first movie Oh careful careful I forget the question what kissing more kissing she was the strong female character back in the day Jim realized the role you're taking at the time I didn't know I was paving but I'm glad to hear it now nobody is a Star Wars fan oh that's right I've seen some pictures of Gary because here's Gary who put the wig on him was that you I don't remember well somebody put a wig on him holiday now you know you can trust Adam and John how about you wouldn't you found this out when was it I was in a basement somewhere waiting for seven months to try and hear whether I've got the part or not and JJ released me from absolutely just waiting at home to see if JJ will give me the part and he sent me an email to them it's come to Mayfair and meet him and I met him in Larry Kasdan and then he broke the news to me that I got the part it was a good day yeah Rey and Finn and Poe went through many iterations kylo Ren was with kylo Ren fairly early on and there was a sort of back story and Maz Kanata I think was always Maz Kanata so that it's and we changed Leia's name spell check this princess is now a general in the force awakens fro Princess Leia to general but like how how is that the leadership the thing is as much as I want to be a general generally being a princess better clothes better salary although I could drive around in a tank which you know could be interesting it sounds Nelly princess Oh princess sponge you know no one would say Oh general that's right and not get in trouble I felt incredibly lucky to be asked to be a part of and I think I speak for all of us except for maybe Harrison when I say this was not a job I'm kidding Harrison you know I was unbelievable but with a French Bulldog I was waiting the entire time for the farting oh man I was gonna ask if we could mic it just to be sure we got a mic you can hang a painting well I can what I'm gonna do later after after I retire hanging paintings on Darb parts not the type to really just give advice but what we did do was while we were on set he was sick and tired of just being stuck in central London and having shaykh impress him and then veg all the time so it was just like I want some real food so I said you know what I'm gonna take you to South East London to the Old Kent Road I'm gonna get some Nigerian food and it was like all right cool was doing oh we go to this Nigerian restaurant we have good food we chilled out got in the car back home slept off and had an amazing night yeah without security because that's the way you do it without any security so down to earth so down south so the next day a door fell on him on the say things I don't like the homeless thing this wasn't a one-night stand this went on for three months you say it was a 3-month one-night stand Wow Gary let's go back to the couch and let's get another Hey I have a question for you have you seen my shoes Carrie you see my shoes these were designed by an artist by the name of Joe Hogan and they are Princess Leia shoes they're one-of-a-kind by them no these were made just for me do cry with me I know we said we needed to cry together it's a lot of emotion that's crying by myself lying over I couldn't sleep it's like just a Plane full of amazing people yeah and I think I might have thrown it you have to say that from just example yeah not like that girl I think we have 35 pull quotes from this interview alone they're gonna go on in infamy it's a classy show go that's it you're done you've taken our show to a new height this is actually raising the bar I'm so short because what I say goes up add on to that sentence and make it pretty graphic this will never none of this is airing this interview went exactly as it started exactly as I knew it would and it ended exactly Oh we're wrapping this up oh now I've called the police I've never had someone fall asleep during my interview thank you I'm absolutely sure hanging right now you know so he doesn't have it good manners is it never mind uh Kerry thank you so much Star Wars The Force awakens all vision great I think we have to bring out the second the second group of performers thank you so much Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Darth Darcane
Views: 800,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carrie, fisher, funny, moments, star wars, star, wars, interviews, carrie fisher interviews, funny moments, carrie fisher funny, star wars funny, star wars carrie fisher interview, star wars carrie fisher funny interview, compilation
Id: l_zrbEkCDOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 11sec (3251 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2017
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